Universal Weekly (1932-1936)

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= UNIVERSAL WEEKLY Dec. 10, 1932 ITS A DARNED GOOD SERIAL GARBER. OKLA. Nov. 25. 1932 R. I. PAYNE. Manager Oklahoma City Dear Folks: It is not often I pop open and say complimentary things about anybody's pictures (tor it usually costs me); but some way the notion strikes me that you have something coming from me. Your "Once In A Lifetime" and "The All American" just simply knocked them for a 'loop.' I am using your "Heroes of the West" on Wednesday and Thursday and it is going fine. My Fridays and Saturdays had always been my lightest days. So after trying everything else. I started your "Jungle Mystery" Serial four weeks ago. Got a good start with the opening and I don't mind telling you I have a real Friday and Saturday bunch now. that I can depend on. It's a darned good serial, with plenty of everything. We just trust this fine service from your exchange keeps on coming. Recording and photography splendid. Thanks. (Signed) Ned Pedigo. DeLuxe Theatre. Garber. Okla. Five years old and an outstanding point of interest in five feature pictures. That is the record to date of little Cora Sue Collins, intriguing curly-haired daughter of West Virginia. Cora Sue made her moving picture debut in "The Unexpected Father" with Slim Summerville and ZaSu Pitts. When Carl Laemmle. Jr., planned their first comedy for this year, it was only natural that he should think of Cora Sue Collins, because Cora Sue was one of the outstanding points of interest in their other big comedy success. Just the same, some day some smart producer is going to get hold of the real story of Cora Sue Collins, and make a moving picture of it. Cora Sue's mother was told so many times that her daughter was movie material, another Baby Peggy, that eventually she came to believe it. She didn't have any money, any influence, any way to get to Hollywood. She sold stockings until she got enough to get half way there, and then she had to stop off and sell some more stockings in order to get the rest of the way. Faith like this just has to be rewarded, and she had faith in the right party when she had faith in little Cora Sue Collins, because Cora Sue has a whole lot on the ball. You'll see when you get your first glimpse of "They Just Had to Get Married." ^UNIVERSAL'S COMEDIES are the talk of the Trade! Produced By WARREN DOANE Formerly with Hal Roach Featuring Such Comedy Stars As SLIM SUMMERVILLE LOUISE FAZENDA JAMES GLEASON SKEETS GALLAGHER HENRY ARMETTA JUNE CLYDE and many others Cora Sue Collins in “They Just Had to Get Married" Famous Youngster Peps Summeryille— Pitts Universal Comedy