Variety (January 1962)

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ao . “almost, “Walks: Ts a tee ~ expotient. oP iieht “romantic; comedy, Gary ‘Grant. ‘impers ~sonated “a gtinily, harasséd artillery “officer . in ‘Fhe -Pride .. .-and. The Passion2’*He superv ised. the heaving and hauling’ | _of-'a, giant’, canton’. a¢ross.. the “face of Spain.: Such. em-: ployment: ‘OE ‘an: nihane talent: has’ since “been .cited -as* an. ‘example | of .. that -much-disciissedbut-Hittle-explained |: aaspect: . ‘of: Picturemaking, the : Antermittendy. -embarfassment’ “OL. “miscasting. ae | “As a general truism “iuiscasting” ° is ‘nated’: -in “ratio” Ht. ‘the ‘-prominénce:, of: the. ‘player . ‘although : the’ -also=:. " -frequently-¢ Tied. case of. “Saint Joan” “the contrary. « : In .that. film’ the producer“director had ° daréd: .toaesigit.. 7 “one ‘cof: the weighti¢st roles in: all ‘drainatic. literature ‘to, a” ‘then: inexperienced amateur, ‘Joan -Seberg.-¢ °...< : Naturatly nobody’ seis. out “to” “miseast himself: or to. bbe: ° inthe. phrase, ie cagainst thie: seript, ’ ‘the’ motive. is. to: break’ new. furrows, *’ ‘open. new ‘aesthetic. possibilities: ‘If ‘successculsuch" daring.” “miseast. ‘Wheit casting . against ‘type: or. draws. ‘Congratulation: But. there” is’ the ; pitfall, ‘made: to © “Seem Worse when: pictured: as a*hoobytrap, Nor-is.there : > sUnaniaity. of judgment a¢ :to. ‘whether ‘mistasting” has “actiiallay occurred. ‘Tinie. Magazine | thousht Noel-. Coward. ‘of ‘with. ‘the: show.” “Our Man | Havana": but elsewhere! Coward’ Was: castigated as “about as’ subtle ‘as’ an: aving ‘interior. ‘decorator.’ . ‘Fhere: are, abv. iousix. "shiadés. ‘and: déesrers’ in miscastinig. * Playing: a Kiowa. Indian; ‘maiden!-in. *Tae Criforgiven:" ‘Audrey: Hépburn, ‘was * ‘deem: ed “too poiished. : too Tragite ayid: civilized aman, such rough tpes: as. ‘Burt: ‘Lancaster’ we “The « Fyrgitive < . anid Audie: “Murphy? TINY? Times” An: “Kind: *repart tion, ‘<ome. ‘coniplaints: that it presented” a : horrid; jdivace of life® inthis. country to: our. “fellow slrations,” 2 ‘Jeanne .W prea ard’s : makeup: and: astaned. characteriza . : Hot, was’ ‘tapped as “grotesque.” How Bat: ‘Can a Bad: Part”. Make: a Competent Actor.’ Seam? on Why ey eortain ‘play ers ‘in eettain: parts: ‘seem “to draw —_ ae . : A. Bood deal of--er umbling ‘greeted, Dean: ‘Nai tin’ as. the Me’ was: chars ‘sed: with: ‘doing. 2 21 Seblected thar, ‘he. Englishman was: Cufteely. and. wildly... t25;-an American. political. ‘boss! and: : “to! ‘Sv inboliz nO: wont far. Bis’ “part” .. Yet. _streichy ‘Thus -Bon “Gazzara ‘is. ‘described :as* having. :been ‘“tHo1ougiily’ ‘demoralized’ by the. ‘director’ in “The Seng ively’ ‘immobile «7 .