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time buys
(Cont'd from p. 5)
Corn Products Co.
Agency: Guild, Bascom ir Bonfigli
Inc., Nezu York Piodiui: SKIPPY PEANUT BUTTER Upstate New York and Florida stations, 35 in all, got this buy in 1 1 markets. The campaign, utilizing 60 spots per week in each market, riaris. through mi<l-Dccember. Timebuyer is Frank Gianatassio.
Cream of Wheat Corp.
Agency: BBDO Inc., Minneapolis Product: CEREAL
Markets are still getting in on this hot cereal's campaign as cold weather comes into southern states. A total of 222 stations in 70 markets will vocalize the Cream of Wheat "Winter Song" when the cold weather blanket settles. The winter campaign will run through March in two flights, the second scheduled January through March. Breakfast hours, 6:30 a.m. to 8 a.m., are preferred, but in some markets 6 a.m. to 8:80 a.m. is acceptable. Campaign, now in its second full year, depends on local judgment of weather conditions to schedule five of the 10 spots per week. Agency reports that station cooperation has been "excellent." Betty Hitch is the timebuyer.
Duffy-Mott Co.
Agency: Sullivan, Staufjer, Coleivell
ir Bayles Inc., New York Product: FRUIT DRINKS
Now in major eastern markets, Duffy-Mott picks up its first western market this month. Los Angeles is the city, and its first schedule will go to six stations. .About 50 spots a week will beam the message, in a campaign slated to run for six weeks. Timebuyer is Steve Suren.
Eastco Inc.
.Agency: Lennen & Newell Inc.,
New York Product: CLEARASIL
A four-market test campaign is on the docket for this complexion aid.
Two markets have been selected: Rockford, 111. and Scranton, Pa. The teenage audience will be the target lor 10 spots a week on each station. Length of the test run has not been revealed, but a national campaign is in I he works ii it meets expectations. Lou Crossan handles the timebtiying.
Pels & Co.
Agency: Aitken-Kynetl Co.,
Philadelphia Product: INSTANT FEL's NAP
FEL's NAPTHA The first six months of 1961 will see staggered renewals of Fel's regular schedule in 70 markets. Minute spots fall in daytime segments. Length of schedules varies market by market, but the total campaign runs January through June. Alan Bobbe is head timebuyer.
General Foods Corp.
Agency: Ogilvy, Benson ir Mather
Inc., New York Product: MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE
Spots for the coffee in the can are perking now in Seattle, Denver, Colorado Springs and Pueblo, Colo. The campaign began late last month, with 20 sj^ots per week on the air from four to five weeks. Two to three stations in each market carrv the messages, all minutes. Sue Morrell is the timebuyer.
Thos. Leeming Co.
.Agency: Wni. Esty Co., New York Product: BEN GAY, PACQUINS
Approximately 100 markets are in on the spot activity for these products. The campaign, started during the third week in October, will run 26 weeks. Silk and Satin and hand cream are the Pacquin's pair picked to run with Ben Gay. The three split a maximum of 20 spots per week in each market. Traffic miiuites make up this schedule. Jack Fennell handdied the buy.
(Cont'd on p. 13)
Talk about vintage years! In the last three, wine, ale and beer advertising has increased 206% on WPAT. The secret? Our programming, whose uniquely still and sparkling properties provide the perfect setting for any product. And, of course, our unparalleled vineyard ... an area of 31 counties in New York. New Jersey, Pennsylvania and Connecticut where more than 17.000,000 people live, work and buv in more than 5,000,000 radio' homes. There's no doubt about it: WPAT is a peerless seller of America's leading labels. Among them: Ambassador, Budweiser, Ballantine, Carting, Cinzano, Gallo, Hensler, Heinekcn's,Knteger, Knickerbocker, Martini & Rossi, Miller, Moet, Opici, Piels, Roma, Rheingold, Ruppert, Schaefer, Schlitz and Schmidt. All of them, in only three short years, have advertised on WPAT . . . the station with the spirit of success.
November 1960