Variety (October 1961)

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36 LOCAL TV & SYNDICATION Wednesday, October 4 1961. Canada, Aussie, Philippine Actions Affect Importing Of US. Product | | double as g.m. ‘| placing Henry &. White, who re | signed. The new. post for Graff js understood to be an interirza | FCC. Canaé@a. Australia and the Philip-+ mines, ezch in their separate ways, | pine exoloded with developments ' relating to the import of American | ty product. In Canada, the top foreign mar ket for U.S. programs, CBC is demanding and securi ‘ing time clearsenting the team of Harold Mayer ‘MAYER-SKLAR PROD. PSYCHOLOGY SERIES nies en series networked in the: and Michael Sklar, begins produc-| The time clearance may be. tion on a series of 10 half-hour US. ss short as an hour, but CBC, in; films on psychology. Series is be eider to prevent squawks for over-;ing produced for National “Educain cooperation | lap markets, wants to be on the air! tional Television, first with the show. {with the American Psychological In Australia, 13 country stations | Assn. sre due to begin operation. on a | Foundation. flaggered basis the beginning of! Sklar ‘and Mayer are the team rext year. Opening of the conutry ' _ responsible for CBS-TV's “Constations will continue through 1963. quest” series. In the non-scientific Freblem that these stations reprefield, Mayer-Sklar has on its schedsent to U.S. exporters are that in ule a documentary for the AmalMany cases, if not all, these sta-.gamated Clothing Workers tions overlap in coverage with maAmerica, AFL-CIO, jor metropolitan stations. The U.S, exporter is caught in the middle | when both the metropolitan and country station seek exclusivity on yreduct. At this stage, American exporters sav there plaving it by €ar ta a large extent. o8y series. OF Stockholders Plan to Sell Off his assignment as producer of a series of “Internel’ specials on England. Mexico and Turkey. for NET and Westinghouse Broadcast ly, there are three channels. Op«rating in Manila. Set count for the entire country is estimated ut from 40000 to 50.000. Cost of a set is from $400 to $500. One ofl the three stations in Manila is said to be losing money. Yet, for & variety of reasons. including komme power politics, three moreManila stations are due to go cn the air before the end of the year. Piospects of deficit financing of most of the ty outlets for a number of years is forecast by observers. Manila Times outlet is due to: begin broadcasting in December; Manila Broadcasting System channel should be in biz by the end Washington, Oct. 3.. ; Some big stockholders in Officlal Films Inc. plan to sell a total tof 232,086 common shares in the vidpix syndicator. Official Films load alt. his common holdings. of the year also; and the Republic!’ According to registration state| ment filed with Securities & Exchange Commission, part of the shares ‘all commen stock) willbe } Offered to the public from time to ' time in over-the-counter deals or through private transactions at negotiated. prices. i Another 65.000 shares may go on sale piecemeal by officers who have options or aré due‘ for options ; to acquire them at prices ranging i from $1.16 to $3 a share. The telefilm distribution -firm’s Broadcasting System -is due to start telecasting in October.} American Broadcasting Co. has a: financial interest in the‘Republic ! Brusdeasting System eHannel. Those now operating in “Manila include two chanriels owned by, Republic Electronics and one by Jnter-Island Broadcasting. There also is talk of a new government. operated tv channel. Ali Industry Unites To Help End 14-Week | 232,086 shares to be sold are part last July. This was used to buy AFTR A -KFWB Strike: ! companies Pies stock series owned § . . eventh "The selling stockholders included Don Sharpe, 103,375 shares out of holdings of 209.069; Warren | Lewis, 50,853 shares out of 103,; 781; Seymour Reed, president, all Hollywood, Oct. 3. Steps to break the 14-week! stiike against KFWB hy American: Federation of TV & Radio Artists ; will be taken by a newly-appointed : committee repping 23 unions of the broadcast industry, set up last week to assist union in achieving : . an end to dispute. 