Variety (January 1962)

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3 Yol. 225 No. On T | : Longest Rn in Show Bi?— ‘Hamlet’: : SHO " q aN “ ~ SK YEAR 19) Many Performers :, By: SAM STARK ‘San Francised:. “The Torigest run: in. show business | Tt. chad .its .first pers |: York at -the] 4 “Hamlet:".” = formance. in. -New . Charel St. ‘Theatre. tsoutliwest cor: .. ner :of: Nassau & : ‘Chapel: ‘St, later}: 26; 1761] “Beekman | Stl)” on. “Nov: “with | Lewi is’ ‘Hallam ° ‘least-‘one production : a year at “Hamlet”: in -New :York City,. “say. ‘nothing: -of . the. repertory. and: _ perfor-:|” Biances: througtout. C S. and | Can-,].. ; .. cism’ is taught>in’ universities -~ the:. ' and ‘graduates OF. the eourses” } giv en jobs we -storckcompanies giving . ada. : * ** SHatlet? “has“heew played: bé: hind: a-net® (6: protect ithe ‘actors)s:} without: seenety;: in imodern:dress;on-horseback br> -equestrian: teams: and with, females: playing. Mie. title an * Jobs. available’ after. one grad*‘-’ In 1864, cat. the Ww inter: ‘Garden| . tole: “Edwin ‘Bootiy ‘played: “Hamlet” . for | 100 . consecutive nizhts;a. record ‘for “those: ‘days: * that’ wasnot | “equaled * “until: John “Barrymore’s: | 101. perforniances. . cat’ the Sain. eh Harris: ‘Theatre . commencing. “Now, | 16, “Y9I2!/ ~ ‘In. 1809, ‘there. was: a ‘bor “Ham-. Jet’ by name Jolin ‘How ard Payne" -(17921852", Who was-also the-first |. ‘American-born ‘actor undértake. f° ‘the Tole... “Pas ne As” bést . ktiown, howev er... the. “composer, otf “*Home ‘Sw eel Home.” wo ! The greatest’ “Hamlet”: was: -JSames E. Mur ‘doch 11812-1893). swith, ‘Edward: L: Davenport 1815-1877) . uy "1833: |" 1898)" third, Edwin, Forrest: (1806--|" Bortia’s” “situation. “of. ao divided |:. . Second and” -Edwin ":Booth | Continued. on}: Page. 50) o 7 Pai Pai s Gone Fro tom: 1 Those’. “Sunday Ta=Philly Jokes ~~ But the Quips: Linger: On By: ABE. S.. ‘ROSEN: tla? _ADeputy Ciy. Representatir e) ‘ Philadélphia. ” . A “precisely Zz p.m. “on: Sunday, June: 18... 961; ‘the: ancient vaude“villfan ‘gag.-“I-was ‘in, Philadelphia ‘On Sunday. and-if ‘was--c} tosed, was» ‘placed. in its” final-.resting” ‘place. For it. was on-{hatdate’ ‘that: Perin| ‘sylvania’s.”. modified = -Blue-. Laws“ ‘went ‘into effect, permitting. -hotels™in: ‘Philadelphia: to:.serve: liquor ‘be: ctw een, the-hotirs ‘of *1--to 10 p-m. » Betweén. ‘the. termination ‘of ‘Dry? ‘Sunday and. a. persistentcampaign -against. comedians’ ‘use. of the .old@ ; ‘epithets: ‘about Philadelphia, a.once: unproud: era: ip. the history of. the-| City of ‘Brotherly. Love game. to, ant: : Geer Washington Play’ + . Eyed: for. Willamsburs i end—we hope! tage AAS: most: historia ans ‘know, ‘philas. delphia had ‘the. uniquie reputation t “in. the: ‘East,‘under. the “height ‘of | ‘vaudeville, of. being . “‘elosed: ‘on.