Variety (January 1962)

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fae pee tc MGM Records’ activities .in“1962.. ‘. In addition ‘to. the. Verve: and Cub]. : /Jines, which: are’ its subsid “labels; | .-:° IMGM-is: taking’ on the handling of | Charlie” ‘Parker Records, “a . jazz]. aa diskery. set ‘up by’ Fred: Astaire: «|, According -to’ _ Arnold ‘Maxin; , wold ‘MGM . president,-‘the. distribufors |... <= peed a. continuity of: album -product: and: “our-own: production problems: Fae away ° gH over’ the. world.: ws ‘also‘planning -éloser. affiliation | “be: ° < Jnown'to local jazz.audiences. “the Giuffre ‘group, ‘ith: Giuffre: on clarinet; ° Canadian :Paul. Bely:: “at “New album’ ‘tines. witt be the: ‘keys Jabel, ‘and Choreo Records; :a new. “ean’'t satisfy. all: their needs." "He. '.. ‘-elaims:that it doésin’t ‘cost ‘any more. to handle new * “lines and: in’ ‘this: * 1e ,company:can” sustain. af. <2 flow. of album distribution ‘to: meet a —_ ‘earrent: -‘market needs. -.. 4. : In: addition. ‘to’ the album ‘push i for: the coming year, -Maxin. As ‘planmakes: plea to: atr imaginary ~ . ning .a buildup:: -of Verve. asa pop ‘singles’ line: apart: from: its already. 7“ -@stabished. jazz ‘album: image. .. “n?“Although album ‘sales now bring. 7a tn between 80%" and |85%". ofthe disk’: ome Maxin: does < not. plan : ‘to’ de-em|. ont phasize. -his ‘singles . output. ‘2+ buildup ‘of new: singtes.. artists ré~. * Mains. just’ as important*.as_ ever,” ; he.-says,. "tually: Jbe': developed: as:: ‘potent ; ‘ale |e . * bum ‘sellers: Connie’ Franéis, who.| ..~. os started: ‘out a pop singles artist, is}. °2 now: Tacking’ ‘up hefty.album sales , ee beet “industry's .. total’ Tevenue,: “because: they: can .even for MGM,-not only: in thé U; S.; But}. For: the coming | year, “Maxin’. ag tween “the ‘Metro. picture’ company. . and.his record operation. ‘Already dn: the warks | are disk :tieins’ for’ ‘such ‘major. pix ‘as ;“Mutiny, On The: _ ‘Bounty,”. “The: ‘Four ~“Horsemen,*| dnd | “How “Ehe™ “West: Was. Won.” a Maxin Is even. projecting into: 1963) ._l for’: disKery... acitivitieswith ‘the. *-""# Brothers -Grinim”pic. “He’s. also |: . ls planning. to ‘reactivate the.” label's: . . kiddie: line. This: Will be ‘a re-pack — aging. job: ‘of. MGM's old: Lion’ line, A Giuffre’ § Jam Trio May } ke Far-Out for: O’seas* Anids But Také’s Groovy . Frankfurt; ‘Jar, 2... the. free. ‘tor m jazz titio ‘of: Jimmy “Giuftre's drew. ‘considerably. mixed, “| Teactions.daring’ its’. recent .‘one“0° Might . ‘stands: in Austria and Ger|: “) gmany... At -every. “performanee, af .. a handful. of. listeners: who. obviously. “didn’t. dig: : “the: ..abstract: and -un|" <..” usual jazz: ‘walked: out: ~. a ‘stayed, ,and.:midre~ came; “and «the |. + Ret: ‘Fesult | was. that™: ‘thé. ‘Giuffre | But: plenty. ‘month-long. tour’ proved a Snancial | "a sueeesser 2 : ,. Unusual. in“this. part of ‘Burope As! that sJazz. artists, from) the: .U: ,S. ~~ Who arrive: here: are. ‘already “well ut. "es the’ piano and: -Steve. ‘Swallow on. -0 bass, is’ a: riew name-Here, and the -+--Inusie.thev play. is: ‘certainly. not a] v.." type: to: which. European ; Jaz, tous. we : have. een exposed., : <7» LAS. one. -Americanrite’ in “Ger _ “"thany, Dick Gitlin: wrote for“Stars*.: land Stripes,” -“Thetrio’s” experi.4,. Thental. work is shockingly’ different 7) from . ‘other: forms’; of.jazz, | a. Yeaches back: to". draw : from “the: “2” -@hamber.:musi¢. sounds: of: 'such as |; .