Variety (May 1961)

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Wednesday, ‘May. 8, 1961 ARIE MUSIC 67 ae Stu—Music | WCBS-TV’s Authors & Publishers lastweek in “recognition of its educational. and ‘entertainment’ value to our nation’s young stimulating in‘terest in the history:and. development: of musical plays created by so. ‘Many of. our composers and: lyricists.” ASCAP. prexy Stanley .Adams : _ presented the Society's screll to. Frank Shakespeare, WCBS-TV v.p. and ‘géneral manager, Jast Friday .128). ‘Show, whith. has been on the _air for the past'68 weeks. ts. presented -by. the CBS-TV flagship in con-. _ Junction with the New York City: Board of Education, a — ee. ‘t ‘Veteran lyricist. L. Wolfe. Gilbert. is marking his "75th birthday. and 60th anni inthe music biz. this. year. In’ conjunction with Gilbert, the Big Three (Robbins, Feist & Miller) is. prepping a spécial ‘exploitation. for diskeries and jockeys ‘on’.a flock: of Gilbert’ standards: including _“Ramona,” “My Mother's Eyes,” “Jeannine, I-Dream of Lilac. Time,” “I Miss. My Swiss” and “Forever. and’ A Day,” among other. songs. Gilbert, in New “York last week for ASCAP board “meetings,. ‘plane back ‘to the Coast. over the. weekend. ; J. Robert Mantler has. several jazz-disk. books in the works, Upcom‘ing are a. bio-discography of Bix Beiderbecke. ‘on which he's: working} with several other, jazz researchers; a discography of recorded jazz ; _ “American. Musical: Theatre” ‘series on Sunday after| noon: won-a special citation fromthe: American. Society of Composers, | "{ACQUIT RED FOLEY OF FED TAX EVASION Kansas City, May 2. ' Julian (Red). Foley. . on a charge -of income ‘tax evasion resulted in. acquittal. before a jury in a Springfield, -Mo., court last. week. It was: the second trial whith the Government entered against Foley on claims -he owed $28, 498 . on his 4954-55 income: Foley ‘pleaded he’ was careless ° and negligent in his financial affairs. The first trial ended in a hung jury. — Golden Crest Gets 2006 In Pubkic Stock Issue: Launches 2 New Labels: Golden Crest Records recently {from 1897 to 1930, with succeeding ‘volumes ta cover the years ‘after: concluded a common stock issue to: ‘ward, on which he’s working with British jazz historian Brian ‘Rust; a. the public in which. over $200,000. pio-discography of Jelly Roll. Morton and a biography of Willard Rob| was realized. According to prexy ison. Doris Day Renews Col p: al Decca Inks Johnny & Jack: Other Pacts _. Doris Day, who’s been with Co-+ lumbia ‘Records for the past 15! years, has. renewed her deal with! the company. She joined thé label in 1946 after ‘clicking: as. Vocalist |. with the Les. Brown band on the “Sentimental Journey” etching. -Among her goldisks are. “Que Sera” and “Secret Love.”. ‘made 13 albums for the label ‘and. starts: a new one in Hollyw ood this a ne -week. Decca: Johnny. & Jack & western ‘singing “and ‘eleffing duo, have been ‘inked to a longterm. Owen Bradley, Decca's c&w artists & repertoire chief. ‘They are part.of the “Grand . Ole. Opry” troupe in Nashville. Johnny is: the husband. pf Kitty | Wells,-. Decca’s top .artistin the-|. ‘country ‘ field,. and the. father of Bobby. Wright, who recently was: ~ _-added to Decéa’s: Toster. Tilt: Dale Hawkins. _ : ‘Dale Hawkins has joined the Tilt. Jabel, which is nationally distribj ‘uted. byLondon Records. :Hawkins. formerly recorded fer Checker Records.. was held last week at the Owen. Bradley Studio in, ‘Shreveport, La. The arrangements were: done. by ' Cuff Parmen. Hawkins is -current' dy appearing -at the Rocket Room, . Washington. — Raecox: The Revlons’ :. The Revions, new singing group have joined Teddy McRae’s Rae cox label.. Group's first sides are due out this week. eee ———— Pix Vs. Bway —— Continued from page 65 of LP. ‘original cast hits topped by: the alltime bestselling © “AMIyFair. “Lady.” _| United. Artists, ‘the: other hard, has made a hot ¢ career: out of film’ music. whether or not’ they.’ centrolled soundtrack rights,” The ‘company has issued a flock: of 1.Ps and ‘singles: based on, Ho'lywood-| hd everseas tilms, notably cleanding up with. “Never on Sunday”. und: the Ferrante & Teicher‘ dus theme. MGM Records, which : until. its wrapped up ’Carnivak:? | Wes not. particularly ‘active | on