Variety (January 1962)

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we economic. picture’ ‘released by: Ber, T. Huiet,’ i eS quality of releases” ‘averages high, -as. it’ does ‘now, ‘points out: -. “star. liked: the story. that: “finally: ‘ap-| a “Hei pressagents: the four’ per iddicals = ‘of: the. big: _Wedonde, January | 8, 1962 I a a , JOURS ete Le ; _ :Atiantay. Fai, 2. —o “Georgia: ‘éeoridmies ‘are. . eéoming‘Btate’s: total ‘employment. by oh Dat a “1970: will -have. increased: ‘by: some264,000. wonfarm. jobs over ‘that. _ Of 1960, : ‘while ‘the.state’s business. activity: Will “be:-nip: 75%, and“ os the : average per, capita. income wall: shave: riser $730 to. a Plateau, | we. OF $2,371. | '....-Finaneial“forecast was: “fndtuded: ‘in’ an “analysis : OF. Georgia’ oo. “he Stoner: of Labor. =... ae . "ae And, ‘of course;: “what's good: for’ Georgia's ‘industry. meahs: snore. “money. ‘ini.the jeans: of ‘individuals to, buy’ theatre, tickats;, ; Batron-": ha places . where amusements and food. and: Arink are purveyed: ‘and... a ‘dispensed. : : . John L‘Fulmes,: ‘professor. ‘with: the ‘Behool. oF ‘Tidustrialwane] “square” screen’ that would “have: : | been : considered small. in1930. AL: bats’ ‘and ‘soda “pop. good... 40%. of: the<pictore: “was” ‘chopped: off: on: both: ‘ends, and. it. seemed." as though: "Cagney: alone. . Iwas: kept ‘in ° focus: Y¥egardless of : Tyho. was. speaking. ‘at the. momeiit.-|.. Much. ‘of ..the “humor ‘.of:‘the® fiirix | was’ lost: because of this.’ ‘| starice, : there -is.“a scene where a. a -ggemient -at’ Georgia Institute’ of. ‘Féchnology,. -estimiates: that, based. ':: “> ton ‘the 194721960" figures, . total ineome.‘in the’ state. in. current. vee -. dollars). is: ‘expected ‘to reach $11-billion: by: 1970, -compared” ‘with: ; “> "sgome, Six” in. 1960.: Retail: ‘Sales by that -time will, haye. reached: a os ~ level: of: $7, 100,000,000 (bi,: up! from: $4, 000,000. 000 ‘(b) in’;1960.°. J fo Phere will be ‘something of :a .population €xplosion,: too.: Br. a ae -Fulinier: opines, an increase:of 703,000 ovér 1960'to' a total of 4,658, a. “: 000 in 1976, while migration. loss is expected: to aniount to. no more lal ‘than -10“per cent. of -natural: population, Bain.Atlanta ‘Metropolitan : * oe "Area: ‘topped million’ population: two years: ago.): . ; ‘ = He’ said’ ‘that the: “mostserious’ problem. which: nay" ‘handicap , the Georgia economy during. the 1960s. arei a8 as : Searcity’ -of ‘skilled . workers... a : Anadequacy of: the: state's. highway ‘Satems" Le A Iaék. ot centralized: state: planning and development. s , Report ‘Bron Minnesota. “Last. summer's: drauth continues: to" ‘be. ‘the No. 71: ‘factor affect: a 7. ing: this: predominatingly. -agriculture-.area’s economy: adversely,” aa :. according to the current Minneapolis Federal: Reserve, bank. Fepor te: . " ~ “But: films -theatres do, not seem to ‘be: suffering: .7 -Eveni ‘during ‘this pre-Christmias “peridd—a:: ‘period. which normal-:f: naa Ty: brings ‘on boxoffice declines—there are: mote. ‘excellenit : :grosses ”. ‘sin evidence fhan™ ‘at any ‘corresponding . time in many : years... ‘thexe.'zrosses‘ hold -up. remarkably: well: = ‘It just goes to‘demoristrate: what ean. be accomplished. when: the : _ _ A. Levy, 20th-Fox., branch manager: here; Alt comparties are: “coming”. ., through’ in‘-almost ‘ ‘record-breaking. fashion. with, Strong: Roxoffice .