Variety (December 1961)

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\; times,” “Lever Come’ Baek . (COLOR) eT: More ‘pillow Talk” with: Doris”: Day, Rock Hudson ‘and Tony. ° ‘Randall; colorful, : somewhat .risque comedy ‘has. lots -of the boxoffice’ charm: of. the: origia nal. Universal felease ‘of -? Pictures:Knob Hill-Arwin production, Jey Shapiro and Martin .Melcher, . with Robert. Arthur -as.exec producer. Stars Rock Hudson, Doris .Day,. Tory Randall: features Edie Adams, Jack. Oakie;:: Jack.} ‘Kruschen. Directed ‘by. Delbert . “Mann, *Original screenplay,. Shapiro and. Paul Henning;..editor, Marjorje.Fowler; camera | «Eastman Color), Arthur E. Arling; music. Frank DeVol: “Songs, “Lover. Come ‘Beck;’” “words. and music. by Alan ‘Spilton and. BeVol,: and: “Should -I Surrender.” lyrics, by William :Landman, music. bv Adam Ross. Sneak preview at RKO 58th. Stpheatre. | Dec. B MIN Sercy. we bster .nsec eee ce Rock : “Hudson Carel Jempleton seceesers ris ay. Peter Ramsey -..........4. , Rebel vis ee , ; Paxton Miller’ ° De Linus ‘Tyler °. Kel : teebecees’ Chatie Jack Alberéson Charlie ......... trrsttect . Charles Watts Deborah ,......,.+-.-s-+.. Donna. Douglas Hodges: ....0.00-00565 ae ‘Ward. Ramsey Various “Of ‘the. talents: who. ‘two. “years ago provided Universal with -' the ‘major success, “Pillow “Talk | in” hard’ with © a: follow-up: are “Lover Come Back” is piracy of the original, but~ ‘in commercial caries Hiatic order. ° Let there be compunctions feg: stered. about certain story’ twists | Ai -which are overly reached for..: ‘And. the play on sexicology ‘mirrors: a: ‘further bit of strain. But then the | Eres: sauciness, while perhaps. startling’ . a few years ago, is not disagreeable ‘| : ' within: the context of “modern |: : tmportantly considering that there's: no Gisregard | of good. taste. This is: a. funny,’ most-of-the-tinie engaging, smartly produced. show. : --Farce has Rock.Hudson as wouldbe conquerer :of Doris Day; who. ‘as. the: victim. 6f-a who’s-who ‘deception. plays brinkmanship . ‘with surrender. There's a bed ‘scene but this is all right because. the two, while: not remembering the Mafy-. land. ceremony (due to being stoned: under preposterous circumstances), were. legally hitched: An’ annul-1onths later | ual as. ‘Miss: ‘Ment. is followed nine by another marriage .1 .Day ‘enters the delivery. room. ©. “quate in‘ getting across the wit and color tand some off-color) ‘content. A little more of the. plot:: ‘Hudson: and Miss ‘Day are rival Madison Avenue ‘ad. account people. He deceives ‘her -into thinking ‘he’s. a scientist working ‘on an -actually’ ‘non-existent ‘product called’ VIP. She undertakes. to-wrest the. VIP. account from. the masquerading. Hudson. He meanwhile is trying to ‘maneuver her into romantic, “Cone quest. vs . Like. “piow Talk” and : other | recent-vintage comedies, Lover . Come . Back” has . its ‘girls . beauti-:} ‘fully -gowned and:‘its sets hand: somely dressed: ‘Miss. Day's garb, via Irene; particularly offers the audience an eyeful. ‘The production overall is rich and fiuing, with the story. A trio. shares a. top: credit, Robert Arthur: being listed. ‘aS ‘execiltive producer and. Stanley Shapiro and . Martin. Melcher: as * praducers. _ The script, an. original by Shapiro ‘and Pau} Henning, | ‘has: a Giverst .array .of characters,’ all. of them. ingratiating, « and: has:. too “a! ‘good quota of sharp’ ‘and humorous. Hinés.. Miss Day. is. ‘str ictly. pinup. material, and ‘she ' can ‘pout: with ! the .bést of .them..: ‘ Hudson .. does. right: well with. light. comedy. but aan "Antonio. Ballesteros ‘in. “tire. “way he has ‘photographed .