Variety (January 1962)

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‘: ¢ 2 saits and. crimifial cases;.died Jan, "| -Ld of. heart attack in Beverly. Hills .! . He’ spent’50 years in. the: film cap“:*° Gta’ during: his legal career and. his ., ‘dist. of “clients .includéd: a “host ‘of. :. = /well-knowns ‘from:-Charlié’ Ehaplin we >) SERRY: GIESLER.” | “Jerry Giesler, 15; . wlio. presided _ at the: ‘counsel's . table of some: of:|.. . *. : Hollywood’s most controversial law | oto" Mickey: Colter. Others ‘included ‘tlie “late” “Extol! a Fiynn, Lana. Turner, ‘:Robert. -Mit ‘chum, : “Marilyn | -Monyoe, Barbara “Hutton ‘and. .Shelley ’ Winters... He 2. twas. involved -in.:70.‘murder: ‘trials, ° “.. land rione. of his: -Clients” was exe-|-. cuted. His” success” in ‘the. -caurt-|: : : ;.Foom “was | ‘due. ‘primarily :.tothora ough ‘preparation. of. cases and*an , _ uncanny skill in handling ‘juries. One of the: ‘most publicized: trials. = . was. ‘that. in. which .Chaplin.. was + eharged. with violation: of:the: ‘Mann’ a Joan: . Barry, on Giesler won an: ‘acquittal: for Chap: «din: But. later’ when: ‘the: actor’ was. Act. in transporting. : a" protegee, Pe represented bY.” another: .attorney, aot fe lost the patérnity: case. Giester. "--ajso. successfully. defended Flynn. against charges: of two ‘teenagers 2 rer -. who claimed has ‘seduced 2. ‘them. ‘The.-case’. was won. despite’ the: testimony. of ‘the. two girls,. plus |--' the: ‘presence of “nine. -women::0n. ithe. Jury: a ; . , . Giester. was ‘born in. ‘Wilton. June: =. tion, Tai, with the Square. handle of | wo." Harold Lee Giesler and began‘ the “". "study: of “law atrthéU.. of: Towa, uk : -. : However,. eye. ‘trouble ‘forced: him So ‘to 5 abandon: his. studies’ and he went! ‘across | state”-lines. ae ‘wedpon. ‘at ‘one time; but the. charge was. dismissed." -‘An admitted. “‘nareotics. addict; | she. ‘Was .. utider ; indictment for'|: -agquaintance™ ‘Kept her-.supplied: ‘with:. heroin ‘for --a "month, : then charged: her: from ‘$15. to $30 daily. for: “drugs. her. on. a narcotics: ‘charge: “They were, later. divorced, : . LOUIS ‘EPSTEIN +g . Louis: Epstein,:. 67, “mnillionaire| ‘owner: -of:: hotels’: throughout’ ‘the'} ‘tack:in Miami Springs, Fla., while. | Epstein’s. ‘permanent home. was in} “foronts. anid: : -belliop’ : in. . Toronto: . “hotels; | During. the “30s he operated: ‘a: ‘chain of. Toronto restaurants, later’ ‘bought’ hotels; : Miami and ‘Britain. three. sisters. SAL J ENNINGS ~ victed train. robber, | cattle * thief a Tw NG MEWORY oo eee : J fOR MARRY. and. ‘ALBERT NON TILZER © THE FAMILY: ; oe west” ‘where he. ‘started. as’ . driver of} _alumber’ wagon" at: "$2. daily. : “Jater: transferred. to the. U: of Cali-| Hel a fornia to. complete, his legal enue. ; y ealion. ~ His” Digtiine: ‘step: ‘stay fod: ¥ ith’ his}: Bees détenseof «Alexander ‘Pant tages; of ~ the’ -Pantares th aeatre.* chain; hee Wanger::. ~ nings 4 Lang: when .He: suspected | the‘ soeiat life: “Of. Glasgow, early in: this 1 Bioadway.” "productions * ‘inclidihg..