“Regardless .of how: many, ‘gaverse: factors: there: may. “Bee te s: , ‘proved. again that if. you “give: the public. ‘Bood pieturés,as. they're’ *.., being -given. TOW: it It. find. the’ means, and: inglination. to o respond “at : pare the: boxoffice: . are OC I 5 a vote . yee on ete he, ws, ( ee kay ee ot ee atte & Fan Mags Unpredictable _ Continued. from’ base 2 | They ‘look’ upon. ‘sensational’ titles |: as. ‘their -onlyhope of : survival: “ae. ‘ror’ ‘the ccprtieles: “Neither the -p ’ peared; ‘the: star: calléd the -p:-a.; ’ and Said, “Look. FH: keep: paying |: "you: * Bit! don't’ ask me to do. any ‘more. interviews. Ww ‘ho needs stories dike: this one?" / 7 . On: the 6ther, ‘harid; Look ran: ‘af: “very, soft: interpretation ‘of-the: idio-. _syneracies-‘of ‘Doris “Day.#ven-her lure “to: perform: for: charitable. ee vas. "elowsed. over, . and: is-:fihally ‘only One “choice: -if. they: -attribited: :. ta.. ‘Her. shyness,” “and. canhot survive -without:’ ‘libel, they ‘divine: law and: order... feet ‘cannot. survive : ‘period. . tional. mag azities” at ‘Tf.-the. nation: za P only ‘those niagazines that get. their ‘SCOOPS. “without: ‘libelous ‘text . and ‘tried’ sengationalism .. know ‘how |: ‘suicidal this: policy “is: leading to loss of advertising. threats of libel ‘Suits, and: acttal libel: suits. against’ ‘possible: ‘circiilation gains > puzzle: ther.’ even: more:. Several ; vest have. éhanged their} policies. this. year, Stars “and: bally-: -“hhooetscarryingancient grudges |z . ‘against “Moder n ‘Screen. discov ered, ‘by, ‘reading ‘atest. issues:anid. tale ing .to-:Jean «Ramer -and “Helén] :-Weller, ‘that. the ‘ magazine | “Is”: now ~ upbeat: “that. “it: will be: varied -in-t-, “content, ‘and’ carty’. “exciting but; _ never. “misleading”: ‘headlines. ‘Miss 2 . Ramer: “believes ° “that: titles: = of * stories: ‘should ° have “a.-direct. ‘rela“tionship: ‘fo: ‘text—a‘principle. that: . dn.-the ‘past’ haS “been: violated by. many’ masizines=-national. mags as = > Well. as’fan“books.| J association . “witli. Zanuck, On the other shand; Sonie maga‘Greca”” made’ “Roots: of ‘Heaven, " “gines that have been consistently. |: “Naked. “Earth.” “Crack in the ‘Mir| constrictive: ‘in’ the. ‘past'_are,-run-, ror” and “The. -Big Gamble... ning. bilder. ‘Stoties' and. headlines. “today. a * Photoplay. “in: the: past ‘one of. the. “most. conservative. “GE: the fan mags .. and: one. ‘of: the. most constructive. row. runs -such: ‘coverjinesas-“Did}tried very. “hard,. biit: couldn't make: *: Jarkie_Kenaedy: Give the .Order: }4 star-out’ of-me:. ; Drop Sinatra!” and “The. Night | ~ ! They. Tried tO: Murder. Eddie. Féason,” Miss:. ‘Greco #ontinued. | : Fisher.” we -F“If"look “at. all the. -reviews for] “Pubficity. -operaters’ can no » Tonger. * ‘rest secure ‘in the ‘knowledge’ ‘that ‘* because a: magazine: has beer kind to eliefits in| vthe ‘past.’ it. will -eon: tinte’-to “be: ‘nox an they go on, “the: -premist: that ‘tlie: magazines «they .and..their ‘clients. Jearned* to hate ate: still hateable... . » Never: before vias ‘if been so: im: portant for, press. agents. to. know: What current ‘policy; “Tight this min“ute, fs: They -are more, dependenrit | than: ‘ever: before on: honest editors |* JA&otbess’ will return’: ‘to. the U:: "and: honest :writers, ::i° -a this fall. : .Prébabl¥.. the. reason ‘for. ait ‘the {at the Waldorf: sitting of Magazine images: is ‘that. . with’ ‘printing. -and ‘other: costs:, so high, it's ‘lvarder ‘than-ever: to keep will Raye’ toreform, or die.’ opoe :. duliette Greco au ‘Continued. front. page a — said" NM ith’ enthustasin, iad to: my: ake Ametican’ films. I ain ciirs: I. wags only: ‘unhappy. ‘Working teit. we Looals “During. the: four Yeats: “of: “her Words; “Myr, ‘Zanuck told the ‘Eng| ‘lish . press.” DY every. body. Mr: want. to say. “this. I-:doii*t -see whi. good... Fretich | Ss. Cohen's ‘Stand... om: magazine Sticcessful.. Faced by. a.]. _ brutal’. Strvgele-for “circulation: “Magazines: that: have’. -played, . ball: “with ‘stars in, ‘the. past: are. some-. tithes tempted to “set. out. 08, line. will: carry” the. entire show’ or’ ons. prozrz m.: boring," she. Submitted. ” ‘Eaitor: Wanitivs “Georgia's s*. _Comunis4 ** | maid: is given’a: fur ‘coat ‘as a" sy i Wehéar’ this’-alluded. to, -but ‘the |: *.. | maid ‘and: the’ ‘coat. ate: noi’ ‘actually. ; seen n’aatil ine. after: 2° 7 Lee: €-Glasibery . " Mininedpotis: -Jan,-2 g:.°: | Andy . a atres .. circuit. “States.” Assn: J. exhibition’ ——— ° But the magazines ‘that. have | When their -business “managers: count ‘the ‘cost of fighting ‘Tibel’ suits-|: through. -Geceitful coverlines, ‘there That-is why. ins the: ‘long ‘run. titles” will. lite, Fhe. other mags |. “r will” be’ very ‘happy . working ‘with: Ameri: | ‘with .. Mr: ‘Zanuck; Fhat's “why -E Miss. ‘Miss: ‘Greco-. ‘said. ‘in. ‘medsured.| “something say printed shocking. to. me'.w ‘hich was‘printed | ‘He told then “he-} “It’s. extremely “unfair”. for: “this. he: had. td: : do. that.": ‘As: .to-roles } ° she: would ‘prefer, . Miss. Greco_con-. sideréd; ‘It's very. difficult ‘for: me | to'make ‘any ‘choice. I have’-a-very |’ :aecent:: My: ‘Frerich. ‘ accent’ iS: perfect;”: ‘She Iaughed: _.. Six ‘years: ago..she? sang. ]. ‘She vmentioned:|.:possibly. play ing: ‘Broadway’ s Golde}: | ‘en. -Theatre, “wnt ‘recently Alex: le Miss -Greco “is. vundécided. it she appear in. the..second: ‘hale : Of the PE ST. .wouldn't’. Jike:: ito. bef i at ever. been’ circiilatéd ‘outside: ‘Asia _ Washington, While visiting. WashingtoriD: c | -wenit’ to the DuPont. DE | a f fiheré-to'sée “One, Two, Thres:*|: “3 Nuns Popcorn Klitch . ‘Although I enjoyed the: film: vers. Roly ~| muely I. would: ‘ bring. ones" : thing, to” “your . attention. This iim ae id other =|.¥as: ‘advertised in’ ‘the~.papers: and] -. ize elubs’ and. gay. spots, bistros, hiteries ‘and: ‘danceriés | an lon thedisplays. in. ‘éront éf the} a ‘theatre: as “Pilmed’ in Panayisién.” . The. * DuPont? . Theatre | has ‘1a gift:. " Glévelanid-hased Associated, ‘The: with’: a pene ‘Kendis. * Ginerama’ 5 100" ies — ‘Continued, fron page —— — where five: ’ Citieramatravel pix : ws ere: ‘exhibited: -in deals: for. “How” : ‘both: of. whish ‘are. on last ‘production: jap}. “Brothers. Grimm,” at. MGM's . CiillverCity: ‘Studio... All ‘deals: with ‘éxhibs ‘are’ on: ‘90-| ‘10. basis, ‘Only . in’ Europe: is ‘-Cirie rama imaking four-wall deals.. This’. obtains: for ‘Brussels: where. “first European: Super. preemred ’ Dee, 21: House: seats 1,200" and’ is* ‘Sperated} ‘by. ‘Cinerama.. * Second’ opening: ‘eit ‘be: “ céin:: ae pletely’ remodeled © Empire, «Paris, ae |-OMl Jan. 19,. ‘Seating’: “1175., a jammer, ane just acquired: by Cine| rama, will: ‘he’. maiden. attraction , "| Belgium: hoiise™ debuted with’ “Thisj ~{ Is. Cinerama” ‘and will follow with “Wind other foiir’ Lowell Thomas subjects. triple.