U. S. Radio (Oct 1957-Dec 1958)

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A. C. Nielsen Company* reports WL¥ radio audience among TOP 10 in America The full scope of the VJLW AUDIENCE MARKET COVERAGE No. of Counties Total Homes in Area Radio Homes in Area Monthly coverage area 334 3,116,800 2,987,910 Homes reached Total % of Total Homes % of Radio Homes Monthly 1,221,160 39 41 Weekly 1,067,110 34 36 NCS DAY-PART CIRCUI .ATION Once PER 3 or more WEEK 6 or 7 Daily Avg. Daytime Listener Homes 961 ,000 692,400 402,380 593,640 Nighttime Listener Homes 624,360 378,050 204,180 338,020 (Source: 1956 Nielsen Coverage Service) Network Affiliations: NBC; ABC; MBS • Sales Offices: New Yorl(. Cincinnati, Cliicago, Cleveland • Sales Representatives: NBC Spot Sales: Los Angeles, San Francisco. Bomar Lowrance & Associates, Inc., Atlanta, Dallas Crosley Broadcasting Corporation, a division o(^4KiCO U. S. RADIO September 1953 49