--: : face: and: brassy ‘Hearing: do.. ‘not ° proicetidealism ands ““Doetors ‘and. another. quote, “his” seer inte 2ritv. Yet! “Gazzara. fot: : off lightle “Compared, ". another’ factor,’ i dnothér release. about’ the. “same time who was ‘dismissed -as, “no: “longer. ‘capa ule : -of ‘acting.”: . Suffic @to:, “remark . of. the “attor: “ne: ‘longer. apable of; that he nets, about’ $300, 000 ° ‘a “picture! * Bovernor ‘ot a state in “Ada.” “an Ama 101 OF. “Dean: Martin : ‘imita tine...Bing Crosby.” ‘“Miscea~t. in the? first. “degree.. ‘OF. Wilfred’ Hyde-White ‘in’ the sane. fil sit: Pail ML ‘Beckley UNL Herald, “Tribune: . said” Be cKloy,, ‘forgivingly,. “suave. “atid” interesting.” i ‘Miscastine’ Even Chatacterized.. s ~/p/As. Delibe sxately Bad. Adviee -ape wl Looe Again. and again ‘the nub’ ot: criticinm | is * eat ‘the: ‘actor, * vont aid’ ‘aot oy cont ‘hot. play the “part.-or“that | the part: was: 0 betond: reasonaleness. .Thus Ata: Gardner: in: “The Angel ~ \ se, Wore Red’ Was credited, for. “an interestifig tay: at at t “ patentiy.. unpl: syuble role‘: -bj: the: Times.” Hints. are‘Sour :etimes., dropped ‘that.’ “aelors: ‘are , neing:: eerined.. Andie Murphy drew the observation that. ‘he ‘was . Oo “abowing: illwishets. to.:corivinee ; ‘hint | to -play’ villains: | eo ahd ait least! ‘the: estreme. ser iousness ‘ ith: aS ‘hich | pos: takeii..~ i's “pination’.tcibute “and: ‘requiem: > «talented -and: sre ‘has. integrity ~She_ should: have: betonte, ; 2“ @ guest, siar.‘Tins stead | she is “$0. consistently, miscast, One. he. tight? Thins his: eareer.” that: War. “It points. upy smis¢ casting” “One reviews or ‘Wwrots . ~ Suspects a. cabal: Att: ay ‘ork. axatist, here a “Nobody. “far ces bad. rolesipon. Burt Lancaster, “He may ag ‘be the -aéfor +. ho most: ‘of. ant has. soueht and: “found: me, : i tocative | “parts Gantry” ” “Elmer, ° “fman: to. the’ iinn ere BOE * _ cable. for’ t in candor. ‘Direr tors, -Sebers?. No: -Nor. do, other’ directors, with: a Nthopper or: a “two to :theyrcredit ; ‘Directors: seem: to* ‘adopt. ‘the’. -Scrip>.. tural injunction, nF . Of Sur gery, TAL, and:. ‘day; a . : squipped; “Based, no -doubt;; on your own cases?” Tt. ‘should. ‘be. emphasizéd. that directors’ do."notalways a : have the: final decision.‘ In: thie. old. day‘s when ev ery studio | hadcits ewn stable: of ‘stars: arid featured. ‘play ers -ehoic: 7 7 Was : “dictated: -fronv. én‘high. ‘and-.the’ director.” was. thi” : ‘victim as ‘often’ as the-actor. “Not: ‘long: ‘ago: in. the ‘shootin: wo .Of--a filmy. set-in: the “Middle” Ages’ the. trade ‘heard “that: wo ST (aye ‘the director. blamédhis~ inappropriate | cast: ‘upon. ‘the a producer... while’ (hi! the’ ‘producer. ‘ -blanied.. the™ director. "on: the! company President... ‘Deep ‘lie dial ‘Toots. ‘of: amis: : art casting. o, ; widy ‘The. péescnt, ‘ofa’ “of ‘Gridepiéndent’ :p 3, not. hesitated to, direct. the’ director.’ VARIETY. ‘in review: “ing ‘a! British. ‘melodrama-‘called “Ferry “to: -Hong-Kong” . : "pointed: out an’: exaggerated instance:. of: a: star: Tunning ... Wild. The star. happened. to” be Orson’ ‘Welles who .is quite: ~ .:*.aSoften ‘a. director.’but. in ‘this instance. was: ‘supposedly ~ y" "working for “and under-director:Lewis. ‘Gitbert. The latter’ ° 7 gould: ‘not, or -atguid: not, discipline. his: “star with, jhe . wt eee on “ a ‘ oO . tee " he "gel tare in etal pats seem toga Tay Git Films for Skid Row are. “jhcomeetent ; ‘but: rather’, that: what-: they? “are. asked. roe: “ix” too-fat off the -tar set. ‘Tusion. will not” ”: OF “Eleatior: Parker ‘a : Cuxious. 