Variety (January 1962)

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'* proval of the Board of Directors. . “Wednetdey, Samia 3 "1962". “Cronkite g rar IL "als Fargo’ Spinel Wile Robe Bollywod,, ‘Jan:.2.°1v ale ‘Robertson, ‘star* of“Tales. ’ After. fishing ‘around for; ‘one ‘word: ‘that might: someday ‘fit into. = of “Wells' Fargo,” and president: of] * headline; Walter’ Cronkite: ‘and Les. Midgley laughingly ‘described af ave inet ‘h Yearend Real of op his Juggernaut.. Productions. ‘which |: * has’ a stake in.“Tales,” will ‘ake. _their‘show, “Eyewitness, ” as “Luce-id.”” Veupe o | a ‘spinoff fora. pilot. of: ‘projected Cronkite. is ‘anchorman. and: Midgley thé. executive’ ‘producer: ‘of. Ph, National Assn. ‘of Broadcasters (J) 22) ee | Hew:-series from. <oné: of the. épi|: this. regular Friday hight news-program on CBS-TV, and they claim: “|... ‘ushered’ in the:New Year with alf. 2.0.02 -“Tsedésplamned. for’ February. film_. that, ‘they: frequently. find the: véry’-ame. story: they, feature of :a=~ ° <>.” press release: “extolling ‘Gov. LeRoy |. VARIETY» §. “ ing. 7 . . _Biven’ Friday: night. leading: ‘the ‘editorial . Pages of: Time. and News: ort ae oe “Robertson: aiid Harle “Lyon: f Week the following Tuesday. ..° ee ania ve ae | “Tales”: produicer,. will. shoot the |: They. weren't suggesting ‘that. the. ‘magazines steal from “'Byewit~’ Woes | pilot asone of .thé’ hourlong 6ega hess;”" Merely ‘that: the ‘program‘-deals ‘in the. hardest news. it ‘can '" . : find, ‘and; naturally, Time and .Newswéek are in the same -business. ote ‘: Collins’. reign at. the Assn.. and.|]-chalking ..up 1961 -as ‘a: prestige || ments, “in ‘color,’ for NBC-T'V ex|: . fine was * Estimated Weekly [ecutives .who’ have. eviicedinter|. |“ “The nature of the television -business,": Midgley: said,’ "is*such2" “Falent’ Cost . Washington, Jan, 2.. +-— . The statement. began .with the Doast: ‘NAB laid.the groundwork est in ‘the story-and. have been |. assured. ‘Robertson ‘would be: avail: ral ‘Eyewitness’. ‘up: till: airtime: and, often’ while the show is on the air.” in 1961 ‘for accelerated: self-im|| provement of ‘broadcasting free of “[This-gives. us a. .48-beat on the "magazir. 4S, Whose ‘deadlines are‘ale . .-* | winner for. breadcasting, generally. {fF . “thiat: news: can.“be ‘covered. fapidly. We :can: change. the. content ‘of ~ 7 i 2 on nh ee ‘able: to. Star.” |; _ encrogenment “by the. federal!) € hart | '."Most like ours: only they ‘have:-to’ WOITy, about’ printing problems: °°" *: “The . stepped. up . program: “got |} a | agen added that. the:. “Eyewitness” clan | are. delighted’ et5. eo, wang PRR ete | st yt enor Minow ths Ay co after LeRoy Collins took ‘office. on “Festeres. Tals: Year's, Jan. § .as NAB's. 17th president, || ‘succeeding. the Jate Harold Pele * lows,” m i} ‘The NAB puffery “emphiacized ' . what it-described as Collins’ efforts | Pye ‘to provide ‘the’. best possible | ‘broadcast. service to’ the ~ public! [|e CBS: News" halt Pou Groukite ‘and: Midtown: both. "veterans of . the CBS ‘camp,:pointed out the number of times, this season alone,.* ‘where they simply. ‘dumped. ‘programs that. had: ‘already. ‘been pré=0.°. os. pared ‘and’ canned. in: order to. take, on’ ‘the: latest,; ‘hottest. news, avails Tey “6th “Anniversary Number" ; ae , VARETY | Réderal Gominuinications. “Com: ; | /, wble.