Variety (July 1961)

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16 PICTURES .. Wednesday, July 19, 1961 Drive-In Dean Stricken at 2. Philip Smith a Charity Workhorse | Boston, July 18. + Philip Smith,’ 62, president of} General Drive-In Corp., one of the largest ozoner theatre chains in the U S., pioneer in the drive-in). exhibition, bowling alleys and snack bars, died suddenly at his home in Brookline, Mass., Thursday +13). He had cojlapsed at a fearing oh granting of alcoholic Native Talent ‘El Paso, Tex., July -18.. An invisible man with a “Southern ‘accent’ robbed: the North Loop. Drive In Theatre bf $128. Dan ‘Negovan, | manager of the ozoner, stated that a man. telephoned him beverage licenses for bowling] about 9 p.m. and ‘stated “AC allevs in Massachusetts, but was| Tifle is aimed at’ your cashier.” convaleseing, and had ‘been exThe mature voice ordered put the boxoffice receipts in: a.paper. bag and place it by a phone booth near. the ozoner entrance. . Negovan immediately placed o the cash as directed, and both. he and his cashier, ~Joan‘Senske, saw a 1951 Plymouth drive up, and -when they’ checked some 10 minutes later _ the money Was gone. pected at bis desk this week. Starting in the film biz at 17,} Smith was peddling the ;“Perils of Pauline” for Pathe in upper New York State as a salesman. At 19, he purchased the Novelty Theatre. S.racuse, and at 26 controlled 12 other theatres. Meanwhile, he had moved to Boston to manaze Keith's National in the south end, while arquiring other theatres ‘in apeta tlon in New England’ and the country By 1940, he owned eight CONGO, STRIKE DENT of the 15 drive-in theatres in the t. S.. and in 1948, expanded into ihe restaurant biz. This vear, the firm had expanded into: the bowling alley biz on a big scale con BELGIUM BOXOFFICE ‘Washington, July 18. Congo crisis. and a general strike structing and planning many new sent the Belgian motion. picture |" units. lindustry ‘mto a downward ‘spiral| In 1953, he and his son. Richard jin 1960 that’s. likely to continue A. bought the Peter Pan Snack | through this 3 ear. according to: the. Shop chain of seven restaurants.) U.S. .Commercve Dept. ; and managed 67 units ‘of various A ‘special ‘eport by the Depart-. eating places and theatres under: ment’s. Motion Picture Division the Smith Manarement: banner. 1 also. : ‘listed increaged ‘television Active in charitable and philancompetition as a factor contributing thropie activities Smith was a trusto the downbeat.:The Congo crisis, | tee of Combined Jewish Philan; (it said, had..the dual effect of thropies; ditto Beth Israel] hospital; t creating unsettled domestic condi-| director of Will Rogers Hospital at itions and ‘sharply reducing de-. Saranac; trustee of Temple Israel: | mand for films in the Congo itself. director af Brandeis Ascociates for The nationwide‘ strike, culmina12 years; member Boston U. De-!tion of the domestic strife, last velopment Couneil; trustee of December closed ail Belgian theChildren’s Cancer Research Foun atres. Economic aftermath of .the dation: former chief barker Vari-: crises, the report sald. ‘“portends etv Club of New England; member | ‘a further downward trend for the} executive council Massachusetts Belgian film: industry, at least. in Conference of Christians and Jews; 1961.” : member American Jesish Con-| at the end of 1960. the. ratio of press, Cinema Lodge B'nai Brith: ' ' theatre ‘seuts to. population was Belmont Country Club.and Palm : one-to-twelve-—one of the ‘highest Beach Country Club. concentrations in Europe. However, Funeral services were held Sunthe number of theatres has dedav (16) from Temple Isracl; Bos¢lined from 1.585 with a capacity ton. ‘of 812.000 in 1957 to .1.485 houses Suryiving are with 760.000 seats Tast year. Closings expected ‘this: year “are: expected to be at ‘a higher. rate: _ Paid admissions in “Belgium dropped from an all-time high of 109,720.000 in 1956 fa. 82. 