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DT A RR TES 8 . . a re sts re « . ee . me on . a was
ota Pa : a arn ats , “Loe ca eas
ae musical: production; “Subways: 2+ SATE; ‘For :Sleeping,” made. its’. bow : on. Broadway, ‘David -.Brinkley’. de-: “."" woted: his entire. Wediiesdas:: NBC: or PY half-hour to a. savvy, “slick. but os superficial ‘study of. how::the show "*.* prepared itself ‘for opening. ‘night. : “ Brinkley’s. coiimentary -: did: .-not “+ have its usual bite-for some reason,’ “but the doing ofsucht ‘a Stanza ‘has. ‘ys hintrigding “ov ertones: for’ legit. Pro> * ducers;.. . ~~
‘, \Athe Atribdlationsof a muSicat in‘ ret: ; ae -hearsal: to a’ vw.» There is ‘no answer. Pee -, because it Was: never done. ‘béfore, te mt: Bote at leat. cbefcre..a-Tegitter. had oo" time to establish ‘itselfon thie. Main “2: Stem. Gucss would he -that jt! can’t Le. Thurt, -Guhith “ghey . be. aRind: of "a “. -Wishyewashe* "potential . Broaew ‘avi: -stuib-hol@er ° to. | thie ‘existence: of. the: ‘shaw and. per“+ Raps, “to ‘paid: up interest “in. the} “2: fortheoming:. ‘legit: “yeviews. i oa. ever, ‘if the ‘reviews z So". >, sbad—as: they: seem: to ‘have been] ’ 0 £Avith “Sabways'—theeretically, if" r,s, “Gnereasé the: number, cf. people who Wf dort: nevet sarily: we ant: to £0. and) ; ‘po See it.
ws ° ley’ s.Sey “ntoved . through. ‘story’ “conferences. ‘.<) by Jule Styne, the eortposer: <Coni-. * den:&.Green. who are -the lyricists, and: beokMichael ‘Kidd: . to. the: Shuheit: in’ Philly. for’ an: ‘interview! vith -prooe ducer Merrick “Who: during this try-; "P out’ stage. was: -mildly dissatisfied
” o _Weihieday, Jamiry 3 3 62. ne ae : Ry fe Oe, ; VAs
“Tele | F ice Same 3
David Brinkley's ‘Journal. The same:night, the. David’ ‘Mery
Is-it ‘of. any. adv anitaze. ‘to expose}
“national : “audience? | at. this . poirit,
{CGD-outy -to-. “alert. ° a
_AS forthe. tw. ok ow tel. Brink. cameras, : neatly. kandled:
Joye viters; . and: -director:
: vet with. the: ‘wav: ‘things avere. then: £0
fing); “Umusical : ‘sessions by. the ‘stars: .thé |:
-. Boston. tryout .w ‘hich included. ‘shots
2 ai Of the big. product: on number: “Be } al Santai: : oe. Wound it “up with: the dramatic re-: : "* thinder that: while she -was sneak-}: loic: ang = -(ear’ 1 p.m,). the. New York erities were: then: ~.at.. their type-4 “writers. ‘ietatine whether “Merrick |
ensemble :: rehearsal: :
and.:: finally;:-Br inktey.
cil vand’ his. hackers had’ made: ‘a for1
“5 tunate’ $400,080. investment. cor not:
“The editing. the air iltichrome ‘and?
aa ‘the. other. technicalities. Were done |. vn eaeetendywe,
xBC a hite ‘Paner
. Piéducer-writer-dirccton,. ied we Freed. did: a. remarkatily” thorough, | ee, intelligent cand -Fovealing.. job..: in| iptv: ereating “Khrushchev. & Berlin;”. -\> ‘the eighth “White Paper® done for:
NBC: ‘News “on ‘television. Tuesday.
