U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1959)

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according fo all surveys PULSE . HOOPER TRENDEX Represented Nationally by . JOHN BLAIR & COMPANY for buyers and sellers of radio advertising NOVEMBER 1959 ... IN THIS ISSUE . . . Are Agencies Underselling Radio? Alihoii-li I lu\ .S.i\ li U l-.llcctivc. They Admit lo Selliiii; Radio Slioi i Why Kiplinger Uses Radio lia(t^ ll.dl ol Jii.d Subscriptions Foi (:li(nio^i)iir Tunes to Soiiiul Mtdiiiiii Cities Service Back to Radio Alici Cioiutship With Tv, Client And Radio Are Again 'Side by Side' Mushrooming Markets Is Radio licsi Advertising Vehicle Id R(a<li Spiawiing New Areas? The 'Difference' in Sound Audience Duplication Study Shows Mininunn ()\eila|) oi Station Listeners Medium's Future Prospects? Two Agency Executives Look Ahead To Radio's Growlli and I)c\ elojjinent . . . DEPARTMENTS . . . VOL. 3 NO. 11 23 26 30 34 38 40 Airwaves 3 IWA Memo 50 Commercial Clinic 48 Editorial 64 Focus on Radio 42 Hometown U.S.A. 45 Letters to Editor 20 Names and Faces 62 Radio Registers 51 Radio Research 61 Report from .Agencies 54 Arnold Alpert Editor and Publisher Jonah Gitliti Managing Editor Rollie Devendorf An Editor Carol Murdock Scinto Senior Editor Stan Walker Assistant Editor Patty Kirsch Assistant Editor Report from Canada Report on Fm Report from Networks Report from RAB Report from Representatives ■Silver Mike Sou ndings Station Log Time Buys Washington 60 59 55 52 53 18 7 49 8 15 Blanche Stein Administration-Production Seyrrou: Weber Office Manager Jo Gancl Secretary to Publisher W est Coast Representative— Whaley-Simpson Co. 700 Montgomery Building San Francisco II, SUtter 1-4583 % Edith K. Whaley 3493 Cahuenga Blvd. Los Angeles 28, HOIIywood 3-2215 Member of Business Publications Audit of Circulations Inc. BPA U. S. RADIO is published monthly by Arnold Alpert Publications, Inc. Editorial and Business Office 50 West 57th Street, New York 19, N. Y. Circle 5-2170. Chicago. III.— 161 E. Grand Ave. Whitehall 3-3686. Washington, D. C— 1806 EastWest Highway, Silver Spring, Md. JUnipsr 8-7261. Printing Office— 3110 Elm Avenue, Baltimore II, Md. Price 35$ a copy; subscription, $3 a year, $5 for two years in U.S.A. U.S. Possessions and Canada $4 a year, $6 for two years. Please advise if you move and give old and new address. Copyright 1959 by Arnold Alpert Publications, Inc. Accepted as controlled circulation publication at Baltimore, Maryland. 4 U. S. RADIO e November 1959