000,407 ‘Jast vear—a decrease of 24°C. . U.S. share of the Belgian. market , amounted to 189 out. of 464. feature ‘films imported in. 1960. U.K: was next with -67.: his wife, ‘son, Richard A., associated with him in. the operations of his camnanies; a daughter, seven grandchild en, and two brothers and three: sisters, ————— ee” Metro Quarter Gennes Continued from page 5 a= share divvies. payable as ol June ; 16. Third auarter aC ar ni ee St D D ¢, g ted to $2.7538.000F or a share (afler a record ‘ peried at ors ay ompany’ $ $1.78 per share’, compared to ~ Half Avec, Half Sans Her $3.578.000 or $145 a shzre in the corresponding “60 quarter. . Holtywood. July: 18. Third quarter dip -reflects in{)| Arwin Productions has added ; part the lack of new powerhouse “four additional projects to its | attractions in release -— though | 1961-62 slate. rasing’ total. with considerable compensation, ° eight. Four. top-hilling Noris Day, obviously, from “Ben-IFur” and the:are already ‘set:-"‘Lover Come-; “Gone With the Wind” reissue. ' Back,” “Touch of Mink,” “Jumbo” | “Where the Boys Are” though no'and “Ex-Wife.”. bo. blockbuster, a so helned some.; — Actress-singer: ‘won't appear in: Metro's hypecd tcfevision _ acthe second four features, all ovigithty tincluding — commercials)! yay yarns. ‘*These are | “Still should prove a significant factor ' Water. * “His Royal Highness,” uken the books close on fiscal 61.) Last Mateh™ and. Rn as yet unThis sphere—in the’ first’ three ‘titled biopic of the late Frankie. Guarters—has grossed — $5.680,000, : Bailey. compared to $1.892.000-for the cor|. responding period Jasi year. «But } not to be confused with tele rent-Koehner New Treasurer | als for yaulties:. ‘At Cr rama; Hartley: Exits: Verel also noted for holders the! keefup in Metro video: activity via; With exit from the post by John three additional series set for fall’ H, Hagtley. Frederick E. Koehner hickoff Besides the “National Velassumes slot of \icepresident and veto vontinuation on NBC-TV. treasurer ot Cimerama, “Dr Riidare™ and “Cain's Hun-! yj atter, till recently; had been ceed™ will bow on the same web, comptroller at Paramount, and bevene “Father of the Bride” is'rore that was ‘managing account-_ junked for CBS-TV. ant with Price Waterhouse, ‘spePrez also. disclosed that exec cializing In showbiz matters. K options covering a total of . j coe S 700 shares were caxercisable as oe July S&S. nith options already exercised on 18.700 shares | Bi Costumers’ Star Picks ‘Hokly wood, July 11. Ten stars have been nominated THOMAS, KRANZE.TO UTAH Salt Lake City. July 18. annual Adam ‘n’ Eve Awards to be Preem of “Titis Is Cinerama" given Sept. 23 at the Beverly HilFiiday -21) at the Vila Theatre ton International Room. well bring out Lowell Thomas and | Nominated this ‘ear. are Eve BOG. Kranze, Cinerava veep. as! Arden, Fred Astaire, Tony Curtis, vei as severe] Fox bee: -Wountain 'Kirk Douglas. Greer Garson, Burt. Exes. Lancatter,, Rosalind. Russell, Jear wor George D Chee ef Etah: Simmons, Lana Turner and John is vco-spansoning sbindrg. | Wayne. “1 LEN LIGHTSTONE’S SUCCESSOR -|the place. left vacant. by the resig|[ bassy : Pictures 83° international " sales director. . : : IT 8 ‘CHILDREN’S HOUR’ | which: William.:Wyler currently. is | producing-directing for UA release. “| Tag: earlier “had been changed to -| “Infamous; but reverted because ‘| with the original title. . ' jinal. version in. 1936, released film: ‘Tas. -|mile stretch, their ugly: ‘sharp +the: scene,’ |rine Battalion (reinforced), ‘arrived. {[ ; iFr ernich LST’ ‘Argens ‘carrying sup|. 