*, Bavtok’ and Bach" and adds. four=} “yIshes all its own as..W ell: as “liberal | “It . o improvisation:” Fact .. that. “the “tour paid: ‘off; ‘though, proves that. the tickets ‘can be ‘sold: here. and’ ‘newcomers The| “The. “find. -aéceptance::in, Europe... -BFOup:: is Slated, for. a a return tour. in £1962. yt WERE Bs * Mico’ s: “Cultural Mission: * [ssachar: Miron, vice-president: of a “ACUM,. -Israéliperforming” rights. * goviety,. ‘4s-due in? New ‘York. early: ) . this: month. ‘for. an extended. visit |. :.» <€oncerning :& project to provide: a: aes ‘shiowease ‘in: the. US: ‘for: Israel's Ss: ws "Inusical. activities: :~" » " “" Miron’s_ visit ‘is not: an’: -ACOM : ‘migsion, put ‘ofie of natidnal <cén-=-eern to forge’. new: cultural Tinks wet between. Asrael and the. U: 3S. “sLimelitets Thin 5G, 8 F. ’.San‘Fraiicisco, Jan, -2 2. Limelitets. grossed: a-weak. $5, 000’ a ta ‘two ‘afternoon children’s: con-. a “2: Certs at ‘Berkeley’ Community: The: .: atre. Friday (29) and: Frisco’s: Ma. Be -Sonic:, Auditorium, Baturday (30). Mediates, Senwary 8, 1962 * +. sued, &: ‘Jimmy Dean ‘disk called”. With’: ‘a. femiale-‘counterpart’ to: ps pending * shadow’. Of .: thermo: an ‘ Charles K. L., Davis: In the. ‘coun|: ‘| try: and folk area, Teleases.” are: On |: “The | a > tap. “from. ° Bi): : Princeton Revue A Tiff ‘Local (1; AFM, ‘averted : ‘interfer-eneeto ‘the’ -Piinceton ; : Triangle: ewes indie Taft auditorium | tonight: At ‘The Cintey: Princeton: “conimittee |: ‘chairman, ‘Craig Nalen; and Eugene said: the} ‘paid for -extfa’-musicians: tothe: the: Cincinnati ‘Symphony’. Orchés-. ‘tra, “Summer: ‘Opera, and: Art: Mu‘pSeum, fe “Phe”. Princeton ©. ‘troupe; yellow’ ‘eard” ‘arrangement: with’ the} ... | Stagehands. : ‘union forthe -annual:|, :] holidays: tour, includes ‘an. ‘orches= tra. in ‘the -current: edition. ‘Nalen'{ it -econtended -: ‘that. 4 standby. combo. British. franchise). . has started ‘to: ‘spread ; ‘into: Wales, -Cardiff -is:: the |, first ‘Welsh ‘city. to get the. planned. -| Music, tréatment’ and it's’ slated ‘to. <2 and. South ‘Atierica: : er ae MUSIC = 45 0 ~ Disks’ ‘Summit’ Talks* The ‘disk: ‘industry. apparent Cold, War ‘on. its‘own..ACOUs: ‘ple of weeks. ago Columbia is-*:. “Dear Ivan,” <in’ ‘which. Dean”: .' derstanding and: belief in God; : ". ‘Now, «Capitol. is--coming ‘up. -! the: Dean ‘disking.’ It’s Jéanne’ '.. Black's: reading of.“ALetter to >" Anya.” . Against the’ . “back-.Bround ‘of “The Battle Hymn, :-. of -the:“Republic,”: the. ‘thrush “ad: ‘Russian girl’ for intérnational *-$ng.out that, despite the -im-” .. Nuclear: ‘War, : ‘the U.S; “Russia: ‘can .find :a hew « ‘Path’ ; of. mutual’ understanding. . ettles A Cincinnati, Jani. "90 $éittement -Of:-a ‘dispute’ over standby pay. for. 12 -Members. of Club. revue : ‘performanéein: 2:500 Frey, «union ° -attorney, * agreement: donates. Jmoney. normally‘ Fine Arts Fund, : which -siipports was not: required for ‘overture and [intermission “riusic.. Hesaid. ‘the: |||" .