“the { Str ucture to create the illusion one: ‘while he's supposéd to be lecherous:! he might have. been SO. with | a: little . “> Jess leer. Tonv ‘Randali araws “yocks, con: + sistently as head of an’ agency.he -inherited but doesn’t really helm: “becaiise he’-can't .make ‘decisions. ‘ -. His As “a ‘satirical situation. and | right, in the groove for Randall: © produced ‘by .Stan-' WM meviiws. 00 | Day, ‘and tucked behina the: screen nf: T action ‘appropriately. :. : appearances. of -.2 couple: of. side the girls, ... '. Arthur E. Arling’s. ‘phctography contributing -.: to ‘the: production other ‘Plus. a : SCOPE COLOR) . written. “Metro ‘ Telease : of _ Michele: ‘Scaglione ®Procusa-Cineproduzi duction. Stars Rory. mcalheun. Directed €oncini,. Leone, -Césare. :Seccia,Luciano . Martino;. camera Eastman), Ant lesteros; editor, ExaldoDaRoma; music. at the. studio, Nov.’ 305: "61. Running. tire, 128 Mi NS.” ; Da rio: veeee Diala Kee ae weae Seealeseeaseneeres Feliocles lyneeetee eeege ‘Thar:. ° “Conrado. Sanmartin . An el Aranda oes oe eet el. Karr ete Jorg e -Rigawd: . Roberto: Carmardiel -Mimm : ea cam ie Alfio ranitavioate Saeco caccwncecccn: .José MeVilches . Creonte ‘matically |. .two = dimensional epic from. “Italy, Rhodes” ‘should. stimulate: the cus ‘venture spectacles that arrive regno oneis going'to accuse the pro ‘colossal bore,least ‘of all .moppets the Metro release is exhibited. ~ But: scholars, . Rhodes .or “there. knack Italo: cinemateers. have for ‘tory: | ; Luciano “Martino, monument: of . the. title stood intact -B.C.). -was to“ ward off the: “possibility. ‘of invasion: by hurling. molten lead. at any intruder.’ .° . Roty Calhoun” plays’ ‘the : Holly | wood: Yankee: ‘in’. Ki ng Serse's. Court. His. ‘performance, ‘along with hose of the other featured: players, fis robust and spirited. except. when’. ‘forced . to’ coritend ‘with -a. héap~ of bad dialog, © Weakest . jink: “in. fhe ‘east (Nigel Green) is “seen” in ‘the. production.’ |: ‘It’s..a pretty” impressive’ Fepliéa: ‘of -the Colossus that” Jess: Mateos + | | Has designed’. and ‘Francisco -Assen|: ‘sio has. constructed: Considerable" ‘dexterity ‘is .displayed :by . camera= |: ‘is: ogling. the genuine article: -Cred [Fealism., -and. for some ‘fierce. and. : lively . ‘mob Scraps. is. due: director | : Leone; ‘though ‘his. intimaté. scenes: leave much ° to’. be. desired. © The “show -is: filmed’ in. ‘Supeértotalscope, |= Director ‘Delbert | Mann. ‘keeps 1 “Lover Come’ Back” “on: the .go. ‘about 90%. of ‘the time. His pacing |.’ | is) commendable -biit.: nonetheless’ there are a'few lags. Tighter editing might -be. in. order. Adding’ to’ {the fun ‘is. his skillfully -worked-in | ‘line: characters. who. ‘Make. brief’ | comments on Hudsons. way: swith a (Eastman Color) is. on: the’ -beam, richriess; and: DeVol’s | music is an-" ae Gene. : —_——"fat the: studio, Dec..5,. 361. Running time, The. Colossus: OF: ‘Rhodes : INS; ' “61, Running time, 107 *. _ ATALIAN © SUPERTOFAL: :-:') ¥ wide. ‘costume . “epics, : “timpres-" Elen sively ‘mountedbut: skimpily © “Bo. reaction should: “ mh ‘be brisk, but. brief. ; “SHetipwood; Nov. “Soe ; -Pro-.! terious Island,” ‘latest: in: .a : ‘long: by ‘Sergio Leone. Screenplay, | Ennio. De. Antonio. Bal| Angelo Francisco: Lavagnino.". Reviewed. ~ Rory’ Calhoun. Lea: Massari. ‘Georges Marchal | | filmmakers -to.;explore. and répro-' .