-., A261 niglit. °
‘Taking eecéuiuially® used tet |
“Freed mvarking under ,the-<Irving. -.. ‘Gitlin -pubaffairs. banner for-NBC-. -°TVa reviewed . the: jast’ six-months + i. Of erisis over. Berlin: .Most: of : the : “tinie: he. did. so “over Khrushchev's _: shoulder,” a ‘technique that, proved! _* blunt. and ‘probably irritating. to ‘a’ ~ ‘<numiber: ‘of __.Allies, But being’ forthright. ‘is .one -,, Of. the.traditions ° ‘af. this. excellent’ . series. of: public: affairs ‘specials, .so 7 ", auch, ‘so’ that: “White Papeér™. has: io 2 7 _ faced. great timidity among poten*, tial adyertisers.: = 77
“Americans and ; "U.S:
Freéd's insights Were | sevelones
*” ‘gaillfully;. ‘and. ‘Anitonig ‘theni-. were
"views of western: “indecision” over. “I+ “How.. to-‘handle ‘the . wall’ betvi veen.
*. i+. East .andWest Berlin; a’ sidewise: "72 but telling-glance at: the fact that | : “ 2" the: NATO™ members. knew’ of ‘the’ ‘+. Russia plan. tobuild: the. wall,av. *..scanalysis: of Russia's..aims. in créat
.+3 ting’ the. crisis: ‘and; the.” seeming me, -effectiveness, ‘ofthe plan’'to. ‘date. ‘It. was ‘a pr ‘ogram filled with ‘skép
2.1 tieism,; “put “it: was skepticism: that,
we was obviously based: on fact. ~-.
re the : surface, , history: re month-old Berlin: ‘muddle; Freéd ‘&. 7 J! . Co, gave-Some viewers. a feelingof .".. Browing. suspense’ as he. recounted: ..: the“ story. Some’ .of .. the -footage; rae incidentally, ae none. of ‘it ‘purposeless.
--..., -0n this. stanza~ were’ first-rate, inae elinding: ‘a lovely rendition of. “Scarwe... Jef, “Ribbons” . by: “Miss .Shore,:-a
~ smooth rooting”. Bat BY, Miss
: While everyone ostensibly: knows of the’six-
was . superb, little ‘or : Art. 2
“Dinah: Shore ‘Show. : the: Twist also. made: it on: Dihah
Lt °'Shore’ sshow on NBC-TV: last: Fri-. “a gay, night. '29)in. an’ outing: that’ 2S owas partially, ‘pegged to.the latest} " -. ganeecraze. ‘and the celebration: of. is" the ‘New. Year..
“ore. offering”. bounced . along. ‘somewhat.
J: unevenly.“despite the ‘Impressive: . > “guest .. array’ ..comprising.
a Rogers, Nat: King: Cole and George
ar “Burns; «. a
The once-a-month | ‘Ginger “-niimbers
-.The ~ -song-and: dance
‘| Rogers ‘and. aeouzle. of male: tot | ‘ners, and :C€ole’s-“E. Won't_-Twist”: novelty followed: by a ‘potent™ pro-{--.
_Dinah:-Cole. duet:.-en‘sone: blucs
‘ést link: ith ‘the show: :
“fot'm: ‘was -saddled With. a-runhing*t-ponings: -hereabouts, Rag’ about his ¢ompusion to” sing | scripting” ‘and. narrating: of, th. ac-.
Lv alue .
‘Assn. ‘turned. up witha nifty’ “production “that ranked. With Best: musical: number. of ‘the hour, ; HowQ oo ° are ‘neutral: ‘or. an “age
“sonality: during | his: WNTA-TVand. ABC; |
with, .the -Jate-playwrightdirectar |: “wes replayed -in..its: entirety . and! “provided the ‘batidzop to: the sur: !
“y ounding -encomiums. from Avlesie . ‘Francis, “Gahel ‘Lady” ‘and. “chow=: biz. associates: of Hart. adlib. :Wallace. ‘show .was’ tithed ‘withthe ! ‘publication: “of. his autcbiosraphy—
his" desperate need for Sticcess. and: “riches, “For. part: ‘of.-the “way, -and
j into a-er: ‘itique* ‘of: Federal, tax laws.
s.l'say ing. “Your. “hist: ‘play, shows, up:
| geatured” _ on: “Hy-. ‘Gardner's’ Jocal :
“pose, “cultural” ‘qualifications _and..
their {raveling,. housing a and: Hindred |:
04] VOLUME ter ag eee wg | Weidh ‘Bob “Allard, Jim, “MeGévern; : Tony. Parkes; others. : .