5 ‘come: “She is beawiisid. ‘she is’ Ww to. -présitinably. giight: to ‘kao ‘share tai! Does’ ‘Otte ‘Pr ‘eminzer. disciigs ‘Miss * : “let hint who-is w ithoitSit “Cast: the first -ystone’ Their. ‘aclicaty on: the. subject“is ‘understandable: : . AFRis: writer is ‘reniinded of"a. famaus Chicago ‘Surgeon. -a_ "! bit, “OF | ‘a prinia.donna -and perhaps a: genius, int. his-way" who. dared. write -a. textbook, . “The Blunders. . .confrere.. of: the operating: ‘theatre. quickly . i roduietion’ ‘dows: ot an ‘mean. “necessarily ‘that: the director. shares. in’ that new. “iif freedom. Té ‘the contrary. Great. starsalways have been.” ceed given:. enormous. and “often, ‘fatuous deference. and: many: stars. itt the. past, alongside: -Some: of : the ‘present, “have. = ere When Stars k A Show] » By ROBERT: J. LANDRY result: “that” ‘this. paper's» “London: man. Dick Richards',. decried ay , conspicuous: exanpleof : :“haminy: overacting,” :In: his récent: ‘article. for. "Parade ‘Lloyd Shearer’ (who . advised. fans “to” follow: direttors. and’ ‘Tratstars as’ a clue... to quality:). touched -on. ‘the’ BOW ér of certain: present ‘day. _ Stars who’ hire’ their: own. directors.: ‘This: Is. ‘a ‘modern, tw ist ‘on. theéasting: ‘problem, along” awith~ all other ‘Prob-:" Recurring. ‘Ye ems: of ' production.. -Shearer quot ted George Stevens: ‘as: “Stating sthat® it was Siost‘difficult for a.direetor todirect, an: ‘actor who owns ‘a piece-of the : film, ” Doubly. ‘diffieult * Gf-the actor. happens to be'a millionair e.. ‘Millionaires gite direction easily... but. they don’ t. take. direction-easily.:”” . Stevens, ‘listed be: Siiearer ° as one. :of ‘the | world's 20." bdst directérs, vadded this. observation: Coe 2 “ditions and hgurs: of. .work;. or’ casting: the. Production. . With -his ‘pals .or! telling me how: .to direct.” ~"s 5.. It:: can be. argued: several: Ways, and. is." as: ‘to whether: “the star system. is the -cause of .“miseasting::.or an answer... “to its The. stars: will‘typically. contend. “that . they mist have “séript, approval"ta.-assure ‘themsélves not, only: fat . but. varied roles... -The ‘problem _ .of miscasting is, even: “: brought. into. the “debate ‘over “ruraway production.’ ' yt. ds -said.. ‘for: ‘example, that: ‘Anthony ‘Quinn ‘saved himself: _ by. going to ‘Italy~‘for..."LaStrada”. some’ ‘years. ago: ‘anid. » that. ‘a performer. like. Ernest : ‘Borgnine’ has’: ‘a very’ press-..: -ing.need. for. roles: that \ w uy any, ance.. not slow, his. Artistic: momentum. the reighing symbol” of the glorious: ‘Holl woort: enmaback .viaFred: Zinnemann’s .