Universal Weekly (1933-1935)

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22 UNIVERSAL WEEKLY iSept. 14, 1935 Butterfield, Schine, and Jefferson Deals (Continued from Page 8) Mr. Grainger also announced the closing of a deal with the Schine Theatrical Enterprises, Inc., with 47 important situations in New York State and in Ohio. The deal was closed in Mr. Grainger's office and includes all of the 1935-1936 product. Myer Schine and George Lynch represented the circuit, and J. R. Grainger and Frank McCarthy the Universal Exchanges. M. A. Lightman Instructs His Managers M writing especially concerning DIAMOND JIM BRADY. Here is a 100% showman's picture. It will rise or fall according to you. I think it has everything that a showman wants to really step on the picture and sell it to the public. It is colorful, it is real, it is human, it abounds in romance and adventure, it depicts the life of one of America's most colorful citizens, it shows the one thing that gives every red-blooded American a thrill, namely, the rise of a poor working lad to the very heights of financial success. The character is one of the most unique in history. Imagine a man who actually lived right here only recently who was eccentric enough to wear diamonds Here is a letter to theatre managers which Mr. Lightman permits the Weekly to print. carved into railroad trains and various other objects of commerce. This is a true fact. Brady wore such diamonds on his fingers, his shirt, his tie and in the lapel of his coat. He always had several hundred thousands invested in personal diamonds. Arnold has never done anything to approach his characterization of "DIAMOND JIM" The picture is so well done that one never realizes that it isn't real. I want you to study the press book that is being sent you today and get as thoroughly familiar with this character as you can and use a vigorous advance campaign, refreshing the minds of the people with the highlights of his career. Bear in mind that Brady was no doubt one of the greatest salesmen of all times. I know that if you will give the matter your most serious thought, you will devise some means of setting a pace that we can use in our various towns, as yours is the first engagement. I am going to watch the results very closely. Therefore you might accept this letter more or less as a challenge, so don't let me down. Regards, M. O. LIGHTMAN 50 DOLLARS FOR GOOD IDEAS Whether you're an exhibitor or a projectionist— you can earn $50.00 with every good idea for the improvement of Universal pictures which I accept. You see pictures every day and you know what audiences think. Why not send in your suggestion? CARL LAEMMLE Young America Says: Iona R. Lawrence, motion picture editor of Young America, says " 'She Gets Her Man' is good entertainment. And for ZaSu Pitts' violent fans it will be a field day!" (Universal) A UNIVERSAL CAST IS WORTH REPEATING “DIAMOND JIM ” "A fine film starring Edward Arnold and telling the life story of a colorful figure in American history." (Universal) DEALS ( Con tin ued from Page 8) Texas. Messrs. Joe and Tom Clemmons of the Jefferson Amusement Company, of which Sol Gordon is President, were in New York for several days this week with Mr. Grainger, during which time the contract was signed. Universal was represented by Mr. Grainger, Mr. Harry Graham, and Mr. Edward Olsmith. LA UNIVERSAL CAST IS WORTH REPEATING ] Diamond Jim". EDWARD ARNOLD Jane JLaihews . . . JEAN ARTHUR Lillian Russell BINNIE BARNES Jerry Richardson Jlr. lax Charles 8 Horsley . 0 he ‘Pawnbroker . . . . Jtr Jtoore Jouehey Sank President . . . . Harry Hill Jeweler Jewelry Salesman . . a Minister CE6AI KOMEXO EUC BLOKE ... HUGH O’CONNELL GEORGE SIDNEY ...B08ERT M5WADE CHARLES SELL0N HENRY JCOLKER .YYILLIAM DEMAREST ..... .ALBERT CONTI ARMAND KALiZ . TULLY MARSHALL Here is the cast of “ Diamond Jim.” Starting with this feature, Universal Pictures will all carry casts at the end. Don’t stop at “the end” hut keep on running the repeat cast. Thanks.