Variety (January 1962)

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eye Te ates vanities’ LONDON: orrica coe Peta te ae st. James's Strest, Piccaditly ven = aero. “oe mt * “paris _ French ‘pic’ directors and‘ two Russian: ‘filmniakers ‘had some. reflections |. worth quoting” ‘Oldtimer Rene. Clair maintained. that. the: public was. ‘not | .* always-‘right’ but.‘that ‘any filmmaker. ‘whe ‘did--not: respéct: it! was [... -Hlways wrong., Claude. Chabrol.'said ‘he ivas trying fo get, at’thé: “mech|. " ‘anism’ of -reality in: his filnis, ‘and ‘Russki director. Grigori. Choukrai,| : ~ (“Ballad ; Ofa Soldier). felt ‘that. a historic. optimism. had ‘to be main .-tained in. films“ while. ‘avoiding: académic aspects. .-Among: ‘thiose : in| .-yalved.were Jean. Rouch, Armand: Gatti, Serge. Yutkeyitch, Jean-Paul ‘Le Chanpis, and. Louis ‘Daquin *: » .. A FrenchS»yanish-Italianproject for.making apic -versioti of “Don “Quixote”: withFernandel now: being: . finalized. ‘Fernandel‘says he wants to play: if straight ‘withoutgrimacing “Was: deadly in earnest about his. knighthood.’ *.’. ‘Marcel Caimus;: who mage: “Black Orpheus,” ” now ‘winding: B: ‘pie: Ww “ith ““Noh-actors’ jn the Far East. “Bird-.of -Par adise:” “claims. it: has.“already’ been ‘sold-for: the’ whole’ world. -UA: has" it for thee “U.S. andthe: rest of the world: except “France,: “Italy, West: -Ger-. Many, Belgium. and: Switzerland : . pie,-still temporarily: ealled’ “The: “Third Dimension,” ‘at: ‘Saint. Maurice’ cheese Sophia") Loren’ and.: Anthony: Perkins. UA. ‘has. Ate ‘for, (the G ; aaa ann eer rene aa aaa Nene ew Or a ROR TE AE 5 TEE . . oy eo : we -aeiress Giulieita’ ‘Masina;: ot * La ‘Strada’ picks, -will ‘be’ jn -hér ‘husband's ‘next: picture; as yet untitled:: The: ‘film. fhe.’ ‘male * ‘lead . Producer: ‘Fulvio. Lucisano ‘of Italian International ' Filni,. Will do 48S tantio Attack, "from. a story: by” Ron: W:: Alcorn; It oe Ea starts in’ March -under ‘the: direction.. -of. ‘a: noted’ ‘American: actor,’ “unnamed, -who ‘will. niake ‘his ‘debut~ as. director, -Lucisano. has. just “finished, -produgtion. ‘of: “The? War ‘Goes On”: ‘with Jack “Palanice. ©." Sopliia Loren: had.-a busy: day Jon -Dec.. 23: Actress took: overnight drain ‘from Patis,. . ‘Litvak,. arriving "in “Rome: jn the: morning. to-"personally" shand over " Christmas ‘gift. packages to’ 2000 Roman. children -at ‘the’ Adriano: Thea-| “tee. Then, tothe: Excelsior ‘Hotel ‘to: greet. child ‘guests.’ at. traditional. * Christitias’ dinner ‘offered to. Rome’ orphans by Baron. ‘Renato ; Cini;: : The-same eVening she went to Pisa to attend world preem of ‘ ‘Madanie Sans. Gene™ atthe. Gitiseppe Verdi Community: Theatre for. the: r Beneait. 208. the:Halian Red “Crass. ‘aia Pix Pa Pinas Now Using toe ee oe public débate: On. “hurhanisn and ‘the: ‘cinema: ‘Amoiig:a zroup. “off _ and’ the comedy. only “in _the-situations and. not’ in’ the’ character : ‘who. “Distrib, Speva ‘Films, ' Anatole’: ‘Litvak ‘shooting: hfs. new: , ond: other: “Réderico Fellini: . As‘ to. stai‘t, in March’ With ‘Marcello’ (‘DotceVita”) Mastroianni. ‘playing | where ‘she’ s° shooting -film,. directed . by: Anatole. PAD {00 UP | Be. EMILE ZUBRYN Me -” Mexico City, Dee. 26. that .the: ‘Mexican picture industry. underw ent. a Yadical reorganization. awhich had. ‘goal of. ‘freeing it. from : obstacles. hindering’. its develop-.