1 written the. -script, ‘tin mid-August. It'll continue there \Paris wheré. 60 sets are. being: built for the Motion Picture Costumers’ [: Ea Schuman. as Buyer. for Rugoff Kole cher . “ESCAPE FROM. ZAHRAINY Ed: Schuman, cuperienced’ in the operation. of. art. theatres in Chi cago : and ..Cleveland, has been. |: ‘Prod:—-Ronald Neame © ; -| named veepee. incharge of buying "ALLIED ARTISTS Dir Ronald’ Noung so,. Maa a Rh {films for Rugoff & Becker, taking | Starts, This Year... eevee a _ 3. dack Warden. Tony . nie te Giarted” June: 19): “20th CENTURY-FOX” ‘Starts,. This: Year.’ . bee den e2O. ° This: ‘Date, Last Year. eevee Bie Lightstone moved over to Em-| BILLY BUDD” _ . (hooting in Alicante, ‘Spain)Exec. . Prod.—Ronald: Lubin. . Dir.—-Peter Ustinov. ‘ ‘Peter Ustinov, Robert Ryan, : Terence Stamp, Niall MacGinnis, John Meilion, | .Jobn: ‘Neville, Graham .Nunp, Lee ‘Mantague, Ronald Lewis me, , (Started June ‘1) a TENDER. 1S THE, NIGHT” FOR P LAY OF SAME NAME "THE GEORGE RAFT . stony” | “StodeeHenry nT Weinstein: . | Dit-Joe Newman | ‘utr es, Ja R pards In Hollywood; : July 18. Ray Danton, Jayne Mansfeld, Julie Lonoa "Fe nee: citeess * 5 moe “Mirisch Co..has switched back to} © 900;. Barrie Chase, Frank Gor oan Fontaine, ohn, Tom. Barbara Nichols,: Brad Dexter, Robert |: Strauss, Herschel Bernardi, ‘Neville and isiarted July oO AMERICAN IN TL Starts, This Year. ce dasteese 3. | This Date, Last: Year. bese 2 | . Ewell, Caesar Danova, Mac MeWhora ‘ter, Sandy Meisner =. |. x . Gtarted May. 15) ©. — ““EIGOT"*: 7 im.| (Seven Arts. Prod.). ° ‘I Shooting in Paris) —. | Prod.—Ken Hyman. . ‘Dir.—-Gene ‘K Jackie Gleason, ‘Katherine. "Kathi. brielle Dorziat, “¥vonne ‘Constant ‘(Started “May. 15) rot “THE. INSPECTOR” | Red Lion. (Shooting in Amsterdam) Prod.—Mark robson eltes ‘Dir Philip: Dunne © __ Btephien “Boyd, Dolores ‘Hart, Hugh Griffith, Harry. Andrews. Michael Dae. -‘yid,. Robert’ Stevens, . Finlay ‘Curries Leo MecKern, ‘ Harold ° ‘Goldblatt “The. Children’s. Hour,” ’. original | title of the' Lillian “Hellman play “Ga alk publicity on “pie identified: it . Samuel Goldwyn, who made orig “These Three:’.. He was re|| Lstrained from using: original in any part -because he didn’t.own title rights although pi rights belonged to him. a : “Ginerama Hits Henphis : Memphis, July 18. |. Loew’ s “Palace;: downtown de| luxer, signals. conversion, to Cinerama next Tuesday (25) with célebpress bash. Mayor Leob and vari| ous other ‘city and state biggies, plus some Loew’ 8 execs, are among ‘the r.s.v.p.'s:° — ; Theatre, with ‘1,000 capacity, is only. Cinerama’ fivestate ‘area comprising : Tennessee,. Mississippf, Louisiana, Arkansas and Alabama: Skeé -Youvah, . skip| ‘per of the Palace, says renovation. cost. $100, 000." had COLUMBIA ‘Starts, This Year. :.. :s00564¥6 | | This Date, Last Year. wove. s+ ‘|... ®tarted June. 19). = THE: COMANCHEROS”. ; = (Shootin 1g in Modo, Utah) ‘|: Prod.—George Sherman te : +06 6 Dir-—Michael Curvtiz. «: ve . John Wayne, Stuart Whitmian;’ “Ina. a. * Balin, ‘Michael Ansara; Steve Baylor, Pat Wayne, Bruce’ Cabot. «John * Dierges, Roger . “Mobley, ‘Bohbteele. . + “(Started ‘June 19) on ‘matografica’| “SATAN. NEVER| SLEEPS?” Ginem atogr: aa (Leo: McCarey Prod.) . . . oo Shooting: in England) ft Prod-.