U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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Stereo loilOWCRS© where your sales message and particular people meet WGY initiated the first Stereo program in its market — adding to the initial excitement caused by the introduction of Stereophonic sound using AM and FM radio. The acceptance was immediate as hundreds of music lovers wrote to WGY for information on how to place their FM and AM receivers to enjoy Stereo to its fullest — Stereo on WGY and WGFM for 55 minutes each evening, Monday through Thursday, and again on Sunday at 2:00 on "Concert in Stereo." With this new dimension in sound, WGY and WGFM present the best in recorded music, all fitting our "smoothest sound" pattern. The music ranges from "Porgy and Bess," to Dixieland, to Bach, to the exciting original sound tracks from Broadway shows such as "South Pacific." The people listening to Stereo are particular people — people who will spend money to satisfy their appetites, for finer living. Perhaps your product fits into their scheme of daily life. Put a new dimension in your sales message — put your sales message in Stereo Showcase. 982-18 ^. ->^ WGY-810KC • WGFM-99.5MC • General Electric Stations Serving Albany, Schenectady, and Troy, plus Northeastern New York and Western New England REPRESENTED BY HENRY I. CHRISTAL CO., INC.