Variety (April 1961)

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56 MUSIC Danny & The Juniors (Swan: | “CHA CHA GO GO" 'Conley*: is a! solid rocking entry with a Latin! fiavor that'll get the kids hooting. “MISTER WHISPER” «Conley*™: 13 a routine side. The ‘Darby Sisters ‘Musicor): “DONT LET IT END” ‘January }, a ballad in the contemporary j groove, gets an interesting work. | over by this team. “YA GOTTA” (Ianuary*+: is a snappy uptempo slice. Abby Hoofe’s Trumpets ‘ames | “TRUMPET IN PARIS” 'Gil+: is! a tilting Latin-flavored item. with | conse trumpet and choral angles j tr:at’ll draw spins. “FIRE IN ‘THE: Jocks, Jukes and Disks By HERM SCHOENFELD ! fully tWitmark*), from the same film, is another highly listenable slice with a choral assist. Dave Gardner (RCA VICTOR): “COWARD AT THE. ALAMO") |g (Film-TV; Johnstone-Montei*) an amusing historical saga _ skilldelivered by this southern comic. “YOU ARE MY LOVE” \Miigard™: is’ a cornball vocal. The Renegades (Dorset): “STOLEN ANGEL” (StarlingDara*!is a good rocking ballad tailored for the teenage market in lyric and in this combo’s highpitched delivery. “KEEP LAUGHIN’ ¢Starling-Dara*) is another side with colorful sound. “Ella Fitzgerald ‘Sings The Harold Arlen Song Book” (Verve). Ella. Fitzgerald: has made another nof|.|table addition to-her recordings of: ‘ary swinging style. ‘She gets ex-— cellent backing from the Billy. May arrangements on: numbers: like. “Blues In The Night,”. “Between | The Devil and The Deep Blue Sea,” “That Old Black Magic, ” ‘FRANK SCOTT'S: “It’s Only A Paper Moon” and ! Harpsichord -on a Great New Dot | “Qyer The Rainbow,” among oth-: ‘spans FLESH” «Reynolds*: is another! Clyde MecPhatter (Mercury): I AWR WE LK instrumental item with good: “WHOLE HEAP OF LOVE” ikEdiENCE chances. ‘son*) is a nifty rhythm number} Features Eddie Hodges ‘Cadence’: “I’M: with an amusing teen-slanted lyric i | Album and “Single” “CALCUTTA”! “Last — —- .Following his TopHit Date!” ; Best Bets tis a more ‘conventional. rhythm : . ‘it JACK SCOTT .....00..0.00c0ee0+. A LITTLE FEEUING | 'puppt. Martin (Coral: “CRY. (Capitol) .............. nee cece eee Now That I | CRY, CRY” (Davidt) is a strong rocking’ ballad = effectively . delivered by this songstress. “I NEED YOUR LOVE” (David?) is an okay Jack Scott's “A Litile Feeling” (Wolfpack*s bows this. singer under the Cupttol benrer with a strong ballad due for strong teener oF oat ¢ v ow e " fed 2 . : . 2 : Hilt a Now That I” (Wolfpack*) is @ more routine rocking uptempo. slice: _ « + * _| Warren Covington-Tommy Der. : sey Orch (Decca): “THE HUM DE: NEIL SEDAKA cece cme eee w eee teens LITTLE DEVIL ! Doo (Abbott*) is a bouncing ‘slice (RCA Victor) ........... see I Must Be Dreaming: | introducing a new dance in a catching chorat-instrumental for-. mat. “PAYDAY” (Wakabe?+) is a nifty instrumental. James. O’Gwynn “DOWN ON: THE CORNER OF. LOVE”: -(Pamper*) has. an okay .country ballad flair that will get it; i sood | spinning .returns in alfalfa areas. “I’M: GETTING NOWHERE | |FAST” (South Coast*! is based on Ferer" (Studio) is another snappy side. j alfalfa. strains and it’s ‘strictly for. * * * ; hillbilly . traffic, PAT BOONE .................. A THOUSAND YEARS * ASCAP. +BMI. +SESAC, (Dot) Moody River Pat Boone’s “A Thousand Years” ¢Conga*> is an ercelle.t ballad handled at the top of this singer’s form. Neil Sedaka’s “Little Devil’ (Aldon?) gives this singer another swinging entry w hich he belts strongly. <“I Must Be Dreaming” fAldon:> is a pretty baliad also with chances te ¥ * DORSEY BURNETTE. .THAT’S ME WITHOUT YoU (Era) . Great Shakin* Fever Dorsey Burnette's “That's Me Without You" (Doral*) is a solid rocking idea delirered in standout style by this rockabilly performer. Great Shakin’ (Mercury): eeceoee oseosn ep eno eseteove eos ee eee Festival Showmanship: _Weduesday, April 19, 1961 | ~ Album Reviews pert Thornton: “Devil May