Variety (January 1962)

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“Tied to.a. ‘Grain’ of Sand” ‘anid. OW hat a. Sky,” is. getting’ a US. Telease. via RCA Victor: ‘International. . Steve: Lawrence & Eydie |... Gorme "will host ‘Gary’ ‘Moore’s CBS-TV. -show ‘Tuesday (9): :when.Moore vacations . The two | -Twist bands, The. Orchids..and The}. Commanders, have been: ‘held over |. at the. Roundfablé. through: Jan. 7 an engagement at the Lake. lub, Springfield, ‘ML, Jan..8 . : Chick Clark. makes ‘his disk debut: ony, ‘Sheraton Records . this’ week . ‘Teddy Randazzo; . star. ‘of Para: mount’s. “Hey, Let's Twist, ie -apens ~ at Las Vegas’ Thunderbird ‘Hotel: Jan. ‘Tl. . Dave. Pike's jazz: trio inaugurating a new’ Sabbath © aft-. ernoon. séries ‘Sun. (7). at. “Aspects. Gallery onEast: 10th. St. , solo ‘pianist ‘in a program of. his |. own compositions’ at the. ‘Muséum |: of Modetn Art tomorrow (Thurs.). He'll be assisted by Aaron Belt on -bass ‘ahd. Sam Woodyard on: drutis, both of whom are. in ‘his. regular, © orch. “It's .the first Jazz Profiles. ‘eoncert: of the season:-at the Museum'-and Ellington willinclude |. Some new musie for the: occasion | wilt give a concert at the: Museuni. Jan. 25: Latin. Casino Jan: ‘2°... . Rose |. . Murphy’ and. the . Slam Stewart’ Trio. at the-Red Hill’ Inn Jan. 5-7 Erie: Social Club Jan.:5-7:.'. . Two Jocal acts ‘signed for the Florida‘. ‘season at the Back ‘Room Restau| = rant, Hallerdale; The. Ink Spots}. a with. Jimmy Holmes: will headline, | while Freddie Meade & the Calen| dars are the. Twist band . . King ‘ James works Pep's this. week : Jackie Lee, former vocalist on ‘the Sid. Caesar tv. show, into Palumr § —_———— . to's: Janz * ° “New York Nico “Fi denco’s Italian : “ehicks, y housing’ ‘the: spot: Ray’ Charles Aecoladed . Singer. Jeannie’ ‘Thomas begins. in thé ‘jazz. field.. “Charles” RBG in: Frisco” * Duke Ellington will debut : as: al. 7 “San Francisco, Jan. 2. vane ‘was: Scaled to ha 75... ~Yainaha’s s. Pic Msic _Sonny Rollins and his group Philadelphia Ella Fitzgerald opened : at: the. for. ‘Japanese exploitation:": . Sayannah Churchill. set for the. ~ Cap Chiefs : electronics business. : por THE _WEEK CONNIE |i: ARANCIS: ‘sings. “WHEN THE’ BOY IN ‘YOUR : s’” oa tis the Boy i in Your Heart} | b/w | ° _“BABY’S FIRST. | tober, '60. | ., CHRISTMAS” «. an ee | as secretary ‘and counsel... In .:’51, K-1 3051 charge of .a&r. | responsibilities. : _ JUdson 2.7700 GLASER:. President , 50 ‘WEST 87 sinter. NEW yor«K 19. _SUdson 2:7700.. CHICAGO e MIAMI « HOLLYWOOD. « LAS» VEGAS.’ ’e DALLAS « LONDON . ‘The: ‘ Chetwynne. ‘+ Lounge, .Main Line jazz spot, shut| 7 tered because of clause’ in. lease. ‘declaring’ that ‘the eating place was.’ mainly a convenience forthe: ‘ten=1 1 ‘ants. ‘of the . apartment” building a “t {F paeest we Wks, ° m= Tee LUN Ee ss ae Wk, weon can che a fe EOE _tnbet : . By Paris Disk. ‘Reademy f. * Ray:. ‘Charles. May -be. ‘having: hisos troubles: in the U:'S.-but in France |}..:: he’s copping his. honors, -AParis. {disk academy has . ‘awarded. the |i singer-pianist a ‘certificate of merit ie The., ‘document, ‘was. awarded. to [ie . , |Charles the ‘ Academie’: de |} * } Disque Franeais: for his "ABC-Para-; -mountwaxing,. “Genius . Plus Sot }. Equals Jazz?’ the: only: non-French'|] . .jazz disk. tobe. so. acknowledged: |f -: The document. was.relayed._ to Sam: ": HH. Clark, ABC-Par prexy, from the}. « line’s Paris outlet, Disques: Vega, {ft to which the award was. resented. He . “Ray Charles: ‘grossed ‘ $12, 000: in | two -performances. -at. . Longshore} men’s. Hai Friday. (29): night. aS He Be = os “WHEN L-FALL IN. ‘LOVE: 7 i. Wee Lettermen 2... 5. silalae beg aad es 2 Capitol “yaniahia -Music,: US. affiliate ‘of Japan's: -Nippon: Gakki enterprises; has moved ‘into: the motion picture field.”-by‘securing... rights to’ ‘the |} ‘| musical. background’ for “Yojimbo.” | “e .| Yamaha; ‘which is headed .in New|]: York: by. Eddie“ White, also added|f >= ‘| thecatalog: of Chancellor Records TT . Singles’ signed -. to. “Yamaha: re-|['= cently also include Eddie’ Fisher's |} “Tonight”. .and |:-“Breéezin’: Along] With The. Bréeze,”” “and Vaughn: Monroe’ 8. “Bye, ‘Bye Blackbird.”": _ Pe ae — Continued. from: ‘page . 43 = ' of Capitol’s affairs other than ifs” |. According ta“Wallichs, the genPe ‘eral ‘business’ policies -of the. two separate. operations will: ‘be’ -de-: termined by. an-executive commit-: ‘tee consisting of: Livingston, Bon bright and:&imself: The new. or-'| i . ea 7 3 FUNNY HOW ine Shire AW TIME SLIPS AWAY ganization “goes, into..effect today jf": “Finny. Elledge «0. oe coe ec oe «Victor. f oem gston® Joined ‘Cap In. 1946 | eee a and imade ‘his ‘first big step when | heheaded: the «children’s: record. oT “10. ras 15 S 1 DONT KNOW. Why. | OPM Se Bo 2 nda Seott-.:, Pepe tants GA" | | 29-377 "a THERE'S NO OTHER. ra Vie Ta el Crystal gies tle acs ae Palle Tt 30°: 48, 3° TWIST HER et Se ae EP ne a Bi Blick Combo i... Veen cena a | io aan _ "Brook: Benton. 2. woe hep te he es =e Mereury. AL { .3a= ec ; 7 JINGLE BELL ROCK eae | a TES Chubby Checker & Bobby” Rydell: See eae +-,€amea'. a8 Se 5 a ~e ‘DEAR LADY TWIST. wo ms oe _%. S. Bonds copes tisetest ee _EeGrande ay 7. operation. He “made -a. solid: -im|]: | | pression.‘ by: developing’. the’ stecessful “Bozo”. séries ‘and then be:. came. artists. &. repertoire ‘ ' chief.’ + He “won. veepee stripes “as -head |f-: | of album -production.-in :1949and* ‘Tin 51. was. upped to” veepes : in -| NBC lured him from: ‘the: Capitol | fold in’ ’56,. offering the dual-exec |F"_| capacities . ‘of: ‘prexy -of. ‘California “| National. Productions -and’ v:p. in} ‘ @harge. of Coast ‘programming. He | returned: to disk company in ‘Oc ‘Bonbrighit Joined: Capitol. in: "46 I. .. | | He was, named veepee for: finance.| :) and in °55 he was.upped:to-veepee |]. -for administration’ and -finance. | “| In? March, "61, hé -was named. to | | serve as: “Cap corporate veépee_ in. | chargé of the diskery’s ‘electronics |]: 1 activities, ‘in: ‘addition, ‘to ‘his other. 1 36-34" 21 YOU'RE THE. REASON SSE LD hae Bobby. Edwards ....".::... zee a ar eons Orest-, BT 19 = a “FOOL NUMBER ONE © ee a _ etd ‘Brenda Lée ...ose c eas labs eee ele vee o's DOCCA: 38 T zLETS GO TRIPPIN’ © oa ba a oe th 4605 36 3 LANGUAGE. OF LOVE re = ees || Peres vot | re John: D, Louderniilk |. well 2 pietae & it ie 5 ees Re | “RHE HULA.HULA: TwisT:. | Sree “LATIN QUARTER TWIST ae ASSOCIATED. BOOKING conrorarion — {| = Zt cae Marty: Robbins cavetegecee i as ..Columbla _ | }-°50..¢ 30.0 TP CRAZY ee Pace a Saiaalt ‘Cline 22 ha repee sees Laereehy! ys Deeea Le —= 1 1) Promoter Hal Leventhal 7 = ag tw une. @ Index of. Performance & & Sales): ~ ais : ‘weekly. tabulation ey based. on: a: statistically ‘balaiiced : * patio’ ‘of: disk: sales, nationally; as reported. “DY. key uflets. th. major. | ..cities,. and music: Programming. bu: the. major independent: Fadia’ * stations.” 0: aa . Jat ft : "T8,. THE LION ‘SLEEFS TONIGHT “5 PEPPERMINT TWIST <8. RUN TO HIM 772.10, "WALK ON: BY” Ret wale *, : = CAN'T HELP FALEING IN LOVE. "712°. PLEASE MR. POSTMAN = 80, 4 HAPPY: BIRTHDAY SWEET: SIXTEEN.” I 6 3 2 ¥ ’ 5: THE TWIST © = 7 5 4 “‘GOODBY CRUEL WORLD “Sandy: N elson -. 5. ‘WHEN THE BOY in" OUR ABMS “as, “I MOON RIVER — 2 a “SMALL SAD SAM. ws . Phil’ McLean :: ist me 3 5 “UNCHAIN MY “a "JUST. OUT OF REACH “GYPSY WOMAN. Impressioris.’ a 38, “10 MOON. IN. RIVER “Dick: Dale :. ““TRRESISTABLE, You" “TURN AROUND, ‘BOOK, AT ME. “T' HEAR YOU. KNOCKIN: 7 Pee om he ‘+ Fats Domino (0.22030 05. ee ee ge eee "Amipertal | | 416 BRISTOL STOMP: gee 8 _Dovells s wt Dee aes wae a ote be : = want ee Highwaymen. wed ely senniteeeti ts voi: UA’ |..48°. = 10 EVERLOVIN’ : i: Ricky. .Nelsonre free ae | TOLD THE “BROOK Tokens i.e. cers ca. es aco ve | 2 Joey Dee & Slarlightets.. wel Seka ne ‘ Roiiletia = lil Bobby’ Vee... ialieneie 2 aweriy -. Leroy. Van Dyke eats eae . "ay in “.-" Chubby. Checker we = : —_ we a ae Panay Blvis Présley: 2.2. vaseb sees iNistor. _ Marvelettes... 0... 0.3650 fiee.. os aoe aaa ‘pire . Neil. Sedaka. 2.0.00. ercoerer bbc erdde 2 Mietor : St eee Janies" Daren .; Sep ce ciLocteste a Se ee |p a2 a RNOW, TT Se zo _Batbara: George: 2 yee weld eees oe zs = : 17 -AFO" aoe evees =. Imperial ' --Connie—Francis. wnt acne wah cee etewe tee ne es MG .-} ee 4 —HOCK-A-HULA™ are Cy i Elvis: Presley. wasted earnreePes EE wielee.: Be A: 14, BIG BAD JOHN ~ ge ae ee “lias it. Jimmy Dean ...... ESP ECRE ERTS CEETPESE .« Cor F: re Scot. Singer's s U. $: Dates: Henry Mancini. ... +3. ena =< za Vibter ee 1: "Peter. ‘Mallan; young. Scot tenor, rere | planed’: ‘to ‘the. U:S, (Dec. 21° for’... =. ‘dates in. New. York, ‘Chicago . amd 2 Te Toronto: :-’. BOL Singer “recently” ‘ wiaked. ‘hls. ‘own nee } tune “My ‘Christmas Wish,”-backed .*: “by. “My: ‘Ain Folk,” ‘for Pariophones re t| He is an ex-fireman. with the ¢ ‘Glasnoi "gow Fire . Service: : ; oS WRay Charles: *... aeebrareetrerete te Se ABC aoe nae "NORMAN... Te pre re a :SueThompson. :. bbe liediacees ves eereees Hie. m | in 2: 32 =a “LITTLE BITTY ‘Ti TEARS. a : — :. Burl: Ives a erenerereres 1Décea:, “3. al.” Solomon Burke’. : . ae Ligvebbees ore Sepciee’ cAtiantle’ a | ae a3 2 ‘BABY. IT’S YC YOU. a aH eee oe See .:Shirellés « .::+:. lvgedes ak Siete wo we “ Seeptor : 3326 ‘COTTONFIELDS -_ Rr rmress |i Oe! wo ae Highwaymen «. bilge. s ie wie od Se dedecece le UA 1 24°2 37 8 RHE. WANDERER a we al POSE Dian? lacs lee te ees paciri sas Daunte | 25. 24 « “4 TOWN ¥ WITHOUT PIT PITY. oe = eon |i ae Gene: Pitney.°:~ .2.: Dasa kaw lee oo ec eee’ Muisicor: oe rf "The: Answer to. “You DON'T 1 ees || A TOWER OF foe “STRE NGTH | L “GLORIA LYNNE—Everest : Epes abe bas ABC-Par “ FAMOUS! music Ie CORPORATION. pee ae COMING ! | A erat see rom . * THE GAY LIFE: | _Serry Butler... -.-s: wigcivesys 2 vee ay. a 1. -Lyri¢s. andMusic by : @. HOWARD DIETZ -and ang SCHWARTZ 1} 2 MAGIC MOMENT: y 7 WHO CAN? YOU. Gant sepa agth Aden TTS OH MY LIEBCHEN : : [Pe Bobby atin sce eates cavtatdecees Ateo™ [fs COME AWANDERING Wir Me P40. 29° 4 "JAMBALAYA ~ Tee cit Fo... Fats Domino =... “es Navan bs gots imperlal =" “Ql ve. F POOR FOOL) oe on TS tke ‘and Tina ‘Turner anecit ovis Sue“ e 3 3 e @ ‘@ . . ola _ me, lle: SOMETHING YOU NEVER io, BEFORE o Be we oBS 7 8, WHY.60 ANYWHERE ATH AL age |: FOR THE FIRST TIME. f. © THISKIND. OF AIRE: Ae 2 . Glenn Campbell. wee epee deus fe meeehiee cbs sis est : | MUSIC PUBLISHERS HOLONG conPonaION : 3 a “Hot asa Twistoll : 4. 1. a RVING. FIELDS: ORCH: . : Pees He New, Everest album oe : Iniperial LAP. "INTERNATIONAL Twist ue, 1619: Broadway Slashes His s Xmas Loot: ope. ts twas’ a merry . Chitstmais: for: ee yr ‘Hava _Leventhal,; folk “manager. “*.-%..0-.‘and. concert promoter.: On Satur. 7. :0° day. -(23)' he.’ ‘presented ; Ahree New. (72000057 i York: concerts, one at: Town. Hall °°. -: | and: -two | at. ‘Carnegie ‘ ‘Hall for a: 00 1..|combined: gross ‘of-$20,578.. Of the =. ..- -J})-three, two were SRO. and the. third,: 00". {an11:30 p.m:Carnegie ~ ‘stint, ”.. ree ‘missed by: about 200 seats." 0! se ooee -#: combined attendance: of B20 ol customers ‘turned out for the’ ses." °°. sions The ‘Town. Hall. outing feds" 7 | tured” the:“Modern: Jazz ‘Quartet, -with: guest.“appearances. by Curtis .-~. Fuller,. Jimmy. Heath: and. ‘Freddy... wet ‘}| Hubbard.’ It: was ‘the groiip’s first. > / ‘solo -concett. SRO date -drawing.: .°°...” 7,550, patrons for a gross of $4,918 "0°. ‘with tickets ‘sealed. to.a $3.85 top.-28. 1° Both®: -Carnegié “shows* featured = °° the ‘Seeger ‘family: . (Pete;”. Peggy... ee ] and Mike) and? the New Lost-City): 0°: ~ - ‘Ramblers. The first session, which: 3-2 2..-2./. ‘began at 8:30,. went SRO, ‘drawing. Tete 1 2,185 ‘customers with ducats. sealed 2 fo | to a $3.50.fop.:. The second. session: °°... ..: [| ‘pulled 1,985. customers, with tickets... "+. »-: scaled ‘to a.$3 top. Total gross.for.: -:.. J : both | Carnegie. shows was $15; 660. (2.0 sf: _, Leventhal’ "leaves. : “New ©: “York. ed Se, . today: (Wed:). for. ‘a‘three-week Choy By ‘European, trip’ to’ ‘London, Paris," 0-3) sf} Milan:and Rome to:set concert and-’* <7... | tv. appearances ~ ‘for. “Leon Bibb,-.0 °° 7 | versRobert ‘DeCormiér.. ‘and: the ©... “y | Weavers,. all ‘of whom he. manages: “ ‘He. will. also’ ‘investigate. possibili=:: °°. | -ties of setting-up publishing: Outs 20 ite lets there for: his. Sanga Music, in. 7). 0%." which he’s | involved ‘with. David..." |”. | Platz of Ludlow: Music¢,“and Fall°° |: }| River’ Musie,. both BMI folk music te aoe Publishieg ‘outfits. | 7 OLE Glasgow, :: -Jan. rie renal meade Toe ones ee kt 7. BIG HITT . on ce o -¢ . 7 . wos Peet Te . : . mo, a . we, . See ae tt At Snare Le, A el MS rE A “"Twist-ing”. SOCIETY: TWIST. ARISH. TWIST "MILLS ‘MUSIC, ING. | ae New York: ou ae naa