U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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Radio In The Public Interest AGENCY STARE IN PUBLIC INTEREST The survey of agency executives by NBC Spot Sales shows unmistakably the future of public service fare at agency-advertiser level 1 1 is iioi easy to aiiant>L' with (oniplcte l)aIaiKe cxaitly iu)w advertisers and as^ciu ics fit into the living room ol |)iil)li( iiilcrcsl proj^ramniinj;. (Icrtainh, it is the nRdiuin's ()l)Ii<>atioii — and not the ad\ ti tisci's — to serve the (oniplete needs ol its aiidieiKC. In broadcast media, this is especially true because a federal license is invohed. ^\cl\ei tisers, however, do have a stake in pid)lic service radio because ol parallel interests. 11 a radio station has achieved a |)ositive service ima<^e in a community, is this not what an advertiser would also like to achieve for his company image? II it can be shown that there is a responsive, buying audience listening to public interest radio — albeit the mnnbers them Question A Has one of your clients expressed an interest in. or have you recontntendetl to a client, the sponsorship of a radio station public service profimni? Yes No Don't Know Total ResponcJents Billings Total # 93 156 8 36 61 3 257 (100) 90 (100) Over $1,000,000 Under $1,000,000 # % 25 28 59 65 6 7 it % 68 41 97 58 2 1 167 (100) iiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii^ Question li Do you believe that you ivould be more inclined to recommend the purchase of a public service profiram if you ivere supplied with more qualitative audience information than is presently available to you? Billings Over Under Total $1,000,000 $1,000,000 # % # % # % Yes 207 72 76 71 131 72 No 30 10 15 14 15 8 Don't Know 53 18 16 15 37 20 Total Respondents 290 (100) 107 (100) ; 183 (100) 62 U. S. RADIO • May 1960