Care” Riverside). Teri Thornton, in her disk bow, impresses as.a solid jazz vocal talent. . The texture of her voice is rieh and her style is: con |“song books” by the top pop and |cicstentiy tasteful, whether on. the showtune writers. In this double | slow or. ‘uptempo ballads. LP set, she does. two dozen Harold : set, -she turns out standout versions Arlen melodies, comprising some, of the greatest standards in the| and “What's Your Story, Morning * ASCAP catalog,. with her customj Glory.” among” others, A Jazz come In this’ of songs like “Blue Champagne,” ‘“The Song Is You,”-“Left Alone” ‘bo -backs .up ably. Morton Gould Orch: “Moonlight Sonata”. (RCA Victor). This set the pop and classical. idioms with a repertory ° and orchestral stvle that have across-the-board | appeal. Morton Gould has shaped some — glistening ‘arrangements of works by composers as diverse as Beethoven’ and _ Arthur Schwartz. ers. It’s a thoroughly attractive | Also. included’ are numbers ‘by: |packaging. Job from the Matisse ‘iayold Arlen, Vincent Youmans, 'sketch to the enclosed photos and j Debussy, Kreisler. and one: piece ‘Piano Hits” (Ultra Audio).. the hottest instrumental combos! the pop market, this} ‘piano duo: has come up.with an‘other surefire entry in this lush ! workover of familiar pop and long ‘pace between swinging sounds. on; ‘notes. of Gould, alt dressed in rich sym Ferrante & Teicher: “Golden ' ‘phonic garb. One of} hair standards. Backed by an orch: under Nick. Perito, Ferrante &': Teicher display a neat change of tunes like “Begin The Beguine”: and “Canadian: Sunset” and the: lusher. attack on numbers like the‘ “Warsaw Concerto” and Tschai' kowsky and Chopin melodies. This * United Arfists subsid label main-: . tains its high technical standards. Henry . Jerome Orch: “Brazen Brass Brings Back The Bands" i(Decca). Henry Jerome is sticking ; to his .click “Brazen Brass” for| mula in this _ nifty instrumental | George Cates: “Polynesian ‘Pereussion” (Dot). Joining the .roster of percussion | _packages, this set hinges its music on familiar Ha;Waiian standards played: by a flock . ‘of assorted string and tympany in'struments. Although the sound ef-. fects are present, George Cates ikeeps. the accent. on the. musie without any. obtrusive gimmicks. ‘As. such, it’s a Jistenable wrap-up ,of ° numbers like “Pagan Love Song,”. “The Hawaiian Wedding Song,” “Beyond The Reef.” “Kalua” and others, = Webley ‘Edwards: “Let’s .. Sing: With Hawaii Calls” ‘Capitol'. This set gives. an Hawaiian setting. to: the. “sing. along’ -format .and. its a pleasing “entry” in. ‘this groove, The: usttal pattern of using .a choral. ensemble and including. the. song stanza in which. he’ evokes memojlyries 1s followed in this offering {ries of the great swing bands Of} 65 such island song faves’ as “Ha 30 years ago.: Using sharply con; iwaiian Wedding Song.” “On The trasting sections to accent the. Beach. At Waikiki,’ ° Moha Oe” sound impact, Jerome achieves . ang others. a solid musical values at the same is a sad ballad in a bright rhythm format. + * TOMMY EDWARDS (MGM) .........000Tommy Edwards’ “Tire Golden ballad with a shuffling rhythm catchily projected. Way With Lore” ‘Southern’: is a lilting ballad also with: streng. chances. * * RICKY NELSON (Imperial) Ricky Nelson’s “Traretin’ “Moody Rirer” (Keva? }. * THE GOI DEN CHAIN } . That's The Wav With Love Chain” ¢(Swnmi:*) is a ‘bright: “That's The * bee c ewe cece ccseeeee TRAVELEIN? MAN coe wm eee Hello Mary Lou Man” (Four Star*+ is a nifty ballad handled in pleasing low-pressure style by this young singer. “Helly Mary Lou” (January: is another appealirg rocking item. * + * THE DELACARDOS.......... . HOLD BACK THE TEARS (United Artists) The Delacardos’ t wee tee ee ee Mr. Dillon “Hold Back the Tears” rocking ballad pr: ajected im ton contemporary style by this ¢omba. (Sarvon:) is a. sharp “Mr. Dillon” tSavon*> is a cute norelty idea nicely