“:.: -. ‘Taft. contract. : called. for: unien) ‘ticket. handlers... -* The: show * “raises ‘funds fee Pririeeton ‘scholarships. MUZAK SPREADS INT 0 WELSH, SCOT MARKET 5 :Eondon, ‘Jan. ‘3: “Muzak: now has-a. daily: audience. of, -more: tharr -..1;000,000: in. the}.; ‘United : Kingdom, asserts: compariy . |‘exec_ Robin : McDowall. ‘After..two years. of: operitions in’ Britain, the |! firm’s first’. phase. ‘of: expansion” is complete, he. says, and-every town | in: Englarid‘with :.a” population: of: | more™(han’ 100,080 . has ; :access to |. Muzak.. Associated © -TeleVision: holds: the move. into ‘Scotland later: : Chancellor Sets: Distrib “Deals in UK, & Orient}? ” Chancellor ‘Records: will. “be dis tributed throughout, .the ‘U.K. ‘Pye Records of Engiand.. The jabet |. has also set: licensees, in ‘Hong Kong and. Japan. | : |” -Colonial‘Records will ‘haridie: Chancellor’ product, in Hong: Kong ] and. ‘Yamaha. likewise ‘in > | Japan, “All. three’: companies . are’, ‘independeiit™. ; | cover their: specific: ‘areas. ‘Chancel: tor. had previously -.been~ handled: -by.-EMI. and its: affiliates : in: ‘these. territories. ~ : “gecording: to Rocco: B: ‘Denuida,’ the label's foreign. manager, the move ‘Was. Made because. Chancel]: ‘lor’s‘managerial . départment..: has: sent Several of .itsartists. such: asf Fabian: and. ‘Frankie: ‘Avalon: onforeign . ‘personal ‘appearance tours [ ‘|.and -do.-more ‘of this: in -1-1962;. It was felt: that. independent. _ | diskeries overseas ‘would: be inore’ ° beneficial: to, ‘the: company: an this. “Program. ‘ AS.a turther-dévelopmient of the. policy; the diskery is also:dickering. with: compsnies. for. represéntation | in “Austratia,. New Zealand,. India i Pa Releasing 21 New’ ASCAP > Wins Court W| | | Albums, Introing: 7 Phono | “Tiew: ‘Decca atid . Coral albums. in| . [its. ‘January. ‘promotion, “Thé_ drive ‘also. ‘calls ‘for ‘introduction: of seven]. “new: -plionographi® ‘models © ‘and A {push ; on. SLX. recently-feleased ‘ sin-. . ly is out to.put:an ead to:the” . |: a els.” delivered ‘a -plea ‘to:’a:.Soviet. ‘Brunswick. lab "" eltizen for. peace, ‘better: un-"-‘] promos ‘through’ 1962, ‘ The: ‘entire: ‘Deeca/Coral/Brunswick . ‘catalog. is: | béjng: made “available. to ‘the trade} | under an. incentive. plan for dealers | along: ‘with.. other -sales aids .pro- : . peace ‘and. ‘ed-existence, pojint| and-‘several ‘debut: platters: ‘like ‘ca’s' Organ. output will he increased’ -by. a waxing: by ‘Al Bollington, ‘and |. ‘Vineente Gomez ‘will offer” aFla-‘menco. guitar platter. “Pop. Violinist: ‘formances by Morini .and .Fir kusity, | .qutings -by Brenda ‘Lée, J ackie Wil-. son; ‘Bert ‘Kaempfert,. Pete :Foun ‘under: : Already ‘ihe. ‘company: (for which: Pusher. and: Eat a User.” ~ Models in Jan: Promotion . “Decca, ‘Records . is. réleasing 21 | “Disneyland’s Distribs-’ gles”. ‘on: “the Decca, Coral | andy fon areas.. The: January: promotion ill” ne | the: “first -Of ‘Scheduled monthly. -ed .by. Bob:-West and: Hildebrand, ‘Texas. Record: -Distributors, uet. in’ the Houston. area.’ Xmas Disk Sales vided. through. Decea.. field. reps. “In: the. pop : genre, the” ‘diskery |is ‘releasing. waxings ‘by Burl-: ‘Aves.] “Art Mooney’s ‘first’ Decca ‘LP, Cab ‘Callow ay’s initial: ‘Coral: platter: aiid a-.