“-Erom’ HeveTo Eternity.” : Prior « “thereto, ‘he “couldn't: get. out,’ of: the ‘sailor : suit: to. “which: ' he had been “ty ped?" Once established anew. and bigger” vt ev er, ‘Sinatra became: B. kind of rabbit’ S-footfor, Rhy off. Blackballs Pix Bir ee By THOM: AS. M: PRYO OR: | * » Holiyw Ww ood... the’ fim Thansity ‘has ‘developed its ‘own. aide ay cin. ihe. ‘Jast ‘year ‘or. so—and. : Holly: wood:s face’ is. flushed: avith émbarrassment-.and ‘anger. ‘It's a'.case | ‘where niost. ofthe ‘blame(at: least .inLos . Angeles! for thé ‘rash “of plasgirt.. : features. has ‘brushed off. on the organized. industry,: Which isn't even: getting any of; the boxoffice comforts. to assuage”. its: hurt, feelings.: “For months; in’ long” winded: fuuddies Mw “ith ‘Las’ “Angeles City. and -countyofficials, ‘the ‘Hollywood ‘industry. -has: been: “trying. to ‘commiunicate -its. ‘indignation: at, .and to. ‘shed.’ : ‘responsibility for, but w fllingness to‘ ‘helpstamp‘out. ‘this: < new’ wave of ‘+Niidie” ‘product. ‘But: the public: just can't © seem to. uriderstand clearly w ‘here’ the. dividing: ling falls: ‘and. ‘so°“Hollyw ood: has ‘beeome., linked”: a ith. “-ehrest * cihemantics.. too. °°: “Anyway, there's”: ‘a “pubue’ ‘for. ‘these girlie’ ‘Alma, and. it . “isnt ‘only’: the. public. ‘that: surreptitionsly pockets: Frencli’ : postcard: art. Patrons ‘Ot: these spools sometimes queue. up. ‘unabashedly under. brightly: lichted: marquées svaitirig: for the: spill’ of .other,. devotees. . although the black ° leather 2 fand: Ttumber*: jacket. frater nity: “are noticeable steadies:. :W hile’ the Spotlight Was . turned. 6n--L.A, as. production: . "center. of” play girl. “pixy. their. producers. ‘are :not:.confiiied |: “to just. this “‘geographi¢al area. Reports ‘are that they: got “-thetrav er. urge last: “Summer when--the ftiror-.: ‘began here .. Zand. the L.A. Police Dept..rev ealed: a‘ total of 35 -had been: . shot: in-these. precincts within, a. period : “of two: to three:; .: months: ‘The’ farséeeing . L:A. cops,’ “whose. hands wwere ‘tied: because: the producers: Kore’ careful” in. theirfilntic. ex" = ‘posures, not to expose” themsely es “to. ‘violations “ “of” any : ~ Joeal -ordinances, ‘: “noted --that* there * WAS . ‘a “punatvay” :. production. problem. heré; ‘tao, with) Some. Pix being. Shot». in Tahiti and: Alexi¢o. Pe Cs aoe * How ‘Lewd . mio Question: as id ‘avhiether: these. ‘playzitl epics: are. lewd | or. “art is a debatable leZal. point. “However, they ‘are gencrally . Le -Naphazardly. put together in ternis of technique. and ‘about. . the only . noticeable. directorial:. “touch” . in: fact Lit would . be impossible. not to: recognize)’ is. ‘focusing: a. ‘camera. for. as much" anatoniy: ‘as the: Taw: will tolerate—and: it's: quite: e _a‘rubbery .law. 'Thie: immoral See Teas" “which had gmoré of: the ‘ald: . “Mingky: (before ‘LaGuardiai -spirit. -and* production | knioit-': “ how, kieked up a bit of a storm ‘mostly of curiosity)” when’: pe came. ‘out two years ago'and, ,teportedly” has, grossed a: ‘$nillion ‘almost all: profit). This, of caurse,: is a: better track © -recoid. than sime of “Hollysood‘s two-three Million dollar enterprises : ‘can claim. Getting. reliable’ boxoffice. statistics: ‘on, these pix. isnt. easy, but-the: E.A,. police’ made:a sttidy. which’ ‘showed. that ' “Not Tonight, Henry,” | ‘starring “Hank: -. Henty” (who élaimed scenégs of: wudies were:cut’in after his. ". West Coast: alone. :. ‘Whatever their earnings:: there's ho‘doubt ‘that Haughty: ~ nudés. are easy profit ventures. ‘Chief:: ‘Feason. is :that ‘they “are: put’ together. Onbudg ets avhicly: wouldn't. have -Kept:.