Variety (July 1961)

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0 onthe: now-you-see-it; ot don't. ‘trade. LITERATI 69 _ Wednesday, Jaly 12, 1961 “Coronet? zl Foldo' to take: it over, Coronet, magazine: : ‘will come to the end of fhe road . with its 25th anni ‘issue in October.. -The monthly, _ published: by Esquire Inc., reached a peak circulation of 3, 120. 000. inthe last year but A L. Binder, Esquire Ine..prexy. Yad “the cantinued rise -of. operation : costs in the’ mass. magazine field. has. resulted” in increasing losses." About 80: Coronét.emploeyeeswill. be" let out ‘but 20 of :them: have _», already “found other ‘jobs. The Reader's Digest and Curtis’ a ling, ", Leave My Nervo ous: ‘Tenéton | previously ‘been. editor. att the house 7 : Squeezed by. rising costs and | Alone,” “Americar, Spoken. Here,” {organ at. Sylvania. Data Systems | *“ynable to find any other company. “Moment: of . Truth—rish : Style” | Operations. 7 :and others: Withal a bright ‘book: ‘heck, ‘this 4g an” “understatement, ‘it's a very funny tan: e. Atel. — 7 are "Mexico's: Rebuttal : “First. ‘Latin American: New s-t “‘papermen's: Congress. as . heing ‘ readied. ‘for . conv ening im Mexico ‘ City later-this.year. Everit is being ‘ organized. ‘and. svonsored by: the: ‘Mexican National Un:on of. News>. ; paper ‘Editors. Goals aie -te estab‘ ‘lish < direct” CONTACTS paper. unions. Ww ith througiiout. hews‘Latin. ; Near East ‘crisis: for .the syndicate ; ter... 4 ! for. the next 90 days.” sistant at: Affiliated Publishers ‘to the: trade sales manager in charge Golden Press educational Cornelius Vanderbilt ‘Ire: “off to: iganie division. Aftthated 1s exclu! Berlin on special assignment ‘from ; :sive distributor for Pocket Rooks, INANA ‘to..cover. the German. and | Golden Press and Stron & Schus‘Markman = previousdy with +Grosset & Dualap, World PublisnNovelist and poet Robert Penn ing and Crown. . Warren, who won the Pulitzer both 1 Raymond Oiver, a four-penerafor fiction and poetry, has been!tlon restauratesr, aweercher of named. Professor of English at Yale. the famed Le Grand Vetour one A former. Yale. tutor from 1950-56, i of Paris’ “big four” restaurants, as. Professor . of Playwriting, : he ‘fe. three stars in the Guide Mihewill -commenée . with the.'spring ‘lin),has ‘authored “A Mans Cook+1962 term teaching: two courses—” ‘Which Doubleday will pubia. fietion-writing seminar’ and aslish. Carol: Chey alter did the trans Publishing Co..have agreed to fill: America, an expouition of ¢oninion ~pects-of the novel.--He will also be j lation. the: unexpired subscriptions ° of “problems ahd ‘setting up of com‘consultant to various: undergradu| Coronet. Esquire: Ine.. Meantime... will concentrate on Esquiré and. Gentlemén’s’ ‘Quarterly, ‘both... Of: which are’ Showing’ a ‘Profit, More: Abracadabra. Dover. Publications. is at work ; -.on: magi¢o -Milbourne. Christopher's "Panorama of Magic." A pictorial‘ .. history: of hocus-pocus.. it’ wil] trace : _the gentle art. of: legitimate: decep-'! tion from-the days of pyramid. ‘pres-: “to to the: present, The. tome. will ‘carry: wore illus' ‘trations: ‘than any other magic vol-" “me to date. Prints, paintings, lith "opraphs, playbills: aid photographs. from. the Christopher: Collection : “Include early ‘propoganda ‘of such | “early wizards as Fawkés, Philadel| . phia-and. Pinetti and the esé-catch‘ing lithos of the Herrmann, Kellar, Thurston,... Houdini and Dante: school. Fight: full: color plates. are‘ : added features. , This: is Christopher's. 14th book ! HL Allen ‘Smith's aad -_ “ 2 HOW. ‘To: Write .Without‘Know: | ing Nothing” ‘Little, Brown; . $3.75) ‘is .a ‘misnomer... Author. H. . Allen’ “Smith -knows. plenty and he does it | with characteristic tongue ‘in-type-Writer (well, that's really the hard Way!) approach: not ‘a jaun-% : regular. basis...” 