Variety (January 1962)

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et "which. Ruben. ‘goes. about: “selling | = FM. heréaboiits: indicates ‘that: he is. . --dargely responsible: for “his station's * “2: feels. that. he has been a local: “mis. | oS gionary" ve hie and: advertisers.“He. -wishes'that f fe other locat:_ FM: Stations: would’ pir-}" ‘.7 7) * ste the’ same: course: that. his.:sta. . tion ‘pursyes for. this kind ‘of: broad-; + .i.l 7 @astings 2. 5 “]. Mumerous: . i-what' FM. is; what: ‘sort of. programs : ls sieompeting | for -first-run -post-’"48 product, first-runners: are being: a «07 Bold -in the neighborhood ‘of:.$20,000: per.:pic. It's: understood: for. a ” Pom’ ‘Ruben. ‘Son: of the principal | . owner of. WLOL; one: ofthis: tity’s . leading Fadio: stations; and: general} “0 tmanager ‘ofits FM-division, insists | that PM this -aréa have | -”. Incteased™ considerably : in number’ :. 0. “the. past-year“and now, in the Twit] ~~. =: Cities atone, the FM -set owrtérship } in _ has’ increased ftom 26 to-30%.. SO WELOL, one: of his dad,Eddie Ru-|{:. : -: .ben's,. numerous. :and” varied, ‘inter-| a “>. ests,Is. “finally” out of ‘the red”.-as!t: _o far as FM is concerned, It’ has been. oe substantialAM -mone}miakef, for: years. ae “survey: to. ‘show ‘that FM Jlistenérs |... -. “buy 9°6 miore-corn flakes:and.11% .}: oi. ‘more. canned’ soup. than vegular, ra-.. a ‘dio. listeners.’ | , In. New: York for’ example; where: ‘thera’ are really. ‘three ‘stations | "aire, example; : that: Metro secured ‘about: $21, 500: per. ‘Dic: ‘forits most .”: =. -reeent. buridleof 30: sold ‘to WOR-TV: Other’ stations . competing: for. first-run‘past-'48's | ‘now. ‘are. WNBC-TV:: ‘as. ‘well as. WCBS:EV. | on AW | Listeners Buy More Com Flakes, anned Souns Than AMers in Le ” Minneapolis,: Jan: 3... + ve “Htweed Scripter | “Sherwood: Schwartz: . al ‘on Mad, ve: doubletatk What's’ ‘more; Jie’: asserted that} we! ae e "another bright. Featuré’’ wee in the _ eee BOth Aniiiversary. Naniber. . . . . Of: Ruben: gaya ‘that: WLOL' has. a‘ ce PL fe . ARTETY Plus ther ‘statistical ind etoile “Description. -of ‘the. manner’ iw a “OUT. NEXT WEEK. ay &Ray lirary “ares cre! Into Syndication i “Broadcast. comedians:. Ray Gouldwet: to, “ling. and Bob: Eliot are syndi¢ating ‘Ruiben ‘says: that” he makes it his. ‘the’ “Bob -&-Rav'Comedy Library,” emergence. ‘from: the: FM red. ‘He. business to’ acquaint.’ as" many’-as three-minute -bits Jin packages: of “possible with FM becaiise the: ones 260 or':520: ‘segs ‘culled. from the. :. whe :don’tknow: what. it ‘is are: sO, ‘Bob: &-. Ray : Tadio Feeording.. and: ‘He. ‘asks: if: they Tnow tape vaults, : Stations’ Weil be ‘offered. a one-. vs Me fe they. think .gré, do they own, | year: lease. on. the: packages allow:' -.a-FM set: and ‘What. sort” of : ‘radio . ‘ing: ‘for. unlimited: ‘repeats. Second:. a programs. -do they like and, do: ‘they, year yénewals ‘will. be. for: ‘a. som: : os enjay... ee “teally >. ‘good ° ‘music—the; i Blete new. ‘package.. .°.. . finest.’ ee “New: syndication venture’ wilt be. One: of: the main. FM: _ptoblems, through. ‘Graybar: ‘Theatrical: Pro we Of . course, is. the. _comparatively; duction”. Co.:with "Vie«-Cowen, “the high price. of. its receivers running j team’ s. producér-director for. the: ; “2+ from $50 to $100; Ruben: points out:} last seven: years, “as: manager.’ New |: ‘ «During ‘his: “missionary”. ‘work “Tie” firm, : With. the. siogan, ‘“Puissance "42+. says: he ‘strives: ‘to impress upon ra-: Without: Hauteur,”. is’ in ‘addition: “sl” + ido dealers the: value of convincing to: the ‘blurb -production: enterprise. ote eustomers: of FM's fy astly, superior ; ‘of Goulding-Elliatt-Graham and sits: cio" wi" pound,” : He also-uses ‘his influence | animation: Aivision, . Phoenix, Shr to get radio. stations to. bring this’ dios." oh “fc aid that?” theFM audiénces, :be!/ -@ause ‘of ‘the receivers’ high ‘price, ws qial”: iv.’ cifthére’sa: need: ‘for this, :*to-applianée and radio. ‘stores. are |: w+: 52° ineognito to ascertain if. the clerks‘ ' "+ know:-enough. about: FM. and ‘are. “trying: to. sell, the: receivers. ne : : om Seymour Reed ef. ‘Reed; viewing . theyear's “syndica*. 12 tion activity, ‘says: stopgap ‘tv ‘pro:. “: . gramming:is a thing of. thé :past: . Diversification -with ‘quality. prod-.| eo: a ts -eompany sold: seven’ series to: four -".1 +, Olitlets, ‘giving. ‘Official. 4 total. of . t+ “15 -shows. onthe. city's: ‘six. going 2 ghannels(WNTA-is dark :till ‘edu~*"*" @ational administration’ takes ‘over):-/ gtabllize:, in. the. early part:of 61, oP “says. Reed, and: it was as a: result : Os , of Supplying -better: Product. for: St Toute. “oA. io Re. cuet, he says; is. what: bails out the: a ""ayndicator: these days. made. .513 ‘sales. of .35 different ‘7 Mideo ‘series: in, 151° markets.: The.|: = .1* ‘vpales . covered. 86 of the top” "100,[ Ue S. markets. fe Ruben ‘in’ a new ‘gpaper ‘interview" War, cH, GOING "STEREO FULL: TIME ; Chicago, Jan.-2.: WERE the “PMar’ ‘that: crashed | ‘into: the’. ‘Hooperatings a ‘couple’ ‘of | years. back; is. going inte muitiplex‘sterocasting’ in ‘a big’ way.” ‘After. always have been. ‘considered “spe-|re, oe ‘ones, -but: -he™. doesn't: feel] ". . “Hisvisits |: will ‘be. “steréo,” New’ stereophonic: program: Jine-| There’ 'sNo.Place’ia. TV: : For Stopgap Programs = Oftictat Films’ prexy Seymour. “itp: Will. inclide ‘a'series of live per-,| formances. ‘by the Fine Arts-‘Siring | Quartet. ‘originating in the WFMT studios, and. separate ‘séries Gilbert: .&>.Sullivan* operattas ‘and: ‘Shake-: ‘speare’.dramas;: ‘boty Presented. in“their entirety. : oo Ben larson to Helm Hearing: Fishighs ro new one-hour weekly: ty ‘news’ Shov,, called “United ‘Statés Hear-. -ing. Highlights” will be’ offered to -stations.. ‘Producer will ‘be G.: Ben: ‘nett’ Larson, former .v.p:.ofWPLX, | N.. Y., -and., -editor-commentator -Will. be. ‘newsman :Clark.R. “Molienhoft. ‘During °61,: “Says "Reed; “Omticar, In: ‘New. York. Reed noted: his Market :.-for’ ‘ Official: began | ‘to Jights” ’ condense : ‘ proceédings ‘of: Contressional.: investigations | each: week, *: Series” first: . will be.‘ the ‘FCC's 3 Investigation of radio and: ty — etwork broadeasting. 0 of, ‘Jan, 23... more: critical. audiences,” Doe oe oe tee ~ Prices Spiral on 1 Post.’ Bs gnefease in ‘post-'48: pix prices ranges. from50°5° to 15%, accord: ns . . ing to the market: In some markets, with ‘ehe or two-stations, and ‘no | ..competition for prodtict, the ‘price. inclitie . is. small.. Prospects are...” : “fora continued “upward. price. spiral: in Dix: aS: tie. product: pool:. | . Giminishes. . on | the “first -of.. the: -year,..more.. than mom | 50° -of the station's. ‘Programming. oe o “Plan, is: to: have “Hearing -High-.