Variety (January 1962)

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an ‘cd . an a, ar 4 Ma oved tnicesed ookers, * || cee Twist ti Sek ; aD Bo ott 4 Bet o ass, kay noe os Cap’ a: Billy. Bryant: 0 C C I as to a es ‘a'-sentimentalreminiscence of ||. -: wa om ‘ ~ Prober ‘Charges in Resigning Past | “Sea | ~~ More Sh OWS, Predicts Charlie. Gap . ‘Boston, Jan. 2; 4—=— “ME F he _ —-_— —+ The. Twist ‘will bea major ine _ F . an | n ete ort out town booting and I Al Jolson’s Alleged Son Unkno a Ta lint ; Neither Snow Nor. Bic, <|RSMAa bers ale emeralne | n nown a oe Rapp ‘who isthe largest rest resort “| -j bookers and. an unlicensed bookI. ad fara" pes ain tere| Plans Nitery Act tig | itn os Sap Anti Mack From: |pooker inthe ©: 8 rats Se with, the resignation 0 ‘Abrains, |. ~ Jolie’ s Songs: & Bing Le _anotier "ageetog Feces Leaving! His K: C Hotel sponsible for many ‘hotels installing Soy of Revere, investigator. of theatri. Chicago, Jan. 2..: HT Ss ‘ . : . entertainment policies. :.*. ods cal booking practices for ‘the state /. “Harry Brown, claiming to-be: the. ‘86th “Anniversary” ‘Number . o i*Kansas: City, Jan. 2. /} A ote only ‘ltas-to Tuna ‘Twist: ts since. :1957.. | 49-year-old son of the late Al[} 2050.0". 2 of | fh Getting. out: ‘of town’ amidst-‘the night, | 4 pad, ane will fing that. aa ‘ Abrams. resigned in-a ‘Jetter of ‘Jolson, is prepping .an “act ‘basedj]: ..-.. . ag aot || town’s: severe ‘snowstorm -Dec. 22 cafficlent Te: oe r ers ther: ; : protest to Frank-E. Giles,. public | on. Jolie’s“hits and will make.a. bid: Lo Ef. ARI TY <A called for: Some imagination ‘on the |} aoe oli oi an on ot a safety commissioner. The: former|for the -nitery circuit this. spring: } “ius ther fstical ond date-fil | ‘part “of . Austin. Mack, : pianist ‘for . heh Policies Oth a pits ings.» «i booker: charged that Giles’ had The |e is” using the AL ‘Jolson pane ame ‘charts.and articles Toe E. Lewis. ‘Mack and nis. wine | to. ‘provide the same. entertain have a ; m ece,’ showing: a: oe, s oh a.train to the mitted. unlicensed ~ agents in’ the ar eee “OUT. ‘NEXT WEEK ag reservar on es Thus: more. shows.-will prevail, in -!+° *:] | Coast. leaving. here .that’ :evening. They. hadbeen’ here with, Lewis ; at . the. hapless :: Cabaret: ‘Riviera |: be which closed. suddenly: Dec. 19. ; . When the ‘show began: to pile up} around’ noon -Friday,Mack phoned: the. ‘Catgkills,-he ‘prophesized;: 0.007 . However, it's not: becatise of. the ag ‘Tw ist -alone.. that. the’ mouftains~ ° Wilf! have, more entertainment’ ‘this ~ ‘year than: last year, ‘Rapp’ Says."The « major hotels: in the area have. been .. erg ee ° 8, . ° “ot . ’ . wot ete a rr . a fae. oh Dae et Meche ane Bad focehyjisyuet ti fc: oe ed, ald” Bros’. “winter: Tevue, “Christ hotels. to. the; hill-country,, wel mas: ‘Crackers, as -a result: ofan. ~ With more. growth: of: entertditi= . | automobile. ‘accident: in. which, the ‘ment: in ‘the mountains,“the “nuni-. i, nig ber. ‘of ‘prime -talents. emerging °: vod ‘from, the ‘area’ will. be ‘on. the: up= -.". y beat.” ‘The Catskills: have: always os been: ‘considered a. ‘top developer’.. a of. acts. . They. can count on _at least .one act: ‘a Season,” ‘Fotie. Fields: 24 enierged. Jast summer,. and: Jackie-~. _ 7] Mason, -cam® -out the .year: before: 4 liabilities ‘of about. ‘$126, 000, some[what Jes§ .thanthe, $145,000 trig: 7s "finally. estimated. ; . Liabilities: fncladed ‘$14, $00. due two.:malé members: of, the three-. ‘| Joe E.. Lewis, who was ‘the second. some, Jeff: ang. Fred: ‘Mudd, Were: ‘of a.