3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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130 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS candidates; training; living conditions during training; and opportunities for graduates. (SFP 233; 10 minutes) 11, 32, 41 Nickel and Nickel Alloys U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with The International Nickel Co., Inc., 1943. Production of nickel and nickel alloys from arrival of copper-nickel matter at plant to shipment of finished sheets; three types of furnaces; hammer shop; machine shop; rolling mill. (32 minutes) 17 Nickel Milling and Smelting U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with The International Nickel Co., Inc., 1940. Production of nickel from rough ore to refined nickel in world's largest nickel smelters, Sudbury District, On- tario. (17 minutes) 17 Nickel Mining U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with The International Nickel Co., Inc., 1950. Mining operations: sampling ore- body, sinking shafts, drilling blast holes, blasting, and mucking; underground transportation in mines. (22 minutes) 17 Nickel Mining U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with The International Nickel Co., Inc., 1940. Location of most extensive deposits of nickel-bearing ore, Sudbury District, Ontario; methods of nickel mining, in- cluding open pit mining of surface de- posits. (16 minutes) 17 Nickel Refining U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with The International Nickel Co., Inc., 1940. Refining of electrolytic nickel, black nickel oxide and nickel shot from nickel sulphide. (10 minutes) 17 Night Piloting: Surface U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. (Navigation Series) Procedure of bring- ing the U.S.S. Savannah into harbor at night. (MN 83-u; 18 minutes) 41 Night Vision for Airmen U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. Problems faced by flying personnel in seeing at night; anatomical and physio- logical aspects of eye; reason for and proper techniques of becoming dark adapted; technique for most effective use of eyes at night. (MN 3462; 19 minutes) 7, 41 Niobrara Wildlife Refuge U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, 1947. Wildlife of a big game refuge in Ne- braska, primarily for bison; views of game and birds; especially of the rare long-horned cattle, so important in early development of West. (15 minutes, color, silent) 20 Normandy Invasion U.S. Coast Guard, 1944. Combat views of initial assault on Fortress Europe; invasion preparations and follow-through; how American troops established a beachhead. (19 minutes) 21 Norris Dam Construction U.S. Tennessee Valley Authority, 1941. How Norris Dam on Clinch River was built; semitechnical. Straight photog- raphy, animated drawings. (20 minutes, color, silent) 30, 40 Northwest U.S.A. U.S. Office of War Information, Overseas Branch, 1945. The resources, industries, and people of Oregon and Washington. (21 minutes) 32, 41 Nuremberg U.S. Department of the Army, 1949. Highlights of Nuremberg War Crimes Trials; charges presented by Justice Robert Jackson of U.S. and jurists of Great Britain, Russia, and France against Goering, Streicher, Funk, Schacht, Jodl, and other Nazi war criminals; factual