Universal Weekly (1932-1936)

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N.Y AMERICAN pi \ ®r It's a hit! In fact, it's twenty hits in one! A big name cast, beautiful girls, tuneful melodies, bright, refreshing dance numbers, combined in a production such as Broadway used to boast about in its most dazzling days. High-powered entertainment all the way " N.Y DAILY NEWS "Three stars . . . Plenty of appealing musical numbers lift it from being just another back-stage screen musical. Composed by four of our leading songsmiths, the tuneful melodies in this musicomedy reflect the spirit of the times in a unique manner." N.Y MIRROR 601 "Hit songs, pretty girls, clever principals, imaginative direction, this rollicking and diverting musical film is first-rate entertainment . . . Spirited, tuneful, clever and amusing, it is genuine entertainment. You'll enjoy it."