3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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134 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS ments, scale, remove calculus, polish, and decide whether or not all calculus has been removed; functioning of gland ducts and formation of accumulations in diagrams. Special film for dental per- sonnel. (MN 3542; 19 minutes, color) 41 Orchard Irrigation U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1932. Orchard irrigation practices; contouring and terracing; pressure systems; basin irrigation; and overhead or sprinkler system. (27 minutes, silent) 32, 41 Orchids U.S. Coordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs with the cooperation of the National Geographic Society, 1942. Twenty types of orchids and other flora of South and Central America and the conditions under which they grow. (11 minutes, color) 32, 41 Ordnance Service in an Overseas Theater U.S. Department of the Army, 1946. Ordnance supply, service, maintenance, repairs, salvage, reclama.tion activities, utilization of personnel, and communica- tions zone operations in CBI Theater. (M 1255; 37 minutes) 41 Orientation: Fade Parallel System and Close-in Procedure U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. (In- strument Flight Control Series) How to use fade parallel and close-in parallel methods of radio navigation; advantages. (MN 1059-ab; 10 minutes) 7,41 Orientation: The 90 Degree System U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. (In- strument Flight Control Series) How to use 90° method of Radio Range orienta- tion; effect of wind; how to use in square, open, and closed sectors. (MN 1059-z; 9 minutes) . 7, 41 Origin and Synthesis of Plastics Ma- terials U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Plastics Series No. 1) Organic origin of plastics and the resemblance of synthetic com- pounds to natural substances; synthesis of plastics from natural subtances; forms in which plastics are produced; and typical plastics products. Animation. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 466; 16 minutes) 32, 41 Oscillators U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. (Radio Technician Training Series) Os- cillation; variations in oscillation; how common and tank circuits function. Ani- mation. (MN 1540-i; 13 minutes) 7, 41 Our Food and Our Health U.S. Department of the Army, 1948. Proper eating habits as factor in main- taining the individual soldier's health and well being. (TF 8-1476; 15 min- utes, color) 41 Our Neighbors Down the Road U.S. Coordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs, 1942. Automobile expedition along Pan American Highway from Caracas, Venezuela, to Straits of Magellan, cover- ing 13,000 miles and visiting nine South American capitals, including Santiago, Buenos Aires, and Rio de Janeiro. (43 minutes, color) 32, 41 Our Stand in Korea U.S. Department of the Army, 1950. Chronological report of Korean crisis from assault on Republic of Korea by North Korean forces, June 24, to July 8, 1950. President Truman's statement of American determination to preserve free- dom. (AFSR 121; 20 minutes) 12, 32, 41 Our Town Builds An Airport U.S. Civil Aeronautics Administration, 1948. How an average community builds its own airport with funds and technical assistance provided by Federal Airport