| and.-easy” diversion, ‘and. content to. | Phoenicia Arahassadlor:, -.Antonio Casas: Mahor vv ci ccceecde neces J: Yann Larvor Strione. aeoed "Fernando. Calzado: ‘Elaborately’ prodiiced ‘put® draT -“The Colossus’ of} tomarily. brisk, but _ short-lived,‘boxoffice reaction | -accorded ‘ these: overstuffed, though -diverting,. ad-. [a newspaperman and.a Rebel who, : ‘alarly from: that country. Certainly. ducers of: this film of créating’.a. and. easygoing males,. the .audience:|most. likely to congregate. wherever: wise, are’ bound to ‘flinch at: the: : ‘liberties taken: here with fact. The |. Thig kind ‘of. synopsis. is’ ina de-. eighth wonder of. the. world: is. the mounting: impressive. historiéal pic-. ‘tures by. studiously . ignoring . chis: . ‘According. to ‘the’ screenplay’ “py | the: heroes and. ‘heraines:: beat. a } Ennio: DeConcini,:.:Sérgio . Leone. (the director), Cesare -Seccia. and: ‘the. marvelous. and upright for a-couple.‘of. days; | then: plunged “into. the. Mediterra— ‘nean during a storm, coupled. with. a popular revolt: against the wicked | : -i'men in -power at. -the’ time..(280: Principal object: of the Co-' | lossus, here: depicted. as:‘a kind. of. ; Second -cousin.‘to the almost’ im: peegnable. cannons of. Navarone,.or | all-purpose torturé: chamber: within |a false’ artistic: frent, “apparently . t bodied vitality. by the London Sym it. for the*, production’s physical |: i Dan. Jackson. ‘Jack Oakie ‘plays. broadly... and: “whichis really kind: of .;widé screen: humorously the. part .of. ‘floor-wax ‘with superlatives. No ‘pikers with | maker. who: goes to the agency : ‘scope, these ‘Italians, me offering. him’ the’:best girls. ands .:0 7. = bourbon. ‘Edie Adams -clicks as at ehorus girl trying to get ahead, and:| Jack Kruschen, as a ‘partly ° serew-. “Groom, Tex., Dec. 12... ball scientist.” alsé:. wins . laughs. | “Bob Nicholson has. purchased the: ~Good support: too is provided. by.’ ‘Dove Theatre here from ‘Frank P. ' Ann B. Davis.’ Joe Flynn. Hoivard’} Love. Love: ‘Wilk ‘retain “his Dove + S. Johm, Karon Norris, Jack : theatre in Panhandle. . Nicholson:|: -A¥bertson, Charles’ Watts; Donna and. Love. will’ -book. pictures ‘to: ‘Douglas and Ward Ramsey. _igether.-and cireuit-them.-fromi one i Couple. of. songs, “Lover. Come to another m ‘order, to Save express | } Back”. tAlan Spiiton and. -Frank . charges. _ DeVol) and “Should I Surrender?” |: --Love. “fs. a ‘ county: attorney: and” (William. Landan and.Adam Ross)’: has been. bothered Py: an. 1 affliction Axe -vendered pleasingly BY ‘Miss 10 his. Sees ae be Tube: | “LOVE UNLOADS ‘Dove. mie oe a See Wedneedey: December 13, 961" “ Mysterious: Island: Y (SUPERDYNAMATION—COLOR). effort: to «personalize. abortive bécause the: story. is little Another: in a steady stream. ot = Jules. Verne tales to be trans! Jated “into: film. Escapist:fate. * fOr: €asygoing audiences.. Thor: _ ‘cisive. “jt AS: an: illustration : of. ‘the’ -ough exploitation: should: ibring = | perils inherent” in’ -attempting’ ‘to . okay bo, ‘response. pee ..