Variety (October 1961)

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32 VARIETY _. | Wednesday, October 4, 1961 Why WLOS-1V bought Seven Arts’ Volumes | & II Says Ted Eiland: “When you're commit ta heavy movie scheduling, you’ve got to *This calls-for the best feature films available and Warners’ ‘Films of the 50's’ qualify handsomely. When you tell TV buyers you've signed up for Seven Arts’ features, they instantly connect the name with the most outstanding movies on TV today. Result, we entered Fall with a sold-out situation.” Warner’s films of the 50’s.. Money makers of the 60's SEVEN ARTS ASSOCIATED A SUBSIDIARY OF SEVEN ARTS: PRODUCTIONS, LTD: Motion Pictures—‘“Gigot”, starring Jackie Gleason, completed. shooting In Paris...Gene Kelly directing... me Theatre—"Gone with the Wind” In preparation... | Televiston—Distribution of films. for T.V., Warner's “Films of the-50's”... Literary Properties—‘Romancero” by Jacques Deval... . Real Estate—The Riviera of the Carribbean, Grand Bahama, tn constructioa.... NEW YORK: 270 Park Avenue —”-YUkon 61717 CHICAGO: 8922-D N, La Crosse, Skokie, Ill. ORchard 4-5105. DALLAS: 5641 Charlestown Drive _ ADams 9-2855 L.A. 232 So, Reeves Drive GRanite 6-1564—STate 8-8276 For list of TV stations programming Warner Bros. “Films of the 50's” see Third Cover SRDS (Spot TV. Rates. and: Data)