15,000 shares. . Others. will sell, Committee will meet with mounts from’ 1,000 fo 33,000 KFWB management and demand ®hares. en immediate resumption of negotiations which came to an im-! Passe some time ago. Body thorized “to coordinate all neces: sary action to aid AFTRA in: achieving a resumption of bargain| ing so that an honorable strike set|: tlement can be reached.” RIPCORD Group includes Sxd Rose, National Assn. of Broadcast Employ-. ees & Technicians, chairman; Andrew. Diaghi, International BrothDirector: Alexander Singer erhood of Electrical Workers; John _ Writer: Arthur Weiss Tranchitella, American Federation / 30 Mins., Thurs., 7 p:m. of Musicians; Douglas Smith.: : PARTICIPATING Screen Actors Guild: Ralph Clare,. WNBC-TY (film) Studio Transport Drivers. When the pair of skydivers in’ | TT ; Ziv-UA’s new syndie series, KANSAS GROUP IN to separate ‘their actions and ad RADIO STATION BUYS ventures from the duo heroes of Kansas City, Oct. 3. other tele crime shows and west Seven Kansas Citians are joining erns. with men from Nashville. Tenn... to form a new corporation to operthe ate radio broadcasting stations. Subject to FCC approval, the Frederick R. Raycroft his tofal of others Producer: Ivan Tors initialer Co.. is acquiring WMAK, Inc.,‘ Sierra. Madres. Skein's Nashville, and WAKY, Inc., Louis-' ‘Larry Pennell. and Ken Curtis | ville. ‘jumped after both. The K. C. businessmen will hold | 86°c of the stock, purchasing $560, 000 of the $1.000,000 paid in. Price | audiences, both in. scripting and on WMAX is set at $650,000 and on thesping, and also in WNBC's 7. WKAY at $1,350.000. Deal calls for| p.m. slotting. — the present station owners to reProduction values are okay geneeive a million in cash and to take; erally, and particularly good in the| back a million in notes. parachuting sequences, Bill. -| GRAFF NAMED TO Mayer-Sklar Productions, .repre-. and the National Science of | Sklar at present is completing: ing. Maver will launch the psy chol 232,086 Shares prexy Seymour Reed plans to un-. prospectus filed with SEC said the’ of a 456,000 share block issued | his holdings of 35,000: shares; and | Syndication Reviews With Larry Pennell, Ken Curtis, “Rips | Besides extended jump footage, * WNBC-TV had chicks at: poolside ; bl group, known ss Lin Broadcasting ' and _ scientists stranded in the} heroes | HELM WNTABH. Jonny Graff, prexy. and gen eral manager of WNTA Radio, will appointment, pending the decision on the bid: by Educational: Television. in the Metropolitan Area (ETMA) to buy WNTA-TV. Graff said he intended to de-. velop live shows on WNTA-TYV in addition to rescheduling some “Play of the Week” Productions. Mex TV Dubbing A Lucrative Biz Mexivo City, Oct. 3. . Victor Parra; head of.the Amer ica Studios. said that’ dubbing of ‘American television series is an important source. of work for Mexican actors. He estimated that over 100 performers are steadily employed in dubbing work. Actual. number of workers may be over this figure ‘since revoicing | by such firms as Tompkins | de i Mexico, Ziv, Candiani, Cinema: tografica Interamericana, etc., are all active in handling dubbing eommitments. In a general appraisal of the field, Parra said that while Mexi-. can production of series films marks: time. dubbing takes up unemployment slack. Recently there has been an increase. of activity due to switch. of dubbing activity. from Cuban Studios to Mexico, as well as work heretofore done in Puerto” Rico. ‘No Spoiisor Bia on ‘Ike Segs Also Applies 0’seas he no sponsor tag on the Fisenhower shows of “CBS Reports” also pertains to the foreign market, lim| iting sales in certain areas, accordticles and sending letters to the | ministries pointing out that feaj. tures shown on video here are. ing ta Ralph Baruch, CBS Films foreign topper. © First hour of the _Fisenhower show has. been. sold in Australia, with deals virtually assured in West Germany and BBC of Eagiand. Possibility is strong that the: -gevernment controlled. NHK, nearerk in Japan may. Pick it up. aiso.. + "JACK STECK’S ‘WFIL siOT: Philadelphia, Oct: 3. Jack. Steck, veteran broadcaster and formerly director of radio ‘op| erations at WFIL, has been named to the newly-created ‘post of di+« rector of talent and program de velopment for: WFIL and WFIL TV. Former -publicity for the WFIL stations John J. Hyland has been upped to director of advertising |. and promotion, succeeding Macey JI. ‘Seaffer. NEW ADVENTURES. OF PINOC| CHIO Producer: Arthur Rankin Jr. 5 Mius., Mon.