-screen -topper, is. ‘he ‘prefers Ww orkiigwith. theatre, owners. rather than against. them. “Also, ‘he’ figures, it's: their ‘bie! and they. ‘should invest’: in. new undertakings, ‘particularly, when -a | Yevolutionar y" process. ‘like. Cine: ‘rama’ comes. along, : ‘Each. theatre “Lean play-it: for a ‘year. or more, to: say the. least, to’ insure their fiscal |: Tat + Dellant PP outlay, in n his, estimation. ‘bine in ‘the Far East: Fot -in-: headed.-: . by. “exhib }. leader Marshall Fine, ‘has acquired tthe’ Shor. interests ° in’ the’ Cinein-' ne | nati: aréa’s': S&S" hain, comprised’ “pictures. Hie:feels. <..°"-: of of: 13: ‘situations: ’ This hikes. AS, " sociated’s* strength. “to-35., ‘houses; |e ‘Phe: additional ° -thiéatres * ‘include both” ‘ozoners and’ hardtops: ~ Fire. is “president, now. serving: ‘| sécond: consecutive” term, of: Allied’ . He’s associated in: M. S." Fine = and. |.missed-: the: petition, : -Angle. ‘on exhib: preference in new. Super Cineramas,. according. tof : ter: ‘mination, “ Expansive Showmen af Orient Native: film: activity: ‘in the Orient continues. to “boom.: Alttioigh these films,“ they. are. all against |: “Oteidental ‘attention: centtes-on the. big. Fokya ‘Studios; the‘ tipbeat “Zanuck: and they “ask: why--le‘]_ did that to me:.I am -not.responsj| ° Ble‘: for ‘the: ‘production; . I? am. not: ‘Fesporisible. for the script, : LT. really |- “PICTURES _ 2 15 dal of la vs Angeles sera : Detroit;Jan. 2. _ huns Were guests of managers ‘of.three Catholic credit unions: af. a: spécial | matinee , showing . _ Woods, .nabe United ‘ Detroit. . : theatre.’ The. nuns’ consumed ; j about’ $600 ‘worth, of :ffee pop-'‘Corn, candy, bars, Acecream’ It:'was the first “time some. 7 ‘of the’ nuns “had ‘seen a feature.” >: filmed in. color. The-party ‘was~ -” “gueh. a, success -it? will become: ot an annual event. oa Adelman $ Ms ‘Dallas, :Jan. 2: ; at detision handed dowh Dec. 8, ai, ‘by. the: U.S: Court: of -Ap| -peals in New: ‘Orleans upheld’ -the “Added Situations ‘/-that’: exhibitor: ih "Delman . Theatre ° ‘in: ‘Houston was} not ‘in. competition -for -equal' run. with: Loew's State, Metropolitan Or. _in: that city. ; ‘The judgment ‘of the: District Court |" ‘was affirmed ‘by ‘Chief Judge Tuttle, |. and’. Circuit. J udges, ‘Hutcheson:and. +Vear, $2,863,908, followed: by. ‘$2:: jadgment‘of thelower. U.S. Dis trict: :Courtfor .the ‘Southern . Dis|: ‘trict .of-Texas, ‘which ‘had ‘ruled ' Adeliman’s | B.. ‘Majestic ‘Fheatre.: ‘Jones: ‘The: ‘suit. was originated in 1948 .. 1 byI. B: Adé}lman, ‘seeking: an ‘in|. junction against Paramount ‘Pic: tures,.‘et al,:to:aliow -him. to -com-. “pete for. first run‘availability With. the specifically: designated theatres. ‘fof Loew's State and” AB-PT affili-| . respectively, tallied $2, 655; 090, $2,: ate ‘Interstate’s. Majestic. and Met = | spslitan, ‘all dowritown operations. -Adelman’s claim that jie was en. titled ‘to. compete’ with all: ‘theatres. in” Houston: was denied in Septem‘ber,; 1955," by. the ‘District. .Caurt, |}: ‘whieh ° determined. that he was not in. ;..competition. ‘with :the ‘. three | aforementioned: -downtown: theatres,” but ‘conceded that. he -was, in | competitive. status with: ‘defendant ‘Kirby. :.and.. River “Oaks ‘theatres. There. Was | rio ‘appeal froin: ‘the judgment: ae Again © in 3958 “Adelian filed” af petition ° ‘for: modification: -Of the: injuiriction . by” :giving .. -him ‘an op: ‘portunity: to . compete . with.” the: -| same ‘downtown first-run ‘theatres. ‘This’ time. the’ District. Court dis-. concluding that the principles of estoppel and: res adjudicata were ‘controlling. fae° tors. against. the complaintant, * Judge: Jones’ | -stimmation.. read: “Since. it “was “expressly decided: ‘on thé original application, for an. injunction. that ; ;, the ‘appellant's. Delinan Theatre was stot ‘in. com‘petition “With: appellees’ , Loew's’ State, : Metropolitan: and Majestic curring fact is asserted: as: éstab lishing the: ‘contrary. of. that de-. any” “modification OF; awould ‘be a ‘reversal, of. the deter-. -Mmination. of an. isue’ decided” by. ‘the ‘court and acépted. ‘by ¢ the: AP -}.rone,”. $295.230, 13 week . “Alamo. ie 1." World of Suzie Wong,”*$233. 645. ; entompasses tmuch. ‘Of. the Far. East, and is-accentéd by. a $3,500, 000 7 . ‘production’ Tayout. being built on ‘the. Hong. Kong. ‘periphery. by the, --+ “Shaw: Brothers,,. whooperate the largest ‘Productionexhibitor ‘ com: Actually, the project shapes. as a. major anid’ development schiemé, ar ae ve cE Besides the Six-stage studio; a ‘pair ‘of 150-unit. apartment ‘build--} ee ~ ings, ‘taxo.. restaurants and: a. dispensary. are: also blueprinted.. ate “May: be’ ‘footnoted. that: in the: current, ‘initial: eonstruction. phase,’ “some. 300: women‘ are gouging. out. a. ‘hillside: because. the: law “fate . bids dynamiting: in. the area.) *, . ms The Shaw freres (Run Ran “and. ‘Rinne Own. 200 theatres in oh “Singapore ' and: throughout ‘Malaya’ and Borneo, Five -HonggKong, of: the IT. firstruns in: Hong. Kong are. their. ‘For some years, ‘they We. . Operated: a ‘dow ntown: Hong ‘Kong studio Brinding: ‘out quickie. ‘prod= oe Pe uct at-arate, of: about: 60annually. They: ‘also. ‘shoot’ 12: per annunt fed Vin, ‘Kuala : “Lumpur and Singapore. * Chirese and. Strictly’ for. ‘pep’ patr onage’ in the 3 Far East. Few. have Po Geritiany, resyectively.. “All. ‘pix: are in. ‘ of * “The ‘Parent ; “Trap” ‘at’ the”. ~ 19.8°% nD “ 1957's . $11,534, 700. “| great $11, 918,400 repped: ‘the. hish | Action Defeated! |showed ‘third quarter the’ highest, . Twer e Theatres; and:-no ‘subseqiiently oc+} ‘Were: ‘weeks: 1520: 45 weeks: $315,709: 24. weeks at Music Hall, cee {Pr ofessor.” : ‘| ani ‘average of 2614 -| tionally down from ‘80's 27Aheatre javerage, -up from "89's 26 averaze' — 7 tay : ao satisfactory. film | with France, Italy ‘and Germ" ny, ‘the -Filin ‘ Bureau.’ | Under terms of. ‘the. agreements, . one Mexican. picture wilt be siown *__. | here. L ian. “and Germ:n’ product. | By. WHITN EY WILLIAMS . i “Los Angeles, Jant.. 2. “Los: Angeles firstruns piled up a ‘Some: 730 Roman“Catholic a ‘firie $10, 431,221 for the calendar year: 1961. With. considerably. few “Aer, openers, ‘however,. tally. repped |a 5%e dip: below 1960's $10,980,744, . -but' still 4.04% over’ *59's $10. 