.Govern \ Director: Guy ‘Galanie a: = Writers: Bob. Watson, MeGovern ; ‘60. Mins.:. Tues., 10 -p.m.:.° . -KMSP-TV,Minneapolis-St. ‘Pau, “<tape). i First: ‘of. what's: plaimed to ‘be 3 an
jection: of “Where Did. ‘Everyone 4, Go."*. Other. highlights’ ‘ineluded: al.
and”. fospek nunibers: and. a teamup
“Soni . ‘of “Thesé Days. *. A“ long-}man: Ken-. Pratt -and his’ crew “of
chair-typeof chorale; in. Wwhiph.. they: this :20th-Fox's ABC: affiliated: Twin four forces,
_ principals” “joined: ; vocal j Cities’ ‘KMSP-TY, * ‘proved | ‘to. be. a ‘made ‘for a ‘standout. fi] doeumentary the skilifulhandling
fale. Tt’. Was: ‘a. device used. effec? tof which: would have: done ¢redit
tively: on Previous. shows: in ‘this | ‘to: the ‘stafion-if it: had been, ‘a netSeries. ’ :
¥ ‘ork, documentary. noth
-Thecomedy. bits ‘Were: the ‘weak | In assembling ‘the station’ s “Best: ‘Burns, ‘ avhon! 1961" film. clips,-intcluding those ‘of | haridlcd: one _ sét: -monolog: An-Okay many. ‘thrilling ‘ ‘and: .colorjul: hap-: -and':in. tire
that Wis stretched: way. beyond: its! Conipanying. verbal‘ descriptions’ ‘and. impaired _ the, Ovekall | and. explanatary. matter,. asi well ‘as ! Pace: of the’ show. : a direction .of ‘the -whole; KSAIP-FV
Once.-again, the’ ‘Atneriean. Dairy j staffers. Jim, McGovern, Bob Allard,
“the: Poh. “Watson-‘did themsélves proud. ” “What: : -erigued.for’ ‘tuthed-in” "sef-'
oo Loge ners” was. a. ‘tribute ‘to. the: “past we ovr ap Wear’s expert’: ‘and ow idesp*éad -! NT ke , ‘Pi. East " ‘cimerta’ coverage of: impc riant‘Toral' |
ike. int aces. Tibianya pews et ‘py: Pratt. atid ‘his. assistants: Ainterviews.:, accumulated H The. Clips provided: an hour of ‘His e
FV. days, was” putto effective : use4 Ly yleming . that ; ‘also, spilled | nos-.
on” “PAT -East”. ‘Wednesday’ “night f:
. Hern,
a wee
two“yearold’: half-hour | interview | to. the‘politically minded: ‘And: in|
‘accomplishing : this.’ the: station's” news départment, “which. .oflered, 1 the. “‘dscumentary,”
“Bleste :-Holm, ** Martini rglginy a‘praiseworthy ‘public’: ‘Servs |
“and: Biff . Life (“My Fair.
, “et: rage . thanager’: “all Triends Among other: things:‘camer. aman’
Pratt, ‘covering a suburban parade, had been: an eye-witness: t9" -a:tragic: accident. when ‘an’ auto“driver died jp from, a heart: attack at the’ acheel | .and .the‘Car: careetied ‘§ntdé.the procession, | Gausing. many: deaths”, ‘and | -injuriés. Struck’: down . himself,
the’ most’ interesting’ ‘part;: ‘Wallace: Pratt stl masaiet 6 ee ee
‘pursuéd : ‘this. theme. in : : probing 1
Whether ‘Hart? now “suécessful: and} clusire Too pons ie kh te tak: t
rich? w ras. at last -contept:Gn: the | scene” thi ac: ok zee "
-contrary; Hart pointed. -out that the! hay ‘Was -the-mannei~ tn which | te ‘Twin Cities Janded biz. Teague
quality’ of. his succtess was ..disap: I . f has¢ball and football ‘arid glimpses ; pointing; it had: failed. totr ansform ‘of same of the sports \dovirs at. the’
i his insecurity. ‘to swell -being. “-staditim. where. “the SURES. Were: AS ‘for ‘being’. rich, Hart’ didn't | Fre ‘ed... ‘Viewers also “sw “azain’
papi Be. ee ciatignlay Moat tbrief interludes fidm the: football ;
f f :the: highly. suececsful. U.. ‘been “thaking: ’$7.000-wweekly~ for: i games ’_o. about. fous: steaight. ‘Years : fron} of Minnesota gtidders who. Tanded.;
“My oPair “Lady”. ‘alone: ‘but’ out |.” the Rose Bowl. of this-he kept: only $1,000week:. Linkéd -together, ‘toaz were. brie?!