}: Sundajy"”becaUse no Jegit, movie ot |. Sports: é€vents was ‘permissible, In; :1934,the’ first .of a series of Blue} ‘Laws. modifications perinitted: base~ ‘ball-:and . later. -ineluded' | mavies,‘other: ‘sports,’ ete. Bit. Philly's: po-| | sition” remained -unaltered.. ‘in; the old: ‘comics’: notebooks. * Jn: 1952, anew tide: swept into: _, (Continued, on Page, 7B) = in the: rote: 1 ‘From ‘1797. ‘to -1925) “there. avas:‘at f: “ee Active Over a0 Yrs Critics A La Carte” . Paris. “polish.” Sho: ‘attended | a:-fecent. ¢on:.Vention “of ‘the. International.’ Association: ‘Of Drama: Critics | “Were astonished ‘to: learn’‘that’‘there: be, no ‘course. * -indrama criticism: at. the ‘Sor> in France:: England, ‘tlie. U.S: “ete! In, ‘Cammunist -eountries, : “they. automatically “Critics. on various: ‘apers* oF: nragazines.’ i =But.“whatrr “theré ‘are. ‘no. “ar Fe. _ Hates?” ‘ a.French. critic askéd: |~ The Pole shrigged:. trait, after one buys a. ticket.” Bern Niteries . Up Against ' Wall “By, “HANS: HOENN, _ !Berlin, city “has, contributed. ‘to: njake -Ber oi » [liners, more hothe =.cons¢ious;.-and | | besides, this. ‘city “hasn't Featly. bene-|: “| ited. from’ ‘thie ‘much wited: W-Ger7. “Wirtschaf iswunder™ Ceca: “There is” still: a J man: riomi¢ _niiracle notorious” -eoin* ‘Miany” ‘Berlinets, ‘It. Has" been. ‘often: ‘said’ before: {-and:’ Cait. ‘besaid. -again:-that -the «average: Berliner, is ‘a: ravé speci='}, "men in: his: tity’ s night. Spets.: ‘Lat: {tex aré “mare ‘ frequent2d -by.. for|: Feighers, Ww -Ger Man tourists-or busii:hessnien’ ota ‘certain ty pe‘Of local: custoniers to: whom_we’ count‘ the | “newly riches: and ‘such. peaple: who: 2 rwant to. be: seen.” Normally,:a reg-.| ‘ular Berlin: -night-clubber: ‘must :be: ‘The. ‘average’ 7 > very. well ‘heeled, Berliner. is’ more’, fond: of “private parties ‘and: if: he, goes -out,. “préfers -more. the’ intimate: places: His home. usually ‘has ‘a tv: set: and | jis: “mostly Well. . furnished. Living AContinued: ‘on: page. 5D: Greensboro, Nico paul ‘Green's 'S. autdoor drama, phe ; Common: : : Glory,” * for ‘ ‘onemore: ‘Williamsburg: otlier: ar ana: awe and: Ciech. aris a -1 Mort Sahl;. -bonne’ or ‘in-other. universities. -'Lavorld: -of Russian. ‘bombs; the: Ber[:: “There are -~ snot always:seats available. on a _ ment Scored: with many. a ‘hoff: filmi, ch. Coin Shortage : "shor taze : amiong.| he, will, +xun:] Va. After that" it will be repiaced'} “ore will: rin. alternately”. with ‘an= “Under consideration ‘at tlie’ tho ‘+ ment: is a manuscript, based onGen,.| ‘George ;Washington at Yorktown, |” TE weitten by Party: ‘Watisins; “By ABEL GREEN: ‘severe (no. ‘matter. the. conditions: f were: possiblynore. markedly. werea ‘| bral and nervous in 1961. The-Twist |-. ‘perhaps ‘was one answer to tension:. Shellev-Bernian,’ ‘Bob built:a ‘defense of sitk: Newhart, ‘et alt, Wit: “against ‘the sick, Sick, lin fence of ‘share: the nightmare: -[recaltuin the: Eichmann. testimdny. |:: ‘explained. Grama. critiv-”:) das too. that -1961.was the year: of | music is. immniediately: ‘enrolled, ..4 at. government expense, : cand) f ‘adult’ filois. “Wwhielr, mant. adults. didn't: ‘Want “and ” against which: new, -censorships: freedom iders, “better: -Red than. -déad.”