Breadway. -had benefited fram } ‘such pic hits aS | “Gigi” and-“Ben| Hur.” ‘Decea also betiefitted from. ‘ socko soundtrack biz with its ‘80 Days Around the World” “ packaged and Colpix is. currently clickjne with its “Pepe” soundtracker. In the single field, there‘is no ‘contest between. pic. and legit muticals. The last show. to. produce. z series of smash singles was “My Fiar Lady,” ‘although occasional hits have come from subsequent shows like ‘Music’ Man” '76 Trembones”) and “Fiorello” | Marth ficial Flowers”). However, the pic: hits have been spreadeagl:ng: the charts during the last year with such. singles ‘as “‘Theme From The Apartment,” “Never On Sunday,” “Exodus,” “Theme From “A Sumter. ‘Place’,” “The “Magnificent Seven.” “Green Fields:of Summer” She’s |. a. Lazy River... Johnny: & Jack, yeteran country | ' -Warpaint: His first-session. for’ Tilt.| "EXo| — liao . a . ra na ‘British Disk Best Sellers ‘London, May 2. ° Wooden’ ‘Heart... Presley (RCA) , -¥ou’ re. Driving Me ‘(Crazy Temperance. Seven ‘Pariphone) .Blue. Méon. . Pye) Are: ‘You. Sure?. '.sFontana). Sessy eves Mareels os oe . Allisans. wet ates , Darin ' «(London) Gee Whiz, It’s You:. ‘Richard ‘Columbia) . Brook Bros... (Pye) Walk Right Back -Everly Bros: -IWB) | Theme .From Dixie: tee ee ». Eddy __..‘London) 7 Exodus . Ferrante & Teicher London} ASCAP Eases Voting Count The ‘long-pending amendment to change the voting count 'in the American Society -of. ‘Composers, : Authors. & Publishers was. finally passed by an overwhelming vote yJast week.: Amendment .was. de! Signed -: to eHminate the dead: weight-of the non-voters who were heretofore counted as Originally “proposed "by Pinky “Herman. the amendment was -subsequently | endorsed by the full -board in order to get out: the vote. In‘the vote on the amendment, over. 71°c of: the entire writer. member-. ship. and over 73°¢ of the publish .ers Supported the: Proposal. MEX TARIFF BOOST HITS-DISK IMPORTS _Mexico City, “May 2. “records,.-imposed by. the ‘Freasury Department last werk, is going ‘to jsharply reduce import of forcign disks. Tariff w ill rise from somewhat ‘under-a half. cent per two pounds and a 10%¢ ad valorem.. to a stiff$1.26 -per tivo pounds of records and. a 30°. ad valorem. : This tax will mean at least. a minimum boest af 50°7 ready quite high, : Plays : divisions.: Mexican move is protectionist for local diskeries. Only firms. not affected by. ruling ‘which is now effective are those’ manufacturing in” Mexico -with matrixes .waxed out side of the. country, Included in list . are. RCA Vietor; Dot. and: Capitol: . Importers handling only. foreign disks Will be very hard hit. Mexi can. diskeries have been fighting: for. hiked traiffs for some time.’ frem “The Alamo” and “Flaming now, alleging they could: not ‘com ~ Star” I pete With. platters ‘waxes abroad. negative | , Votes. Under the new system, twothirds ef the votes’ that. are cast dy _Wil} be. enough to pass ‘any amend° “ment to the by-laws. The tariff hike on: imports of” ‘In retail of. imported ‘platters, with. prices’. ‘al-running. from: around $4.80 to-over $8 for long-. ‘in popular © and classical ‘ idfom.. I jazz. discipline. 4 Clark -F. Galehouse,. the company. -jnow: has sufficient capital to em|. bark on a full scale expansion program which will enable the comto actively -promote. the Golden ‘Crest line and new labels. ‘The = diskery ‘Trial of country. singer Clyde |. -:at Cadence Records as sales-pro-.. thad served in a promotional and : Ray Charles’ Carnegie Hall Date Pulls Concert Tour B.0. Over 2206 : t Ray Charles wound up a 20-date . ral! -tour at N. Y.’s Carncgie Hall Jast Cadence Ups Dolinger ‘Sunday (30) with a matinee snd To Sales-Promotion Mer. evening perfoimance that pulled in Budd Dollinger has been upped 515 403 at a $4.50 top. Tins brenght motion manager. His duties at the jthe total take of the Hal Zeiger label will include all sales, domes-| Presentation up to an estimated tic, foreign and export; advertising | $220,000. ; and-promotion which he previously | The high take once again dem headed. Before coming to Cadence last , onstrated the marquee lure that September, Dolinger represented ;¢an develop from the disk field. Imperial Records as national pro! During the past year Charles has motion manager