Visits: ‘to the ‘staté ‘législature‘dur=: ly.. a fact ‘which led. the discussion } 7 ing sessions when the governdr:and: ‘members: were “séen:. and : “heard: speechmaking. There. also. was film.
Hart's: appearance on’ the:-old
“Act: One," in. which ‘Hart yevealed: f
[as ‘applied: to: creative. artists. “In
eno ag SL one a. week tei as barely) which covered ‘the apprehension: of; g ep. art.” in’* go }twoboykillers ‘at: a ‘time’. -when:
garters or: support: his: ‘conpulsian. | crimé : skyroekete din. the “T
to redecofate: his. Various’ homes, Cities“asit did. he 1e Twin.
about: every six months... | s id é sew ere: through-.
Miss: Holm , remembered . “Hart | aut. ‘thenation.” ‘able. word-of-mouth: so that. wh¢
in. your next: ‘elettrocardiagram,” ” -orab at when *
a line. that peihaps, explained thet feo pe ages ae ena the nest
“playiwrisht's*-death ‘two ‘days: be-: | viewin 5 ie r e'a Jarge
fore.: ‘this’ “PM, East” ‘show: Was ;ang 2 udierice: ce matting. Rees.
‘taped: ee = wy a _ Herm.
a ‘Gardner. Show Me Sooy! and. ‘Cindy: Adams were. -Swered that it came.to “one-fifth Saturday. midnight: intervievy. ‘show over: WNEW-TV-IN;Y.) and:. despite longtimefriendship: -the NCY:1, ‘Herald Tribune: : ‘columnist :asked Some:.‘pointed ". ‘questions: of ‘the AGVA president cand his‘ wife: ‘who ‘Jed a: Staté. Dept. Sponsored. variety}: show on:4.globetrot. It-was sparked | ‘by. N.Y. Journal. American column: |' ist, Dorothy: : : Kilgallen’ s, bla's't. against’ the. Adams: show: its pur: | Dorothy. Kilgallen; rémember ‘what
the™.-man.-.. “said ‘about 2: “~voman.
let: it' rest. ‘spieler, . . with : more folksy: chitchat, -before
nuinerologict Vineent’: “Lopez's “prognostications”. bit...
lat above: all, ‘its economiics.-‘ta which scorned?. ne » Abel, -*|-the . “comedian’s Mife had: rebutted:|” “ ey Tea in-an outspoken. “open letter”.'in.at. “Open. ‘End ¢ ‘Greenwich :Villagé sheet. Gardner's “For “News Year's" "Exe, “Dav id
‘questions: : ‘bordered on: embarass-. Susskind -turnéd. .from: the. trou-ment:: ‘to | ‘the: ‘Adams’. but’... they handled:. ‘themselves: ‘ ‘well; .: Bave| ‘ chapter-and-verse ‘onthe” purpose. of «such: :touirs; that meeting. the. cominon.. ‘people: of: the sundry~ na> ‘tions.: (some of: them obscure -in name’ cand geographical: ‘deation) ‘among’ the new African: and. Asian ‘States ‘achieved: nore: ‘than stripedpants -diplomatie relations;: “that. | speaking’: to. them‘: -in:. . their : own ‘language ‘(both ‘the Adams’ demonstrated’ linguistic? agility : with deft introductions . -to” their ‘acts, ‘ad‘mitfedly. -le ar: ned: phoriétically} likewise ‘e&tablished: a‘ strong ‘com-. mon ‘denominator. -Gardner :asked Adams ~ the: $64 “question” on’. ‘the. high cost.” ‘of -goodwill “entertain‘Ment, «quoting |. Miss © Kilgallen’s: $25.000-aweek. pricetag,. and ‘he an‘swered that this covered 25 people.
