U. S. Radio (Oct 1957-Dec 1958)

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the NUMBER ONE STATION IN THE SECOND LARGEST MARKET IN BOTH MINNESOTA AND WISCONSIN WEBC DULUTH . SUPERIOR See your Hollingbery man In Minneapolis . . . See Bill Hurley WORTH CROWING ABOUT!!! DELIVERS FOR 26' LESS PER 1000 HOMES Take the average metropolitan audience ratings of all four Topeka stations. Project those ratings against the Radio Homes Served ' Nielsen). WRENs costper-thousand is only $1.00 .... 26c less than its nearest competitor! And WRENs allfamily programming delivers you a better quality audience, too. Check with George P. Hollingbery. WREN 5000 WATTS • TOPEKA. KANSAS. radio research Hooper Breaks Ground For New Building; Nielsen Sets Move in N. Y. 1 he growth of broadcast research and incasurenieiu is chainati/cd by two moves sdicdulcd for this lall. C. E. Hooper Inc. has broken ground for a new building in W'ihon, (ionn., and the A. C. Nielsen Co. is preparing to move into new offices in New Wnk. Hooper's modern two-story building will be four times as large as the present plant at Norwalk, Conn., the firm states, and will house about 50 employees. Increased working area will be provided for the production, statistical and field supervisory iniits. I here will also be space for a priming plant. Hooper contemplates a grand opening "in the first part of November." The l)uilding will be located on Highway 7 in W'ihon. The enlire Nielsen New York office will oitup\ new cpiarters on the 15th and Kith lloors of 575 Lexington Avenue on or about .September 15. Moving are the radio and i\ departments, the food and drug units and the coupon clearing house. Total Reach liristol -^[yers Co. in a four-week June network campaign rang up 109,881.000 total (oiiimer(ial minutes with 242 broadiasis aired. These reached 14,245,000 different homes. These facts are from an analysis for u. s. RADIO by the A. C. Nielsen i'.o. to illustrate its re\ ised method of reporting network ratings — from a breakdown by programs to one by s|)onsor campaigns. The revisions in the Nielsen Radio Index were put into effect last September because of "changing patterns in network radio advertising." The cinmdative approacli is designed to give the sjjonsor an indication of the total reach of his package on an indi\ idual network for aspecific camijaigii. • • • Nielsen Radio Index The Commercial Reach of Network Audience AUDIENCES REACHED No. Different No. Broadcasts Homes Reached Sponsor Aired '000 Bristol-Myers Co. 242 14,245 Ford Div. — Ford Motor Co. 104 13,004 Midas, Inc. 170 12,558 Brown & Williamson Job. 170 12,558 California Packing Corp. 127 11,416 Chevrolet — General Motors 68 10,969 Plough, Inc. 110 10,374 Ex-Lax, Inc. 91 9,927 R. J. Reynolds Tobacco 104 8,587 Automotive Div. — Amer. Motors 88 8,488 Hertz Corp. 79 7,892 Swift & Co. 48 7,892 Total Commercial No. Comml. Min. Minutes Delivered Sponsor Allowed '000 Ford Div. — Ford Motor Co. 215 143,180 Bristol-Myers Co. 181.10 109,881 Wm. Wrigley, Jr. Co. 120 82,794 Brown & Williamson Job. 127.50 75,923 Midas, Inc. 127.50 74,792 California Packing Corp. 95 57,884 Chevrolet — General Motors 85 49,364 Plough, Inc. 88 44,579 Ex-Lax, Inc. 68.20 43,173 Swift & Co. 59.50 42,338 JUNE 1958 56 U. S. RADIO September 1958