-first, Decca: showcasing -for. |. Anderson; ' Billy |: Grammer, the Ivy. League Trig and}. | the. Wilburn: Bros, nt “In other eategoriés, a new ‘group. called. ‘the | ‘Castaways. Will : debut with: some . ‘calypso treatments and the “ Melbourne’: Highland*: ‘Pipe Band: will also bow, :Dance, .pack| ages’ have been; . prepared: by: Jan | Garber : ‘and. Bert. Kaempfert.. Déc London, I an. -2:: than $7,000,000" over ° ‘last. ‘500; 000," repping 3°' more. the same. month in 1960. . Domestie. ‘sales,-: at $1, 00 600, Diék Kessner has, a. release. as: does Liberace. “ Classiéal “Teleases: ‘include “pert: year. Ruggerio Ricci and the debut:ofthe Original. Piano Quartet.“Deeca/ : Coral-Brunswick... singles: . jnelude tain, Kitty, Wells and ‘Webb Pierce. | 45 tpi an@ albums. .TOSE,. says Bot. esi of the la "By DON, MORRISON” ©... _freprtited: by: permission. oF. the: Mpls. Siar). 18: 1962) speak for.theniseltes:. . Hf. the: ‘bluecoats and bluenoses. ‘ate “shopping ‘around. “for: something ‘to suppress, now. that the Heat. is off: Tropic. of Cancer,” I: have. ‘a | dandy for them, <..°.-°-.. : This © moral’: menace “fg. worse’: than. ‘Henry ‘Miller's ‘novel, ‘pecause ; ‘its: consumers. do ‘not even have -to. ‘béeliterate to. come. ‘under: its. evil sway; -in fact;-T: ‘suspéct.that -few .of them are. back to Mad Magazine. long before he reached..the ‘first’ erotic passage. in the community:.* I: speak:.of ‘the. teenage: ‘Top: 20 ‘of. ‘popular. gongs: I do not refer DAyries ¢ ‘I ‘chanced’ ‘to fear one. of: these ‘songs: the ‘other’ day. 1 ‘am sure that it, isplayed a dozen’. times: a-day: by those local: radio stations | that turn, a:.dubious: ‘buck’. by : -pandering: to the tastes of cretins. | ‘would’ they, ‘Say?. ‘They think that: we ‘re’ ‘in. ‘school. all day, | but. we're ‘Making love.” adults. “ « : cannot: *peéall being. incited. musically tO. ‘truancy. I: ‘cannot: recall Tescents. .. io. The: ‘above ‘Irie: SO fired: my cuniositythat I wentto. a: record . : ‘Shop and,. blushing furiously, asked’ ta_ hear ‘some of. the: current, | ‘teen-age ‘hits, ‘Most of them’ were.” ‘below the’ belt. “been: sound .'asleep.: Wake _Up,: little Susie and. weep. : The. ‘movie's over, it’s 4-6’clock and we're ‘in. troubledeép. Whatta: we: gonna. tell. your. ‘momma?. Whatta we gonna: “tell. your “pop?” “of ‘e€annon. : “s ‘ Interspersed: with: ‘ecstatic moans. ‘She. ‘sang: Toueh ‘me, :Tiger,. when. I'm . close. ta: ‘you, ” etc. aa “Obviously; ithis is.“a -girl. who ‘can't. ‘waitto. ‘get to the: Isle of! ': Capri—or’ ‘even ‘for: school: to let out. © “Elvis Presley has’.a ‘new: song, called *Litile. Sister, Don't ‘Do What Your Big: Sister: Done.”, a ‘thea: run -away as cher. elder. ‘Sibling . did—or:.: done. ' a “If: Heriry Miller’s ‘novels: are. pornographic, ‘thén ‘surely: these re cordings-are. Pornophonie:: ‘Some: are even: stereppornophonie, which is. ' twice: as. ‘ba id: "We may: Gon: have‘songs ‘celebrating. every: aspect of juvenile mis-| conduct.: :-Why ‘neglect ‘teen-agenar¢otics: addiction? .. I'm. roughing : out: a ‘humber: that could shoot ‘Fight: te the’ ‘top. It is called: “ILoved :that: Girl, ‘Td. ‘Hate to, Lose, Her ‘Cause: She’s:.a “ Disneyland/Vista:. ‘Records: fias | made two: changes in its distribu‘tor setup ‘for 1962. The. ‘Switches. ‘affect. the New: Orleans’ and: ‘Hous . As. “negotiated : byDick Kline; ‘assistant to. the. Jabel’s. ‘national. "Sales -manager Phil’ Sammeth, the: ‘'N.O,:. market ‘willbe: chandled‘by | Henry ‘Hildebrand’s All South ‘Dis-: tributing Corp... A new firm head will distribute Disneyland/ Vista: prod: oo -|has received frony its members to : [issue . licenses to the petitioners Perk British Biz “.