| monthis:: ine a. ‘minor. ‘Panta: Ses. ’ He ~ ‘alsq’ defended. ‘Robeit “Nite “chun in. a ‘narcotics: case, but the! ‘l tactor was: -Biven:: :60:. days.” ‘Walter! “who. “shot. ° ‘MCAite . Jen-3 ov +s agent’ of. break -up -his? "*.. Inarriage to Joan. Bennetts was: also [ , Biven a “jail “term; He-also defended! “fo ' ‘the: 14-véar’ old daughter of : Lana! . : Turner svho. stabbed: ‘and killed. Aliss -..¢ Turners. friend, Johnriy,: Stompa-: “./+° nato, .Giesler, “o.. The. first: union-‘ended--indivorce: TP ‘Surviving. are “his ‘secondwifes: een ae: on Vand tio. danetiters.. was’ ‘matried: twice. “a: ANNA. WHEATON: “Anna Wheaten, 65; ‘former. must wed hee actress, : died, Dec. 25" An aes the: appeared’as~.Liza “in : Pan” with. Maude* “‘Adams.. Pasadena,: Calif.. “When: ‘she. vas": Gient: years “ola “Peter: ‘She Ja-! ; ops ter’ appeared . 4f-numerous, Broadoo Away.” productions; on in c ‘Lu, din: g, " , * “Hongymoon..Express:”” a ‘Jolson; ; “and . “No, No, ° ea tee ta. Jing. : mt _Jeverdpse * “of: “bar biturates. : Tt” was |: .:. ver, third: overdose? in ‘six ‘months. : ml She. was” found “unconsejous:’ .ina -Hollyyiood: -alley” anid: taken to: the :» Los:.::Angeles-,won iWhére. she never: recovered: con: cel sciousness, as “2. Miss Burns, who hai: bee: receive. _ ‘ing. -$260' a cmonth, from.-the estate vers Gf her-late father until the age of -TB:-and “whe: had. Kotter. $20.000: ' . ftom ..the:/estate;. was penniless “at. ew tali, the -titie “of. her death.: She shad Mh. Been: “arrested, “for -Agsault with ; 7a “W ‘ith: ' “The: Mikado; 2 “On: ‘Boy,”:|: _Narietfe? ae Her: son survives. ; “RARBARA’ BURNS: moo, "Batbara -Buriis, : ‘23, daughter: ‘af ~ an the late conjediaty Bob: Burns, died: Jan. 1: in: Los. ‘Angeles: ‘Ironi.: an ‘General ‘Hospital, ‘When: ‘Giesler]. : cael ‘depicting: his: Life: “Gay Jennings, of ‘Oklahonia.”’ “and . ‘a.. remake-:: was. done’ ‘in | 1951. avhich : he claimed | Was a’ SEEOSS: *Gistortion sof? the. | Old: West “" : ‘The. remake WS ‘a ‘Columbia res"; ty jeg $@ ef a Rudolph. C.:Flothow pro * who ‘duction. .Daa Duryea ‘had the title | :1927:-when / she’ married‘ Théodore : Bua ‘sbortsman:: ‘and: a:‘member. ‘ott ery oft on "Giesler “was ‘part ‘oft ‘Geoike: Bricker’ ‘from: the: book, by! the ‘team: of : attorneys: ; defending}. dennis and ‘Wilk Irwin, ; : “1d Hin cand was" used. only’ for! eross-]“> 4 “pxaminatiom .Later, not. headed -the’ legal: batters, ia Was acquitted: “ELSIE. ‘S.. MUNRO" ‘liam Trelis: ‘Bilsland), bit ‘oadgaster | ‘and ° write: :diéd. ré‘cently , in ‘Glasgow.’. ‘She ‘took: an prominent. part in ‘Viterary’ ‘and: the-: ‘atrical ‘activities which merked. the century, A fine. ‘meézza: "gopratio. s stie’ ‘Sang the -principal: role ‘in .Allan::Mae={. beth's 1904: production of “La: Fille. ide.Madaime Angot” at ‘the. former | Giand | Theatré,, Glasgow. In 1928, |. she. was: writing: and “broadcasting | 1 the. ‘Childten’s*HourBBC program.! ifrom ‘the’ “first: BEC. “centre. at, | Bistliswood Square, Glasgow. ‘. ; ‘Aniong: ‘plays, which. she: ‘wiote, “possession: of drugs: at: the-time:; of -|.her death. She told police that an. | Anaeortes, world, died Dec. 26 of a heart :at-/ ‘watching, .a’ ginyummygame at. the: ‘home: ‘of: Willie “Hartack, jockéy.