Variety (January 1962)

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(38 RADIO.TELEVISION In little more than ja: decade, slightly over 11 -years since the fnauguration of. television in Mex-': -'“Jeo,: the industry has'-made. giant ’ forward strides. Today the industry. -oceupies. third place on the Ameri-| . can Continent and ‘second place in Latin: America, . ‘only’. being sur" passed. by the. ‘United States. “And. Brazil. . : Mexico has 23. television stations! ‘qutput, KYW-TV's. new daytimer, » “ “The Mike: Douglas Show,” should: . quickly work up a following and : Television Reviews THE MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW | ‘With Ellie Frankel: Trio, guests. . Mexico's s Third Place TV rea baa American Continent; B. Stations » i } to date: with. ‘92° of these purely "| commercial. and ‘a. lone’ cultural channel (Channel. 11) operated by}: the National--Polytechnic Institute.. ‘Fotal potency’ of ‘stations ‘stands at‘: 780,000 watts and: investment’ ex. ‘ceeds $22,000, ,000and growing. : While: there | are: no authentic _ By EMIL. ZUBRYN Mexico. City, Jan. 2.. NEW YORK, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 20,1961 _ Prodiicer. Woody. Fraser. Director: Ernie Sherry 90: Mins., Mon.-Fri., ‘1 pa, KE W-TV, Cleveland oJ udging. ‘from, its “first week's perhaps a steady niche in: local television:. It aiso has. syndie pose. sidllities. since the regional. angles ~ are kept toa minimum. and also ” since Westinghouse, . station owner, has been scouting for. something | to get it-off the old. movie hook, fLLe.. “PM. East-end.West.”... — _ Douglas is bright and brash with va solid 16-year career in. show -biz, This ‘weekit's Joe -E. Brown,’ and : including several years of. network ° tv, big band and nightclub singing . and :-emceeing. He came here via Los Angeles and Chicago, : where. ke did ‘well on NBC: originations. : ‘Carmel Quinn: was: -cohost the first week, except that she. missed”. Monday ‘and. Tuesday: because of. a... Christmas radio tape. commitment © with Arthur Godfrey {n New ‘York. Jerry Lester is. due: next. week.. _.. The. second-string. talent. in the . 2: first programs was equally impres= . sive. The opener, for example,.had™ “Gretchen Wyler and. Dick : Patter-.. son of the touring company of _ “Bye, Bye Birdie.” Miss Wyler.sang .“Spanish’ Rose” and “Lola” and . also chatted a good bit about show .. biz and. the peorle in it. Patterson,’ who must have a future as a single, | did everything: but ‘tear down the. ‘studio and was. working on. ‘the » rugs when the management. gently ~~ removed his ‘microphone. Since he is not a pantomimist, he. quit at. that: point. ' The’ settings, camera’ work. and -£ production in general. were smooth -and professional, giving even:more _—& SY ndie _ ROSS. : substance .to. the. . .Sibilities here. |. Ellie Frankel is the-town's: leade ing girl pianist (jazz:type) and:she . and trio performed admirably, par= ‘ticularly’ considering that | ‘they. work all. night. at the Theatrical Grill, ‘too. Kaf Winding brought. _ along his trombone and blasted a: ‘couple of numbers, Jim. Moran, the: ‘super pressagent, was also there, . booming a new’ movie, and: Father. Jeseph Dustin,. the. banjo playing. ' priest, was