| viding. that the authorizations. re ee biz. is:‘so.. active; ceived by ASCAP be held in es say British diskeries, that they. ex-pect: total’ 1961. sales.: to. be" more | ‘year. which. ‘saw. ‘the record makers ‘¢arn -a” boft . $81,000,000. According: to a report front ‘the Board: of. Trade;. October ‘sales were. yalued:. Shan an. were: up by 11%. But exports‘took | .atumble. ‘and, : at $632,800, were | 27%. ‘Tess. than’ for” ‘the . previous “Production. Ot “the: “ four-track 45 rpm disks in‘October was. 5% ‘mere. -and. some 2,128, 000: -albums. were produced, a rise of 219% over. ‘last: “year. Over. the” 10-month | period, ‘production.’ ‘of “both: the in “Cancer”): That of which I-speak is aimed. spécifically .and -seduc|. tively at: the--‘minor: child. Further; it/is_ all-persuasive,: invading the: ‘pink-and-white, dimity: -flounced: beudoirs of every, ‘transistorized maiden “sto ‘their: quality as: music, unspeakable as ‘that imay he; ‘but. to ‘the’ and the ultimate determination Will be retroactive ta Jan..1,° 1962. | In’ this’ song, . some pimpled : Lothario. was: gloating to ‘his ‘girl |‘friend, -and I ‘quote ‘the lyrics. verbatim: : “What would. they do: what :Now;' ‘most; “popular. ‘songs ‘are: ‘dbout. love. In’ ‘may: day,. however, “tt i Was -love, : ‘licitor “illicit, being ‘made ‘on. the. Isle of. Capri or in. Blue | ‘| Hawaii -or™ South of the. Border. ....-*. 1 | -Beéause.-of the ‘éxotic locales, -I. always assumed: dt: was ‘love being | ‘| made: ‘by. people with the” price’ of: rail: or: Steamship ‘Passage, -that‘As, ‘any Song: that haymaed., ‘amorous. ‘dalliance among. and. ‘between: ado-. One: toundelay. goes as. follows: “Wake. up, little “Susie: Wwe ie both. vourt 1K to ‘Nesoiate Renewal License With TV B’casters =—+ . Having received a deposit. of. tv -}tights.from 85% ‘of the -publisher. | ‘|membership and more. than 80°95. of the writer membership “last week, the. American Society ‘of. . Composers, Authors: & Publish-| ers is now authorized to negotiate |a@ renewal license with’ the broad casters. This came on the ‘heels of a denial by. N.Y. Federal Judge ‘Syie vester Ryan of. an injunction requested by. The ‘A]l-Industry Television Station Music-License: Committee to.: restrain and enjoin’ ‘ASCAP and its members from. refusing to exercise authorizations it ‘and. from ; otherwise . interfering with or: restricting the eranting of : such licenses. More specifically, according to: Judge Ryan, the Committee’ had. ‘sought. as interim’ injunctive re_ ‘lief to set aside a resolution of | AASCAP’s board of directors: pro crow. until like authorizations ‘are. executed and delivered by a total: of. at least’ -80°% of the -membership. {The broadcasters | were sceke ing’ an interim rate | of. 13% oy of eurrent Tates.) = * ‘Judge Ryan further stated. “It appears that. the requirement that. 806 of the membership deposit authorization with ASCAP before any television performance li-. censes will issue has been in: effect’ since 1948, when television rights were. for the first tinie: li .