-|. plus’ night: ‘clubs, there.. and -inMontreal, _ Kingston, ‘Survived ‘by, two.. brothers, said | “AL. Jennings. ‘98; onetime: “bade | -man® “of “the Old: West and. -con-.: and gunman, diéd :Déc. 26: in ‘Tar-. eee zana;; Cal. He once starred i in a film ee . Crawford ‘A. .Peffér; ‘94, “presi< “Bisie: Snieaton. Munro “iis, wits: 79, -singer, é 1913, ‘retited and: became director J Bf of.. ‘thieOakland’. Public © Schools’: + tausic¢al‘program, : ‘retiring’ in'1942; ‘| -It.was then that: Pierre: Monteux;. “eonductor : of. the-. San: Francisco } Symphony, . -asked.Trutner ‘to join “his“ son;.: Herman... Trutner ‘HI, in at. his” ‘Oakland ‘hotiie. “| wa -Trutner :-was’ ‘composer of more ‘than. 30° marches,:. and. “was. con-' ductar of: theOakland : ‘Municipal -. Band «and. a: “jwumber.. of. smalter, bands’ for ‘many. ‘years. . jis: he son: and. two daughters survive: | She “had: Been “married. to. ati: i Hollywood, ‘film. technician; “David... \r: ’ Mack,. “and onetime:. held. with: <a oo BRADLEE WATSON:; ‘ity ion piaywrighting-and ‘dévelop f-ment. of Grama, died recently: ‘jn. on : Wash.-*. He“. authoréd on “Sheridan to Robertson,” ‘a, study of the: London’. stage inthe ‘19th’ ‘century. He: also" co-édited. ““Con| temporary. Drama; ‘of. plays.. hoes oa Watsén,.. who was" a , Dartmouth ‘College professor: ‘for .29-.'years,, 3 ‘MURRAY: WIZELE. ‘ Murray. Wizell,” -persons.: * “The souree of the’ blaze, | was: Wizell’s room. :wheére he ‘had apparently. been. smoking in: bed." At: one time Wizell ‘operated: ‘the This “Way. “Again” » 1.‘Gently.” ‘He also wrote some spe shows : CRAWFORD A: ‘PEFFER dent; for 50 years of. the: ‘Redpath | Bureau, ‘which. manages: tours ‘for ‘speakers °. “and.” entertainers, ‘Dec. 12-in’ Portland, -Mé., “Among ‘his + clients” were’ “Mark othérs. : He: had: been: inactive: in the ‘organization. for the ; ‘Tast Seven gt vears. eel is, 0° daaghiets survive. ANASTASIA® ‘enLY former. “Ziegfeld”: “Follies: performer; “died: “Déc. * Pointe, . Mich... . ‘She hog h-her ca | reer in ‘vaudeville before: becomn-= “ing a featured. Ziegfeld: -performer.. She. gave’ up. tier’: stage ‘caregr: ine. ane ‘of Detroit's: leading ' families, | vive. “Daisy ATHERTON. ; raetress. was ‘found dead Dec. .18. “int ‘her New York. ‘City: ‘apartnient,. apparently of natur al. causes. valet ' She. ‘appear ed “in : numer OUS | if “Appearances, ” “Her: Friend. the | ~ King” ‘and: in. the’-1945 ‘revival! of} | “You.~Can’t Take. qe With. “eeu” 7 a t the city: Genter. ’ CHARLES PISKE : _mingham, . Ala:; (that city. .A natiye ‘of: -Akron,-O., he | also . Was. a: member of:-the ‘Akron | ‘the’ ‘symphony’s: Fréneh. horn: ‘sec=" ] tion. . The -son° died. ‘in a: 1956: fire: E ‘Bradlee Watson, 82, an: ‘auihor.|. an n_anthiology| ‘founded . theDartmouth : ‘Bxperi. a ‘mental, Theatre. « = 1 Born. in, Detroit: ‘buiE. coniing. to Doe : . Foronto. atan: ‘ éarly.. age with. his}. ~ parenté,: he. ‘starte das ‘a’. newsie |: i | aataenter, mother and a, brother. 54,” ‘songwriter | flower.’ ‘Hotel: “killing ‘three other} | according’. to the: Fire Departinent, “ys. ‘Wizell-Day-. Music : Co, Among: ‘his’ . ‘eompositions™ were “Tr :May “Never | Pags cand: died : con ‘Twain: Carl ‘Sandburg, . Julia Marwae “Bil lowe and. Eva‘ Le Gallienne; _amohg. _ <Mrs.: ’ Anastasia” Reilly : ‘Buht, "58. “t “ih /Grosse |. . ‘chester, Her husbahd . and "mother: ns + praduced”™ and-. acted in at: the | ‘anid’ -Cleveland : -musicians’ “union: ‘Kingdon. ‘Parsons. mre |. After: his-death she. Beane. active: in ‘civic ‘and: charitable . work, | notably* on behalf of -the. Ziegfeld -Club, ‘an ‘alumnae association dedi‘cated ‘to-: ‘succoring “indigent éxs] Ziggy: showgirls. She. ‘became ac-: ‘tive ‘also: in. Wall -St.and. was -a-partner in two’ brokerage houses. ‘ ‘Survived: “Dy. four “brothers. and’ two, ‘sisters. meen “MRS. LYNN. OVERMAN: ' Emity’ ‘Drange: Overman,,. widow ‘ot: ‘actor. Lynn: Overman, died ‘in: a . | Torrance, -Calif., hospital . Dec. 30 “Vat 63: Her. husband. died in: 1943. | As ~Emily “Drange,:, she’ was a. ‘New. . York showgirl ‘from 1917-1.1922,. almost all of her. career: with: Fla: ‘Ziegfeld, starting’ first. ae a Follies” ‘girl. “Ixek S: BELDON “Jack S... Beldon;.51, v.p: ‘of mar. |. ‘| keting: ‘for: .the | ‘Magnavox: Co. of Fort. Wayne, ' ‘Ind: died Dee... 15 :in: that: ‘city. joining the firm:|” ‘Jast-year he, heéld.similar posts with ss an ‘| RCA: and: General Electric.. .. " Surviving“are his-wife, two sons; ‘| died: Dec. 24 in: Ridgeficld, : Nid, _| after.a long illness. a = HORACE As “MURPHY reputedly. ‘the. eldest’ grip. .in. Hol Jywood,. died. of. a \heart attack .in| Hollywood. ‘Dec. (22 after: 45, years ‘in: the ‘studios. . -‘are. a: ‘son; “Leonard, Metro casting director, and: daugh: | ter Mary, a Publicist, « cial ‘material: for Perry. Coms's, ty . Survi ivin “WAN: Cc. LER “Wan: Cc. Lee.: 79, : pioneer » -exhibb |: = ltor awho' ‘at ‘one time. “operated: a. chain: of 17 theatres in Ohio, died. ‘Dec. -Ravenna,. vaged. the Hippodronie,. Cleveland, ' ‘ After” leaving the” film,| industry: he. manufactured’ radios: -in:, 1971, w ae daughter: survives. — / WENRY. ‘MASON. died: -Fecently in: ‘Ashford, “Eng: In _. | the. industry's’ pioneer. days he was. fe +a film exporter... He established the | ' |Ampartial: Film: ‘Report | and, edited it. for-oyer 40 "years... 7 “Survived: | “by: ‘son, “ahd” three ie .[ manager: of “Texas Theatre, eg vw Antonio, died. Dec. 11 in that city. dgughter. ; SYDNEY. iy oLr E ” Sydiiey: Wolfe. ° Salesman, “died. Dec: 16. in’ ManEng. rep for. Golden .Fra.: Films. bia. “in.” that. area. ” “Survived: ‘by Wife: and daughter. DSS MOE. BARANCO “+ Moe Baranco, 57° ‘Theatres: and: ‘other-circuits . for 30-} vecrs, ‘gied. Dec.” 27. ‘in Philadel-. Mi iphia. “ot-eancer.. ‘Had’ ‘Deen. Hospitalized vsixt “Wau: EVANS: ‘Maud “Evans, ‘91, vee. Dee. .17--in Soombe. Hill, Eng. She "Twas. : oy) Follies. wat «Chailes: ‘Piske’. secretar ry: “OE Bir-4 ” Musicians’ “Local 1256" for’ 25° years, . died ‘Dée,.:23in}. a ; member of. "Pelissier’s ‘Her. : Sauighter;, “netreds Majorie Mars,. ‘Survives, Ms.” Judith Spivak’ “Frost,: “$5, ied : at: herManhattan. apartment. ot: “andustrial “enipineér George | dancer at the French Casino nitery * Horace “A: dHarry). Murphy, 73; |. . fin that. city. O. He man Henry Mason, 83, ‘film cai lion veteran. ' gam {¢: “netlist He..was .Lancashire “bands, dicd. recently in. Abit cily, ~, and {. had: previously avorked: for. Colum-: ‘| BS rano, :died@ .Dec. 16 in. San Fran ‘Cisco. ‘Husband surviv cs. “who: -WAS sltenard: andKay Carnegl,’ “Daisy Atherton,, 80, a ‘yetired fheatre: : “show man: with’. -Skauras' Dec. 25 in Hollywood. ' : “pianist: “gied ‘ham; Bec, 21. Miami. “Al. In. priae cry ye ‘Vife..