along on the opener for -.gome. solos and ‘slngalongs. .vo “The Mike ‘Douglas Show". leans 7 “more toward show: business, with _1YW TELENSIGi on a heavier ration of guests -either -3 passing through town, performing ~. : ‘here, or hired particularly. for’ ‘the program. : 1403 EAST SIXTH STREET CLEVELAND 14, 0 OHIO. perior 1-45 WESTINGHOUSE ee BROADCASTING CO. inc, ‘official Statistics on the: number. of. Teceivers, thesé ‘total. slightly : over 1,000,000 ‘sets by: now with .approxi‘mately three-fourths. of these’. Jo “ (Contintied on page 4 41)" | Maxwell .House: | ere’ night. (25):: : Jackson. “Hofel.: DOUGLAS. DOES. TT! CLEVELAND ON THE TV MAP! CELEBS USING FORMAT AS a , APROVING GROUND FOR. . _NEW AND UNTRIED MATERIAL : -| CHOCK. "FULL: Q’ NUTS. . ‘Jerry Lester (under towel) “clowns. for. Tony. Pastor, Mike. _. : Douglas and Johany Desmond during a recent session on “THE. ‘MIKE DOUGLAS: SHOW”... Of the new -pfogram ‘Lester said ann _ “This format and KY W-TV. crew: are. gteatl I've been. able. to. ae .. test routines Live been, thinking about: for years!” I loved working éver: eel REALLY mean that! -. or a Jim. Moran, Mike Douglas, Gretchen Wrler and Dick Patterson mo “study a fright mask during a more quiet moment (seeVARIETY... | 1, review). If'you have a yen ‘to. spéntl'a ‘full week in Cleveland = | . working audience of a quarter of a million: with that “| * matétial you have a “hunch” ‘about, contact ‘Woody. Fraser, KYW Television, Cleveland, Ohio“ Telephone SUperine lf 500. roe | Nashville, Jan. “2 Te: : Radio ‘station -WMAK:: “was Tett | we ot ele | homeless: wher’ ‘ $2" million tire ‘Year's: ‘eve’ ‘Inusica -patpourrl: was: menibers” the: fice enterprise’ sys ee ‘gutted | the 105-year.: ‘old historic ‘Christmas The station’ was 3 off thie ‘air, how: = bever, only « 60-minutes, : “after. its. ‘basement: studio. was: flooded. ‘with | water. . ‘Currently: the -§,000-watter is. operating. from — ifsi suburban| situated transmitter’ ‘and. -from: im-' "| Brovised offices. An fhe Andrew | | was -hosted by Gordon.. & . Sheila. * . })MacRae, studded with Jane Mor-: _-s}gan,. Rita’ Moreno, Kathryn... Gray7... Pson, Jack’ Jones‘and by the raucous. .~Pand: labored: enthusiasms : of :the | : Paul: Layalle band. | often-ran. “down “on: fuel, andthen | ‘|something would...happen.,. like. ‘a’ ‘MIKE DOUGLAS SHOW. PUTS — , Producer-Director: Sid: smitth’. z ; — trom. the. Waldorf-Astoria’sStar-[light Roof was like ‘giving a camera . feye to one‘of the old band. remotes. : | There were cutaways to. Page Mor-. ‘4 ton’-and “Abbé: .Lane and. a ringer | groups’ plans. ‘They. _| | from ‘the : audience. did.’a: mombo. ‘purchase ‘of. stock -, «| twist, . but. mostly. it" was": Xayier | Achievement companies. at 50c per -3. _ Cugat : ‘fronting * -his. I7-piece ‘band: share to. ‘help .the: movement. along.. ae “* -T (which seems: to have’ swing from.|. . _,| Latino .personnel -to . -Neéew..York's, Loan, ola, 4 802 union. hall) and: songs. by. ‘Miss: a Minneapolis: Junior: Achievement... rE Dane, | company,: is: one. of “the :-nation’s. .../.Narrator . Moore. ‘handled .: -. ~~ |easy-going. air With. Cugat fronting .