| ‘WGN N TRAIN’. a -week; : product. ~ oan | “entries. . have ..been.less”: popular’ ‘[{ than “Wagon Train.” If that golden: ater, ‘clicks’ what's. -the : future: for |} “Perry ~.. Mason. * . “Bonanza,” ae “Gunsmoke,” “Untouchables.” ete. {f. 0°: AE on the*térun: ‘trail?: ‘Many.s a . Statton oe | The: B “élvet Clore | is’ “Interested. This’ season, MCA “TV. came. into |{ the: market-inMarch. with four. off. ” | {network ~ hour’ “ series, : : ; “Riverboat.” ‘paid. off. handsomély ‘for. ‘MeA” TV: ofthe MCA: ‘TY -entries,“in-atight| ‘local ‘tinte ‘situation;have been. sold | ]. :inabout: 40) markets, .° 7 :; MCA: TV ‘product: and.’ coming: in later; didn't” make’ out. ::too “well. ‘MGM, with .24 “Islanders”: and 413 ‘episodes ‘of-“Asphalt: Jungle”. has! tabbed only: ‘eight ‘domestic 1 markets: ‘for both. series: “Jungle”: alone “copped : “the. ‘markets. of NY. and: Los* Angeles. “20th-Fox, . with ” 26° ‘episodes of “Hong. Kong” and 16 of Five. Fingers.” has. sold théererun | chours in. about .30: markets. : Hob‘bling, the. sale “ofthe: Metro: and:! 20th-Fox-:entries, ‘other. than: qual|" ity, is ‘the’ station need for a: Jatger =| quantity, of episodes for stripping: | ‘The hour‘reruns ‘to: date ‘in some. Key: situations -haven’t ‘made. any: rating “noise. WABC-TV,. ‘N.Y.;: for. “Hong Kong”, Saturday... nights. against the pix’. -product of .WCBS-TV ard WNBC“TV: -Ratings, -of : “HongKong”. ont r example, . ‘programs | the. ABC-TV flagship Aten: ‘impos: } ing. However; to ‘accept ‘the: current test of the hour-reruns: as. evidence !" of ‘suecess or failure inthe ratings { ‘is. Wrong,” according: to" some: Stax} tion Operators. Frank. Shakespeare, ae of |: ‘WCBS-TV,,. N.Y.; for example:, feels! | | that the. test: will:comenext season: | when’ the: winnerssuch as “Wagon ‘Train’ -are riding. ‘the rerun’ trail in} fire ° considered: ‘vip. .and.:. general ~ . Manager. ae: ordinarily ° | Hon-network. time. ‘slots. .. _ Shakespeare, said at: ‘the: ‘begin-| (Continued: on page. .30) ‘Best Press “David: “Wolper,. ‘the: ‘independent |-for .next Season: “Possible: projects | matic documentary: series. | ‘story: ‘Hollywood. building; was: “in. che, couldn’t “hire:-a -better -press chairman: He credited Minow. for ‘taties now existing. in, ‘the: trade:Currently. shooting : “The. Story |: or" series © for” Ziv-UA, -.Wolper. ‘Ziv-UA: ‘arrangement -with -indlte. ‘producers. -Wolper. :said : that.‘he +] Shaler ~KEYTOFUTU tS : ane rerun hour -vidfilm series; |: both: ‘as-syndication entries ‘and :for}oh hetworking,-: a@ system: that had its: —_ teal. birth ‘in .’61,. will have" its first 1 oo: . } major. test. in. '62, ° | : . For. the 62-63: Season, “ABC-TV H ™ plans. alate night Strip.starting at;f -4-11;29,‘programniing, the strip. with |reruns of ‘‘Wagon Train” and WB --| 60-minuters.. Plan ig to. have ‘rerun ‘| episodes. of ‘Wagon’ Train'”. twice |] 7 ewiths. the. other: nights: of] ‘the week filled’: with: rerun. “WB: I: To. ‘date, ‘the. rerun hoa vidhtm tH : “Suspicion” “Qver=t 1. -fy land: Trail;”’ : ‘and: “Cimmiaron City.” Prior: to. MCA ‘TV's entranee, Na{tional “Telefilrn’ Associates thas -sold+: rerun: hour’ product. of. 20th-Fox in |syndication: The NTA effort, . ne “tea was small in-comparison:to | 7 Jp MCA TV'S.: Coming: in ‘with, four {°° 9: 'series.. backed by astute. selling, “has pe Othiers. ‘Tiot | having. the: “arr “of. documentary: producer, “who “is. in: the: midst of.'a biisy Season, has