U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1960)

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VALUABLE MARKETING in this book... RITETDRYODR COPY There are 1115 Hometown and Rural radio stations in the Keystone Network. You can buy the whole package or you can buy them in smaller packages — special marketing networks tailored to your advertising needs— 100— 200— 300 stations or the whole list. And listen . . . nobody . . . but nobody covers the farm market like Keystone . . . and at a cost that will surprise you. When you advertise with Keystone you have a special merchandising representative in each and every Keystone market. We'd like to show you case histories from our file of leading Keystone advertisers whose products are household words in the U.S.A. Write for your copy of your station list. CHICAGO: 111 W. Washington St., STate 2-8900 • NEW YORK: 527 Madison Ave., Eldorado 5-3720 . LOS ANGELES: 3142 Wilshire Blvd., DUnkirk 3-2910 SAN FRANCISCO: 57 Post St., SUtter 1-7440 • DETROIT: 612 Penobscot Building, WO 2-4595 28 U. S. RADIO AIRF.^X 1961