. But ‘against. that; entertain’ many”a.,’ many :a_bis-. selling. ‘disk; and: -plenty. of.ois | [ehortis.: ‘in. the’ wasteland. To -paraplirase John. Gaineron ot ‘Swarie,. what: ‘kind™ of! a. show-biz: ia year. had: 1961: ‘been? -Never.'a dull} : -monient, Headliners: cand new sof | makers, : “hav ‘ee “had : their: ota passing show: ‘oF life:: ... Whether it was Chubby ‘Checker ‘and The” Twist, . Jack: &: Jackie;,| cL :Sthoolroom_, payola,” Dick. Gregor'v,, AINE i Maris"&, ‘Mantle, not Monroe}, (Continued. on page‘ B2) am For or A Paris a TED ‘HARTMAN in Paris. : “Memo: “fom at expatriate on: his E oth ‘ariniv: ersary:-abroad:.: When :. ve. Shuttered: ‘the . New! L York. -board: a freighter for the. Mediterranean, they”. all. said: .-: “Fou can't Just: riiniaitay fron: it all.”: * : The ‘answer. iss Yes, you cant, “Youll ‘be dead in‘ ‘a. year”: *; Answer: Or maybe you’ a slowly : come alive’ again:. ~.. nt !They"ll: forget you: amonths.” : -ATisw et: “They” don't. Their let: titers” still ‘arrive: ‘regularly, ind ‘the, M Words: ‘are all-about.the same: -ae ‘The. ratrace-‘gets worse every | , Continued on page 49) : an Six: ——s Ea Press: Time “Phis 56th": _Amigersary” “ ‘Number: xvent. to. press ‘séveral .* . days ahead” ‘of.. the: norimal:: 2 . Tuesday deadline, . due’ to’ the. ” ss Size’ of: the paper: . ; _, As: result; certain Tews: ‘de. on fiartnients | aré combined,: cand™.. :’ eértain other: departments. are’..“one for .. this. _ ne week i nye: _— wo ts “Amusements. which always perA. ‘they | ‘sought | fo: construct, ; | vision’; action’. despite the. anvil | “reflexes. ‘on. ‘the: | Mass Prod. “Cutie .Moscow. " constant’ “parade of: first-rate pianists;. ‘Violinists,. ‘et al,.stem= : ming. ‘from. this hunk of the :“eultural world.”; ‘Elie: reason . ' .is not hard tofind. ‘Phere are .'|~ approximately. "500° schools’ in . -the-U.S.S.R> for beginners: fin music) and’ anyone, with ‘the . “slightest -inclination” to . study ” given .achance.’ “shows ' ‘signs of: talent. . ‘As Means to Aid By MORRIS L. ERNST “The: theatre =: was: cthan’s first means: : : Of ° mass communication. Ideas. were conveyed .by actors to much ‘of’ the -that ‘the ‘theatre’. was . historically Subjected: to -precénsorship, as is. still the. ease. in: Erigland under the _kindly. “blue* pencil: “of the; ‘Lord {‘ Champberiain:, 2 freedom’ "second: only to: that of) » (Continued: on ‘page. 56) : No Hotel: Improvement, 7 ‘France's. Glamor. Off : :. Paris. oe is estimated. ‘that’ American, -tourisin . in. Paris, ‘and. _all.: -OVEL j ‘| 'Franee;. fell off about AS%¢ in° "1961, Political tensions, Algerian. ‘and. “t other. ‘terrorist activities, -and the! ‘lure ‘of: ‘more: : lately discovered : Tesotie: “elimés: :for: “Yanks. are con-! ’ sidered’ responsiblé..” “However! France. ‘reached. -its $300, 000,000 foreign: traveler ‘income: via growHing: influxes from. Italy, West : Ger-' . many ‘and. Belgium. . President’ ¥.. F.