ers: and its” citizens ‘to the ‘lighter. side-‘of. ‘life. :stanza: that everiing featured.a discussion. on: the Ways’ and..means of | ‘stripping * and~ ‘burlésque:.“mulled ‘by ‘some. ‘of’ ‘the’ Tore’ renown: ‘ex-[ -ponents.".of the :art, “namely “Georgia . Sothern, : Sherry: ‘Britton,
Libby Jones::
to: ‘the .. social _implications. of: ‘the proféssion and ‘shed some interresting and. entertaining: ‘light -on. ‘al Normally spoken .about behind-closed-doors and” much s culated: | ‘about profession. :‘The ladies wére’
marks. and ‘were’ a. ‘colorful ‘asset | 1o the holiday. -eVe'S progr amining: ‘Susskind. seemed ™to. .enjoy.. ‘the
tContinued: on. pages 409
-| Producers: John: ‘Sandstioin, ‘Me,
-| AMERICAN. MOTORS annual local recap. of the year’s. -ndst: exciting. and important: news |. ‘of -Miss’ Rogers. with. ‘Dinah. ont events covered’ by. chief carnera-,
: This, _ show Jikely Won ‘mich fav. ved
of my. ‘hormal salary” the’ ‘golumni t
<r Hutchinson Company “and“WBZTV; two long-respected citizens. of |. ally. the” femcee: and -gommercial ‘Boston, are: to be. cémmended for
Was “a. telegenic ’ S-a-Vis'
Marilyn. (Mrs. Hy), Gardner. isu.
Gardrier: ‘Segued.. dnta. bandieader
As ‘for’. Cindy. ® ‘Adamé . vis-a-vis
. His ..“Operi. “End”.
Blaze Starr, Monique : ‘MonBar and:
Trank:-and* ‘articulate: in their. “re-] 0°. a
Howard Keel,
: narrator, Richard L;-Evans |<
-..}Preducer= Director: _Michél |”
' Grilikhes °
4. Writers: | Richard | ‘b. Evatis, Michel, :
-Grilikhes: |: °60 Mins., Sun. (31), g pm: _
-CBS-TV (tape)
-There are better ways of ‘telling
ne the: history’ and’ ‘heritage™ ‘of
4 scripting “was. tedious. and. ‘it Turned : out to -be. adull ‘hour. “| despite. all its:good" ‘intentions.
The ,* technique, | Michel Grilikhes. latter. doubled das: producer-director). : related. ‘the countiy ’s' “glories ‘ through. the t writings . and. speeches .of. some of f the nation’s. greats; ‘Patrick: Henry, j Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson ahd Abraham . “Lincoln. The’ ex
‘plug, John: Sandstrom, :Guy ‘Galante. and! eerpts.. had a. familiar-ring, ‘any. i natien.
' school “kid” could: probably Tecite : them, .and” were . handled. like a 4 primary. school: course in American | : history. ° Even:gueststars Richard Boone, Dan. -O‘Herlihy, Howard |Keet. and. Larraine Day «:: pulling: ; {heni: out of: a juve level. Miss Day,. yin. fact, ‘brought: ‘it down toa pure:
. Leller ‘level. in her. over ‘emoting |
There. ivére camera.’ shots: caigus son the ‘reading :of a‘-letter from} jirce. gathering of the Chicgeu 427). tn a Moss. Hart, -tribute.: The} { Jated to-hold-attention.fr em Tovers * ' President Lincoln. to‘aniother who | Council on Foreign. Re: st ona CHEO
had lost. five sons‘in the: Civil: “War... Best: portion. “of the show -canic. “from -‘the. 3formon “Tabernacle.
is : entitled.” to Choir’ of Salt Lake City-twhere the’
+ show ‘Was. taped). It's a. splendid. | vocal..-group ..and most: OF their | onditions. had .impact: Ls. AniericanMotors . “restrained. Gt +Self:to commerejals. ‘fore. and «aft: The. closer,: though, w as‘hammered % ; tome. 4 in: hard. flag aving terms. z ek E Gros. . + we htt _ a at we THE ‘SUMMING ‘UP : With. Arch: ‘Maedonald, narrator’ 1 Exécitive: ‘Preducer: Win ‘Baker: | Producer? Mel. Bernstein :. ; | Writer: Harry ‘Durning * * 60. Mins,; Tues. 7:30. pm. ... ‘SPERRY & HUTCHINSON -WBZ-TY,. Boston (film): — -In' “The Summing . Up,” ” WZ. MEV. took’ the: subject matter. fram ethe «. ‘previous 1T. programs. in .its:} outstanding : ‘ “Complex: -Commu-! nity” “monthly pubaffairs~. series. updated” it, and: produced : a ;com= Uprehensive © summary, of’ major: j problems : ‘faced ‘by the BayState, ee ‘its capitol city: during’ 1961.