[ knit-new :dialog. into old, objective Hollywood, Dee: 5... | befere. the::horse. . For.: dramatic 3 Columbia: “pietures Felease “of” Charles Schrieer ‘production. | Stars. Michael ‘Craig, : Joaii.. Greenwood, Michael: Callan... Gary. Merrill, Herbert. Lom. Directed by’ Cy -Endfield.’ Screenplay; ' -JohnPrebble; Daniel . Uliman, Crane Wilbur... based..on" the. ndvelby Jules ‘Verne;. camera (Eastman); -Wilkie Cooper; -editor,-:Frederick Wilson; musi¢;, Bernard. Herrmann; assistant: director;. Rene DuPont. Reviewed. “Nuremberg.” ; '. The ‘title; which hag. been ‘the 100 M ‘Capt: .Cyras. Harding ©: : Michael. Craig Marquisa Maria Labrino ” “Joan: ‘Greenwood: : Michae os om oe gee ves ° ' “+ Nigel’ ‘Green. enraey | ti ‘that. tribunal; ':which Captain ‘Neimo: “ridés’ again in’ activities. of: that. trinuna yh “Charles: H. Schneer's : resourceful: i t: stake the :dramawhich, production: of Julés Verne’ 3 “Mysssue. at; stake in the dra ‘has ‘: been. “incorporated . line: ‘of that. elairvoyant author's" works." be = translated ‘to . the’ “séreen | ‘in: ‘recent ‘years. Although. not .in. a league -with' the major! cinematic: -efforts ‘:ta‘materialize. “Verne’s. prose, and: ‘somewhat. tarnished by. the ‘saturation ‘point. that. appears té-"have. been “reached.’in | the -. shéer ‘-rush™ by | ‘enterprising : ae ‘member: ‘ofthe -Nazi .party.. But ‘the -film, ‘as .a ‘whole, : is basically -an‘illustrated : study. of ‘Nazi: Ger “device... “dramatic ::“excuse”. y'around which to. parade: the. seusto‘mary ‘footage, a : The. pointof. the film, a as’ sé torns out. is:that the woman,: who. pro-| tests’ her innocence: so ‘veheniently: ‘duce; his fiction, ‘the. picture Will: appeal to: ‘atidiences seeking escape: ‘get along without, gramatic nuance. Prospects :are' mildly favorable for |: Pr ‘the Columbia: release, “which lends |"* freed, is’ actually va dyed:in-the‘itself. wholeheartedly’ to: “exploita‘wool: Nazi; still afflicted with the: tion. measures. . : Produced ‘in. England: under’ Cy: ’ Endfield’s’ Migorous direction, :the: ‘film illustrates’ -the ‘strange ‘plight that befalls three Union soldiers, |. those who. try. her case. in the film, through, her words. in. 1865, ‘escape the siege of Richmond in‘ the inevitable Verne. bal“Joon. _and ° ‘return.“td Jand on: an island ‘in the remote South Seas, where ‘they ‘encounter, in..chrono-’ ‘logical -order: (1)-a giant ‘crab,’ (2) a giant ‘bird, (3) two lovely: shipwrecked’ British, ladies. of. average. proportions; (4) a‘ giant ‘bee, (5): a-| band ‘of cutthroat ‘pirates, (6) Cap: ‘tain’: Nemo’s . inoperative. sub, AD: Captain Nemo. The screenplay. by J ohn Prebble: Daniel Ullman: and :Crane Wilbur’). winds with.a_staple ‘of the’ science-. fantasy. melodrama—an entire vol-:}: canic isle: sinking into:'the: sea as | much of. the: ‘footaye. ‘has been. seen. ‘too. often: at. this’. point; and. mo-' Notony becomes a factor: due to the. ‘exhaustive length of. several . sé=. quences, “goose-Stepathonthat lasts, ‘almost. 15. _minutes. ae Tube. ‘Then ‘There wi ere ¢ Three ; ~ Satisfactory’ “gupportitig” item , for audiences ‘that ‘prefer war: -mel? ers. heavy on ‘the | -aetion a ane ‘Suspense: se BA : "Hollywood, New. “29. 7 “Parade. release -of Alex Nicol’ produe‘fon. Ne ‘No. character. names.. Cast -includes ‘Nicol,Clute, : ‘Michael Billingsley. Frank. Grégory, Fred -Clark,* Brend den. -Fitzgerald, Paola’ Falci. Direct ed. ‘by Ni Gregory, -Allan ‘Lurie: Di -Giovanni; assistant director, Mauro...