“Kennedy's ‘plea: for cutting ‘down the excessive. cur rene¥“flow. out of:U.S. may also "| have . had: something to -do:with it. ‘But. ‘many . hardhéaded, ” French i ‘travel: people: feel an. influence is 7 ad: antiquated ‘French hotel. sys-. . tent: ‘and. (bi. general French. flip-. | pancy towards. -visitors . may have Lreacted: over the. years:to’ begin to: -| put. adent in: ‘American, a stopovers -an France. ae oar 1. “Courses. are‘tong. cand ‘cares : a fully” ‘planned: with. an eye to: The ery: ‘slogans “and: sxinbols _ a Tavete’ ‘gtim—* troika,”. ‘fallout shel-| ‘push ahead €évery’ ‘student: w ho no ters, megatons; Castro, skyjackings; l Put Heat On Tee’ ~ _| Boston home. as follows: | grandson—you Legit’ $ Economy, nyo . . In: our ‘own: ‘history: We did ‘not ‘stoop. -to: pre ensorship and hence.} ‘have..seen ‘the theatre’ “grow ‘with | ° “Lay hether’ | "etd Gra, Prof] Baker, Benchley & Sherwood By NE. AL O'HARA Boston. This is ‘a report from one who | has read virtually-every copy of: The Western world -fre, Variety, since 1910, when.I was at , “quently ig astoriished “at the .” a tender : age: and ‘going to high school on. Cape Cod, Mass., not far from Hyannis Port where President. Kennedy maintains one. _ of his. temporary White Houses... (This was before touch: football hadi been invented). I met our now ‘| Neal O'Hara ‘| President for the first time in’ the | spring. of 1937 when -his. “‘grandfather,’ Honey Fitz (John F. -Fitz-. . ‘gerald' ‘phoned meat my subur ban “Now look, Neal,.. my”. young know, he’s .Joe's ‘boy—is chairman of the -Harvard freshman beer.. night | committeé and he wants to make it a hell. of. a success... So you've: got to go out. there and give some of. your humor. I ‘know. you'll do it for -me.”. I informed: my good friend,. ‘Bos‘on’s:. former ..mayor, ‘that [ could perliaps enchant the Harvard [ freshmen. tone of whom I had my then-v ery-illiterate: people .-though : : ; Self ‘for only eight or 10 minutes. “population . of: our |. ‘Ob, “hel,” | Honey. Fitz’ informed../: pplanet. is’ sfil}-illiterate and a high) _ proportion: of, people. exist: without 0 Wa: written language: So no wonder (Continued on page 56) Si Michael Redgrave’ $ Actress-Daughter Urges More Show Biz Politics By -VANESSA REDGRAVE , London. Many people, in and outside show. business. say that “artists,"* ‘singers,. actors, entertainers, poets or painters, should: not get mixed up in politics. They "y argue that if Beethoven had in, volved himself in the Napoleonic i wars the WAS a. gréat admirer of {Napoleon | for a time! he’ would Never have w ritten a large number of his: greatest compositions. : Well, perhaps -he. wouldn't . have, :perhaps he would. But we no. i longer live in a’ world where .a man or woman ‘can cut themselves y off ftomi the troubles and problems: ‘of their fellow-men, -A kind of myth -has been miin-. tained, gladly by .the ‘public and by ‘the. artists themselves, that an entertainer is a sort of rare orchid. ‘An-actor is expected to reveal the emotions. of his, fellow-men and ‘transitorily. ° “experience these . for afew. hours, “And all for nothing! ie Hecuba’”’ In~ wartime. actors are. con-. scripted _ into the Forces; we are. expected: to'vote, and. know exactly: _ Continued on page ie