an’ ‘imposing roster. o£. projects slated. ‘include’a series of 10-one hour spe| “cials for-a client,:a hatf-hour-doci-; “s a, mentary -Series, and. an: ‘hour dra| “ +) with: the: Parent. company, United -Woiper, . ‘now: based’ in’ a -three= :N.Y. talking ‘to’ networks, adver-. | tisers, -distributors and.others on: 762-63 ‘plans. “Inpassing, “WolperSaid’ that ‘as a documentary | ‘maker, : agent -thaii “Newton ‘Minow, | FCG’ the: receptive’ climate for documen| | narrated by Mike’ Wallate. . “was” high in: his . Praise for the. ‘has. DO. “interference from: ZivA! : “Huraprist George Kirgo' ‘a the. TV ‘seripter’ 5 feactionto. “Mgeneys, critical, talent: “ond “‘UnencumberedBy. : ar Tae ‘another Interesting Feature. * In the: “S60 b Anniversary Number: : “e | > VRE “charts and atticles |. : OUT: NEXT: WEEK . Ki Al Paspecve i: A Gets 1006 Client ‘Los ‘Angeles, Jan: 2 “Galttornta.. Federal’ Savings & ‘Loan’ Assn. “has. purchased.. KHJ tary; “Perspective on Greatness”. ‘for 13‘months atia figure. in’ excess of.,.$100,000.. Shaw, whieh ‘Started | {-with “AL: Smith—The . Man‘: From }; ; Oliver. Street,”. willbe broadcast. |-oneea month. .New -sponsor’s” int= ' tial: offering will be “The. Lind-'|-. ‘bergh: Story,” ” airing’ Jan. 7 .at ,9:30-p.m. oan i, Each-show. will be repeated the : | Thursday . ‘fouigwing . “its initial | airing: : : Caleb’ ‘Stratton: ts" ‘executive pro-! ‘ducer: of the Series; with John FE.’ Michon as" associate ‘producer. -Other: American figurés:who’are to:: clude « Jimmie ‘Walker... Babe-“‘Ruth, ‘Stengel;. John. L: Lewis; Gen: -Mac‘Arthur, ‘Roosevelt, Harry ‘Truman, Salk, . Eisenhower, © Albert * Schweitzer, “Robert: ‘Frost. {Siete meee fF CRAWFORD. TAPPED ‘Hartford, ‘Jan. 2. Dein Wolper Says ‘YNinow gent I've Ever Had: Ziv-UA: setup: in ‘ty, with: that of .which has proved very. suecessful ‘Artists: fit this season hias been represented “with: shows. on the network’ ‘and “local ‘level,’ “said that he expeets -eovering . atleast: ‘two--series, Indie duction ofthe “Biography” series Current deal with Sterling ‘Tele. season, expires with “Hollywood: The’ Talkies,” ; whith, will be spon , Continued, on. page i aor” | ) cal Stations Must ? _ New Marketing Patterns To Offset a Biz on Networks: Extended; N arration’ a —| work participation . vehicles. TV's hourlong historical documenj. be included -in: the: telebiopic ins: “Will Rogers, ‘Sophie. Tucker, Casey. Wendell Wilkie,. “Admiral. Byrd, Dr. ‘Gen: . Patton, It isalso being planned to include the: Windsors: “and, ‘Dag: Harimar in shooting, once: the project: “and ‘theidea -of the individual :episode: is ‘okayed. He likened: ‘the. current} Of ‘course, autos are” greatly -Gut |:United Artists’, arrangement:-with] ‘independent. motion: ‘picture -pro-: ducers, an arrangement, she added... -.» Wolper; whose’ ‘production. out ‘to make. a new deal “with: ‘Ziv-UA, | “documentarian: also has.,.a. deal. go-. ing with Official Films. for the. pro-: Mision, -covering ‘six entries — this: sored by: Proctor &. ‘Gamble. “next “three. ‘or more by 27, 252. | By MURRAY HOROWITZ. _ With participation buys growing on: ‘the networks, it's incumbent . eral: ‘Manager’ of WCBS-TV, made } this: and: other ‘observations, in a. yearend interview. . Shakespeare; who helms the: top “commercial station in the country, said the participation buys have’ -put the networks in the ‘spot. busi-. . “ness. ‘National advertisers can. now. ‘buy’ short-term, regional | deal, in their Participation network .buys.