-Fri.,. 4:25 p.m, ARTICIPATING WPIX-TV (film) “New Adventures of Pinocchio, ” five-minute, cliffhanger stanzas ! produced-in the stop-motion puppet. technique is an updating of the. famed A.-Collodi kid's story about the wooden lad with the ‘eord,” aren't in freefall, its hard | growing nose. Produced: by Japan’s ‘Dentsu Films, the segs technically show a great deal of craft, but the story line, in striving to be hip. in the current video. animated vogue, leaves much to -be desired. Charac in New York on/' ters with handles like Foxy Q. Fib ble, Cool-S. Cat ta feline that wears shades) and a Hollywood producer |m named Quickly J. Starmaker are -a tipoff-to the striving. — Opener Monday (25) had Pinoc| chio ‘setting out in search of the Skydiving is a young man’s sport | Blue Fairy that might turn him into and the appeal here young!a real boy and _ encountering the skein’s' heavies' along the way. Strip has the advantage of a leadin to the popular half-hour, live-aud. cartoon show, “Bozo the Clown.” Distributor is Videocraft Productions, New York Bill. |veepee and general manager, ‘| periphery private stations. hopes that the regular film indus-. | Spookers Spark ChiLate Viewing Still Leading Kup, Other Competition, But: WNBQ Drops “Thrillerams’ VIDEOTAPE PROD. ON 3-COM'IS-A-DAY SKED Videotape Productions reports a new peak in production was. reached during September with shooting and processing of 95 tv commercials for: 24 different -advertisers. ' -Aceording te John Lanigan, -it was the biggest month in VP's two and a half years and a 40°% increase over September a year: } ago. Company averaged better than three commercials a day despite +a move during the month to new | studios leased from NBC. In the. i first nine days. at the new ‘three| stage studio setup,’ company completed 20 productions. Roster. of advertisers included : Armstrong Cork, Chemical Bank : {New York Trust, General Tire & | Rubber, ‘Falstaff Brewing, Gerber's Baby Foods, Johnson & Johnson, :! ;Mutual of Omaha, Pharmaceuticals, Remington Rand, Universal| Appliance and US. Steel. [Fland Striving For Quality Pix On French Video| .| series, WNBQ has installed a qualie. Paris, Oct. 8. | Jaeques Flaud, who heads SOFIRAD, an organization partly |. controlled by the state to allow for get the national. subsidies for features to extend to vidfilms. Fliaud: has heen giving out ‘ar usually old and of little value and “With the second sight ‘could Begin to ‘make. worthy. vid| films for tv with enough help from spend more on pix without worry jing.too much, at first, about the. small amounts paid by the nationalized one web today. Qince this starts Flaud feels that the quality will help local tv and. also allow for costs being made up by. sales to other French speaking territories or even dubbing them fer more international chances. It ; remains to be whether this will be forthcoming. Flaud was at:one time the head of the’ governmental Center Du Cinema.. SOFIRAD is a holding Then it Branched out to run the try will be balanced by video work as it has ‘been in the U.S. More Coast Indies Sign Los Angeles, Oct. 8. KGER—which now brings to nine the outlets ‘brought into. fold: Eight “stations, including strikebound KFWB, remain unsigned, | Both new, contracts provide for a weekly increase for staff an year. Agreements also provide for removal of “no strike clause,” per lines of otherunions. HERALD-TRIB NEWS. BUY . Twice weekly buy of -WCBSTV’s, N. Y., “The Late News” with. Doug Edwards and “Morning Report” by the N. Y. Herald Tribune ‘kicked off Monday. (2). ‘commercials. Agency is _ Papert, IKoenig & Lois. : a finger in peripheral video stations. j}and vidpic production, is trying to he ‘feels that regular filmmakers the government to allow them to company which originally was sup-. '| posed to make pix for tv in France.. ‘Flaud | Two additional indie stations in | area have been signed by Ameri-. ean Federation of TV & . Radio | Artists to new pacts—KBIG ‘and : eastern sales staff. New territorial : assignments are: Kénnéth Flower ‘nouncers of $17.50 over a two-year: period with a hike of $10 ‘first mitting AFTRAns to respect picket. ‘Announcer Joe. Givan does the | Chicago, Oct. 8. Horror ‘and ‘science fiction feas” tures made sharp. inroads this pa summer into a pair. of WBBMprogram fixtures that have. long dominated Saturday nights in this. market,.: The-shows are still ahead of the competition | but’ not. by’ as wide a margin as before... ‘WBBM-TV’'s intellectual’ ‘talke | fest, “At Random,” which starts at. midnight Saturdays, has met its toughest competition to. date. in {the reruns . of WBKB's “Shock . Theatre.” — According to the September Nielsen report, Irv Kupcinet’s: live | show ‘started with an 8.9 against a 7 for the WBKB’ spookers. ‘Boris | Karloff & Co, actually outpointed 1Kupeinet & Co. at 1 ayem with a... j 5.6 vis-a-vis WBBM’s 4.5 Presum. 'ably the eggheads tend to drop out’: "of the gab marathon as the morn;ing wears on, while the horror ‘pix: ‘buffs stay with it, WBBM-TV's. ‘premium | ‘firstrun film, “Best of: ‘CBS,”" which used to. | pote the tallest. ratings. of any. local program in Chi., was br ought © idown a few pegs. last. summer by WNBQ's “Thrillerama:” Oddly, the ‘| sci-fi. “B” pictures stacked.up as. a more game challenge to the CBS -. | features than have’ any quality cinematics’. previously . thrown’ _against it, The latest Nielsen shows -the WBBM-TV: feature averaging: a 19.2 for its entire length, against a 17.2 average. for WNBQ’s slightly | shorter film. “Thrillerama” has been dropped, however, since NBC began ‘its “Saturday Night at the. Movies” ty film. showcase. in its ‘place to double-feature with the. web's. pic. Cleve. KYW. av Gets. Some Quick Action In City’s Gambling Drive. . Cleveland, Oct.3. Westinghouse station KYW-TV, | Che that vidpix are also of low calibre. |C eveland, got quick: response to a half-hour news Special on the city’s numbers: racket which was pre ‘sented on. “Eye. Witness News—. Noon Edition,” thie day a new Ohie antigambling law went into’ effect. The program’ § featured films, audio: tapes and eye-witness -.ace counts. of the numbers. operation : gathered over: the last six montha, Audio tapes included an actual’ numbers house session, and newse. man Bud Dancy demonstrated an array of racket paraphernalia. . After the show, Cleveland police asked station newsmen to join in raids onseveral numbers ‘racket houses cited in the expose; -Cleveland: safety .director John McCor {of lav called an emergency meeting | of ‘law officials to map. a campaign: | against “gambling: operations; and Councilman. Leo. Jackson. urged a. city council investigation ‘of the rackets. Program. pointed out that illegal gambling in Ohio is estimated te run as high as $500.000.000 a year. with as much as $22,000,000. chang-" ing hands in. Cleveland policy and. ‘numbers rackets alone. ‘ "Telefilm Cater CBS . Films has. realigned its: ‘will take over the Lake District New York State and -northwestPennsylvania). The central. -dis-'.trict has been assigned to Robert J.. Kolb; coastal district to. James: Nomahan; Victor Bikel will cover Virginia arid W. Virginia; and William Stynes, western Pennsyle -vania and eastern Ohio . ...: Shere. win (Cas) Cazanov named pros. ' duction : manager for Animation, ‘Ine.,' of. Hollywood ::. ‘Larry Stern, eastern sales manager, and -Arnold Stern, midwestern. sales ‘manager for .M&A Alexander: | Praductions, on Coast for confabs Richard Buch, Owen Duffy. and. “Frank Spiegelman named account execs. for Telesynd, a di‘vision of the Wrather Corp., now marketing ‘“The Lone Ranger” .. . Alton Whitehouse named ‘eastern division sales. manager ef. Independent Television Corp...