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3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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202 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Turning Work of Two Diameters U.S. Office of Education, 1941. (Machine Shop Work Series. Operations on the Engine Lathe No. 2) How to rough-turn, finish-turn, and face a gear shaft with a collar. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 7; 14 minutes) 32, 41 Turning Work on a Face Plate U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Precision Wood Machining Series. Operations on the Wood Lathe No. 3) Types of face- plates; how to attach the stock to the face plate; true up the work; scribe the work for inside turning; use the round- nose and diamond point chisels; smooth the bottom of the recess. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 315; 15 minutes) 32, 41 The Turret Lathe: An Introduction U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Machine Shop Work Series. Operations on the Turret Lathe No. 1) Functions of the head, hexagon turret, square turret, and bed; how to determine the sequence of operations; take a multiple cut; combine cuts from the hexagon and square tur- rets. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (OE 212; 17 minutes) 32, 41 Twelve Nations Sign North Atlantic Pact U.S. Department of the Army, 1950. How North Atlantic Pact was signed; Secretary of State Acheson and President Truman state the purpose of the Pact and the mutual benefits to member nations. (M 7563; 14 minutes) 41 29th Infantry Division U.S. Department of the Army, 1949. (Pride of the Outfit Series) History of "Blue and Grey'* Infantry Division in training; amphibious maneuvers in Eng- land; combat in Normandy, St. Lo, Brest, and Germany; junction with Russian Army at end of war. (M 7554; 20 min- utes) . 12 Two Half Hitches and a Round Turn U.S. Coast Guard, 1943. Why round turn and two half hitches are used for moor- ing small craft; how to tie. (3 minutes) 41 Types and Use At High Altitudes U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1942. (Oxygen Equipment Series) Character- istics and operation of 6 types of Air Force Oxygen Masks, A-7 Nasal, A-8 and A-8-A Oral Nasal, A-S-B Twin Tur- ret, and A-10 Demand Type; checking, cleaning masks and regulators before flight, and oxygen installations on air- planes. (TF 1-487; 24 minutes) 7 Types, Construction, and Action U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1942. (Airplane Hydraulic Brakes Series) Principles of operation and parts of Bendix single and duo servo brakes; Hayes single shoe, single and duo servo, and single and double expander tube brakes; and Goodyear disc type brakes. (TF 1-305; 30 minutes) 7, 32, 41 The Typhoid Carrier U.S. Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 1947. How the typhoid bacillus may be transmitted by milk, water, and flies and especially by an unwitting human "Carrier." Indicates precautionary meas- ures. Portuguese version "Febre Tifoide" and Spanish version "La Tifoidea" also available. (9 minutes, color) 32, 37 Typhus in Naples U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. (Medicine in Action Series No. 2) Shows latest developments in typhus con- trol; typhus epidemic which followed invading Germans. Edited combat foot- age. Special film for medical personnel. (MN 3726-b; 11 minutes, color) 41 UCLA U.S. Department of State, 1948. Higher education at University of California at Los Angeles; student life; student gov- ernment; athletics; social events; class-