} -ment... But ‘although the new-lease-"]~ -on-life ‘plan: ivas: hailed thé the’ ‘salvation. of theindustry, ‘there Was : ‘not: .the expected strengthening. of” economic, . production, 2 -exhibition * ‘arid... distribution: “factors.” “End re-: “sult has been ‘a steady: slide down‘ -ward * ‘to-anew -low. level and, the: -most critical: situdtion of -all ‘since’ ‘the inception of. the Seventh art, in; Mexico, ne, Alt. phasés. oF. ‘the industry now: *: ‘| gloomily: admit that, 1961: was: ‘the’ poorest, with a total. of -42°com-;| | -pleted pictures, ‘although: just be| ; fore ‘thé -year-end. producers: and.|' U8. Pix Standout ‘unions .setfled: their: differentes: in! ‘of. technical ‘units. by-rell.Four) Tiew ‘pictures went: before the ‘eam-. . beras, but. these, technically... “cannot |" “be included in’ the. 1961-total ‘since: completion: iy. as” ‘not. ‘affected: before |: Dec. 31. ‘the’ fault. lies,“inan industry beset? Dy: multiple. ‘problenis, ‘added: to-the , -bor-manageinent: “bickerings, ° “personal. ‘animosities, ae wag. ‘only: ‘about, six years ‘ago, ‘the’ miatter’. of. -cansecutive“hiring ¢ It is. diffi ult: ‘ta. pin oink: w agh : s. diffic 2. B P k An’ unusialls ‘strong. lineup “of. -pagne.” “lack ' 6f-:coorditiation, ‘eonstant’ ae? : and: ‘ber. ‘jealousies Chris{mas: cinema. ‘program. reveals ~ — and theire” Taised by: greater’ fed-! that: 10. oF the 18. ‘local. firstruns eral intervention in ‘the: industry.! thad “pix. of | -Anjerican origin . over Hoyts: ‘Mag. Director © Ernest Turnbull” se out. (tom Dowa Under) with a “Rational: Cheer ‘for Australia a or ce a another ‘Editorial Feature * , : in the S6th: Aniniveriary Number . oP VORTETY © Plus other. statistical cad dete tied. ; Shorts: ‘and articles: ° , A “oer. NEXT WEEK oh Berlin Xmas: ‘Berlin, Dee: 26. En S. ‘pix: has: been: released “here P © j that: the violencé is staged with the during: the second -part of Décem-. ‘Checkup . on’ W est’: Berlin's } the: holidays. ‘The :remainder. in | prefers. ‘to ‘remain’ nameless. 1} picture,” ‘still’ rated primarily : -_, | Bins may be. an important factor, Linton al GN, rad iy Pie Geinenentuekskineexesteonecslepeosebes _Abroad a as sig Boast to Europe ‘Paris, Si an.. 2. a French pix producer here who’ -. He © says. . that. he means mainly: the spectacles: ‘which. could. be a biz. |help. in aiding European producers find their: ° way with this type of: an American specialty. He the flooding of locat screens by European: and Amer. ican-made costumers, and {he Tact “that Yank entries appear head and shoulders above the seensinely skimpy European attempts: at this ‘kind of film. The money . that Americans can. ‘pour inte. ‘these : but above’ all, it. is the knowhow. {that is. ‘evident. and irom which 11 European filmites. Can ‘Jearn. a. lot, }ihe claims. He points to “ET Cid.” as ‘hav ‘ing the. sweep ‘and grandeur that .afilm. of this. type should have: He: claims: tlie Fr ench pie. ‘ceived affair alongside * Cid.” | This -French producer cited: a leading: French film critic whe: once ‘wrote, “An American film is like a! drink.‘of bubbling. heady ehamHe opines that’ the U.S spectacles are. direct, dynainic.. and: proper intensity ‘and romantic. sadism “but rarely exploited for. its own sake, -: ‘Europeans just | “eannot. ‘s$2em to. [mate this or get the ritht’ mood _‘Thank: goodnéss’ for the grow ing’ Ainerican: filmmaking abroad, says“ “The Rape -— 1 6£ the..Sabines,” is a ‘badly. _con-' | Certainly” financial ‘troubles: have: varid flair into their adventure films. not ‘been, resolv ed bv’ the. ‘govern-| ‘eluded: five “German films While | ment s. acquisition of the: two ‘ma: , one pic-each was. Of French; Italian. fjor-. éxhibition-. chains.. for. a' :re-and Swedish. nationality. t puted-: $24: 000.000... And” the. Film /. ‘Banikhas: ‘prov ‘ided advance. Budget “Pongo . and -: Perdita’: “(Disnev), @ “The 16° ‘stateside tilins: “inchided | will not’ get..the “premiere” treat7 os : 7 meént, but. will not get the” “pre|: annually, Titles to. be: -offeted “fucludet} “Jailhouse, -Rock,” | “Dréain'| Wife, moa ‘Malaya, me “East Side, West || : “rwo:. Loves;”: Tele to Major: Prot “Romie, Dec; 26.: jo -Ttalian proditcers’ ‘have. ‘taken. tore me “Jaunching. their major. productions |}: via. the tele. route,’ ‘Restricted. to|] ~ big-budgeted. 7 “items, ~Jtaly's “major. ‘opera: houses. | fneludes.: presentation of: ‘stars ‘and, *-other: celebs‘ present, a few com .ments: “bit the’ producer: ‘and. ‘some: an _ key’ Scenes: ‘from. Dpic.: ” -Method: was. first. adopted: yf . Dino... ‘DeLaurentiis-: and: -suecess* "fully used for:several of his’ recent. , hit pix, ‘such. “as: “The-Great, War,”.]| East Judgment” and‘others. . ‘Cur. ~ Yent™ :holiday -strétch® will see a,j foee Lp . : Jess’-than: two such: opefiings; . one « for, DeLaurentiis’: -'Barabbas”’ : -‘ the: ‘Rome. Opera: ‘House, the. ater | L eo “efor” ‘Maleno~ ‘Malenotti’s. “Madame! . Sans-Gene,” Yer,’ .a Sophia. Lofen: star‘at Pisa’sTéatro ‘Verdi. Facet: dties’ ta ‘attend:: | ‘-Anather : pic, Disney's” “10 Dal]. “guatians, ** ‘-also:: ‘stands; -to” benefit. » from: cupeoming. “over -RAI-TV.;, However,. the -film_| be~. a feature | local ‘tele. J Tent, ‘but *. ‘will . of . .-toprankinig re Sentation: “Christmas stanza: “of which w ill. be ' dedicated to Disney: ; : Met § Unreleased 0 . _ Olfered for Japanese” Outside Quota: Plan Toky a, dan. 2. ue “Mav ‘itl: ‘offer: about 20° ‘post: iri the revue, “Les. Pupitres’’(The. "1938 features -for: deals witht. Japa-:| Music: Stands). at: appears, in ‘for, a : “Most |-run.. oe. the films have . never: been. rez!" ‘*Yeased “there :: beeause’.‘ef: -import + “quota. system, still effective... Metro tf As: allowed: (45. _Titenses: her’ witty’ “portrayal . ‘of the: wife.J while: Rogér. Nicolas’ tistral : -comic |: ‘routines. -have.’ ‘put over. _the ‘ld: : -nese.“-importer-distributors:.: ‘currently. : “Battle Circus," “Ada.” " “Side” ‘and: “Key to. the City.” Practice : here: is to choose. -ac=.. * tion’ fare. over’ dramas and” ather: "Ace types ‘in: “-marginal decisions. , tion. fare represents: ‘an ; “almost promotion . consists of ‘live t¥. coverage,’ over |]. ‘. Jtaly’s RAI-FVnet, of gala preems;’ “-usually-:. benefit,. affairs held: areal a This: | that: only ‘one-day: separates the} °° _ two affairs: ‘has. ‘sparked : -a race to{ wi gee. who -gets. the : ‘myost-; Bersanal-. a : video: exposuré: lt Studio. One," t : ot porto, Ls es ae ode oaquina. Caballol:: dwells: 08. of Spanish, Audiences “athe: Inert vreau te the! “6th: Anniversary Number | . ARIE ¥. Pius obtier: stotistical: ‘and sortie | ‘charts “Gad. articles: : SOUT NEXT. WEEK: Ps ville a “Paris, ‘Dee: 26. legit. shows." ‘Several new: pieces, likely to. get ‘runs,. appear ‘fo’ thrive :'. lon. the. name. play ers: rather ‘than. the properties:: ' Marcel _Ayme's” “egitér, } received -high? ‘praise’ ‘for. his -work ‘Sophie: ‘French ‘Version . of ,* ‘The: ‘Matridge-. : GoRound”: (Adieu ‘Pridenee). with ‘fashioned. : ‘operetta, ‘Jouer’ (Your Turn).: as Falstaff in’a’: “French version ‘of || * >, predictable’ income. an ‘smaller a Bares “The. Mery.’ wives] a Nations, reek vs bee OT . gt Seontinued: ‘on ‘age. 18) T he: Likes: ‘and. Dislikes i | Marke WithRed. “dies F Maxibules, "* got s0-so reviews.. but, ‘raves. for. ‘actor. Jacques :.Dufilho |.’ ‘who ‘enacts. ‘a... bevy ‘of. roles:-and: eornments on: theproceédings. Ray-.|"° mioridDevas, a fine . Vaude.“comic, |: “fa Tol Dey Germany. te | Bark Yatiging “from sae low "} $3. 600: 000“for. 1961 to. over. ‘double: at -Nuremberg’* j. this ‘amount: in better’ “years. . Mexican: | pictures © . (€ontinued, ‘on page’ ABD. © | Houses Off -Tokys, Jan. 2: Before Jeavi ifie ae possible: ‘solution: ‘soon’...of..Knotty.’ -... :/-problemi: in | Hong «Kong: whereby. 1) US: Treasury placed «certain. ‘key: theatres off: limits’for U.S. products ‘because. they: are allegedly, owned. ' or ‘tied: in ‘with . Communist in: terests: : Maas: expected: compromise to. he . ‘vi orked | out whereby. ‘permission | “Tt. wwourd appear that: ‘the. cult :of: the individual is. taking-precédence: over. the play. thése days in. French. is: ‘granted by Treasury ‘rep. for ‘the-atres. to’ ‘get’ green. light .to show high percentage: of films.froriy. Free World; ‘American Product naturally dominating. _ ; . ~ Distrib: ys Smugeling . "| ‘Ffankfurt, Det..26: -So-you think: it's. tough . ia “get. a film distributed? How about: this! A -year: ago.a Ger-: “man distributor. started Rego-... his. picture, . “Song -: “ot Corn° ..thé-. government” tried to: con" ‘ '* fisceate: all. prints. ara oo Szoets,." who". “also'* ‘ditected a Ris ountryland:escaped , over | oe boi'der * to “Austria * last" We eek, an Aa Ww itl Show. along -witha who’s who. "Jn -the-Hittle: ‘knapsack: that ‘he . ‘’ Carried ¢ along was one...print-.~ Sof the -pic.-. Te is “now :: for January’, ‘release, in West wt i on ‘undeniably | : || were hard hit. ‘by: ‘political Urirest * i cand the. weak. ‘currency «in ‘Latin, (Cingtamia), ‘leasé” “For US. Produc Kar East: ‘Smotion: Picture. Export: ‘Assn. ¥p.‘Irving Maas. left “for ~ a}: | four-ws eek “swing: that will: ‘include’: : oh stops: in. “Manila, Wietnam and ' ‘In"I fsonesia. : E ‘adislao° Haw alked . off with best ‘rey iow, |Tooks to: be. one..of the. pest. Germian \., tidtions : ‘with “Huhgarian ‘pro-. ..fealures. of the: year, 7 ‘ducer, : Istvan’ -Szoets, to ‘show’ : +. . Breakfast: io Be Shown. On New: French. Liner :2 7 fields,"*in: Germany.” Deal “was D 8 “|: completed. ‘but . when. Szoets «» esiiaréts” sas “a “the tried tetget an, okay from: fhe. -, .f Hun Zarian: governmentto‘ex-7--4 ¢ ” port:, his: pie,: fiot: ‘only was a .-: release’: ermit: srefused;. put: |: as p Speen. chosen . tO : be. shown daring ‘I the benefit’ ball Le. Bal’Des Petit ‘| Lits -Blanes. Affair ‘unfolds. Satur;. . a this: ‘¢ontroversial. film, about’: day 93) onthe new ‘French Tuxury | -Louis' De F unesis credited. with q7 indking a. revival. of Claude: Mag-' | nier’s: “far ce “Oscar”. a'séck sutcess: as ‘ditto Jaeques' ‘Fabbri’s. cavorting: | linc? . crowd, -’ Paramount's * Manager John ‘Nathan: Will, also. a Took 1 in 1 OF the. shindig: ne slated at “Come ‘September’. (th, “Judgment “(EAi. “Ben-Hur”. MEG), : ble i: (Par), : £Cinérama Holiday’ “South. Pacific”: 420th) -Fand. the . ‘relssug’ “Of: “Spiral, Stair OF the’: above ‘films; ‘two. United "Artists releases “had: ‘their. world .Kramer's +. ; ‘and: ‘Billy -Wilder’s “One, ‘Two. Three.”