U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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WHICH JOB \A^OULD YOU TAKE? If you're like most of us, you'd take the job with the more tempting salary and the brighter future. Many college teachers are faced with this kind of decision year after year. In fact, many of them are virtually bombarded with tempting offers from business and industry. And each year many of them, dedicated but discouraged, leave the campus for jobs that pay fair, competitive salaries. Can you blame them? These men are not opportunists. Most 'of them would do anything in their power to continue to teach. But with families to feed and clothe and educate, they just can't make a go of it. They are virtually ^^^^Z^ forced into better paying fields. In the face of this growing teacher shortage, college applications are expected to double within ten years. At the rate we are going, we will soon have a very real crisis on our hands. We must reverse this disastrous trend. You can help. Support the college of your choice today. Help it to expand its facilities and to pay teachers the salaries they deserve. Our whole future as a nation may depend on it. It's important for you to know more about what the impending college crisis means to you. Write for a free booklet to: HIGHER EDUCATION, Box 36, Times Square Station, New York 36, N.Y, Sponsored as a public service, in co-operation with the Council for Financial Aid to Education \ HIOHBR COUCICTION ""^T^ef^ KEEP IT BRIOMT ■U. S. RADIO November 1960 65