-two-week engagement ‘when: ‘badly injured. ° ‘the: club: closed. The . petition. was |. °:TTio. will. not: bi. able: to” fill dates | filed: by." A: J.°Granoff,. attorney, until the end of: -Jahuary..The act's ‘and. Charles: C.. Shafer ‘ ‘Ir.,, a city | Place in ‘revue. -at: His”. Majesty's --countilman , and a: vice. president} Theatre -here Me been. Aaken’ by) k-act jof him in: blackface, advertises ||" | state fo Pee jane by and see: ou,| this: “Son of late Al Jolson is |l. = : annot s y + now: available’ for booking.-singing || . as present commissioner of publie songs. that. ‘his : father ‘made. fa. safety ‘make a farce of a business. Sones, ‘ e Riviera ists that required a lifetime. of “pian|. “i ning and supervision, a he. said ‘in “Longdistaneed at his: home: te ; the letter. 7 { Phoenix, Ariz.,'Brown said that he: ~ ‘ae for a cab, When. it’ was evident “he e eye Pad. not previously: used -the’ Jol-. ities Iy 'would:have. no success. at. reserving -expanding:.-Some.. are. building” rae ae aa mis Me Sgrecment. between, his motiter,| [Bae ence Tae hag ameane Service fide, aii otis aia allowing’ non-licensed _ agents.‘ to'| Bessie. Lee, .and the ‘star not ‘to}-z eollgwing the suggestion of the dency’. ‘is. to “increase. not. anly. in: prarene vier Commonwealth ‘trade: on han Kinship. wile Jolson | . Br ruc Petition limousine service; Mack telephoned | size | eee ‘also: the -ehtertainmient Oo ssatnusetis, Wi your nowl-: was. alive: rown Ss ss ee}. ; | budge edge and approval, has .created|was Jolson's’ first ‘wife and: ‘was| ..:: ‘ ius: arenes Soman ho and While the’ Coneord and ‘Gross: chaos and confusion in an honormarried. to.him for a yearin 1909-|-".”” . Kansas: ‘City, ‘Jan; a ‘were pickedu be the Soho eet inger’s, ‘ave . been” .on'_ a’. namé:. -able. profession.” 1910. (What doesn’t add. up is that, |. * A. “voitintary: petition: Ain. ‘bankthe: "Hyde Park; Hotel. The. Macks poliey, : -with: :theConcord. Spend=' rad ve Abrams Said he was resigning sofaccording to ‘his -own’ figures, | rubtey -was’ filed’ by'‘the -Riviera rede up front’ with -the-. driver, | ing: the top dollar’ for, ‘acts, the that “as a private citizen,” he could|Brown-Jolson should. be: 51 instead. Club ‘ Federal ..Court : here while. an. attendant rode ‘atop ‘the,-other..:. hotels . : will -start.: using: -eontinue to-. protect thé .60-odd| of the 49 -he claims.) | last. Wednesday(27). ‘The: petition baggage in, the: réar. The chatge, higher-level names as. Well ‘as some * licensed: theatrical. booking agents |. Brown, said that: -he “had: ‘done. ‘was “signed. by: Smith ‘F, ‘Brandom $12, . "J of. the . disk: rénowns* in .order ‘to’: in Massachusetts “against the un-|Some . work ‘ag. an’. emcée-comiic| Jr., president. of--the ; corporation |“. ae LF? a attract the-monied as:: ‘well as. ties, fair practices you have. condoned.” unger in, Egat pubs Goring. te whieh did business. as, the’ Cabaret an ¢ }more youthful. clientelé. As abooking. agent, Abrams in |.30S .294:’40s..and for. the ‘pas! ‘Riviera. *-" " r “As: -:hotels..become.” larger,” cass". “3 1946 a. booking. ae law brains Pad ‘years: has’ ‘been. ‘the: part-owner. of |: : The: ‘hightelubott: the: lower. levInju ed in rash, Vocal: serts “Rapp,.the’. more." opulent::. quires’ that theatrical .agents ‘be | # restaurant. “Jelje” was the ene el of the Broddway-Valentine-Shop|. Trio. Leaves Scot Revue their :“entertainment requitements -. Jicensed. Since that time booking est thing. that -ever AOE ant -ing: Centre: opened with a flourish|: .: Aberdéen, ‘Scotland; ; Jan; 2°. | will be. Fhe acts will be.a: wedge . _ agents are required to. pay ‘a-$200.