-Dir. Dir.—Leo McCarey ' Wiliam ~ Holdén,. Giifton ‘France Nuyen. _ (Started. ‘June 2D UNITED. ARTISTS 1 Starts; This Year. shesene (20° qo This: Date;: Last. Year... seeee 7: : 7 Eres ew 4 i : (Shooting in Kanab, ‘Uta Prod.—Frank Sinatra “BEST. OF ENEMY'S” o {Dino de. Laurentiis Prods): ene in Israel. |. Prod.—Dino de Laurentiis. ’ Dir:—Guy Hamilton David Niven, Alberto. Sordi (Started: March 1). CRARABBAS' a @ino Laurentiis ‘Prod den hooting. in Ital: y) ; : Prod.—Ding De ‘Laurentiis | Dir.—Richared Fleischer . . Anthony Quinn, Silvana. Mangano, Jack’ : Palance,. Vittorio ‘Gassman, “Ernest | | Borgnine, Valentina. Cortesa, Douglas. wiley started” April. “ “THE NOTORIOUS LANDLADY” Cohimar-Quine Pro:iuctions). . -Prod.—Fred Kohl : Webb, Philippa Crocket : ‘ “(Btarted: May |) 4 “LAWRENCE OF ARABIA” Berens, “Lanuck’s U; S. Co-op ) | hee Aerts Produefions) _. Piae Gata Dean. Martli: | ’ spoons in anew a ‘Davis a > tar er ‘L Feetor a. | eee . —a= —— Dir.) Ops Ul es udcay e Continued from ese 2 |: Pe David jean i “Hea Silva, Richard . ‘Simmons, ‘Ar OToo (ried Mas May 18) . mora: “FIVE FINGER . EXERCISE”. . ‘ (Sonnis Corp.) . \Prod.—Frederick Brisson ‘Dir.—Daniel Mann Rosalind Russell. Jack Hawkins, ‘Maxi tmillian Schell, Richard’ Beymer, An ‘nette Gorman, Lana Wood |: (Started June. 26) : “REACH FOR. GLoRY«” vee (John Kobnud Kinberg Prode) (Shooting in _Engilan ‘Prods.—John . Kobn, Jud “‘Kinbers | ; “Dir.—Philip: Leacock. © — _.Harry Andrews, Kay: Walsh, Michael, “ Anderson Jr:° . . (Started. June 26): “THE PIRATES OF BLOOD RIVER”, _ (Ham Film nal ’ Neleon-Keys : aoe meee ‘Glenn: Corbett The first wave of assault boats, | Started uly..@ . carrying’ the men: of. the Third Ma : ‘WALT. DISNEY . at the beach. at 2 p.m., ramps drop|[ ‘ ped-down. ahd the attackers came |} Storts, This. Year. ..3 08.6 call | wading through the deep water This’ Bate, fast Year.. ween oO | Ay earing 1944-type: leggings and net-.|L_ : covered. helmets, Around them, all} hell broke loose, Huge geysers shot | .-—— towards the: sky.and charges. ex|] ploding on ‘the. beach sprayed them swith, ‘Sand. : A -créw of. 5 ‘aided. ‘by. the . mand: Pedro Vargas * ' '-~ Dennis Lindsay, Philip Crosby. aloe ae “Wtarted May 22) |. ” : 1 “THE MIRACLE WORKER”. 4 (@layfilms, Inc): . Shooting in .New York) | Prod.—Fred Coe = -**.. ; ‘Dir.—Arthur. Penn. a . Anne Bancroft, Patty” ‘Duke, Victor . 4: . Jory, Inga Swenson, Andrew. ‘Prine , ’ (Started. ‘May 3D | “INEAMOU : -CWiliani™. Fier Prod. ‘Mirisch. 0). . Prod ~Dir, William Wyler “Audrevburn, Shirley ‘MacLaine, . _, James--Garner, | Miriam ‘Hopkins, Pay. *: _ _,, Bainte,. Karen’. Balkin ' Started June 5)°-: °°. . | “ONE, TWO,. THREE” a “| @yramid Prods. -Mitisch Co:) ‘(Shooting in Berlin)’ :: .Prod:-Dir.—Billy Wilder’: . James” Cagney, -Horst ‘Buchholz.’ Arlene ‘Francis, Pamela. Tiffin, . Howard” ate. John “Gtarted. ‘June’ ‘B) UNIVERSAL ‘Starts, This Year. os... Se 5 _ This: Date, Last. Year. eee BT: * “TRE. LAST HERO” ‘Woel | Production). , Prod:—— —Edward Lewis -Dir.—-David. Miller. : uled for Saleccia beach near St: Florent... Zanuck obtained permission -to fortify: the area ‘the way: Omaha’ Beach ‘in Normandy. had | © Jooked' on Juné 6,.1944, the day ‘the | Alfies threw’ their ‘might, “against. . ‘Hitler’s -Europe.: Obstacles ‘went ‘up ver a two| ‘edges looking towards. the sea. Mines were buried im the water and the sand and machine-gun. sim-'|. ulators, shooting ballbearings, were stationed to cover the surf... Black ‘smoke “from. burning “tanks and]. ‘landing. craft drifted: slowly ACTOSS | °| : ‘METRO | ‘Starts, This Yeor.:,.:.2os 9 .]] This Date, Last Year... oeeee 4] Gtarted May D._.. OTHE ‘SPIRAL. "ROAD". ee | (Shooting in Surinam ~ |. Prod.