and before that ‘had clicko singles and. albums on jboth the Atlantic and ABC-Paramount Jabel and last month copped four “Grammy” awards from the sales capacity with Decca. with Decca. already has| Leinsdorf Vice Munch at Boston Boston, May 2. National Assn. of Recording Arts & Sciences. This all attests to the “Genius of Ray Charles” as he is heralded on one of bestselling LPs and has served to make him one of the hottest concert attractions around today, spanning both the jazz and rock ‘n’ roll idioms. However, the good times didn't Charles Munch is ankling the ‘start to rojl at Carnegie’s matinee launched Shelley and Jazz UnlimBoston Symphony Orch at the end| performance until the show was ited labels as part of its immediate | of the 1961-62 season and wil] be |more than half over. expansion campaign. Shelley is. irock 'n’ roll, rhythm. & blues and an country music line while Jazz Unlimited is a new jazz line. Already. signed are.the Carmen Leg:gio Group: and the John Glasel | Brasstet. ‘Others on this new label : are the Sal Salvador Quartet and the Bobby. Donaldson Group. : Commemorating the 100th anni ‘of the Civil War, the company has. -|} just. released an album entitled, i “Names From The War,” with a ‘text written by Bruce Catton, mu sic by Alec Wilder and narration by Dave Garroway. Golden Crest’s latest develop. 1ment is “Crestophone,” a stereo: head-set, complete with turntable, | amplifier ‘anda pair of earphones _ selling for under $100. Brenda Lee’s Mer. Forms | Pic Company With George ‘ Producer George George and: Dub Albritton, manager of ] 6-year | jold Brenda Lee, have formed an : Jindie production company and: are ; in-negotiations with United Artists for. the first film, tentatively titled “Learning . About ‘Lave’ to. costar : Miss’ Lee and. 17-year old singer. Bobby Vee.. This will. mark the motion Pic |! debut for: Vée, who records. for: Liberty and is currently on a tour . of Australia. Miss Lee, who etches ; : for Decea, recently finished. the | | Lippert: production, “Two. Little ‘ Bears”: for 20th-Fox, “with George aS producer. Small Combo Review TOSHIKO MARIANO QUARTET | Half Note, N.Y. Over three vears: ago, Japanese jazz pianist Toshiko Akiyoshi was a VaRIETY New Act playing a Standard’ Boston nitery, and still: displaying: melodic values in tran: sition to the cool style. She had. : two sidemen and. personally pre-: "sented ‘much more of a Nipponese i ‘image. per both. Year: ‘costuming and 88ing ! and a half ago she: -married) Charlie Mariano, Yank: saxaphonist,..and_ they've fronted © a quartet on the concert and jazz. room ‘trail since. Combo has. ‘played some key spots in N.Y., Chi ‘and ‘elsewhere tineluding her homeland—being recently turned: in fact).-and this one-week date © Haif Note was first Manhattan . showcasing in a Jong time. Current orientation divvies. the ‘focus between. femme and her hubby. and disposition is to favor , or iginals.. Their niche. in the progressive spots should be assured; ‘but..whether booked for cognos_centi. or standard saloon trade, seems.a bet is missed by not mak: ing more: of the femme’s origin. ; Not in coyly: visual ways,.but in: terms of musica] elements—some oriental-theme. counterpointing, satiric or sober. Jazz being’ specifically .a Yank. it's doubtful non-Yank ex‘ponents can be more than Savvy imitators, hence ‘no reason to de-' mand total assimilation. Seems a: shame, in this case. to lose that Oriental . charm for the. sake of Pit. Te-" at the downtown westside . succeeded by Erich Leinsdorf, conductor and musical consultant of the Metropolitan Opera Assn. Munch wayes his baton for the last time in August. 