‘she was. the. Widow ‘of |. a stockbroker. Walter: 2 Ck engin: “folksingersin’ the, south, AthenaeumTheatre, G.I asgow;: were. “The Little: Old “Maid,” ea “The “| Cottage. of Content,?: and. “also the: ‘libretto’ of. “The Kink, * to. music. ‘iby: ‘the ‘laté George. Henry. Martin: She’ wrote Songs: and. sketches: for: oo ithe : prineipal | “comedians: of “her | day, : « including’. Néil .” . Kenyon, George} French and Will ‘Fie, _ ” *. CLAY LONG: Clay 1 Long. 53, one’ of: ‘the Bests! 2 +} died: Dec: :20 in. Biimingham, Ala.; ae |-after « a. long’. illness, “He: played. guitar: with | tHe . Skillet. Liekers, “a : | folkmusic ‘group. below: the Masan-Dixon line... sister s “Surv TV €.. ‘died in -Oakland, Cal., -Dec. 2% A native. Of: South Cato age of: 19;: ‘becoming a member of.}: the’ 13th ‘Infantry: Band: .of°which-7. ‘became’ ‘that, band’s ‘director... » He. served Jn. ‘the. AIMS. anti ~ rr = -He -played clarinet. with the. Birs! Mmingham. Symphony Orchestra. and” with, the .Cleveland « ‘Symphony. HIS: “wife. survives,’ . ; + Was‘-the, ‘daughter * ‘of. “Meet. ‘The “Press”. 'T-aurence E:: Spivak. Her ‘husband, | JAMES: PARNELL” aa James’: Parnell, : 38,. ‘stagé. an nd . ‘Screen ‘actor; was.:found: dead ‘in ~ anthony. Tufigne, 69, a ‘inembet | his automobile “in -Hollywood: Dec; of: the orchestra for. “Bye Byé.: | 27; “Tn ‘addition . to. appearing: in; Birdie™ Chicago's: Erlanger: The~ ae, | films: and telepix, he toured: with’ jatre,: “died of..a‘heart attack Dec..: Ithe:: ‘hational’ Company’ of. “Okla: , 28: ‘during ‘the show" ‘s: interfhission. homa.” Dee: 23: after .a. ‘long ‘illness. : * She]: . New.. York, Dee. 29. Bride's ‘an ace “Av producer’, and panelist’ ® ‘6 | William Eee Frost, lawyer and ip! dington, Scotland,” .. Jan-.-1. {Jomat, and ‘two, daughters survives}. leader of Clyde Valley Stomprrs "Tts: recordings. ao Wereé’: sellers ‘in: rural’ ‘areas |. ‘His. wife fio. ‘Biothers. ange ‘torr Seth ow appeared iiv)“Street Scene.” HERMAN’ ‘TRUTNER. TR: soy ‘ Sevmian Truther Ir, 85. whose] ‘Titusical. life. spanned. three separate: | -careeys, ° lina, he enlisted: i in the Army-at the |” ' -his, father was. director—he' ; Tater | wwe Surviving. ‘are’ “his ite ana daughter. ‘father, -yetactor Emory’) ‘Parnell, and, mother. SED: ‘COGERT™ “Fea Cozert, “80, ‘former. “acter, died Dec: 25: in. Brodklynhit. sliow) business ‘since®: ‘childhood: che. had |. ‘Crown,’ “Potash: 8 Perlmutter” and other plays. : lars xhom:; Henty, “is: a Boston. auenty ; a: sister’ and" two brotners:. MRS? GEORGE: PARSONS “hoe Barbara: Joiner © Poa | ‘ness, aged | él, ‘She W as: ‘the widow: "Cafe. . ‘died Bec. Dinter Surviy, cS. a “Mother, $5. “of former: radio-te) ‘| -persqnality Edward: R.. Murrew and oe ‘now: djtector of the-U.S‘Anforma-' Dec...30' in Bell-: ingham, ‘Wash, Two other ‘sons, also, ae tion: Agency: died. RULVIV ge “Raymond: * Rotett, 19: An’ ‘Londo. . actér!' 