| the ‘band ‘with‘his little. Mexican. e ‘three: languages. : pet ae points leading up to it, -there were, -Leutaways. fo Ben. Grauer, A ‘vet: ob-. .:|server: ‘of the | scene, ‘at. Times: me Square: . ‘He. déclared dt a. more. |. | ¥aucous. celebration | than . many dn} Lovely: Carmel Quinn. had a full 90 minutes daily to work out”. few and. “pet” routines during-her week in Cleveland..Of the. _ program she said “THE: MIKE DOUGLAS. show isa delight! =. ‘minute e of j tees and I know others will ae | bankrolled. the concurrent ° Guy ‘Lyonior: ‘ACHIEVEMENT. ”.., 1 With: Dave’ Moore, others. _ + Producer-writer: Jim Dooley .. | 30. Mins., Thurs., 9:30°p “/WCCO-TV, Mpls. . skillful as iwell. | fashion, ‘this: once-every-folir weeks | oo. “WCCO:TV Report,”. “public ‘affairs | fj. [presentation: of ‘the. CBS affiliate’s |]"" . ticular. documentary: had to. do with ‘[ilfe. ..In:-this. “instance it “devoted. ae Wednesilay, ae er _Television Reviews ; Continued from Bage 35: by George Chakiris, | who danced: tem’s advantages.’ wonderfully, ‘Sang | well : and. who | pleasant’. work. by” Buddy Ebsen,’ hardly a sustained success., "Ttwas:.never bad; : but it: ‘was | Achievement.‘ “provides, :: ‘fatuous. It was a loosely.:construct50%: ed: jaunt: ‘aeross the eastern: half :of | | America, and a'viewer: could, some-. -|timeés anticipate the musical: cliches thatwere rendered. -The program. their. footsteps: Like™.'the Series’: ‘Jim’ “Dooley, . The Sunday: (31): tapé ” ‘telecast’ ‘themselves ‘So well-previously The +,{ existence, + serves and what it’s. accomplishing; NEW. ‘YEAR'S EVE ‘PARTY : _ With: Xavier: ‘Cugat,: Abbe: Lane, Page* Morton, : ‘others: ot 60 Mins.; Dec. 31,. 11:15 pan. C-TV. : a thi i (Peesless. “Advertising): 7 eirmost. serious: problems: This. New. Year’s. Eve “special expounding. ‘their: “Views .. Junior Achievement and ‘inviting’ the: public. to: ‘cooperate: and... assist financially: in.. the. :Twin: Citiés also urged the’ largest; ‘its = Commercials Most commend: ably, wo, . Rees. : Whole ‘outing, however. “had. an. hound ulider’ one. arm and.a curl -} stemmed’ pipe in: one ‘Hand... Miss+ a | Lane never looked better’ isexier,[° “| that: :is) doing : four ‘numbers: in} os eet ve — { Continived fron ‘Page’ ar — ly! There® were pans and: elosesps ‘réhearsais of “pival. cominitments.” ra . Timex’ istaking. two-thirds: of ©: ve mospheric ‘effect, and Miss,"Morton | the Hope show -in February. Last’. : | provided: contrast, with” downbeat |'week,-Scripto signed for.thé other “2°: . vocals. in a quiet, intimate setting. | third;.the Scripto order.coming in. | ~. ‘first: Watch’ company is.also:taking;. chalf.of ‘the ‘Hope show. inMarch. wh Considering time. ‘arid: talent, this °°! *.* means ,: that: . Timex“ is ‘spending ° . about $625,000. for. its share: of: the re. “Timex. the dancing | aud. ‘to good “at-.| : “At midnight, and: at. a ‘couple of two. Hope’ tv’ers: the--past. : ‘Sponsor Chock: ‘Fall oO ‘Nuts also. Lombardo pickup from the. ‘Roose-. velt‘Hotel on CBS .. + Billy, Director: . Clarence ‘anderson .