** ae iste! copes, Se: ope “Our editorial: coveragé, if. it 18 that” said the anchormén; “isthe: ne et cae Oh . courage. ‘to: throw. things out ‘the ‘window. beeause™ of a Jater-break| Mae gers erates ote in a ated _. ing, Story, Such things happen ‘onthe. average “of every ‘other week.” re fore: a ..Speech: -Assn..of -America | Te Midgley. pointed: out: that: “Eyewitness”, “has a paper: ‘budget.. Of 0 te co about: $25,000: weekly, but. they’ve: often: had ta spend: more,The:.:. wee without danger of: government in-'!|| rarer rete in 'N is. pom is two men niade an. exainple of the program -they did last spring in: ~: ‘terference :that could well: destroy:j~ — — — — . Kno $ ewe “How. anticipation: ofthe start of the: Eichmann trial in Israel:.Said Cror=.:. Ca it.” Ta this. end,: it. recited those 7 public.. interest, Ford | said. > Kite: ‘Dan’ ‘Schorr’ ‘was. Assigned. German. ‘reaction. Lowell Thom:sIts overall summation. of. thet ‘year was as. follows: Wrapup | Just A 7 “Despite some. -troubled times: plan for. NAB. which gained ap* [usin ess, that ‘he sioes it Is ours -.' (Eichmann): was “captured,’ and" I”Jertisalem with ‘a. ‘unit. :| out. and determine. ", ¥ou can imagine’ how: costly-this was (Midgley éstimated it at:$20,-" -' 600 for‘ these: out-of-pocket. expenditiires ‘alone): and yet. before I: parts -of Collins reorganization. che: ‘the broadeaster): does it-Is his | “unit supplied. ‘Special material. We had., Argentina, where st ee a .a broad new’ C@ny ‘ention, : mediately © ‘not ‘oyerstep © after. watching it, . Fedio, one red! oO system. Sew. ‘the year was marked by ‘signifieant.} advances and a growing recognition of broadcasting’s ‘prestige.” : In: substantiation, the NAB Te |' lease cited the coup of. ‘having Alan Shepherd asa: surprise -guest.| atthe Assn. convention ast. May |. and the astronaut’s _ praise; broadcasters as “the: guardians: of the most. powerful and. -effective -Means of: communication ev er de signed, 9 c President Kennedy's last month’ with Collins : and -the. Freedom of Information. Commit-: tee at the White. House. was ‘also listed ‘as..a. gain. So.was NAB’'s. success ‘ingetting a face-to-face |. Meeting between’ Federal .Com= ‘munications. Commission . and. -in dustry ‘reps. on the contraversial ‘new program reporting forms. : As for FCC Chairman — Newton Minow’s. “wasteland” speech, NAB summed up the event-as follows: “Many. broadcasters. had: been: upset. by Mr. | :Minow’s. sharp ;: criticisms of © television ” ‘in... hiss maiden speech: before the. ‘NAB -but Gov. Collins’ ‘imcountered that? *.the, Chairman had ‘overstated his ‘case’: thatthe industry was working hard | -{o.correct.many of ‘the defects. Mr. _ Minow .cited Jong before. -he made his. speech.” - ‘Collins’. line’ regarding’ ECC: wast described. as..“‘cooperation . .... ‘so theregulatory agency does | its ~authority. and, seek to dictate ,rogram:. -content.” Other highlights, of: the: year. as | listed: by NAB: . —Collins’ pledge ta tieip: the. na ‘tion’s Gevetnors ° to. thwart juve-. nile erime through: pitbservi ice Pro-. grams. oo —Creaiion. of. ‘an’ NAB: Civil Defense Committee of broadcasters: to. work closely. with | -government agencies: ‘in planning program .of. civil |. defense. geared to. the atomic age. New stress in promoting the advantages’ of radio as a ‘medium J. With its “Build Radio w ith. Radio“ ‘campaign. — a A Yugoslav Cultural © Editor Looks:at U.S. TV. Thinks It’s Preity Good| ‘Houston, ‘Jan. 2. Jospi Grubisic, “cultural editor” | of tv. and ‘radio, in Zagreb. -Yugoslavia, Stated. that” “American. tv, to some ‘foreigners, sounds... -as’ though: it .might. be ‘horrible—but | ‘I: think jt. is, pretty good.” . ‘He is here to have g& look