“ Sarcopanti.. Reviewéd at Hollywood: Theatre. « Noy. 2 1. Running. time, 74 MINS, hasty retreat, leaving, ‘in: “this. in=stance, the ideologically’ admirable . but ‘otherwise © ‘undesirable: Cap |‘t tain: ‘Nemo. ‘behind. in’ a lotta lava.. Dramatically. the film: is’ -awk-' -ward. burdened’ ‘with unanswered: ° questions. and ‘some awfully . inef-. fectual : giant, animals, ‘but. -photo-|‘graphically it is noteworthy-for the. fashion in. which’ the ..Superdyna--Mation .processand ‘special : -visual.. effects: by. Ray. Harryhausen’ -havé,| been: employed. by,” lensman . Wilkie Cooper: to. couple: incongruous,’ uni= “‘halanced’ elements: on the screen. With: reasonable realism. Egil: Wox-. holt’s”. undei‘water.. photography. ‘is: another’ asset, as: isBernard: Herr-: “marin’s. ‘scere:. played with” full col. camera, G “Jtalo-filmed; ‘but: othierwit ise thor: oughly ‘Yankee, “Then ‘There Were |. Three!” isan absorbing ‘action-sus by... -Ameriean.: actor * Alex Nicol: ‘Films.. Released. -by’ ‘Parade. distrib-. utors; ° ‘it ‘is a compatible. and hold=" ‘ing. supporting. item, .a. bit | ‘ragged phony, and art. director ‘Bill “An--| in spots, but quite-serviceable as a’ dréws’ specifi cations far. the offbeat. “Island.” Editor’ Frederick . Wilson. male audience... oe ‘obviously had. his: Work’ cut.: ‘out. for |’ -him, ‘’ key. member of. the. cantrivedclimax is-a‘dramatization picture “only, as .a. skeleton. Nigel. of. an interesting war. ‘Green is. no'skeleton.... -.:°* _Flésh-and-blood portrayals “are. ‘dispatched with spirit’ by Michael. Craig; * ‘ Joan. “Greenwood® ‘(whase’ ‘Speaking voice. is ‘one. ‘of the won‘der's'of the}, ‘Michael’ Callan. ‘Gary: Merrili, Herbert Lom, : Beth ‘Rogan... Perey. Herbert: and. Toe , Tube... we | Nuremberg .American’ Gl’s seeking: to -‘rejointhe ‘main body-.of. Allied troops ‘in: ‘orders are: to: slay.a notorious. -Htal-. jan.. ‘partisan ‘left: behind by.. the. retreating Germans:. Neither. ‘char+ acters: ‘Nor... audience -is ‘aware’. of j of diverting guesswork” before’ the: woe mission isnipped. in. the. bud. wt Usual ‘dociiinentary . footage ‘of: an . Nazi Germany, into“which has 7 -been™ woven <a thin, | personal-. ° ‘ized. storyline that doesn’t jell. . Fitle -is misleading, 1 Lean proswees -| it difficult: | for. the. ‘audience: to: ; “| Yan: “Lurie screenplay. is.“briskly_ pect, | dimeasion, -‘ineluding-: the ‘morbid. Hollywood Dec: a * Enterprises, Lid: ... production and. ralensé. With ‘Lee: ? Bonnell. Roy Bennett,. “Marta, .Mithovitch, “Associate producer, "Alan ‘Kane:“Reviewed at -Academy. ‘Thea: "tres, ‘Dee. G. "61. “Running | ume, 75. MINS. strain .of -cowardice .that strikes ae ae -Nicol,' « Frank ‘Latimofe,.. Barry: “=“"Nuremberg”: iS.a, somewhat mis-: leading ' title. for’: ‘this attempt. | weave: anintimate ‘dramatic story into réams. of generally stock,..and. ~ by ow. rather shopworn. .documen: tary, ‘footage: illustrating the ‘pomp’ ‘and; circumstances.: ulider. which: Germany: “Was . terrorized and ley, Frank. Gregory, ‘Fred Clark: Brenden’ . ‘Fitzgerald: and.“ Paola’ cal -eontributions. of the’ Italian -qiiate. considering’ ‘the limited. “ex| penditirre; mrs “Tube. a “{) byphotized: by ‘Nazi ‘Jeadership. Thet As. ‘largely.