3434 U.S. Government films (1954)

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286 U. S. GOVERNMENT FILMS Sand Bag Bumping U.S. Department of the Navy, 1942. How to make sandbag; prepare template; cut metal; select tools; bump metal; and finish job smoothly. (SN 293; 50 frames) 41 Sanding Flat and Irregular Surfaces U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Preci- sion Wood Machining Series. Operations on the Sander No. 1) Reviews material presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 312; 47 frames) 41 Sanitary Design in Drinking Foun- tains U.S. Public Health Service, 1947. How improperly designed drinking fountains transmit disease; characteristics of prop- er and improper design. Test exercise. (CDC-5-481; 52 frames) 27 Save Work in Doing Dairy Chores U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1947. How a work study of dairy-barn chores resulted in time saving improvements. Based on Vermont Agricultural Experi- ment Station Bulletin 503. (59 frames; single; also double) 39 Saving Our White Pines From the Blister Rust U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1935. Many uses of white pines; danger of blister rust; control measures; necessity of destroying the hosts of the fungus, currant and gooseberry plants. (49 frames) 39 Sawing a Reverse Curve and a Bevel Reverse Curve U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Preci- sion Wood Machining Series. Operations on the Band Saw No. 2) Reviews ma- terial presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 310; 38 frames) . 41 Sawing an Internal Irregular Shape U.S. Office of Education, 1944. (Machine Shop Work Series. Operations on the Metal Cutting Band Saw No. 1) Re- views material presented in motion pic- ture, same title. (OE 239; 43 frames) 41 Sawing Template Metal U.S. Office of Education, 1943. (Aircraft Work Series. Templates No. 4) Reviews material presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 128; 50 frames) 41 Sawing with Jig and Changing Band U.S. Office of Education, 1945. (Preci- sion Wood Machining Series. Opera- tions on the Band Saw No. 1) Reviews material presented in motion picture, same title. (OE 309; 44 frames) 41 Schistosomiasis U.S. Public Health Service, 1945. (Schis- tosomiasis Series) Geographic distribu- tion of blood flukes; identification of spe- cies; organs attacked in hosts, snails and man; life cycle; clinical manifestations; symptoms; identification of ova; treat- ment and prevention of disease. Photo- graphs and drawings. 1st ed. (CDC-5- 006; 80 frames, color, synchronized disc, 12 minutes) 27 Schistosomiasis U.S. Public Health Service, 1945. (Schis- tosomiasis Series) Geographic distribu- tion of blood flukes; identification of spe- cies; organs attacked in hosts, snails and man; life cycle; clinical manifestations; symptoms; identification of ova; treat- ment and prevention of disease. Special version with photomicrographs for biolo- gists and parasitologists. 2nd ed. (CDC- 5-006; 102 frames, color, synchronized disc, 16 minutes) 27 Scraping Flat Surfaces U.S. Office of Education, 1943. (Machine Shop Work Series. Bench Work No. 2)