-’ There’ was a’ time, years’ back, when a Procter & Gamble, for in fof. reasons to natiunal. ‘spot. That /no. longer holds.true to the same { extent, . with_ the growth” ofnetH's now a. must. for loéalstations, Shakespeare said, to further de-. ‘Welop ‘advertisers who because of heir: ‘marketing patterns can't £0 . i network. - ; . Buik of sponsor monies en CBS 7 N.Y: o&o flagship currently’ comes fromnational--spot biz, in..a ratio approximating nine to.10, Shakespeare, because of company pol: CY. could not be drawn out as to tie. did say this,. though, 1 toa. question, that “to our certain i knowledge we have a very. sub© “dead. ~ ; stantial commercial (gross! : over any other station in New York.” AS to-how the station: sales force is handling the increasing prodlein... .of: networks in the. spot biz, Shakespeare pointed te the Macy’s department. store account and the. introduction of a hewspaper, the. ‘N.Y. Herald ‘Tribune. ‘as. sponsor i of a-newscast..WCBS-TY; like ot fier’ [EN -Y. tv outlets, predicates its rates — {ona three-state coverage .area, | embracing a’ potential of approxi‘mately 15,000,000 people. A. Macy's: with a.main outlet and suburban ‘stores ‘can be weaned info. the medium: on the basis of the. statien’s: coverage .and rate. card. Ditto.the ‘New York Herald Tribune, which ‘bought the local station's “11 p.m., on the basis of its. com_ ‘plementary rather than ‘its com-" petitive -aspects. Shakespeare. in 7 going over possible loral ‘account's, * | said that an advertiser whose bu-i“J ness! is dependent: on-one’ ret-il ouilet “William ‘Craw ford, formerly Ben-|: eral : manager,. has“ been -named| © veepee’ of WDRC-AM-FM -and the | Buckley-Jaeger Broadcasting Corp.;’ owners ‘of. the station. ‘Before join‘ing the -Hartford station, Crawford } was in’ New: York ¢ with’. WOR a1. aa WNEW-TV and: WNTA-TVe% os. ‘wouldn't find’ a buy on {Continued on page 30) Minnesota’ $ Talking Point: More TY Sets’. Than Washing: Machines . Minneapolis, Jan: 2: The. Minnesota video. industry undoubtedly enjoyed a’ happ er. ‘Néw Year's than likely would have been the. case if there -hadn't ben issued © at -1961’s .close a fed“ral census bureau report indicating there are more tv sets: than. washing machines in this state and that, numbered. twin Cities’ ‘ty station ‘heads feel that these figures help to explain’ ‘why, as they repeatedly claim.. “it pays preatly—more, perhaps. than ‘in. most other sections of the country—to advertise in Minnesota on. video.” . Also, © these station -pxecutives don’t: ‘believe that the figures cast any reflection on some: phase of. Minnesotans’, cleanliness. ° _ According -to this. just ‘fssued_ ‘government report,.all but 128929 of the. 1,119,271 Minnesota housri>g +] units: had at least one tv ‘set: and ‘La total of 74,757 at Jeast two ‘sets: in 1960. At that time, there were 153, 444 of this. state’s ‘households Without washing machines. One. ‘auto was owned Pd 613,408 AT nresota households, two by. 201, 187 and. | on local stations to further develup.... | advertisers who for. one reason. or ” another can’t buy the. networks. -. | Frank ._Shakespease. v.p..:and: gen “| {'stance, would buy a network pro| ‘Pius iter statistical. and dota-filled | gram and allot monies for a vari¢ty dolar volume of. the station. He . in respoine .