handled. % * SID BASS. (Carlton) * weeeee ee DHE GIGGLING GIRLS OF GREECE ; Funny Bone. ess @ © @ © ww ew Sid Bass” “The Gigglina Girls of Greece” 1E. B. Marks‘) isa’ colorful instrienental entry with lotsa spins. “Funny Bone” * + ROGER WILLL AMS. seeeceee (Kapp) Roger Williams’ “The Souvg of the Rain” attractire piano-styled iastrumenial due jor big play. Symphony” ¢Stearns-Lorob+ is handled. an infectious melody due for (Pambill*: is another brightly styled | orchestral side with @ cuoral assist. * .THE SONG OF THE RAIN | A Lover’s Symphony iMills*) is another “A Lorer's a lush metodic idea tastefully GONNA KNOCK ON YOUR DOOR” ‘Sigma* , bows this young thesper on a bright rocking ballad with strong chances to land in the pop bestseller lists. Roy Hamilton .Lpic-: “YOU'RE GONNA NEED MAGIC™ («We Three’: is an excellent ballad delivered with potent commercial impact. "TO THE ONE I LOVE” | tSaxon:?) is a big ballad entry with @ beat that should find broad appeal. Frankie Avalon :Chancellor:: “WHE ELSE BUT YOU" «Debmar’, a nifty romantic ballad, ts handled in pleasing. relaxed style ba this teenage fave. “GOTTA. GET A GIR” Sequence*: is another winning ballad with a light Latin tlavor. George Greeley *LUCYS THEME FROM ‘PARRISH' ” ‘Witmarks . is a melodic pic tune in a neat inst:umental set-. ting spotlighting George Greeley’s Pianistices, “ALLISON'S THEME’! ‘Warner Bros.-' delivered to the hilt by this singer. “YOU'RE MOVIN’ ME" (EdenProgressive’) is another rocking side with good chances. Los Machicambos 'London:: “PEPITO” 'Raleizh': is a neat straight Latin entry in a fine vocal and in strumental setting rating | spins. “DIMIELO EN SEPTIEMBRE” ‘BIEM. is an interesting ballad.en. -try also with lyries only in Span: ) ish. The Ventures (‘Doltdn:: LAKBY OF THE ‘Bourne™ , the standard, turns up in a striking guitar arrangement thatll draw spins. "“GINCHY" ‘January + is a similarly grooved LEAVES” ; instrumental. The Blossoms :Challenze :“SONIN-LAW” ‘Golden West Melodies: is an amusing from the mother-in-law's point of view. which is. at least, a fresh} perspective. “’'LL WALE’ (Branay) | June 1-11, at the English spa. In | this he follows the latterday. patj tern of talent taking charge of a “LUL rocking comment time in: this rundown of numbers like “In The Mood,’ “Dipsy Doo | Railway Station Dance, _fdle,” ‘Sing, Sing, '‘Sing.”" “WoodLatin Frolic In Togas shopper's Ball” and “Cherokee.” a 3S” ' Bobby Darin: “The Bobby Darin Yehudi Menuhin is artistic manstory” (Atco). This packaged “Bobager of this year’s Bath Festival.:py Darin Story” is the story of. his single clicks. “Splish Splash,” _“Mack The Knife,” ‘Artificial: Flawers.”. “Queen of the Hop” and ‘music festival, per Pablo Casals.’“[azy River” are some. of the jukeGian-Carlo Menotti, et al. Menuhin | box faves reprised here. It's a has also used the occasion for a!swinging package. headed for -booking of his. piano-playi ing sister, | strong sales action. Hephzibah. . “Stravinsky Conducts-1960” (CoNovelties pend for this event.:]umbia). A striking packaging con |-inctuding amidnight dance at the ‘ception, involving the use of trans ! railway -station and a gala in the! : parent plastic case, a photo gallery old Roman baths. admission re-' and some autobiographical ‘notes quiring the wearing of a toga. In-! plus a disk of spoken commentary | vitations are couched in’ Latin, of: by Stravinsky. sets off this fine course... ‘ musical offering of two of the comSoloists at Bath include pianists | ‘poser’s most popular works, “La Louis Kentner and Fou Ts‘Ong. Sacre du Printempos” and “Pet-. : harpsichordistGeorge Malcolm,!roushka.” Both works are intercellist Gaspar .Cassado and guitar-: preted by. Stravinsky .conducting ist Andres Segovia. the Columbia Symphony Orch. * Longplay Shorts “Arnold Maxin, MGM Records prez. will put. the or iginal cast album {of “Carnival” into the grooves this Sunday (23) ... Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner: cut a new comedy album for Capitol, ‘at diskery” s N.Y. studios’ Friday. (14) . Johnny Mathis has recorded 15 LPs: for’ Columbia not six as erratumed in last week's VaRIETY . ... The Modern Jeez Quartet, Atlantic diskers. have a concert. in Springfield, Mass.. . Friday (21) and ‘then goa to M.LT, in Boston the following day ...,Roulette Records has scheduled 12 LPs for its April schedule and will introduce a new sound series under the banner of ,“Muli-DirectionalSound—Front-Row-Center Stereo” Roost Records,’ a division. of Roulette:has a Sonny Stitt LP on tap for the month . : Chris, Cc onftor is coordinating her club and concert schedule this month with a tv and. personal ‘appearance tour far her two new albums with the Maynard Terguson orch on Atlantic and Rouletle. “Double Exposure” on Atlantic and “Two's Company,” on Roulette were released simultaneously this week. Reprise Records, Frank Sinatra’s new tabel. bow ed_in the package . field with five LPs. Release list includes Sinatra’ s “Ring A Ding Ding. _ Sammy Davis Jr.'s “The Wham of Sam." Mavis Rivers’ “Mavis.” Joe E, Lewis’ “The New Frontiers,” later this month . . . Phil Skaff, Kapp's sales boss, is launching a spring sules program April 17 under the heading of “Operation .Expo' sure” with his key men in sales and. promotion hitting the road to. ‘see distributors and decjays ... Everest Reeords is pr epping a special , tie-in. promotion with. Playboy mag on the Cy:Coleman LP, “Playboy's . Penthouse.” Coleman is slated for a three-week: Stint at the Plavbov's_ ‘Chicage. Kev Club starting May-9 . The first recording of | Ernest ; Bloch’s Concerto Symphonique for Piano and Orchestra will be made | jin Vienna in Mav with ‘American-born pianist Marjorie Mitchell who's: been signed by Vanzuard. The Vienna State Opera Orchestra will be | conducted by: Vladimir Golschmann. now, song, ‘Make Someone Happy" and “Eap “It Is Now, Post Time” and Ben Webster’s “Warm Moods.” * . Diskery will release its first Mort Sahl. album. “album. “Dance To The New Live: Sound of Ralph Flanagan ‘Orchestra” ‘Coral. The spearhead of the “bring back the band . campaign some 10 years ago on the Victor label, Ralph Flanagan has: again’ come up: with a smart dance band’ set for Coral. It’s not likely -that. _as ‘then, the bands. ‘will be coming back,. ‘but Flanagan. is at least. keeping alive the big band. tradition in these cleanly executed, danceable. arrangements. It’s a varied book of standards and less er known numbers. . Doris Day: “Bright and Shiny” ‘Columbia).. Doris Day is in 2 bubbling. happy mood in this package, The mood is contagious and spreads a sunny. feeling for overall. programming pleasure. The title. “E Want To Be Happy,” py Talk” help spell out her. jovous disposition. Neal Hefti" s. bouncy ° backing helps. ° Herm. ‘WELK GETS CERTIFIED SINGLE, LP GOLD DISKS Law rence Welk has: copped gold disks for both his “Caleutta”. pop single and album on the Dot label. The. awards have been” certif ied by: the Record Industry ‘Assn. -of Amerita. To quacify for RIAA certification, a Single reeord must sell 1,000,000 copies and an album a minimum of 500.000 units with a factory billing’ of at least $1.000,000. The sales are audited by a firm of certified public accounts before RIAA certification is granted. The “Cale cutta" tune is published by George Pincus’ Gil Music. ‘Bill Manville Column Getting LP Showcase “Bill Manville’s “Saloon Society" has been parlayed from.a news. paper column ‘to a book to a record: The “Saloon Society” LP Will kick off Roulette’s Spoken Word Series. *Manville’s column first appeared in the Village Voice. weekly published in N. Y.'s Greenwich Village and was later published -inbook form by Duell: Sloan & Pearce.. In the album. Manville narrates stories about the hipsters and the non-conformists who inhabit his “Saloon Society.” no