U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1961)

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WVET Radio ANCHORAGE / // \\ / '"/' / r ^ I r I LONDON v -A , RflTHESTER A ^ M.0SC0W "i PARIS p TOKYO ROME ' HAVANA BUENOS AIRES ROCHESTER, N.Y. ONLY SECONDS AWAY FROM ANY NEWS CENTER ON FACE OF THE GLOBE WITH COMPLETE NBC NEWS WVET-RADIO — ROCHESTER 4, N.Y. National Representative Robert E. Eastman & Co., Inc. Cuisine Exquise . . . Dans Une Atmosphere Elegante report from networks RESTAURANT vomN 575 Park Avenue at 63rd St NEW YORK Lunch and Dinner Reservations Michel : TEmpleton 8-6490 ► NBC: A combined public service campaign incorporating the joint efforts of NBC and the National Automobile Dealers Association is now being broadcast on Monitor. The announcements, 10 a week, emphasize highway and driver safety, and were produced under the auspices of NADA, a national trade organization of 22,000 franchisee! new car and truck dealers. Member dealers in each city work with NBC stations to increase audience as well as local sales. Dealers preset pushbutton radios on new cars to the frequency of the local NBC outlet. In other activity at the network, officials are exploring the possibility of extending its network radio service around the clock. In announcing the plan, Robert W. Sarnoff, chairman of the board, commented "One growing market that we are not reaching on the network level consists of night workers and early risers. These are the people whose cars account for the steady increase in automobile traffic through the night." Another reason for extension of service from the present 18 hours to a full 24 hours is the coast-to-coast time differential, which shortens the night on a national basis and makes more listeners available. "For example," Mr. Sarnoff said, "a network news broadcast for those who stay up late at night in Los Angeles can also serve the pre dawn risers in New York." ► ABC: Four new sponsorships for "Weekday News" on ABC were announced recently by Robert R. Pauley, ABC vice president in charge of the radio network. Mr. Pauley also reported one new order and one renewal for "Paul Harvey News," and three renewals for the Pacific coast regional "Cliff Engel News." The four new "Weekday News" orders were placed by Ex Lax (Warwick &: Legler), Pharmaco Inc. (N. W. Ayer & Son), Philip Morris Inc. (Leo Burnett) and Vitamin Corp. of America (Dunnan & Jeffrey). A new order for "Paul Harvey News" was placed by Hastings Manufacturing Co. through Bozell & Jacobs Inc., and a renewal was signed by Bankers Life & Casualty Co. through Phillips and Cherbo Inc. The three renewals for "Cliff Engel News" were placed by Lyon Van & Storage Co. through Smally & Smith Inc.; Signal Oil Company through Barton A. Stebbins Advertising; and Whitehall Laboratories, Division of American Home Products Corporation through Ted Bates & Co. Two new affiliates, KRKS Ridgcciest, Calif., and KMYC Marysville, Calif., bring the total number of ABC stations to 336. ► CBS: CBS reports over 50 percent sponsorship lined up for its special information features, which are important parts of network programming supplanting the now defunct serials. The programs are five-minute featurettes broadcast on the half-hour for station use whenever local programming permits. Among new business and renewal of contracts for 1961 business are Curtis Circulation Co., Meredith Publishing, Grove Laboratories, Mentholatum Co., Sylvania, Tetley Tea, Standard Laboratories, FosterMilburn, Philip Morris (for Commander) . ► MBS: Reflecting on Mutual's changeover to a basic formula of news, sports and public service three years ago, network President Robert F. Hurleigh recently cited the "repeating customer theory" as a factor in the change. In a recent article in Mutual's newsletter, Mr. Hurleigh commented that "the repeating customer theory applies in the business of operating a network just as it does in other enterprises." • • • 52 U. S. RADIO • January 1961