. preems. “here: ”. Stanley {"“Judgment. ‘at. ‘Nuremberg” ohn: Jatter wasS-Pr gemed Dec. 18 att German. ‘dubbing: may" be ‘made rl sponsible.: City’s No. 1 critic, ‘Fried| .;rich Luft, put the-questien. whether |. such céniedies can. be dubbed ‘into |: _German.. at vall.. Der.. ‘Abend... local “boulevard” paper, verbally.. wrote: ‘The German. -transtators ‘Have bungled. thie’ original... However,. “One, “Maas. "indicated. Two, ‘Three’ is’ a ‘b.0.° hit.on -Kur fuer stendainm. -Greater ‘part: of the}: audiente’ this’ ‘quickwitted ; decided «-tocomedy one: ‘of. the most laughable |: schedule, . even though pix. ofthe: season.“ ‘Disney’s:.. ‘full-length’ | old: tradition; : always’. has.Disney preduction. over: the Xmas holidays. ‘Film got ‘good. reviews: Universal's “Conte September": Was. generally -[tegisteréd: a very. ‘stout: ‘entertain-. ment ° “picture: which. saw “its German: ‘preem. at ae thie MGM Theatre. garnered: S0-So j take the glamor and appeal.away reviews. ‘It has’: to: bevadded, how- “King: of Kings.” | ever. that: Biblical films have. nev er. done wel] with the loral crix, : OF ‘the: ‘five. new. Najda’s ‘Ger mani: -pix. “The. Liar,’ ” Tt ’ Paris. Jane 2. . apy éakfact. ‘ab. Fitrany’ s {Part has: France * while. in harbor. > Audrey’ Hepburn ‘and: Met Ferrer socialite; “political «and show’ biz. : #One, Tivo,” “Three” (UA! [> “King: of Kings” (M-G); “On Doi | “eartoon, a “Pongo and Perdita;” ‘saw -its local: preem. at “Astor which, aS per an. Continental ! “ers; ‘succeeded in some of their ancient. * ‘costumers by: .sheer exuberance. _’ too. talky and are so concerned swith, Togic they lose the pace so neces‘sary in ‘these type of pix. European ‘Locales Logical Making: U, Europe that: have. Continental Jocales is just ‘common: sense fo this. producer.:“Cid” never could. have ap “| proximated the castles, Iandscanes’ ‘and towns.of. old: Spain in America. (Continued en “page | 18) ; W. Germany’ fo Maintain $25, 000 Maximum On ell Film. Star Salaries -Frankfurt. ‘Dec. 26. “The: “anpopular-.: salary scale,;::. which. limits ‘atop German star {to — {a maximum ‘salary of $25,000 for.: -a.role in a film, is going to be main--, Aained. The chiefs: of .the West German distributors and.producers,” who.jyst held a-joint meeting, have ” maintain the salary the stars {claim that ‘it led to many abuses... - In view ‘of the growing costs of film. productions, and: the. world-. wide. drop in boxoffice receipts, the... producers and distributors. point out that-only by limiting sal| aries can ‘ther: bring in films at a reasonable. cost.” ... “The ‘stars, -’on . the other’ hand,.... ‘chatge that-the salary scales. whith have’-hecome known to ‘the public, ‘from the celebrities..and handicap’ them in earning: a fair retuin fr ont. their, work. Some. of‘ the ‘German Stars have refused.’ to work .in German -filivs. tat these sct-salarics. Austrian actus , Karl-Heinz ‘Boehm, recently {mented that he would never agin. ~ “.; | work for a German. produc er at bis. , “-Lped on-the scale, which is in the. 1-S10.000": ‘eategory.. came ‘He. also noted. that some producers. Who. want a. certain’ star for av put are’ ‘sidestepping — the agreement by paying the star off with. an expen; sive Rift: or. some. added fee under‘: dl ‘the table. “And Gernian’ star Curd Jurgens reeently “formed. his own progie‘tion °. -company:: to avoid | being. 1tr apped at the. $25, 009 fee for h's talent. Others; ‘like Maria Scbeil ‘and “Horst.. Buehholz. are.:filminz for. American. ‘and. Brilish pradus. where. they. are paid many: -times’ what ‘they would. carn in a" 'German. ‘pic. | He admits. that the Italians. ‘have.... French attempts ‘are usually just.