at: ‘television and to listen “to radio,: as” part. of a four-month’ tour -of this |: country arranged -by ‘the Institute | of International Education tor’ the State -Dept.. .. He has already. ‘been in this. éoun-: ‘try for Visited New York, Washington, San’ ‘Francisco, Hollvv ood. Chicago’ and. ‘about ‘three months. and Sacramento. The . local ‘array. of} _tv.and radio outlets, like -others ‘threughout’ the states. caused him, London, to -say: “It. is fantastic. recognized as a leader. itn ‘ty and: has. two tv. ‘services. _ (Continued ‘on page 40¥ ‘of | “meeting andy} Here there: “are ~ Routine Recital “Washington, Jan. > ment. by the Chairman. of. Federal | Commiunications Commission is. not j aimed to: be: diverting literature.,| | 'And‘Newton Minow’s ‘virgin effort}: ; isin ‘line. with. previous ‘humdrum recitals... and: casual treatment. -of amounted’ 'toa fairly rugged. regu latory year: ‘for ‘the industry: Minow: i Put. it. this way: “As in 1960, the. Commission: wast -active in” “the. field of. broadeast. programming. : “It. proposed exten sive revisions in’: ‘the nature. of the | programming. Anformation which < it |. requires ‘applicants. forbroadcast: ‘Yicenses to submit. After full hear-!"8 panel of educators. who queried : “ing. it denied-'a permit. “FM} ‘station to an applicant’: who .had no} ; knowledge. of, and~has ‘made. no) éffort™ to’ ‘ascertain, the -program i ming needs ‘of. his community: And. it’ put all broadcasting licensees on: notice that. they’ are: expected sub=. proposals ori the basis -of: “which | \sent adequate’ justification: ‘for de‘ parture from those. proposals. 5 “A ‘total of:20. shortterm licenses were ‘issued © in 1961’ where -the Commission was ‘unable to find:that the past. ‘operation ‘of: the. station merited-.a--full: three-vear: license. Additionally, an Examiner’s initial decision: recommending. that a: Ta-|. | dio. station -license not be. renewéd on the “ground that the. -licerisee. was ‘woefully inadequate’ .dis charging. his: broadcast responsibili-||. leading | ties: regarding. ‘iridecent, and’.6b-|. nas ‘Berid | .Seene., Programming. -. ing review at: years’ “end. -Minow' Ss: statement led off. w with’ ) recital * of. Commission’ s. effort: ‘to devise a plan for. commercial Space. ‘communications, ‘then, went’ ‘new. .CONELROD : developments; programming ‘crackdown, the push UHF program,’ ‘the’ growth’ ‘of teachvee and. FM,. the: “problem. of the} congested AM «band, and.a “statis-tical. rundown: on: ‘broadcasting. No happy New! Year’ was, extended.” ABC: TVs Pops’ ‘Show “Thiee.’ musical. “pops” Fat> 7:30 . ‘p.m. :startin Jan. 5. The ‘t ‘8: ‘p.m? Wednesday nights.. ‘Boston Pops Orchestra, " will’ be host: ‘and. conductor” of the; ‘three: ‘the: ‘Young? » The ABC. Syniphony |’ will ‘provide. the: musi¢é which will | light classical: ‘Young. instrumeéne ducer ‘of “The Vv dice ‘of. Firestone,” ; “ fiun 1 by. Robert: Delaney. os “The traditional ‘year-end state | terest?” ‘No mention: of. the: ““\eastéland” |: what. stantially to carry. out’ the program: their ‘licensés_ are -granted, or ‘pre-|_ ‘Into, “shows, |: ‘aimed . at’ ‘Youngsters, have ‘péen| ‘slotted | ort | ABC-TV: Friday nights |.