|censed on a fee basis; and that the. ‘Parties to. this proceeding | haxe. ‘been. operating “under . television performance. licenses for: the: last four years, >“A major problern now: ‘presented in negotiations for, rénewal of° ‘the existing: licenses: arises from. the. fact that petitioners ‘now seck a type of-Ticensé on an. interim | ahd final basis quite different from ° that which they have’ lied. in the. ‘past; that .is, they. seck and have _-. Ill asked ‘for a. blanket license ‘lim ited only to. the television pro‘grams which each: station originates locally and excluding those programs filmed or taped by third ; '. Minnéapolia ‘Star ‘columnist Don. ‘Morrison's observations betow (Dee. party ‘producers. -“As to these: latter. programs,. | petitioners’ seek na license but ‘would have each ASCAP member. individually and directly license . | the: producer to permit broadcasts ‘by the petitioners. This exciusion, it. appears, ‘would ultimately...em | brace a substantial:number of pro‘And; ’ it’ ‘Is. incomparably. more . subversive. to ‘Juvenile ‘morals ‘than ‘Henry Miller whose’ metaphysical. blather: would “drive a: teenager: grams, and such a : license’. the ASCAP members appear to. be unwilling to grant.” — ‘In holding that the: “status qio” shotld be maintained: ‘until .the. determination .of a new’ license,” : |Judge_ Ryan said, ““Noirreparable harm is ‘threatened petitioncrs, fer =~ ASCAP is financially responsible ‘The hearing on the new. Fates. has been set for Feb. 14. me | Britain Will Follow. U. S$. “Trend Toward Indie Disk “Phgers.: Franklyn Boyd *. ‘London, Jan.2. Back from: New York where he's heen seeking ‘American songs. for ‘British artists, Franklyn: ‘Boyd, a “!pubber .in the Belinda graup, pre{dicts that Britain will follow ike hy: S: trend toward independent. a&r“men who freelance material to. rec ord. companies, Already, he’ notes, . Britdin ‘has latched: onto one recent ‘Yank: ‘idea, namely, signing. of write ‘ers t li “ Another’ teenage ‘song: was: “husked ‘out by. a ‘young woman with" a s to specialize for one ar list. ‘| yoiee. ‘so. breathlessly ; sensual ‘that’: one. syllable of it ‘overheard: ‘on ‘Hennepin. ‘Av. would cause Pat Walling to ‘unloose a ‘Yeritablebarrage “We re usually about a: year ‘hehind . the States,” says: Boyd.“and I’m sure independent record pro ‘wreach ‘me.. ‘Tiger,. how. ducing ‘ will. grow in Britain. ‘to: kiss: you: Mylips. ‘belong: to you,.: but: ‘teach: ine first. What. to. do. In’ fact, at-least ‘one freelance’ is, deYing. this: sueeessfully now.” Bovd sees no reason why. there shouldn’ t 7 -be. others. ‘Another current facet of the U s. market that may rub off in Britain ‘is: the trend towards younger 2&r Presley. happens. to be urging the: junior. ‘female not. to ins ‘him’ and. men, says the. publisher. “Over there,” he points out; “the younger element. of the. a&r fraternity is’ growing and getting big. Fesults." GOGI’s 65-PIECE ‘BACKING Gogi Grant will cut var orher album for G&G Records Jiv 4 and 5. tagecd “Spring Is. Rer: fe. _ dime.”