The assignment. was ‘ monumen-: jtal—to ‘cover. such’ ‘proad aréas as ‘education,
taxation, ; ‘government,
“urban.” redevelopment: ‘and ‘trans-.|
| portation: in ‘the: brief .span of 60}. j minutes,
j production : work ‘of’ Baker and ‘ Bernstein,4° hard-hitting,
‘|Yesearchéd script ‘by Harry. -Durn
“Summing -U
lins,. Mayer: ‘Collins. ‘lauded | the Westinghouse . Hut: outlet and se‘ties’ sponsor: :“‘The ° “Sperry and |
-thesé ' 6bjective: ‘and’ -informative-! programs... As _tesponsible fellow. citizens . they. shave. brought yout ‘(the viewer): the facts.”
The réal..valuée in this. telementary—~as : in. its 11° predecessors— |. “was .-the’: ‘way. it: erystalized the: significarit . issues. affecting. tify.
J and: state, ‘and: generated. some: Se-' : {rious -thinking: on ‘these: problems. “It. constituted: a strong. ‘plea for cit-: imposing music fore and aft of the.
izen.:action. .
a ‘Summing Up”. was: ‘the final
the: ‘best: locally.:. -produced ‘pubaf-! fairs” series. ever. to. come .out: of.: ‘the Hub... Guy as
With. . Jane: Morgan, ‘Buddy. ‘Ebsen; | _ Kathryn Grayson, Rita Moreno, ; . George. : Chakiris, .; Jack: Jones, . Paul’ Lavalle ‘Band,Gordon: & i Sheila MacRae, others: : a
Subjects ranged “from. techiique ; Producer: Bob Henry:
! Director:: Greg. Garrison: :
‘Writers: Tom and Frank: Waldinai
Choreographer: Tom Hanson.
160. Mins., Sun.,. 10 p.m": +...
| NBC-TV,. from H’weod | itape, coter) | ALennen -& Newell) o.:
'. Everybody tried hard and. somie='
‘times: was -suceessful, but ‘the best-!
Performance: ‘onthis ; erratic... ‘New |
“AContinued: on Page 38)"
America. «than -was. ‘done’ in’ the’ American’ Motors’. year-end special, {called “Let Freedom Ring.” The [approach | Was sophomoric and: the
; . addressed — from
‘ing, | and: atrexcellent -varictyof: : shots, ‘filmed .and edited “by: Phil}. ‘Galligan. ‘and’ Bob ‘Cirace,. accom | plished the. task. a4 featured. reports . “ ; | from. experts * ra ‘the. aforémen2 a expenses, ‘insuraniée, : “ete. Gardner | tioned. fields, including.‘ Governor .:,-pressed forhow “much: of. this. wag / John. Volpe. and ‘Mayer John. Col| Adams’ ‘share’ and. -when-. ‘he -an
a LET. FREEDOM. RING: oe With Richard Boone, Laraline Day, Dan" Herlihy | “The Mermon Tabernacle Choir; |.
With Charles Coliingwood, mod“erator; Eric Sevareid, David... Scheenbrun, Alexander © Ken‘drick, Daniel Schorr, Marvin ‘falb, Péter ‘Kalischer, Blaine Littell, Charles Kuralt, Richard ° C. Hottelet
Producer-Director: Bon Hewitt
| Associate Producer: John. Sharnik : "| 50 Mins., Thurs. (28). 10 p.m.
; ‘ CBS-Ty, from ‘Chicago (Geyer, Morey. ‘Madden & Ballard) +
“Whatever . the demerits ‘pasted’ against CBS News asap, ageres~ Sive, going oper, ation an ‘the inA¥amm al: ‘network weer. stakes, ithe ‘convergence © ot. the. wel’s £lobal correspondents for the are. nual “Yeurs Of: Crisis” telecast, -aspresented | Jast . Thursday. nicht 128), ‘served as:-a forceiul. cone
. /tradiction te any such -criticisin. conceiv éd: Dy.
writers. Richard: L..: Evans: ° and.
‘AC ‘roundtable. comp ising. ‘Denice!’