| show. business,”. Brown. sa hi | Sept. 8; ‘and, closed..Dec. 19° with |“The -Mudlarks, British. ‘singing to: ‘Bets: into. the, same Teague of license fee. The law. also. provides bene, eon ae: that to book entertainment in the reat as tie | 85, but ri. ‘be. Up. state bookers must. be domiciled: i in: there’ tr ing.’ wo ‘Massachusetts. ~ ¥ Abrams also claimed ‘many. fla-| grant. cases of ouit of state -bookers, “Brooklyn ‘Spot $ ‘Names’: Mainly New York city bookers, “who.t: The Town’ '&.: Country’ : “Club; _are bypassing local: bookers ‘com-|Brooklyn, which 4s’ going back to pletely and.’ booking-shows into the. the -name’ standard, -has.° signed state directly from New York in | Abbe. ‘Lane-Xavier Cugat for'a ‘fourviolation of. the. Massachusetts law. | weeker starting ‘May 4. 0 02+ “The. B elt oti @ Abrams. said he will return’ to} The nitery is currently. operating. of the’ club. : om ect Se, Bet the ‘booking business with ‘offites lon’a weekend policy, but: expects.|: “Herry EL “urphy:feferee fn}: Pa The atea, Rapp feels,.:will ‘not.g0.~ an in New York and Boston the cary ly |to -open, fulltime ‘the: latter part-of ‘bankruptcy, | ‘granted .the, club until}. M “| back’ to. the .era® of social, : =. part of the year. . January, ‘ acts’ | Jain.-.12" to’. file’. its -hankruptey ont TResumés. Names .|tors, ‘léast while. hotels have @.)..”.= to" compete: § with: inns s having t riame « Pes a “ Montreal * has’. ‘resumed “nanie‘acts, cnet ; ee APS : ‘ier CORP. BUYS | Th ank. ks rou I 961! I TV The. amount of. assets were’ ‘hot ‘list-. ‘bookings, put on: a Tess frequent |. |éd"in the petition, George V. Aylthan.when' that’ city was: one’ of the}... “LATIN CASINO: FONTAINEBLEAU [pvard., JE... , Was: ‘appointed. receiver. | ton nitery: towns: on the continent:. '' 1 Hildegarde’ -has.been set for the. Soi -HARRAH'S. © SANDS. ‘| Ritz Carlton, Jan. 28, ‘and ‘Myron | © ‘| Colien -has. been” booked for El}. . “Ottawa, Jan: 2." Onetfme™ ‘venerable’. nitery,. the’ "AMBASSADOR HOTEL “DRAKE HOTEL. : 7 ‘Morocco, April 24.0 .. -EF. -Moroecco,. formerly. one’ of. ‘the Fairmont. ‘Club. “had been eyed. by.’ ed: CLEVE. JAZ. CLUBS [top nitery. buyers, ‘has. been in -Tlear. Montreal. and Toronto ‘interests-for “ Clev eland, Jan. 2." retirement ‘aS: a: name dispensary. revival'jafter it ‘shuttered last: fall: : Kornman’s: ‘Restaurant: and. Hick——— 3 pe ‘when. ifs-liquor’ license: was’ ‘lifted’ > Ff ory: ‘Grill, two ‘of -Cleveland’s' most | "e7) By. police, . But“hopes: ‘for the’ ncaa prosperous “jazz. ‘clubs,. have béen Andpls, Agency’ Expand-’ ‘| vival: are’ gone. aequired. by ‘Charles. ‘Corp., ‘a. na-} Chicago; ‘Jan. -2.° The Fairmont. ‘fs. in: the. hands: of. tional: -food:. services’. organization |. > Ross We ‘Ghristena ‘Associates, Tn. building ‘wreckers: this week. The’. PY, | with a home’ base. here, ‘through. an dianapolis. talent’ agency, is. going National : Capital ‘Commission: a _: exchange of.:stock,. > ‘into: radio-tv..commercials produc| bought: “the property. for $88,000 °° ~ tion. and is -opening:. a. nightclub’ L ‘and ‘will: turn-it into: part. of NEC's : va! Both of‘ the-de_ lie’ inusical din: ‘alréady, started parkivay._ ice OPA ABANA. . fig spots. will operate: as completely tours department. : eo ‘<G C ote _.f}owned, subsidiaries.’ of ‘the ‘buyers, |’ “ Bandleader-jinglesmith :. ‘Charles: 7 = 2 PRINCE OF ‘but'no. changes’ -in’ policy”or’ staff | Holden:has joined the firm fo write} OTHE COMED! AN” ; eae ’ “4 :; .The. ‘are. being planned;: Jules and Wil“eonimercials, and . Maurice ‘ “De. x liam ° Weinberger; owners © of the Swert heads Up. the e nitery four. ° aoqpe restaurants, -were :‘made. vice: presi-} o orl if ‘dents | of: ‘the. food company, . "I William’ will have charge of thet ‘Charles Corp: catering division and | ’ central: ‘commissary... Jules: was : “madeé. responsible. for | WALES S earee y.:Real Monthly Sh! _Freedomland’s Ad-Budget, || How, sh cua. ageneting | | Freedomland: ‘will’ have an. “aa [tittes., ‘hecklers, audience. stuff, .mono-.Of, 'vertising biidget of ..over "$750, 000 fogs, parodies, double . gags, -bits: | for the. forthcoming season: This | ) To 5 : niente eB ideas,” Intros,” Impressions’. and: im: os ~personations, .political, interruptions: ca wnt bowie’ : company’ s. overall’ food’ operation” will Pe Pruslnees hewspapers, af the Hews. Visnetiess pier views 4 aa; : ‘well’ as’. its’ industrial and , or pO ‘GARRY. vl emooe nent | restaurant fodd seivices, "| billboards, " movie -trailers,|| $25. YRSINGLE ISSUES $3 ff MOC . on oe oo ‘and’ television: as’ well” aS “direct med SHOW" vee a ae 'Kornman’s. ‘Front ‘Room ‘has been | mail. $38 YR SINGLE ISSUES $4: 2 oe ~ 7 A pear Bob * a | ‘showcasing ‘such, jazz. attractions ‘as Ad . “account for’. ‘the’. “ Bronx Pelee NO GO.Des. fo, + tts ’ ‘Jimmy McPartland, Miami. Beach-| amusement: ‘park ‘will be’ “Kandled BILLY: GLASON, 200: W.: 84th: at. rere “SUNDAY NIGHT: “Now that You late retuned ta. athe Stated 3! | ‘eombers, ‘Buddy Cole. and. current by Cole:Fischer & Rogow.Inc. ° t New York. City. 1%. €O. SABI ims’ tell you how pleased Iwas with your tronendous. woe Playboys. Quartet: Hickory. run by}; y. = ‘ _ AT THE _: | _.succéss, ‘both on the stage*here in°tne Samy Tavis: “Show . un I W. b i] . t ty : ; PALLADIUM™ “Prand also your television aprearance ‘in "Sunday Night at... | Jules. Weinberger,. ‘also -. features |. jazz units-ranging: from Jack Tea-|).:: garden to: Muggsy. Spanier and’ Red Allen, :in: eurrent engagement: Twor 7 “THE. TOP. ATTRACTION” -week' stands also-“have been ‘set by: of SOUTH ERN. F LORIDA t thi is. season, Hickory’ -for Johnny “Scat’!. Davis on : , ei 12, and. Piazy, Gillespie, “March | ior ‘The London Pallajiuy".. You "cade a ‘trenendsus hit with-” |. English. pudiences. and you“ark weicere, Back: ‘at. any, tise.” “CAPITOL u P.. | "Closer Baby |}. Don't: Fight we yee Kin" Sanit :ersonal rears : ". alt ww i. "ap Ws : Hotel Test = ‘The ‘Statler-Hilton Hotel; fhe 1. od ae 4s: receiving. ah. experi-{f . }:: mental broadcast: by the. Télad: “|4 : |: Corp.’ which. ‘is transmitting“. through : unused".;channels . of _ the: ty spectrum ..a’ program ‘of. . y. : information: and... features’ de|} } . signed . to... ‘appeal to” “hotel lt an Buests, Tae at fe: The hotel: gets. a program: “fits: * tedto: its. ‘Specifications. When. : ’ i the ‘service is filly developed, .| |... advertisers ‘will be: able to se-. Th “Jeet. a séries ‘of hotels: OF. one: . : hotel. for commercials... Ss wo eet uke! aa neler aamatley dates ia ‘pee an DELEON a ~ Currently: "GOLDEN FALCON, POMPANO: ‘BEACH, F FLA. ~ Personal’ Management. “DON: SEAT ENTERPRISES, Inc. i car “New. 87 Ste New York 19. “dUdson 22502." aoe ‘Special Thanks s. D. dee , —_ Personal Management: ue Peer _ Directi¢n ~ BERGER, ROSS & STEINMAN © me, Mita ‘Mortis ‘Agen 15 E. 48. Street,. New ‘York Cy ha eel 7