1962, at the ‘close of the annual Berkshire Fes-: tival at Tangicwood, Lenox. Mass. He will be 71 in September, 1962. He was appointed director of the Boston Symphony in 1949 at the: _retirement of Dr. Serge Koussevit. -zky at the end of his 25th scason. The..conductor’s retirement was ‘disclosed by Henry B. Cabot, prexy : of. the orch's trustees at the close : of Friday ‘21) concert in Svm: phony Hall. Munch's length of tenure was second only te Koussevitzky’s Cabot said: “We're sorry he : Was not younger when he took jover so that he, too, might be 1ea after 25 years. . Cabot revealed that Dr. Munch :had first mentioned retiring sev-: eral years ago. He said the re: igna‘tion now was accepted with regret : by the trustees, _ ‘Under. Munch, the Boston Symphony has won five New York j Music Critics. Circle awards and : | two American-International Music : iFund awards, nine Grand Prix du. ; Disques and the Medal of the: ' Vienna “Mozartgemeinde. Munch. , personally received the Netional t Academy of Recording Arts & Sci ences Award for his recording with ‘the orch of Debussy’s “Images.” STRAND TO HANDLE POLYPHONIC LABEL: Strand Records is taking over all| i the distribution of Polyphonic Rec-| ‘ ords. ‘Deal was set between Sidney: Pastner, Strand’s general manager, and Gordon ‘Specs) Powell. Polyphonic prez. The Polyphonic packages are double pocket stes that retail for ‘$4.98 ‘monaural) and $5.98 (stereo). ‘The initial releases under the agreement are “Bermuda Holiday” by the Talbot Bros, and “Trio by i Heppinstall. Music at Newport Hit By Native’s Legal Block Newport, May 2. The Music at Newport concerts scheduled here this summer as a replacement for the Newport Jazz -Festival is running into a Jegal ob -stacle raised by local residents. A ‘group ‘of 11 persons living next to .Freebody Park are suing to block ‘use of the park for the proposed concerts this year. It is alleged -;that the park is unsuited for a jarge public concert in view of its ‘Tocation in a residential area. The Music at Newport concerts “were called in after the Jazz Festi‘val organization failed to get com‘pensation from town execs for can -celiation of last year’s affair after |' rioting broke out. The Jazz Festi‘val still has a $750,000 damage suit pending against. Newport in Su!perior Court here. Then only did Charles appear sitting hehind an electric organ and it was still some time after that unti] he began ita sing the nifty rhythm & blues item, “Let The Good Times Roll.” His soulful “Georgia.” a snappy version of “My Bonnie Lies Over iThe Ocean” and some stirring | blues pieces supported by a femme : quartet rounded cut his seven-tune ‘voeal effort. He could have done imuch more in that department. His instrumental efforts, with a :16-piece band whipped up some energetic jazz sounds but it was this vocalizing that really made the fans happy. The first portion of the bill had ‘ani Apollo Theatre flavor."A sevenpiece combo billed as “The Origi‘nal Small Ray Charles Band™ held the stage for over 40-minutes dishjing out a fair jazz style. Except ‘for the sax work of David Newman ‘on’ “Hard Times” and Hank Cv. awe ford on “More So” there was notheing too exciling to warrant the long stay. Betty Carter. a .oung Negro .thrush also on the ABC-Par lahkel, ifolowed with vocal set that. ‘showed off some highly stylistic :jazz techniques. She puts a little to mutch histrionics in her piping ape ‘proach but she manages to huild a ‘good mood in a tour-tune tribute to Billie Holiday. She also S38 INBS, . neatly with “Let's Fall In Love” iand gets off neatly with a hip treatment of ‘Fiesta.’ Joe Adams emceed the show with a group of flowery adjectives ‘that haven’t been heard on stage in a long time. Gras. MIKE COLLIER EXITS H&L FOR OWN LABEL Mike Collier is leaving the Hugo & Luigi production setup at RCA Victor to form a new record label. Collier has not yet designated a name for the company but it will be a division of Miken Musi¢ Corp. his BMI licensed publishing firm. London Records, which already handles several indie labels, wili be distributing for Collier’s new company. Collier Jeft London Records two years ago to join Hugo & Luigi at Victor as their special assistant. He hendled promotion as well as dsaing some artists & repertoire work for the team. me. Teddy Powell to Coordinate _ Music for ‘Teenage’ Pic Musie publisher Teddy Povell has tied in with film producer Howard Kreitsek to act as musica] coordinator on the upcoming film “Teenage Millionaire.” The pie, which will be produced through Kreitsek’s Ludlow Productions and released through United Artists, | will feature diskers Jimmy Clan ton, Vicki Spencer and Marv Johnson. Negotiations are currentIy under way for Chubby Checker, The Chimes, Bobby Vee and Freddy Cannon. In addition to working as pic’s Musical coordinator, Powel] will work with Kreitsek in the operation of How-Pow Music (ASCAP) Jand Posek Music (BMI).