Schorr, Erie’ Sevareid,. . Peter: Kalischer. David Schoeribran, ’ Alex | Rendrick. ‘Blaine -Littell,.
Richard ; 1G. Hoitelet, Charles’ Kurait, ‘Mar-jvin Kalb and Charles Coline good | 4hé. later 4s modeéfater. “denien istratec anew .Calumbia’s:. sti} po‘tent mantower for enlighter ‘ing a For+as. such ‘gabfests ga, |
this Was 2° wholly absorbing, Jen] |
“grossing hour,
This time out there Was a revitalized. “format,” for in: cordrast to. previous. ‘years, Ww hen tre ‘yearend © Wwrapups originated frem™ a Clips ed Studio, CBS took the .1v ‘show: onthe road, the. team: “Reriforming”? in Chicago, before a
In. Lone ., other’ respect’ Cifferca, also, with most of the ‘hour fiven over. to questions ‘aimed’ at specilie -ecrrespondents rather: o than the traditionat free-for-all. ; ‘This was all -to the’ good, fe. I \itiile itmay have had :the cffect. 1 Of trimming: their sails ‘in *showLe7sing” their own: baj*‘iwicks it ‘jmiade for a more pointed, concise” expression. of views. _ The questiens, . both -in’ written form” and tie audience, were. germaine to the mast cru‘| Gial’ issues of the day and aptly «phrased. This less formal mode
oo woe of. delving and expounding: micsie .'for more vivid portraits of” the ia
dividual. correspondents, yet) it no. time detracting froin. thei ir information and views. ‘Thoughtful,
Z:weliotornied men, all. they: tackiled.the Berlin crisis,’ the ‘Conca,’ ithe. common markct, tallout.: the ‘UN, Cuba, -ete., with ‘acapsulized -;POsitiveness that made short’ work . jof ‘the. world’s gargantuan: PYOpHems.. I" “Cor ingwood: ‘rates spec ial mention: for -a singularly . relaxed “ep proach;. yet: with eomplete. ‘contre! of his. panel, . the questions and Answers. . ~ Rase,
“But. the’: professional ‘WoRLD ‘PROSPECTS: 1962 .
With Bill Shadel,. on-air: editor;. . ‘Bill Lawrence, John § Sceali,. Peter -; Clapper, John “Macy ane, Jules .. Bergman, Edward P. "Morgan, -:Quiney Hoye, Bill . Sheehan, . Lisa Howard, Lou Cioffi, Rotert | ao Sturdevant, ‘John Casserly, © ‘Charles ‘P. Arnot, Sam Jaffe, Paul Good, Ray Falk, _ George Bailey, Robert Clark . Producer: Jack Kinkel: | Director: Marshal’ Diskin PARTICIPATING ‘60 Mins.; Tues. 10P.mn-' . ABC-TV, from N, Y..
It fakes some. doing to ‘gather “ ls: ‘correspondents for. one show, along with ‘film clips, and: all the Tazzmatazz of ‘electronic journalism,’and come up with ‘a dull: ‘show. That’s..w hat ABC-TV did, though,. in. “World: Prospects: 1962;"" the hour telecast ‘of Jast ‘Tuesday (26) night.
“Faces, ideas, ‘facts, for ecasts eréwded -the . screen from 10 to.Al p.m. There: weré new ‘sreel clits,”
‘program, and an extravagant set as a backdrop, yet all the afore-*.
‘bled: times ‘of ‘the “world; its lead1961’ chapter in what was easily : mentioned elements.must have left.
ieven the most .addicted news, pub: affairs viewers limp ‘with . ennui before the 60 minutes Were up...
“The show was: just too crowded, , ideas were thrown out. .withsut ‘proper development, hews {fore-. l casts were. mixed. with news re| caps, It was. a potpouri.that was... deadened by’ just too. many | in-~ | Bredients.
The. show must have. ‘been’ ex| pensive: to produce, Theie were film: clips fronted. by the web's correspondents from: all. cornei 5 .| of the globe. Stories given the year‘end. treatment. inc luded the jace -f{orspace, a passible U.S.-Soviet ‘summit. ‘Meeting, Laos, upéoming , Congressional elections.” Latino “developnients, the Common Muar-_ Két.U.S. race’ 1elations and: the , Here,
” pewest’ fad, the Twist. .