U. S. Radio (Oct 1957-Dec 1958)

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U. S. RAOiO CONVENTiON SVPPLEMEIVT LOS ANGELES CONVENTION GUIDE hotels Alexandria, 5th & Spring MA 6-7484 Ambassador, 3400 Wilshire -. DU 7-7011 Beverly Hills, 964! Sunset CR 6-2251 Beverly Hilton, Wilshire & Santa Monica CR 4-7777 Biltnnore, 515 S. Olive Ml 101 I Bryson Apt., 270! Wilshire.. DU 9-3141 Carlton, 529 S. Figueroa..... Ml 6571 Cavalier, 10724 Wilshire _ GR 7-8261 Chapnnan Park, 3405 Wilshire DU 4-II8I Chateau Marmont, 822! Sunset HO 9-2911 Clark, 426 S. Hill..... Ml 4121 Commodore, 7th at Lucas . TR 7431 Del Capri, 10587 Wilshire _ GR 8-7791 Embassy, 851 S. Grand TR 0941 Figueroa. 939 S. Figueroa TR 8971 Gaylord, 3355 Wilshire DU 9-4161 Georgian Manor, 614 S. Hauser WE 9-2138 Hayward, 6th & Spring Ml 5151 Hollywood Knickerbocker, 1714 N. Ivar HO 5-3171 Hollywood Plaia, 1637 N. Vine HO 5-1 131 Hollywood Roosevelt, 7000 Hollywood ...HO 9-2442 Hollywood Wilcox, 6500 Selma HO 9-1 161 Lankershim, 7th & Broadway TR 5781 Mayfair, W. 7th & WItmer DU 4-4161 Mayflower. 535 S. Grand .....Ml 1331 Miramar, Wilshire & Ocean EX 4-3731 Normandie, 605 S. Normandie DU 3-1351 Park Wilshire, 2424 Wilshire DU 9-2141 Rosslyn, Ml W. 5th..._ Ml 3311 San Carlos, 507 W. 5th MU 2291 Savoy Plaza, 565 So. Grand _ .....MA 5-I4II Sheraton-Town House, 296 I Wilshire DU 2-7171 Statler, 930 Wilshire..... MA 9-4321 U. S. RADIO Mav 1958 THIS IS RADIO JVIONTH {Supplement p. 25) 59