7 now -youi. missions. to” resolve them,.and: an, ; interchange: of experiences: On a! The: “Union. ‘is also: readying . a | counter-campaign against sewed $ “attacks”. ‘against’ Mexico by Time, iv. S. News and’ World. Report. The: 7 Y. Times, and including Variety, | + among. others. Objection in official,-| | financial and: business |. N. j industry, . . Circles: has. been. against alleged 4 +‘nisrepresentation” of facts. ‘of . ‘this ‘stems ‘out of. vinfluence ‘in * ” Mexico, [ demonstratians. ’ denas. ete. “Latin American’ | ‘beporters will ae je invited to. Mexico -to. ‘view -the |. _ situation ‘first hand: and to know | and} * | Canadian ‘editors: and’ reporters | i will. also -be. invited -as. observers. | . The official. Mexi¢ an. attitude. is |. i that. it is‘ being subjected: to“un_ ‘espetially on’ : | Mexico. “better: “American * .. | justified": attack, a of. the American press. Paul: Molloy’s. Autobiog’ ’ Chi’ ‘Sun-Times: columnist : Paul: ws ' Molloy calls: his. autobiography for |.: “And a | Doubleday ‘in; November: Then. There Were Eight.”. 1°, The . _tv-turned:general’ « AILT. stories “on | trend towards nationalization, -:of |‘major industries: the. ‘Contmunist | , .pro-Cuba 4". -the-: political. -Te-.} -surgerice. “of Gerieral” Elias Care --eolum diced ‘viewpoint | but more. askance ‘nist; déspite winning a: National | ‘as. hé ranges | the” ‘metropolitan ; Headliner's Award; . seemingly . :-ranges from the Variety environs. pointed out. more. as ““the rian ‘to the. Waldort. Towers te the’ west; who's ‘father of eight. children”: ey ‘caine,’ ne Mee Alsat &. Bason (OC) ae 7 aL Western: -Pub,, 100). eee coast... “Many “of . these. “offbeat. pieces , have. seen first. publication in the: Satevepost: Reader‘s “Digest and. ->': elsewhere, including Variety: frem. .. ‘Mhence the humorist. culls. two. of ot. This: brighter’ pieces:. 1. tioned “Of Variety ‘and: Abel” and “One is cap-i ‘the.other is titled “Sime's. Hid ~ Note -Trick.”” Inthe latter the..a -|° _thor ad attempted the: Jegendary. |’ trick’ of “Variery. fotinder-editor| '.. publisher’ Sime Silyerman.: ‘.-"made key -notes {chiefly figures’.| who on eertain‘top. stories without. re| ~. moving. his “hand from :-his right. jacket pocket. . membered. but. where’ the’. figure (of..a ‘show-biz merger -or. a dealidemanded~ accuraté quote © (but . riéver-risking-to scare off: the news -source by: flashing” ‘a ‘pad “and. pen cil: he was:able to do. so with hand-~" : Author Smith “tried. it ° On. ‘several ‘key. interviews . (Cros ‘ -by.-et. al.). and his ‘reproduction of ; Sime’s: hidden-note. trick would de-.’ _ fy any” cry ptologist. "A sample of. Smith's. “gforemens. we. ‘tioned .longué-in-cheek approach’. in. fashioning * this’ “book . largely . “-cunicerned: withthe. use and -mis“use .of.: language -‘at*home.. and. ‘abroad ‘as-is. the. ‘title, page sub-. ie may : be. gathered: ‘from ‘stich . itles “Col. “Speaknagle’” Stoop. Publishing Stocks . CAS: of Fully, : 1961,. closing’ : = 4012 American Book (AS): we 66l2 .. Book ‘of -Month. iNY) a ae we | 2G ‘Conde Nast. (NY) |. -...... "125K -Crowell-Collier (NX)... 2...) 387s, Curtis ‘Pub.-.Co, NYY wee 1408 Ginn & Co. (0©) we 29% 5. ‘Grolier (OC). . ey SA ‘Grossett &. Dunlap: (0c : The 2 2684. . Hare't Brace toc) ts woes oT gaan : Hearst, 40C).-6. so; . peach . 24 Holt, REW: (NY) OO ale tee BIT _ . dA: Times Mirror 100)... wee 8 4002 -. Maéfadden (AS) nas 0 | -MeCall (NY) : vege wees BBE _: MeGraw-THll . eye . 353 6 ‘New Yorker. (OC)... mare ae :’ Pocket: Books (OC. lie. 301% Prentice. Wall(AS). aie 40° .Ran’h House. (0C) — wit a's 2934 a Scott. Foresman. ‘OC}.. ea! 2534; . Time Inc. (OC»-. ence ears? ‘H.W. Sams. (OC). ne 40: 80... “OC Over the. Counter. ; NY—N.Y. Stock Exchange... AS~—American‘Stock Exchange. | The: ‘rest.’ he -re-| s. “Please. Pass.. the :Co-" “Liworks.. , “Rraduate material. :-The combined total of 281: hooks | and his book accents his views on |. ° ‘child. -rearing among: ‘other topics: | the: ‘Brushire Peace” month... “Graete. Fields’ M temoits . Gracie Fields is: calling. her a autobiography “Sing ‘As. We Go." }ve . Famed English: music ‘hall | star's i memoirs: will be: brought _ out® in-}* ‘September. by. “Doubled ay. Another’ “Maior’ Merger ers. Ine: “terscience, and ‘Nathaniel “-Hawthorpe. . The firm-; hasn't: published; fiction switch to books : on. engineering ‘and the’ ‘sciences: : ‘ In F960, . zat college. ‘Students. That “Sear, ‘Interscience: ‘many dealing. ath published Jast year by the t.