2 ves aie He levisioni,” “sully, in-. roles. . LF ved Perea “60, viving are his wife, sou,“daughter; | three. brothers and ‘two sisters: “Te had. I. 4 “:daughter, — “aia sinous | i Ahead in Frisco. 63 "wife, 43 . of Gordon‘ T. Hughes, ‘yriter-producer -assoclated:. “wiih died: Dec. ‘22 in “Hollywood. “Two. sons’ also | survive. . “Réland G. Taylor Sr., 60. Dallas distributor.for Metro for 35 _years,. : died Dec. 21 on a fishing. trip near Uvalde, Tex. . Surviving | are. his wife and ‘SOn.. Porta “Cherie” . Payne, ‘24,. ‘in: New: Orleans, died. Dec. 21. atter she was wounded ‘by a. seranged patron, 1 of: the’ comedy act of Low, Hite & ‘Stanley . for 26 years, died Dec: 19. in: Chicago,. -Presumably of 3 a heart L attack, ; “ lermian. Hershkowitz, husband of °.theatreparty agent Anne Her che kowitz, died Nov. 29. in New. ¥ork.. A son: and daughter also survive, Father: of Larry Lewis, “comp: troller:of General Artists’ Corp.,. “Catherine Ritchie,” 48, actr ess ‘and founder-member of -St. Andrews Play Club, ‘died recently in Dundee, . Seotland. i. “ponald-E. Campbell, 35, ‘drum the Milwaukee area, died Tecently oa -Charles Barney, 73, retired inagician, died-Dec. 17 in Long Branch, N.J.:. His wife, two daughters and. a ‘son ‘survive. ‘Santos Miranda, 33, pongo. ‘ara um— being: shot -by. a gunman in. a ‘are Jem nitery.: . Father of Don Wolff, of the lexi dept. of General Artists Corp., dnd ‘of a heart attack Dec. 28 3 in Sar asota, “Fla. ° Julius: £E. Biencovrt, 70, -stage San otte i. Meyer: 69. ‘onatinie cle ris | ‘with: various ~ Milwaukee “Mrs. “Doris Geertzen, : +39, s vriters Grace di¢d . “Mother, 4. of * Father of James Copel “ni, stage. and: ‘film: actor, died recently, in f Glasgow. ; a MARRIAGES Mrs. Jané Tibbett to John. Bing-. She's ‘the widow: ‘of’ Metropolitan ‘Opera. Singér . Lawrence. Tibbett; © he’s. . a photographer. Jill Corey to ‘Don Hoak; Pitts: ‘| burgh.:Dec. 27. Bride is-a singers he’s the third baseman for the’ Pittsburgh’ Pirates. . Joyce Mathews to. Billy “Rese, ‘tress; he’s the showman. | : ‘Lori: Herndl. to Pete. Kerr; He d= . lie’s | Jazzband: “Leslie Weir Dundes to: Frede° Fick Stephen Strange, Dec. 24; San Francisco. She’s the. daughter of: “Jules Dundes, CBS-Radio Vice. president: and. general manager’ cf j KCBS, . ‘in. that city. * BIRTHS. Mr... and’ Mrs. Al ‘Belt, ‘Houston, recently. Father. Staffer’ ‘of KHOUTV there. Mr: and | Mrs. Jack: Rallins, + daughter, . ‘Dee. :-8, New York: ; mother is Singer Jane Martin: lather is an artist's representative. |.’ Mr. and: Mrs. James Delehanty, Dec. 18. New... _YGrk, : Father is. With TV Guide. | Mr. and. ‘Mrs. Bert AnshicnN; Son, I Dec. ‘17; ‘Ridgewood, -N:J. ‘Father. tis “national print | booker for Em-" Son, _is. a "cameraman at : ‘-bassy Pictures. “Parsons, ‘Warner | ‘Bros. | for. ast 30 years, ‘former’ -Ziézfeldshowgirl, died in Alicd in ‘THollywaod.. Dees: 25, * SurNéw':¥ork: Dec. 29; after: a. ido “Mr. and. Mrs. Ronald Davis: £0n, San Frantisco, Dee. 24. Mother is daughter of Earl Long, ‘AB3: T. a ‘the ‘Ralph . Edwards organization, ae "Stanley Ress, 51, midget mensher a inex whoworked with: combos ‘in... mer, diéd Jan. I in New York alter .