U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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to sell the npost/ Hoosjers be s ^^es^ your pXpiduct is cookln\g in the hottest p • Want a greater cumulative audience for your saturation spot campaign ? Like to get more attention . . . pull a bigger response to your program . . . increase sales ? Then check WFBM firstwhere every minute is a selling minute! Greater program variety means more pulling power . . . gets more audience turnover hour after hour. Ask us how WFBM can sell for you in this big, rich midwest market! Represented Nationally by the KATZ Agency l-ime buys (Cont'd from p. II) k and minutes are being used at frequencies varying from 15 to 50 a week, depending on the market. Timebuyer is Gini Conway. Liggett & Myers Tobacco Co. .\gency: Duiicer-Fitzgeruld-Santplc Inc., New York Product: L&M CIGARETTES \ small group of selected markets have been tagged for a saturation campaign starting the middle of this month. 60-second spots will be heard for 10 weeks at varying frequencies. Timebuyer is Jim Clinion. Mennen Co. Agency: Warwick & Legler Inc., New York Product: MEN'S LINE Radio activity for 1960 begins tlic middle of this month with Mennen Speed Stick. Campaigns will loUow the seasons, starting in the South, moving North with the spring. Schedules are set through November, will cover 75 to 100 markets. Frequencies will vary by season and markets. Timebuyer is Herb Gandcl. Mentholatum Co. Agency: /. Walter Thompson Co., New York Product: COUGH SYRUP Test campaign will hit the air this month in selected markets. Minute spots are being used. Further buying v.ill depend on the results. Tiinebuyer is Martin Daniels. National Biscuit Co. Agency: McCann-Erickson Inc., New York Product: MILLBROOK BREAD Following its introduction this past fall, the bread goes on the air in about 12 markets in New York state and on Negro radio in Bir I mingham and Pittsburgh. New York ■ state fliglits run from January 4 for 24 weeks, 12 to 15 times a week, with J renewal likely for 2(j weeks more. In ' the two Negro markets, 20 spots have been scheduled for 50 weeks. All buys are for minute announcements. Timebuyer is Phil Siunilx). Pierce's Proprietaries Inc. Agency: Mogul, Williams ir Saylor Inc., New York Product: DR. PIERCES GOLDEN MEDICAL DISCOVERY Minute spots in national markets have been purchased through April. Frequency is set at five a week. Timebuyer is Joyce Peters. Standard Brands Inc. Agency: Ted Bates ir Co. Inc., New York Product: INSTANT SIESTA COFFEE Selling its coffee in 40 markets over radio, the company goes on the air this month. Campaign will vary from eight weeks to the end of the summer depending on the markets. Timebuyer is Bob Decker. Texaco Inc. Agency: Cunningham ir Walsh Inc., New York Product: GASOLINE AND OIL A national spot saturation campaign has been scheduled to cover the country for this gasoline and oil company. Dates are still tentative, but look for a start at the end of February or beginning of March. Timebuyer is Bill Santoni. • • • 12 U. S. RADIO • January 1960