{ more than: an -afterthought, a sub--|° stitute for. narration which ‘might’. have“ been. more eloquent..and_ in-. * | pictures, a case of ‘putting the ‘cart |" “sense, :the. story simply must-come: ‘first, and_.the’ film ‘should. fallow, | Bal not,” vice-versa: as is. the: case i: “from an adaptation “by. Liltiam "Hellimas ‘subject of a continuing legal’ squabf: ‘ble between. CR Enterprises; pro-. ‘ducers and ‘distributors of this-f1lm;, -anid' Stanley Kramer, producer. 6f. }-Dr.-J “Judgment. ‘At ‘Nuremberg” (whieh: cide ue INES SNGaS Merit [ World: preems Dee. 14 in. Berlin) | japta n Nemo, dbase Herbert Lom fundarnentally “misleads. in. ‘the. Rosali -sénse that. it. implies. to -a. prospec‘tive audience that: the bulk of ‘the’ |’ with. the: operations | and” ‘devastating. ‘effect of : -malicion 1g actually: . -it--does ‘not.’ True, ° ‘the |; into’: the | footage: does. déal' with efforts’ to" determine whether one-woman was: ‘veered away. from. “the touchier; many: through: documentary. ‘film. clips, and. the story. ‘of the woman 4° at Nuremberg is’ ‘Toughly @ linking’ ja result’ of this.boildness and directTiess;| bears’. a. | Code Seal, an adult: approach: ‘along convincingly: and. slyly: -that: she. is. ‘ful boxoffice. . _ cause... However, ‘though’ she: fools |: : she. d6es ‘not fool theaudience, | sophistication of:-modern society which’.ean: sense. her ‘obvious, guilt, E ~ ‘Phere is ‘still ‘morbid’ fascination: ‘in some~ of ‘these film: ‘clips, ‘but: (1961. .setting: into which: it has -been: ‘framed: But: this: isa ‘minor ‘Teser= eral.excellence ‘of '‘Wyler’s_ produc ‘playwright’s: work. : ‘such’ as’ “enormous, ‘John Michael Hayes from. the play-. . Wright’ 3 own. adaptation, : deals.. of Totic: child who, as: a. result of svi- ‘| flight: from: a’ punishment’ she de“Serves, ‘creates and_spréads’a ‘slan-' HL 1 tionship“ between.: the « two ‘head‘| mistresses of. the, private. school for: ok Latimore,. Barry Cahill, Sid: ‘the: scandal has.” reached... ‘such ‘resulted. in ‘a lawsuit,” * destruction stone.| 0£ the -school, : ‘ devastation of: the felationship ‘between -one “of .-tlie | “women: and her: fiance, and: suicide, -of ‘the® other,. latently. guilty. i in: the. | mind, ‘but’ not jn. deed.. . Screenplay;. editor, Manual. ‘del Campos; : -pense melodrama, ‘modestly. hint: re. souréefully produced aind ‘directed. tion and emotional understatement :, ‘result ‘in; a ‘memorable -portrayal—. | under the. auspices ‘of. Alexandra | filler-in situations. that eater: to the: ‘incident ‘wherein-a small, detached party’ of‘the. “-youngster’s ‘approach ‘is. tight. similarity to “the: manner ‘in Italy ; as joined by. a: Nazi. spy whose’! ‘the spy’s identity,:so a lot: . A: dearth . of tight: closéups.. ond ‘|: ‘mich: “too dark. photography. makes” . | constructed and its’ characters have: T-sense* of ‘humor cand . the: human; “even the. héroes of combat. There. ‘are. competent. . perforniances. ‘by. Cahill, Sid: Clute, Mictiael. Billirigs:. Falei, The art, téchnical and: musi: “The. Children’s } Hour . Sémewhat “Qated;.-.but ‘pola; ‘ : brisk . and: faithfal. ‘remake’ of. .. Lilfian--Helinian’s: play.. Adul€ . “ fare,. ‘and: 80 labelled. Strong. isontendter. i: a . “Hollywood, Dee. 6. : United ‘Artists release of. William Wi the ‘Production. ‘Stars. Audrey . Hepburn, Shier. ine, James -Garner;. features Hopkins, — Fay 'Bainter;.--Kare kin; ‘Veronica: Cartwright. Directed b Wyler. Screenplay, John—Michae] Haveg, Jey’ ‘Miviam of her play; camera, Franz. F..-Plane?; editor, ‘Robert Swink; music, i alee. Norths ‘assistant . director, .