~ show. is going into. the. ‘slot wacated:} by: “Str aightaway.” ”. which is mov-, ing ‘into: thé half-hour’ starting’ at’. “Aithar, Fiedler, maestro’ “of. they nnisical stanzas. titled. Music” For]! range from the:, longhair -to: _the. talistS, Will: be: ‘featured as “ solaists.. _ Frederick Heider, formerly ‘proz:| the’ firnt.of James C. McNary. here, ‘the needs and’ requirements. of his-| ": ‘awn’. srea; then “ be’. prepared to} ” demonstrate. ‘to. the’ FCC that he}: ” . | has. fulfilled. these needs and. re-|.. quii' ‘ements. "s “The licensee.” he: said: ‘be find. his own path: |. We. do: not. propose to. Buide ‘the. licensee. on the -path,.” ‘ With. the session topic of. ‘what. Is. Broadcasting ‘in. the “Public. In|’ Ford: outlined --for-the:|.-. educators ‘the’. history and. im-|-°< portance | of..the ‘phrase, to. operate]: L in the. “public interest, convenience. | ‘and: necessity.” Although ° broad, . the: phrase’ ‘provided for : ‘thé. initial } licensing of. stations.and : was the: basis for. further. objective legis-" : a lation, he_ explained. .“Thie phrase permitted. order. in: the: industry,” _ fo the® ‘commissioner ‘added. . Qn.’ the ‘sdmeprogram, ‘besides: speakers’ following: talks, ‘was ‘Howard -H.. Bell, iveepee: for: NAB Jo ‘industry: affairs.’ GERMAN v BOW. =. FOR EARTHA ae . Frankfurt, “Jan. 2:. “Bartha: Kitt ‘is set ‘for “her: ‘first |. aS fs -appearance on. the. German tele’ 1 ‘| . She.-has.: been! pacted:: by | ‘Hessischer’ ‘Rundfunk, the. Frankfurt outs let of. German TV, to: appear on the |} " Spinnen’* 5 show | “Drei. Maenner’ ‘Three Men Are ‘Spinning, an April. 1962 ‘special ‘here, . with. ‘Bernhard ‘Thieme producing. F German Singer’ Set As” “Frankfurt:‘Jan: 2... ” @etimen § songstress: -andactress mn ‘Lys. Assia ‘has just headed. for the ‘United. States, where she ‘is ‘pacted |. for .:an, appearance’. on. the Perry,|’ Como. show. this. month. The ‘singer; who: -had. a “big. bit: with hier.. recordings : ‘from :“Never on: Sunday.” will stay-for. six weeks; of. .personal appearances, . ‘States. She is following the lead ‘of Ger? “t man” “singer Caterina’ Valente, ‘whowas also: picked: by: Como. for's sev-. . eral: performances: ‘recently. : oB Ws M’s 9506 Spre Spread Be istol-Myers, Which has: “fast forked’ “out: more “NBC-TV:: daytime | "$950,000 ini NBC-TV nighttime. par: ticipations, ; ‘Bankroller’ Is going. to ihvest-in. 25 nishttime minutes. to be spread out among NBC's. “Taramie;' “7. In. | ternational ‘Shewtime” and LOut-: laws.” re ae . “HORNE AS HYDE RIDE : oo Washington Jan. 3° “¢ Phyl Horne has been: tanned as Entineering. Assistant. to: Fedexal. Comiiunications Commissioner. practicingconsulting” engineer. with Previously,’ -he worked for. ‘the | Givil’ Defense ‘Administration | and is. preducirig the shows with’ dirée Army ‘Sisnal.. Corps ‘aS. am, elec: | ~ tronies: engineer. ” far Smust T rm other statiitical aad: éin-ed , to NBC cm Perry: Como: tetr| 7 in: the: ; ‘filiates.. There. ‘were a: Tot: ot: NBC’ “éxece |. “quite ‘willing to let: £0. of" ‘the. AW eek-'| _ foutlets, ‘and’ ‘they: let: the: iveb: know. -day: time somehow. if. ‘the diamond ~ NBC. ‘baseball. last? Reason: ‘material.: “which. never: did get. on’ “or hething-”. _TaNABs New “Our Mani in n Aussie : ‘dwells, on: SE The Upamd. Over TY. | Career of. Nixon &., te “Hanlon Down: Under: ‘ oe “s ‘2 o@, “aiother: nforiniative Peatute 56th. Anniversary. Auinber 4 wes Ob! ‘VARIETY charts. and: articles. os “OUT. NEXT. WEEK. at: the: last sthinute. decided ‘to. Ste | tain’ next “spring’s'’ “pro : ‘baseball . Coverage: had: virtually: -6¥ erything F to “do: with the: Mishes: “Of” the af: end. .Sports. package until’ “just. a “| week: “#Z0: one, becalise. the ‘spon| "| Sorship, problem is: ‘yelativ ely: great “and is great’ because. there “aré so. many’ ‘Major. markets ‘plackéd:out | coin., has ‘also: bought an ‘estimated hby. P