3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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206 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Emprego Do Suporte Fixo" also avail- able. (OE 62-Span; 25 minutes) 32, 41 Vaccinate Against Smallpox U.S. Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 1947. Documents story of mass protec- tion against a disfiguring and killing disease by individual vaccination. Demon- strates multiple pressure technique of vaccination. Portuguese version "Variola" and Spanish version "La Viruela" also available. (8 minutes, color) 32, 37 La Vacuna O Defensa contra La Invasion U.S. Coordinator of Inter-American Af- fairs, 1943. Spanish version of "Defense Against Invasion." Portuguese version "Defesa Contra Invasao" also available. (12 minutes, color) 37 Vacuum Tubes: Elementary Electron Theory and the Diode Tube U.S. Department of the Air Force, 1942. Electron behavior in matter; electron sources in vacuum tubes; symbols of tubes; functioning of tube'in a circuit; diode and duo-diode as reflectors. Ani- mated diagrams. (TF 1-470; 16 minutes) 32, 41 Valley of the Giant U.S. Department of the Army, 1950. (Engineering Series) Flood control plan for Lower Mississippi River Valley; Corps of Engineers' work to date. (27 minutes, color, also b&w) 13 Valley of the Tennessee U.S. Office of War Information, Overseas Branch, 1944. Activities and achieve- ments of the TVA in providing a better life for the people of the Tennessee Valley region. How flood control made possible better agricultural methods. (30 minutes) 30, 32, 41 Valves: Their Manufacture and Use U.S. Bureau of Mines in cooperation with Crane Co., 1930. Angle, globe, gate, and check valves; making copper, iron and steel valves; their use with steam, petroleum, in automobiles, trains, air- planes, and in fire fighting. Close-up views and cross sections. (45 minutes, silent) 17 Vaned Elbow: Layout and Fabrica- tion U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. (Shipbuilding Skills Series. Sheetmetal Work) How to make a vaned elbow for a ship's ventilation system; development of rough sketch, parallel lines, templates, elbow and vane sections, and final weld- ing. Supplementary filmstrip, same title, also available. (M 2339-a; 29 minutes) 41 The Varanger-Dora Weems Incident U.S. Department of the Navy, 1943. (Rules of the Nautical Road Series) How Dora Weems overtaking and at- tempting to pass the Varanger in 600 ft. wide channel was drawn into Varanger for a crash. (MN 202-o; 5 minutes) 41 Variations: An Entirely Direct Tech- nic U.S. Department of the Navy, 1945. (Dentistry. Anterior Acrylic Bridgework No. 3) Close-up photography shows in detail the construction of an acrylic bridge. Direct technique is clearly shown. Special film for dental personnel. (MN 4352-c; 5 minutes, color) 41 Variola U.S. Institute of Inter-American Affairs, 1947. Portuguese version of "Vaccinate Against Smallpox." Spanish version "La Viruela" also available. (8 minutes, color) 3T Vectographs U.S. Department of the Navy, 1942, How to make the vectograph transpar- ency; equipment used. (MN 941; 21 minutes) . 41