é New York. companies puts. LEG + Interscience ‘output, . tor: 1H6G .. he-, hind“: Doubleday |.4732 ‘Harper. McGraw-Hill, poe Random. iTonse and. Knopf;* sshich “s.ereed von “April. 1960, “published: 225 and. +07 . thev [io books, respective !s Hoivever, Stil]. operate”as -indé pendent. firms lwith: separ ate. offices: aid indisscu ‘al, company: names. The’ Wiley: firin, ne He. cused. for. the m erged Pane functioning. . as. | “evetall Maurits: Dé kkér and brick Wiley, ° “prexy.. S. Proskauer. | ‘precidy nt anc. peurd | chairman, .-respectively. at Inter science, will: join the: Wwe Oy hoard: of: ‘directors. sole (CHATTER: " Derothy S. Wigod: nx cbrary’s Premier Books Ars’ W.itod Mion ‘department tn. 2460. ‘She, had" Another ‘ewspaperman: “Joseph. . ‘Lash. of the N.. Y.: Post. -has done. a. | biog ‘of another Sort, this ‘one titled’ ‘Dag Hammarskjold: Cristodian ,of |! which. Double” : “day -also.will” publish ‘the: same: . . Another’ merger ‘of. two: publish-‘ling houses has been effected with] — the .acquisition by John W ley” & | ° “Sons: Inc.of. Interscience. Publishpe With the. takeover of: In| the Wiley. ‘outfit, now | {ranks ” as ‘the: sixth. ‘most . prolific. _ publishers in the ‘C.-S. and one-of }. the -top ‘in: the’ field. of ‘scientific : textbooks. Wiley. publishing activities ‘date: ee ‘back to the late 1820s and include; °° works: by James Fenimore Cooper, |. Herman Melville, Edgar :Alian Poe” Wiles -; published 171. bodks,. most targete d ‘same. a published. $0: |. . ‘Bost: WileyeD 4353 [7 he" 2 ¢. Cn pann s: | : : , with Wiley president. WBr ‘adiord . red sasiet co Yant’ editor of the Fas. cett: Worid Lie. joined: Fawrett’s editersal vreduc: a ’ Along: with ‘that recent N. ¥ tate. writing .seminars. :: yTimes survey that not all magaNat. Markman, named: ‘special as\zines,. _ despite giant circulation claims, are faring so weils, intise trade reports focus cn ane pock publisher possish devidirg toe go out of business It's the same cid charus. mounting ovelie ad “Leonard Mo Forman. veo tn vhargpe of advertising ( grenieton and publaaty for Pechet Books, Affilhated Publishers and tf vatt eus publishing cempanies Waste ington Square Pless UCarserstore Library. AMD Saints Press asad Teo} dent Press-appainted mo cha of promoticn and pulley for Golden Press Marge Marcussen Ternes reniains his No oT publ aide or Golden Books and = affshe ated. Noel Coward's latest play. ing In The Wings.” “tg “Waltwill be pub lished in October by Doutlediv, the perfect Hitchcock heroine? poo Mainie i is ‘quietly attractive and efficiently dishonest. When. “at, work" (as Margaret Elmer, Mary Holland, or Mollie J effrey), " “her drésses are: deliberately dowdy, s0 | “that few people notice her = ‘especially men. Marnie isan. accomplished liar, * forger; and embezzler. She is, in short, a highly successful professional thief whio has made a career of changing. identities Ss and avoiding personal entanglements. “One day Marnie gets caught, and is given a choice between prison. and ; marriage to the man who finds her out, Her decision’ and says: the mogst-unusual heroines. I’ve ever encountered. ad in |. about the last. 50 yeais follow ing af. A novel by “99. 95 at all booksellers LO SE NY mn SE a eZ LO 8 js based on. a carefully planned exit ~ but is complicated by a climactic twist of events that make her story one of the most compelling you will ever read. Marnie is the heroine of a brilliant suspense novel by Winston Graham, whose earlier books have delighted millions of readers. Alfred Hitchcock has just purchased the motion Picture rights to Marnie and will produce the film for reJease in 1962. Mr. Hitchcock is indeed, enamoured of his new fictional friend “Don’t reait for the movie. Is 8 going to be good, but the book is about one of —Alfred Hitchcock | _@ ITUe WINSTON GRAHAM A forthcoming ALFRED HITCHCOCK production | , DOUBLEDAY & COMPANY, Eines Garden City, New York