3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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94 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Interior and Exterior Trim U.S. Department of the Navy, 1950. (Building Techniques Series) Training film; title self-explanatory. (MN 6719-e; 12 minutes) 32, 41 International House U.S. Department of the Army, 1950. How foreign students, working and living together and sharing cultural exchanges and intellectual debate at New York's International House, prove that brother- hood is the only base for spreading good- will among nations. (CAD 90; 8 min- utes) 32, 41 International Ice Patrol U.S. Department of State, 1949. How U.S. Coast Guard ice patrol operating under international agreement eliminates iceberg menace in North Atlantic ship- ping lanes; how sea and air patrol locates iceberg; use of radar; follow-up warnings to ships; Cutter Mendota's search for iceberg no. 39. Released through U.S. Office of Education for educational use in the United States. (22 minutes) 32, 41 Interviewing U.S. Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance, 1950. How to interview; make individuals feel at ease; assist their memories; correct erroneous impressions; handle confused or irate claimants, and other interviewing situations. (20 minutes) 25 Introducing the New Worker to His Job U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Problems in Supervision Series) Dramatization of how not to orient a new employee and get him started on his job; then by contrast, what should have been done. (OE 154; 16 minutes) 32, 41 Introduction U.S. Department of the Navy, 1949. (U.S. Naval Arctic Operations Series. Petroleum Reserve No. 4) Series title self-explanatory. (MN 5377-a; 22 min- utes, color) 41 Introduction. Parts 1 and 2 U.S. Department of the Navy, 1942. (Rules of the Nautical Road Series) How misinterpretation of ship's whistle caused Halifax incident; international rules; importance of taking bearings; definition of nautical terms, proper look- out, good seamanship, inevitable accident and marine collision law. Animation throughout. (MN 202-b; 22 minutes) 41 Introduction and Location of Celes- tial Points U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1942. (Celestial Navigation Series) Principles of location of points on celestial sphere; uses of celestial navigation; relationship between earth and celestial sphere; defi- nitions of zenith, nadir, sidereal hour angle, local hour angle, and bubble hori- zon. Animation diagrams. (TF 1-290; 18 minutes) 7, 32, 41 Introduction to Flying Technique U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1943. To give flying student true picture of primary flying school training and im- portance of fundamental flying tech- niques. Recent graduate of pilot course debunks silly rumors and beliefs that crop up with each new class of student pilots. (TF 1-3313; 10 minutes) 7 Introduction to Haiti U.S. Coordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs, 1942. Tourist view of Haiti: his- tory; traditions; daily life of people; Port au Prince, Cap Haition; Henri Christophe's palace. (10 minutes, color) 32, 41 Introduction to Optics U.S. Department of the Navy with the cooperation of U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Optical Craftsmanship Series) Principles of light waves and rays; light refraction and reflection; and image formation in relation to concave and