—Robert. Arthur Roper -Mulligan ‘Rock Hudson,. Burt ves, Gene, ‘Row. lands; ‘Leslie Bradley . “qtarted June. .26)" WARN ER BROS. ‘Starts; This Year.-. weds . . . ag: aan This Date, last Year. eee, oT “THe Music MAN OT d.-Dir.-—Morton DaCosta” . . | Robert: Preston, Shirley’ Jones;' “Hep: . .mione Gingold, Buddy’ Hackett, Paul Ford, ‘Timmy ‘Everett,. Susan | Luckey. Ronny ‘Howard Kane;.Walter Matthau. : plies. had. gone to Corsica’ for: the ‘filming. which was accomplished. With: six: ‘CinemaScope cameras. |. {Elmo Williams, Gerd Oswald ‘and | ‘Andrew Marton: directed. Cornelius | Ryan, onwhose’ ‘D-Day. -book the: Picture ‘is based;-‘and who's also |. roamed the | beach -in ‘Marine fatigues. He con| tinues on. the production as tech; Nical advisor to, Zanuck.:Augie Loh-man took kudos.:for the: special | effects. “The ‘Longest Day’: will be | a ‘20th-Fox. release. | While no production is’ skedded. for July, Zanuck said that the company. would «go anywhere if per-} mitted .to: poke ; its CinemaScope nose into a good military maneuver. Actual production; i.e. re-creation of D-Day by. and for: Zanuck’s: own | |unit, gets under way. in’ Normandy. ag LIGHT IN THE PIAZZA” ” {Arthur Freed Production) «. : (Shooting. in Italy) . Prod.—Arthur Freed Dir—Guy Green . . Olivia de Havilland,” Barry Sullivan,. George Jamilton Gtarted May .8) * “HOW THE. WEST WAS. WON” . Prod.—Bernard Dirs.—John Ford: Meary ‘Hathaway John Wayne, James Stewart, Carroll | Baker, pobhie Reynolds, Karl. Malden, [1 Brigid Bazlen, Walter Brennan, Agnes Moorehead, George Peppard, Henry. Morgan, Russ’ Tamblyn,: Andy. Devine, Claude. Johnson : (Started. ‘May. . 28) “PRIVATE LOVE”... . ProgefiCipra-C. CM. Prod) |. (Started. ‘April. 3 {Shooting in Paris) sm: “‘Feod .—Christine Goure-Renat le Brigitte “Bardot Marcello a iF IN DEP ENDEN T. Brigitte june b Starts, This Yeor:..03 060. he ' (Started. June | SWEET: BIRD OF YOUTH”. ‘This Date, Last Year... weses 16 “WILD HARVEST” ; @andro S. Berman Prod.) | Shooting in Homestéad. iad: ‘Rossane “ Braazi,_— Yvette » Mimnieux., until Nov ember, w hen ‘the. company | ‘Prod.—Pandro S. Berman | , moves: into the. Studio: Boulogne in ..Prod.—Aubrey Schenck’ Dir.—Richard Brooks E : ‘Paul Newman, Geraldine Page, Shiney ” Dir. —Jerry: Baerwitz . . _ , Dean.. Fredericks. ‘Kathleen ‘Freémany a Knight, Rip em. ‘Ea Be ‘Started ‘Taly 6 gley . “” Dolores Faith. SusanKelly’ S * «Started: June -1 ‘PARAMOUNT | “@RUSHFIRE”. Starts, This. Year. wet ee eee, CE | (Obelisk ‘Ine. — This Date, Last Year.. oeecte: 9. .Prod.-Dir.—Jack. Warner Jr. ' John Ireland... Everett Sloan; Jo: Mor “HELL is FOR. HEROES” Tet ‘ row, Catl Esmond, Al ‘Avalon _ : Dir.—Don Siegel _. . ‘Bobby 7 : “ (Started. June’ 21) Steve McQueen, -Darin; Fess a “ wm, Parker, Nick Adams, Harry Guardino, TOaN PUREE et Bob. a Neyehart. pemes ona ‘Mike (Anmmated Feature) . ellia, Josep cover, 3 ‘Mullin, | — , Michael Montan e Prod. ‘Henry, G,. Saperstein (Siarted June. 1d.. ousted 5 June, &. coche age Te for the film. ‘But the: ‘Corsi¢an. sequence, | ‘thanks . to ‘the . cooperation of the | Sixth Fleet, was a key: element. in| the production. . Fact that it was: hot .and sunny on the beach didn’t worry, Zanuck’s: directors at all: Filters reduced the bright light to |’ the. point where the action on the }. screen wWilkappear ‘to be“ taking place | in the gr aying dawn., T Sammy eo Kirk Douglas. Gene Rowlands, Michael eee