& LOAN Tn complete, scholaily ‘and 4 itgnty Jan." 1.. interesting ‘ news -department, -explores ' subjects a ‘which should. be ‘of vital concern to. || everybody. : Joe EB. Brown: ‘convulses Elaing. Malbine. of the Metropolitan: oot ‘Opera acd: Host ‘Mike Douglas. His week long performance drew... equal’, Fesponse from. audiences ‘and critics, Of “THE MIKE ‘DOUGLAS SHOW” the. famed comedian commented |. et We | "The audiences seemed. to enjoy it... Tr KNOW. I. did!” oe numerous Twin. Citi es’ Sich: er oups. | They ‘‘are’,the: teenagers’. organiza-|I]°.°2" = .. | Hons’ engaged: in: various lines of |i]: :: "business .-endeavor . under © expert |: ‘| tutelage.and ‘a’ :way|[} -~ oe designed’ ‘to’ -develop their:members’ |] -~: 00" “| skills.” and? to joprese. upon . 1 the ‘Like its "predecessots. this par-| '& phase :-of ‘the American: way™ of’ itself ‘to. Junior: Achievement and| _ oP ES = How: can. VF bé'e sure. ‘ay: spate. ) je will gst: to: the stations : ON: Cua BONDED e. “TIME? Let BONDED « do: ite ‘The an “Single Service System . hai 7 NEW YORK, take: care of all:your. post-proe -~— tos ANGELES. ~ duction. m-headachos, ‘| Toronto OW me tNOUSTRIAL cone. . Prominent ‘Twin. Cities’ business= yo men also appeared on the Program, |." * anent.. ~ | Mat, Wiliams Mates: Bpeneg. PS 2 _ | SERVICE ae Naturally "convinced. that”: free ne -surely is destined. for. bigger things. | enterprise. is’ ‘the foundation: ofthe” -...-. | Despite. this young.‘man and. some |-American ‘way: :of life.“and-‘that). =: -"° there is:need for such commercial... ~~... this ‘hourlong: ‘NBC-TYV stanza “was: ‘training to:-help sustain: free enter-" ~ _| prise—the sort of trainirig: Junior..: ... -.. leading). : =": rarely good; the humor. and” talk Twin Cities’ industrialists and. mers.) being at best-cornpone or; at worst, | Chants and. those elsewhere. Spons ... advise “and finance these’ . ‘groups. ‘They thus expéct‘to hélp °°.” ‘many’ :young -people to follow. in®.. woe . predecessors, a erners this documentary. deserves. .kudoes oe for: being “splendidly‘written, pros 02 -t.. duced, directed; photographed .and «2: :° natrated:. Hats : ‘therefore: -g0 off. to’: Claretice’: Anderson,” ".:.. |. ~ | Bob Johnson and Daye.Moore. who ~~: :| were: . ‘tésponsible . for ‘the afores ©. °-.:-going ‘and who: had been. acquitting: Ld . There -was’a lucid explanation of es . ‘| Chakiris dance ; and the old motor: just. ‘What: Junior. Achievement: iss “OS (model ~ _ variety) would Tev. up:|the” reasons. and: need for its: --; : A the: purpose. ‘which: ~it. Be During ‘the’ action-packed; engross©:: --:... ‘ing. -half-hour, ‘viewers . were ‘taken’. . °°. behind: thé scenes ‘of ‘a’ number’ of :..) ol “I the. sroups: ‘to. witness the rnembers * °° : fat. -work ‘and: to hear the young: -.:°" -. [leader . “tell. in. ‘interviews . about © in: the Junior * 2° “Twin: City. Federal. Savings 8°" o sponsor. of the: series and of”: ft won Ae Matas so te one . , ae 7 soot . . . 2 iat me . . . Sirtce’ Timex is, supplying the. reVee run of Montand, the -sponsor ia. .:..”. that ‘case’ “merely. ‘has’ to. fork ‘out -., ‘the. ‘$180, 000° to: NBC-TV : In, ‘time a Charges. for a one-shot: hour. ‘Mon|tand_ will. go: into one. ‘of two: un-..: |. ‘Specified: Friday: Right. Slots: Aa. oe “4 “-Giucinnatl—-Richara. E.. "Nason; PE . aa oar ngnager. of KFRC,-RKO. ~ TWIN. CITY * FEDER * SAV GS} eneral’s San. Francisco: radio. staRAL, rN "; | ton, ; Joined ‘Jupiter Broadcasting. - (WSAL-ANEEMy here as * President. ;