3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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268 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Polynesian and Melanesian inhabitants of island groups. (SN 1538-d; 67 frames, color, synchronized disc, 13 minutes) 41 Measurement With Light Waves U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Engi- neering Series. Materials Testing No. 2) Reviews material presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 174; 50 frames) 41 Measuring and Leveling U.S. Department of the Army, 1945. (Surveying Series No. 1) Title self-ex- planatory. (FS 5-76; ?? frames} 41 Measuring Electrical Units. Part 1 U.S. Department of the Navy, 1942. Use and care of instruments for resistance, voltage, and current. (SN 645-a; 54 frames) 41 Measuring Electrical Units. Part 2 U.S. Department of the Navy, 1942. Use and care of instruments for measuring capacity (condensers) and alternating current. (SN 645-b; 38 frames) 41 Measuring Home Management U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1950. Importance of proper home management; how through research a standard has been established for measuring the man- agerial ability of a homemaker. (50 frames: double, color) 42 Measuring Pipe, Tubing, and Fittings U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Ship- building Skills Series. Pipefitting No. 1) Reviews material presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 105; 48 frames) 41 Mechanical Refrigeration: Control Mechanisms, Freon Systems U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. How control mechanisms function conjunctly in system: thermal expansion valve, sole- noid stop valves, relief valve, water- pressure failure switch, etc. (SN 2246-b; 80 frames) 41 Mechanical Refrigeration: Operating Practices, Freon Systems U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. How to start and stop compressor; pump down system; defrost; add and remove oil in compressor; charge and remove freon; operating principles; precau- tions. (SN 2246-c; 148 frames, synchro- nized disc, 26 minutes) 41 Mechanical Refrigeration: Trouble Shooting, Freon Systems U.S. Department of the Navy, 1944. Trouble shooting technique; how to lo- cate leaks; correct deficiencies in com- pressor; repair and recharge system; de- tect short cycling and liquid leakage. (SN 2246-d; 91 frames, synchronized disc, 18 minutes) 41 Medical Certification of the Causes of Death U.S. Public Health Service, 1950. Proper certification of cause of death and uses of medical certification on death certifi- cates. (60 frames, synchronized disc, 20 minutes) 26 Melanesia U.S. Department of the Navy, 1943. (Theaters of War Series. Pacific Area) Terrain and natives of New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Solomon Islands, Bis- mark Archipelago; their strategic im- portance; war in South Pacific. (SN 1538-a; 81 frames, color, synchronized disc, 19 minutes) 41 Mess Improvement. Part 1: Promot- ing Good Food Habits U.S. Department of the Army, 1943. Procedures of food planning, storage, preparation, cooking, and serving to pro- tect essential nutrients and encourage adequate consumption. (SFS 8-52; ??