U. S. Radio (Jan-Dec 1961)

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RADIO'S REACH/ JUNE 1961 AM STATIONS ON AIR* 3,572 FM STATIONS ON AIR 866 SETS MANUFACTURER** 1,384,052 RARIO SETS I/V USE 156,394,000 CAR RARIOSf 40,387,000 FM SETS IN USEj 15,500,000 AM STATIONS ON AIR: I he 3,572 am stations on the air at the end of April represent an increase ol 11 stations over the previous month. Applications pending: 541; stations under construct ion: 1 53. FM STATIONS ON AIR: Fm stations on the air at the end of April number 866, an increase ol 1 1 stations compared with the previous month. Applications pending: 73; stations under construction: 210. SETS MANUFACTURED: Total radio production in March, 1,384,052, includes 384,227 auto radios and 75.04-1 I'm radios. This total is 271,023 sets higher than the previous month. Total radio sales for March, excluding auto radios, is 853,821, an increase of 187.593 over February. Cumulative radio sales for the year total 2,100,729, just above last year's mark ol 2. ()79. .'HIS sets. Radio production to date this year totals 3,589,154 sets against 4,465,706 sets produced last year. NETWORK: Pepsi-Cola Co. leads network advertisers in terms of total home broadcasts according to A. C. Nielsen Co.'s monthly index for four weeks ending April 2, 1961. Pepsi registers 341 broadcasts for a total of 133,585,000 home broadcasts delivered. In the second position is Sylvania Electric Products with 239 broadcasts and 130,764,000 home broadcasts delivered. Liggett S: Myers Tobacco, Pharmaco Inc. and R. J. Reynolds Tobacco follow in third, fourth and fifth position, respectively. Mennen Co. leads in total commercial minutes delivered, broadcasting 112.211.000. Sylvania Electric Products is second with 103.941,000 commercial minutes delivered. In third, fourth and fifth position are Liggett v Myers Tobacco. Pharmaco and Studebaker-Packard Corp. LOCAL: An audience participation program aired six nights a week on KOOD Honolulu (formerly broadcast on another station there) began April 1 with 41 weekly sponsors. All sponsors are on 52-week contracts bringing S2.600 in billings monthly to the station. Other new business signed by KOOD in April boosted the total increase in billings over March to $3,300. ■ *FCC. April, **EIA. March, f RAB estimate. U. S. RADIO/June 1961