tO. ] eague rules: But the. Bc: | TY. Stations, which: “pet = baseball | ‘time: for. ‘Ideal co-op. sale, ‘maybe |. figure’ to’ “capitalize: on. the., Web's |:sales. ‘problem. Moreover,: there: ‘is: | ‘still -a great, deal. of: :prestige © ‘ate: ‘tached | td. baseball, for’ theJocal: | their feelings. i in: ‘time. . _Qrie. Consolation. for ‘NBC: is. that {‘ the”. -retention. -of ‘ baseball. will: ‘negate: the’ ‘need to" find ‘two-and-: Rosel: H.. Hyde. Horne: hasbeen “a |. a:half: hours. ‘of new‘progr ‘amming; web would. Fiave’ to fill the.. Satur-.. gaime Ww asn’t. ‘air ed:.. : JAn estimatéd 120. tutions ‘catsied Ake by “John Burrowes eas | aa 2:03 SH Broadcasters: révealed . that -91,260°~ "-. : {| ing” “program: -Philharmonic, . conducting, with noted vocal sbloy oa “| ists and:-chorus. . “got back, Gagarin: was circling the earth. “We duniped.the Eichmann © : oe “ the air. ‘because it was-that’ week Just one ‘more. example: They: dumiped: a ‘prepared show ait 3 p: m, 7 ‘on broadcast, day, ‘Dec. Vr last, because: of the’ fevolt 1 An. Santa “Dox. Del E oT mingo. ° an eee . ant — Ratio Commercials § 41 2, Pure Monitoring Sie Washington; Jan. 2. ‘the: : Radio ° Code; Authority of ’ National. Assn.” ‘of t of: .commertial ° time’. ‘sampled. Wass wae -incompliance. with © “Code™ blurb: standards. es visions: exemplified by, ‘the momitor* : Chaties... -M. “stone, -of :standards,, femmé hygiene ‘eommercials, ‘of ~ ‘ad averred: . wen “The. Codeis” ‘proving ‘its. worth Py... “assuring | higher. standards :: of” + (Contifued on page 40)» live (BS. Pickup For. Vinca Center. Preem OFNY: Pharmac “CBS-EV “will telecast’ the. opening tight. ‘concert. at. Philharmonié ‘Hall. in. New York‘s Lincoln: Center. far: “revenues” ‘ber.: : The debut ‘colicerty: ‘preeming the: opening” ‘of Lincoln -Center’s . first ; hall, : will: feature the New York -. Leonard Bernstein :, ‘The ‘live. telecast. wil, ‘be “done Sunday’ evening, Sept. 23, 1962. The -. “Historic Philharmonic: Hall. opening -° @uced ‘the’ programs.: of “Leonard. four years.‘No ‘sronser’ has ‘been... Isigned. as yet t Jor’ the. specials: ian ~ }i . Results wv ere, ‘divulged in. a. Sears oe cstiend sSummary-.of Radio“ “Code : ee Te .| tivities: which’ featured toughening”. = ‘of standards.:and enforcement pro -:.. ©. * ‘the’. “Coda OF “Authority's Manager ‘for radio, -res ported that -66:stations: in. 44:mar-" =. ‘Kets were monitored for 397. hours a through: Dec: 8. .The. 91.2°% c come ‘plianee record Wwas.-chalked’: up for. 2 UE hours: generally” regarded | as. “une ee | 1 ‘usually. commercial.’ we eet “The “Radio “Code: ‘Board's refusal pe TEE to ‘pow to pressure. for. relaxation’ ° weed hotably ‘booze and: . ..:: re= rs | . | sulted In defection of +10. subscribare | _[-ers to'thé Code,-Another 57 were *.:.°> 2 ‘1 dropped:.for non-payment of dues. oe e. | during the sear.: ore Overall.” ‘the:Radio’ Code “scored at ; ‘a 31°C. gain. in :subseribers during ©" a jg | 1981—trom: 1,115 -to’ 1,469. outlets.) +. T:.. Radio. Code* Board ~ Chairman... *) | ; Cliff’ Gill’ ‘Tauded’ the’ group: S action’ .. .. _:|to. stand: firm. ‘on the’ present an | } standards.. ‘He said: itwas in: broad. ae | casting’s “hest. overall interests”... ” .depite the: ‘defections and: sacrifice. ee “involved: _ He me ‘the’ Performing “Arts: next Septem-'_ ~ oe me | night program on: CBS-TV will “be. _ . :produced: by ‘Robert: “Saudek. Assos 2 7 0s. -Ciates, The Saudek ‘group has pro-.:: _--p Bernstein: ‘and..the..New York Phil-..: harmonic: on; CBS-TV ‘for'thepast ~