Universal Weekly (1932-1936)

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Step OutUTitA N.Y TIMES lOi N.Y WORLD TELEGRAM "Blessed with a fund of comedy, several catchy songs, a good cast and enough story to hold all the ingredients together, it can be expected to linger at the Rialto for some time. It merits inclusion among the screen's most successful invasions of the musical comedy field." "Sets high film mark . . . Lilting songs, cleverly staged dance numbers, expert performances and a more than serviceable story— these are the ingredients from which it is fashioned, and the result perfectly swell entertainment." IS N.Y EVENING JOURNAL "With the amusing title of 'Moonlight and Pretzels' to start it off, the new screen tenant at the Rialto is a cheerful musical comedy filled with pleasant tunes, large choruses, any number of dance routines and a cast that works hard. What's more, it has an original idea."