-Robert-: E. Reljea, Reviewed at Directors Guild of : Anteriea . 6, 62, “‘Riuinning time; ; 199 MIN Karen. “Wright ~ Audrey. Beniur Martha Dobie sores 8 hirley. MacLaine -:./ James Garne ara -Hopkin .. Joe Cardin: ...... Mrs, Lily Mortar. . . Kar “Werohiea ‘Catt w righ owes _ Lillian. ‘Hellman’s “study.” "Of: the slander ‘and: ‘implied : ‘guilt. comes. to. ‘this. crackling’ William. Wyler production ‘of. “Tlie Children’s Hour.” ‘Wyler, who. directed the. .1936Samuel ~ “Goldwyn. -production.“ther titled: ~. ‘These © Three’); . which more. serisational © “aspects of Miss ‘Hellman’s Broadway: play, this time has. chosen: to. remain intimately faithful to ‘the. original. sourcé. “Ag the. United: Artists: release “net! récemmended ' for: children”. tag: ‘bit, fortified ‘with .a with an. exceptionally. potent mar quee.. cast . and: ‘some: ‘subérlative acting, it has the miakings, of. power ‘If there. is a: ‘gaat to be found: with the new. version, it-is that the makes the events: in Miss ‘Hellman‘s -play ‘slightly less plausible in: the vation, . overshadowed : ‘by the gen-. tion ‘and. the durable Power. of the’ Story, ‘written for" the screen. by. course; with an. irresponsible, nev: reptitious‘reading, : coupled : with: derous: rumor: of ‘a Lesbian‘ rela-. | girls..she: attends. . Ultimately... the. ugly -lie is exposed, but :not. before alarming ‘proportions. that -jt has ‘The: ‘personalities of: ‘Audi ey -Hlep-burn and Shirley ‘MacLaine, inthe. | Teading:: ‘Toles, beautifully comple| ment: each: other: Miss’ Hepbuii's:' soft ‘Sensitivity, ‘marvelous: projec-. | one of potential Oscar nomination ° 4 calibre..:.Miss "‘“MacLaine’s : ena ha | ment is. : alniost. equally ‘rich . nm depth: and: ‘substance.: James Gar nér is ‘effective. as Miss Hepburn’s.. betrothed,..and. Fay. Bainter’ comes * through ‘with an outstanding’ pore" | trayal of the. impressionable‘prand-" “Sandwiched ° between | “its. ‘some-. What: redundant: start: ‘and. slightly. mother. who’ falls under’: the’ evil ‘influenéé. of: thé. wicked, ‘child: ‘The ° latter’. is: played ‘in. the ‘bad: seed» -tradition :. “by | newcomer. -Garen: ‘Balkin, The: orily | jarring ‘note. ite it which Bonita ‘Granville -essayed the role inthe: earlier ‘film, . But -the performance ™’ “'génerates.... sparks. . Young Veronica: Cartwright; as an ‘other. Stiident:: ‘implicated ‘in. the ‘scandal; makes: an: especially -vivid | impression.: “Miriam, ‘Hopkins,. ATO: |. played Migs. Maclaine’s part ini the’ 4936 production, scores here as. the. .¢haracter’s: ‘Shallow: ‘aunt. Balance. ‘of ‘Support ‘is. fine. a ” : [-establish‘and straighten: -out iden| ‘| tities. ‘But the’ Frank Grego ory-Al-. “Wyler’s ’direction is’ “abresting penetrating “and” sensitive. There, are.‘several ‘noteworthy strokes’ “of ‘artistry—small but: acutely “perce p=" tive. touches ‘that miglit .-have-.been:, -overloaked:: ‘im lesser * hands: ‘Fr anc. F ‘Planer’s: ‘camerawork is’ intetiseand -” inquisitive, : ‘Robert . Swirk’s ‘editing: ‘notable: ‘for: its . cumulati¥ e: impact ‘and’ stability. Alex. North's. ‘score, theugh: not an: extensive: ‘one, Lis always helpful ‘vhen introduced, especially ment, to. ‘the film's « more: sini: “let passages. ' : ‘staff and’ ¢rew ‘are. generally’ ade-"|: ‘in * atonal ‘aecompani "Fernatido Carré ere 'g 5 art: direction is tastefully, in keeping with lo sale... ube: