Variety (January 1962)

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a a a: band singer, vr “never: gut. ‘a disk vuntil: now. . med eat me, ~Aetor: ‘George. Chakiris and ‘chirp’ poe Kathy: Linden. have beén inkéd ‘te “7 «Capitol; Records : pacts: -. will cut his. first: outing,. an’ LP,|f--.. Februari. -with’. “Dave. ‘Cavanaugh}. or . oe a&ring: the’ session and. Jack” Mar-. 3. Shall. conducting: thie orcl. 2ST “you will find It’ inFoikways"cafatow: ‘of Poo x “Over:600.Long Playing authentic'Folk records |. °° -. .” from almost-every country, culture or ethnic UF s : + group inthe world, Also, Science, Jazz, Litera. 1" “fon dure ‘anid Childrens series, Write, for complete, mee Pes free catalog: . "/*FE 4g4e. Muste of. thie Amami Islands’ eye. ety .. or rrr! : an ~ MUSIC 47. 7 “ Wedbesay, January. 3, 3963 Gl Gets Nikki. Prices © LES Prestige Corals Edie : : : “Kirkland; Other: Pacts || x _ "NIKE. “Price,” ‘formerly -Jeannié |] "Johnson .and “Miss Chicago ‘1955, |¥-. -\: has béen signéd by. Columbia Rec-: “1: -ords. “Her. first’ album.-will ‘be -eut | '.° +. this cnionth; She’sappeared -on. ty. ‘s, 2'°nfilmed: commercials: and in‘sing{f° 007. a Ang: groups: on. several’ ‘occasions. | wees . a we re, . prestige: : ‘Edate‘Kirkland: .“Badie “Blues “Boy’’. _Bidence:.. “Jean: Thomas” ‘ and’ Willy... ‘Wills. ; ‘Cadence’ Records. has inked “pop. | on . “." chirper. ‘Jean ‘Thomas: and...pop/ |¥‘2 rhythm. “and..-blues. -singerWilly: “) “Wills: Bothwill: bégin: waxing ‘for’|f-. for the Jabel in: January,’ ‘primarily:| wo as: singles. ‘artists. but ‘will .also cut: : ~ albaris’ if ‘the’ ‘occasion. avises.: + ppiésGeorge” Mahatis George. Mahatris, ° ‘singer-actor ‘ Kathy: Linden © * Miss . . Liriden, ‘who: "pieviously: 7 ‘clicked’ ‘on. the Felsted: label -on' a “2S supervision ; of a&r: -praducer | Nick. ":Venet:. Shé ‘has appeared: on, seév-’ fey ‘eral network tv. ‘Sees . and. Played : ~ -rniterieg. . aca . t 2, —————— -“Pleaa: ‘Ric: Lancé* Next: ‘month’ ka promote His piforts. : From the: Amami‘isiands®, . ‘to.the Zulus of Africa** i rea 4503 ‘itica Southof the Sahara,” oe “ NEW: RELEASE * _ is ‘Saget ‘Folk cong: Recs ‘era: ef the Year’. oN, Y. Herald Tdbune” “we77e—Sengs ‘of the ; ‘Auvergne; the .original . fee “songs: ‘sung by ” Mucie-de: Vienne Blanc.. . ‘lt 127 3314 rpm ong. play. SU vegeie o $595 : . “600d NEW. ORLEANS. ‘Jazz: are F “ON A “SINGLE, RECORD: ° oan | rion ‘Mited’ Up: Bourbon. ‘Shreet i ' Jeyee Mayo.“ . “CREOLE’ GUMBO". Ansttumental: ‘by: West End. ‘Six = ; i» ee OURBON. ST. RECO CORDS . "goa9 Serantine Ste New ‘Orleans 1%, La, i Bok. Aateoing. ‘Siog-Alangs “*LEr's SING THE SONGS: on --DAYS: ‘GONE. BY" . that: Daday: Used $6 ‘Sing) a “posed -by. GEEPJO MUSIC ASCAR a © 2939 ‘Sérantine. St. + ‘New Orleans. 19. La, or "Kirkland. we EE, _ igs" ‘been. signed by: ‘Prestige. Rec-]f *. lords.. The. singer ‘has.. already ‘cut . several sides. for Prestige,.the first |f |... ooo two of which" will be’ released on.}f "7 i the’ ‘diskery’s: | -Tru-Sound-. lag : "Kirkland. ‘toured:. with. bluesman |". “-. John Lee: Hooker for séven.years | « before. Starting. ‘out’ on.” his. owndil . _ “Jabout. three years ‘ago, Inaddition {f..= ‘ to-singing, lie plays. harmonica: and |B 6h woo “guitar; the: latter a | complex homes. i : nnn made Anstkument:: : Soe | i Yabel.. “Geoige * Chakitis “and : “in jn the World? an currently. castarring, -on:-the “.vid[§ 0:49: * “series “Route 66;”. has been ‘signed. ‘= By Bpie. Records.’ “He. will -ctit; his .. §irst ‘platter “Soom for early 1962 re|) . +, Jease. ‘In. addition ‘10 --his.. current /[#o..: w..stint. Maharis. has been ‘active :. "off-Broadway .-and: ‘on -~ othér~’ “tv: : ” shows: .as well: as films: His” ‘show | * biz career was -begun,.. however, as |f-. ~although he. has _ -Chakiris 2 pee Rie ‘Lanee,: 18-year-old ‘pep. sing-. | ae “::) .er, has. een inked” by Plaza’ Rec| “22 ords. His first: ‘waxing: will -be re-, “+: leased’ this.-month. >" he'll embark. on 4. Z1-state: four. to. | 7 0" so FOLKWAYS RECORDS |||: “421 West. 47th St., New York.36,.Ne Yoo TB" at an OE oe oe ~ : ’ : eae I a ss 4 0 TS |] ae 1 | a > ¢: A National Survey “f Key. Outlets). gus Last No. wks, . ag ‘wk. wk..on chart 3° ELVIS. PRESLEY. (Victor) -: “Blue: Hawaii(LPM 2426) : . HENRY: MANCINI (Wieton | Breakfast: at.Tiffany’s (LPM 2362). : JUDY: GARLAND (Capitol) . ITeewe "Judy Garland:at Carnegie: Hall. uo 8 ~_GAMELOT (Columbia). = ea res a ~ Original Cast: (KOL:.5620) "9". MITCH MILLER (Columbia) > “Holiday Sing Along (CL 1701) © : ag ‘WEST SIDE. STORY. (Colimbiay,” * + * Soundtrack | (OL 5670) re 18 KINGSTON: ‘TRIO . (Capitol). "Close-Up: (Tt 1642). re FRANK SINATRA: “(Reprised a -:” J Remember. Tominy. (R 2008) 9°... * T.18 LIMELITERS (Victor) salts t1) <2 Slightly. Fabulous (EPM. 2398) 7 1”.” DAVE BRUBECK. (Columbia) alt). Time Out (CL 139%) 2.) SOUND: OF MUSIC. = ' Original-Cast (KOL 5450): [7 JOHNNY MATHIS (Columbia) ~ « Portrait of Johnny. (CL: 1644) : "10... WEST SIDE STORY: (Columba) | 2S Seto Opiginal Cast (OL 5230). ra! ‘ a Be 8 . MITCH, MILLER : ‘Columbiay aed aoe -Your Request: (CL. A671) | : 15 cy ~ CHUBBY. CHECKER (Park a. ae DA. Phe Twist 1P_7001).. ot By BOB: NEWHART. (WB) -Behind the. Button Down Mina. ul yaa | HARRY: BELAFONTE: ‘(Vietor)-” _ Jump" ‘Up: Calypso (LPM 2388) : EI: , 50: ” Various’ Artists‘) AL 2122)". -RAY-CONNIFF (Columbia). : ” ‘Somebedy* Loves. Me (CL: 1642). 5 "20" : ra “§_.CHUBBY CHECKER & BOB. ‘RYDELL: Cameo) z Hach st Chubby Checker. and Bobby Eydell (C. 1018)": Qa 36>, 4 KING OF.KINGS (MGM): 3 a a : Soundtrack (MGM-‘1E2) | oe _ 22 oe 7 ‘NEVER ON SUNDAY (BAD. ‘Soundtrack (UAL: 4070): . SHELLEY. BERMAN: (Vere ae 28. "20 ve cs -. Personal’. Appearance {v. 15027): . JOEY. DEE. & THE. STARLITERS (Roulette), ee . 2. .") «Doin’.the Twist at’ Peppermint Lounge. (R' '21566) cs = 35 .8 . FERRANTE &:TEICHER. fA): “ ee y “West Side Story (WAL 3166) ° pon Bm MILK AND ‘HONEY. Victor): . — <= Co! : Original. Cast-(LOC 1065): “295 aT “CONNIE FRANCIS. MGM). ‘Never On :Sunday. (E. -8965): a 387 zy -RUSTY. WARREN. (Subilee) sek Knockers:Up: (JLP. 2029)" 9G: 80. 1 -“EARL-GRANT. (Decca) . PP a Ft Ebb Tide (DL 4165): ." * BO 32. at "PETER NERO’ “Wictor): «New: Piano in Town (LPM. 2388): -BOB ‘MOORE. ‘Monument: :' Mexico: ‘(M:.4005). 2 a e zs 'CHUBBY. CHECKER, Paik “Your Twist. Party.(P: 20077" : “ {CARNIVAL (MGM) < ..~ : Original Cast (E 3946) “ “MITCH ‘MILLER: (Columbia) a = es 35 . Merry: Christmas DL: 3128)" 36... ve 5. "HOW, TO.SUCCEED (Wigton) Te on" SS Oviginal Cast (LOC 1066). an a 23." 11.. ENOCH LIGHT. (Command) en J] 2 +..." 35MM. Stereo (RS ‘826 D).”: a aa 84. ' ELVIS PRESLEY. ‘Wictor | 3 : Something: for Everyone | LPM, 1 270) 2 LAWRENCE WELK: (Dot). ” Moon River (DLP 2314) : zs DAVE BRUBECK. (Columbia) " Time. Further, Out (CL. 1690) | 400 PAUL ANKA. (ABC-Par) weer Sings His Big 15,.:Vol. 10 (ABC. 3 Bai “JOAN BAEZ (Vanguard) ear Joan. Baez, Vol. Ih tVRS'$ B094)" Be “FRANKIE LAINE: E(Columbia) -; 40: 7 LZ | “or pan » Hell: [ell ‘Bent. for: Leather (CL: 1615)". ¥ 35 MITCH: MILLER (Columbia) ~ ‘ae: “Tw Sing Along (CL 1628). -.* : 467 oT ‘: Variots Artists,.Vol. II iLOP. 1509) a De “7 ” MANTOVANI (London): eel ae Songs ‘of Praisé: (LL 3251) poe "FLOWER DRUM: SONG | (Deeea) Ale. ae = Soundtrack. (DE. 9098). Ae “2, JIMMY, DEAN’ (Columbia) aoe UP: SA Ths os Big Bad John (CL‘1735):77 ee _ AE as “= “ y “” RAY CHARLES (attanti Pr “Do the Twist (8054). : a ae ao “6 EI , ELLA: FITZGERALD. Waiver = Ella Ain. Hollywood tv" 4052). tChristy. offers scant encouragement, Ito: those who might ' try. to emulate “Ether. af ‘Christy. continued, “GREAT MOTION: PICTURE 7 THEMES: way nS, 18 7.80 YEARS OF MUSIC AMERICA LOVES (Wietorr: Hi | Soe [ RETAIL: ALBUM BEST aa) Lasa Discords Face Toy $ Tyre “Jan Singer, June Christy Asserts -Pokyo, Jan. 9: “Rithotigh Yong’ one of the leading influenced, _chirpers, June ““Jf' T-.were’ starting . ‘today I would © “give: ‘up;” said the. ‘pert, tronibone. voiced : blond during . a | break’ in: her-.six-week:. Nipponese we “I -wouldn’t ‘know’ where: to. : " | 80. or ‘how., to begin.” ; |” Miss’ ‘Christy: feels. chances are | ‘fewer. ‘for thé. jazz-singer launching a career today compared: with her own "experiences a couple decades tour: age, ”. “FE -ave. syinpathy. for. those try ‘| ing ‘to ‘start, inthe jazz. field, .par :* Al ticularly. singers,”’. opined. find.-a place to jam: or someone to play ‘with,, -but for a singer, there's. Uj) little opportunity... ‘Only two.” or-|: [three jazz bands are using singers. _Hl and Idon’t. know of any other way |} fo get. started; * noted’ Miss: Christy, Deon! | who: was catapulted to popularity {} during: her: eight years © ‘with -. the: “Miss (Christy : “Musicians, can. -Senerally bands of Stan. Kenton... . ~ “Phe. only other. way a jazz sing: er “might ‘get started,” . she. reflectrn “is. to: ‘get: lucky, with a’ first: —. |}record.-And that’s difficult because ‘[\ the companies. -are out. for, hits with. ROCK ‘ny’. rou. ' sie éd,” “Urges. TV Exposure him .a:contract. and ‘ exposure,’ *’Miss: “Ifa singer is: not: particularly interested’ in jazz, ; there’are still. some opportunities. The . Way :to-“Jearn and. ‘to. get: ex posure’ would. be on. tv. ' “And I ‘feel ‘sorry: for new sing lers.. who .comeé -up with fast ‘hits, _Hishe said. TWith. ‘one. hit: record, the: singer |... }gets hot and thé: club: owners pay |; 4\ dig: salaries to: sign him. But by 1 the. time’ the singer a sec “They. are ‘not. prepared. ‘ord club, ‘the “hit record ‘ ‘has. died. 1 Yet the owrier. ‘still -has. to ‘pay the big'salary. Alot-of clubs: have béen os [tuined : that: “way.” Here’ “with husband. Beb: ‘Cooper, 1 gnex: Kentonite who swings. a Ji} tenor’.saxophone,. their ‘eight-y earold daughter Shay and =piano.-ac _ i-companist ‘Tan Bernard, “Miss. Chris“EI ty learned: once. more. that . the. <0. Ji status “of. succéss. does, not insure. -“smooth. proceedings. : Once: :here,..she © was ‘informed: | that:. her. repertoire: would have to beTevised. ta include not only ‘such ‘identification’ songs: as. “Something Cool,” “Midnight Sun,” “How High mn | the: “Moon” ‘and “Wow. ‘Weep: for. “2 e,” ‘]\-of. current: interest in ‘Japan, -4s “Over “the Rainbow.” -“Bewitehed, and: ‘ but also :to’ cover: such: songs Bothéred ° and” Bewildered”. “"S “Wonderful.” |: .*: “1 ccame:. with my’. own. Jibrary assuming they. . knew. what they “la were. buying,” | plained:. ‘Miss. Christy ‘ex: ; “Phen | L had ‘to™ learn a "I bunch of tunes-in. a@ hurry. Ian. and: -{Bob were :kepf. :busy . writing ar-. ‘Tangenients.: wish | ‘we. had _‘beeti “warned.”"* ..’: In: the’ U: S.; perhaps t the: greatest | [he hits: ‘get. “written or ‘get lost. ‘in the prises. She said, : | a thandicap for a singer. of taste is the scarcity of good, new songzs.. “When we niake an album, we try to get fresh material,” Miss Chris ty. noted. “At. Capitol we have: ‘|pretty.much of a free’ hand. We'd: like nothing better than new songs. }| But they’re very difficult. to find. An exception was a recent album of.Christmas and New Year's ‘Songs . . [I did. called “This. Time of Year.’ + “Generally,” she continued, “if a writer brought in new, good songs, he probably would be refused. The a&r men are to be blamed.” They are. 50 concerned with hit “yecords ‘| that there's hardly been a good hit ‘in recent years. ‘Misty’ is all’'I can think of. The a&r men are going. for the ‘bad tunes which. become The good tunes either don't. shuffle.” In Japan, -excépt for having to. ty .has encountered pleasant sur-.. “I thought: the’ language barrier would be difficult;. but. I -found that most’ Japanese singers : work with English lyrics. | And. I'veheard some very good ones.. “The musicians are absolutely... fantastic: ‘I. have worked with: | three ‘ifierent big bands and found ‘that after only one rehearsal, they play everything “ ‘perfectly. | You. HE ays $ almost impossible for a new: | Gon" jazz singer to find someone to. give | don't find that-in the States. ‘And the .. rhythm sections—drunimet's.. are. always a prohlem when. you Zo into a: club—are equally ‘good. "ve had ‘a series of good: drummers here... ‘J haven't run into. any « ‘had |SoPRANO TAKES OWN. ‘PUBLICIST TO: USSR: Dorothy Kirsten of the Met ‘Opera opens the ‘first’ of several ‘éultural exchange. dates. in’ Soviet Russja Jan. 21 at.Tiflis: She will sing: later with the Bolshoi Opera in -Mascow, also in Leningr: ad and: Riga. Doing “La: Traviata.” -Peter Gravina. of. the Rasponi publicity ° shop-in N.Y. will go to her. Uz s. and world publicity. feeds: Anglo: Sets Its. Pix Tunes. Via British Indie Diskery London, Jan: 2. ‘Anglo ‘Amalgamated Film Distributors . has made a deal. with Oriole ‘Records,-.a_ small independent. label, fer an album packaging -. songs... and. music from Anglo-- Yeleased. pix such as “She'll Have. | To Go.’ re “Payroll,” “The .Crim-. inal,”: “The: Frightened City” and “The. ‘Tammy Steele’. Story.’ . ‘Titled © “Moviemedley,” © the. album -marks ‘the first time a. British film distributor has linked’ indie diskery. for such a -project:. Also in on the deal was the -Rank-owned.. pubbery, FiJmmusic. ; ae TO ASCAP MEMBERSHIP , Applicants for’ ‘membership. in the. American’ 2. Society. ‘of Coimposers; Authors. and Publishers : ‘who, meet the. following. requirements will .be . “astepted « as ‘members: | “lp “WRITERS: Any. Composer or‘ auther of a copyco .. * wighted: musical . composition whe shall have “had: at .least one work. of his composition Or... = ‘writing regularly Published; | ing es ‘PUBLISHERS: ‘Any person, firm, corporation so OF partnership actively engaged in the music "’:’” publishing business whose musical publications. ‘have been used er distributed on a:commercial .'2:seqle for at least. one year, and who. assumes the financial risk involved ‘in the: normal pub o 2 Weation of musical works.” Stanley Adams. 7 President .. ne “AMERICAN ‘SOCIETY OF Fone “AUTHORS AND remisates 575. Madison: Avenue, New York: 22, N, YY revise her presentation, Miss Chris‘© Russia ‘with the soprano to handle ..