070,-". 212. oo Statistically, the. 159 tally. was” ‘under | 1958's $11, 164,455, which.’ in turn, was 3.2°r. below Year -°1956's-. est take since 1949's coldssal $13,596,400. down from. 1948's record ° : } $14,686,800. ~ .4.-Strong entries were resporisiblé...-. ent for first quarter of 1961 topping all -: others -by a substantial’ margin— ~ : “| $3,122,774 -against third perind’s © ‘| $2: 673,948, nearest. contender; and .|the fourth’s $2,303,500, weakest of. © the year through the absence <of : . any -outstanding product strength. ‘Second quarter for ’61. was $2,330.‘999. Comparative’. figures for. ’60 | $2,924.994,. as compared to second. strongest first quarter’s $2,872,984. Second ‘and fourth quarters for ’60° .” hit $2,540,840. and $2, 641, 926; ‘Te : spectiy ely... : Asia. matter of. statistical ‘interé est, °61's first. quarter‘was first 13week period’ ta. top $3,000,000 ‘since /1958's” first” quarter's ° $3,127,194, a -‘mere’'$5,420. better. ‘With that exe ception,.’61's first repped the high-. ‘est . firstrun’ quarter take’ since | 1957's: third . $3,304,20 * In -fiirther’ compilatfon ‘of quar: terly: totals, 1959's. first led’ that 287.670, $2. 638 560° and $2,280,075 respectively. also was tops, $3,127,194; then, $2.597.109, $3,050.945 and $2,387,207, respectively. For 1957, .thitd. period led the year, $3,304.200,. and first, second. and fourth quarters, 681, 200° and: $2,884,700. . Where the year’ 1960 saw 237 new. bills and 49. reissues, the: Breatest number Of. openers in many years, 1961: opened: only 194 new bilis.and 46: re-relcascs. ‘Towest ‘total in years. of 213 new *bills and: 44 reissues. played.’ in ~ 1959; 232 new and 43 reissues. in. 19: 58: and” 256new and 36 reisstics in: “1857. : “Ben “Hur” continued: to lead the town take during 1961 at ‘the Eevptian, as it did the previors year. For its carry-over into 1981 for 48-weeks, both at the Esyptisn: ‘and then in ‘general release, fiim. ‘grossed $762,816, up over its ‘Clase ‘est contender, “Spartacus,” which. did’ $6: 52.722 ‘in 51 weeks at Pan-. 4 tages, ‘also carried over from 19: a . “Exodus,’ ” held: over from 49641, a came. in ‘third in. year’s sweep-: stakes, ‘Tunning: up $545. 914 for at 2h 4. weeks. . ° Two. highest grossers” for ‘1989 “Ben-Hur,” .$1,427,116 for-52 . ‘weeks. and “Search: fof Paradise.” +-$674.366° for 38 weeks ‘at’ Warner ~ ‘Hollywood, w here it also. heid: over from: previous | year. : ‘Remaining’ top ‘grossers.. ‘of 1961 : . “Pepe, * .$391.321 for “Never On Sanday.” .8323.-:. “La Dolce’ ae me where-‘if's’ held Zover into 1942, Seventi pic was “Gunsor Na ae ; "The . '$263.887, 16 Weeks: 14 weeks; and “The Abseni-Alinded "$229, 344, 12 weeks. a Totals’ for. 1961 were based upon hhousés. frac--° and. under. 19: 38" 's: 28‘house: averaxe. France ‘Set New -Film Pacts With Mex ‘Mexico. City, Jar. 2. . Mexico: has -signed new and has. tevea! lod. ‘gach. three -French exhibited. ‘Same ratio applies. for Ital for Only, “official comment on ‘the: new pacts was ‘that Mexico fas’ ~ [never had any exhibition problems qin. .Germany since ‘national. fitms ‘are“constantly shown in West In. 1958, first. quarice. a ae? ; exchansze pacts." *