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Fm receivers tend i<> be located in homes with three or more persons. Of these three-person-plus homes, 35.1% are fm-equipped, with 57.7% ill total fm homes including three or more persons and 42.3% including one or two.
The most-tuned-to time among Em homes is from waking through breakfast, bul Em listening is fairly even throughout the day until the post-bedtime hours.
The pattern lor an average day: 59.5",, ol the homes use I'm from waking through breakfast; 47.3%, after breakfast through lunch; 55.2%, after lunch through dinner; 50.2%,. altei dinner through going to bed, and 25. M' , , alter going to
bed until the going-to-sleep hour.
The peak listening times are in the 1 ion i s altei breaklast and through lunch, when the household using fm tunes for an average ol 116 minutes or almost two hours. Of the homes using fm during at least one period of the day the receiver is turned on for an average total of 202 minutes throughout the lull day.
Other minutes spent with fm, by day parts: from waking through breakfast. I> I ; alter breakfast through lunch, 1 16; after lunch through dinner, 92; alter dinner through going to bed, 92; after going to bed until going to sleep, 48.
More than eight in 10 — 87.9% — of all fm households have only one
receiver in the home, with 8.3% reporting two and 3.8% repotting three or more. The average number of fm sets per household is 1.17.
Most fm receivers are located in the living room, 55.2% of the total home sets. Others: bedroom, 21.7%; kitchen, 11.3%; den, study or library, 7.6%; dining room, 3.1%; other places, 1.1%.
The study also analyzes consumer use and buying habits, as shown in the following statistics:
Automobile ownership: 32.5% ol all fm households own one or more passenger cars; 28.8%, one car; 42.5%, two or more cars; 37.1% bought the car new; 27.1% bought only used cars.
Fm's reach is significant.
Of the 4.130,000 private households in the metropolitan areas of five major west coast markets (San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Portland, Seattle) almost one-third — 30.3% — have an fm receiver in working order.
Fm ownership grows as income does.
Of those homes with an annual income of $7,000 or more, 42.7% have an fm set, contrasted with 27.2% of homes with 27.3% of those with incomes from $4,000 to $6,999 and 21.5% for those under $4,000.
Education is higher in fm homes.
Of those homes where the head of the household has college or other advanced education, 37.8% are fm-equipped; 31.6% when the household head has finished high school; 21.4%, in homes where the head did not finish high school.
Professional people own the greater number of sets.
31.6% of the homes in which there is an employed household head are fm-equipped, contrasted with a higher 36.6% of the homes in which the head is in the professional, managerial, sales and /or clerical category and a lower 24.4% in homes where the household head is a craftsman, sei~vice worker, farmer or laborer. The lowest saturation, 24.4%, appears in homes of the unemployed house head.
Fm is more popular with home owners than with renters.
35.8% of the owned homes are fm-equipped; 24.6% of rented homes.
U. S. FM • June 1961