° “Sally Rand iir.-fans. inher! ‘heyday. -A. “particularly ood ° female. form.\; ill get. its: owner -$30 -for. a day. in thé-raw; : Witha. rarebeauty ‘pursing ‘as anuéli -as_ $100. Majority of. . the’ Bitls; whose. regular trade: inv ‘olves ‘prostitution .LOF SO: ‘the police say) or burlesque ‘pécling, ' average about: °$25..: . for':500 fect ‘of film... Some also are’: coaxed" to. work: ‘for.~ nothing: butithe glory. “of: possibly bécoming: another Hedy" ' “Lamarr (* ‘Ecstasy? dy : Most..ofthese pix. are. easy: to’ ‘spot by thi cir “Fitles:: ig: “nothing else. Little ‘is ‘Teft: to. the imagination «which prob-) ably « ‘wouldn't. be the ‘smartest. . Arid” Of “expolitation): ‘as . withess: ‘this: batch of. ‘marquee: bait:. tive,” “Butterfly. : and ‘tlie Canary,“Bachelor: ” -“ Phe: Ruined | Bruin,’ ia “Party. Girl,” ”. _ and: My": Bare Lady.”-. : : Reimemberthe; -Policé Gazette”: ‘¥ou. can. pet. iteand< : some. more=-now. On. ‘the not-so-silver: sereen. :All.tirat’s’ cmisging. is the. tirade: ‘Sanctuary of. the old, old barber shop. . "somewhat naiv ely; of: Sax, : tified’ aS engineering a -studio.. property.’ slow. in. changing even in ‘the present.time. Carol Lynley :. fell victim in. “Réturn:To Peyton. Place” , sqnipped, ! _ imention writing. one.” as ‘well’ as. advantages in: being a pretty young. thing, co ‘am: ‘not ™ ‘about fo direct: any: actor. “Who: insists a ‘ppon rewriting ‘the’ -sériptor: laying. down the. con-*:: -of. the .N.Y. ‘the picture. by himself.” -. ne Thre. dangers. ‘of trying 50m :ething. different have ‘kicked ‘back. -against -many. a player. as.per Marilyn Monroe in: -“The Misfits.” she “was” also: called “blank and unfathomable, a ‘exhibiting “inexplirable Jassitude”’ and, adtain. “bur dened by: | Of Schools -& Techniques ~ Deponent Knoweth. Not ‘Meanwhile. ‘Frank ‘Sinatra: ‘in “Vate : ears ‘has. ecome. per: ‘the: film history books—w hen: Cecil B. Be: labored... Suffice : ‘that: different centuries, " faction. . ‘It is to be: noted ‘that some “grant. ‘Hunter's voice ‘is. inadequate.” “Mary? .Here, ‘too. hovered. the same hazards ‘6f ; ‘conception’ ‘ene: must : ‘presume. ‘Hart considered the’ ish ‘pointy . ‘from the ‘film’ ‘and run off each year in acting schools.” | ANG. room..for doubt at the-inn!:. tions. . ‘The: Frencir. film, : commentary in Films in Review, whic " saw the .film ‘as a the. “World.” provoked many allusions ‘to the ‘ ing”. of Gina: Lollobrigida, Ernest Bor gnineand Anthony. Ff 3 ; Work was: done? ‘lias: ‘grossed. Tore. than. $500, 090. on, the. us Tanciosa.: -:Frenclt and: British: films show “of ‘outright ““‘miscating;” -but whether that impression | _ could be document” 4. is .moat.. “Bing. Bang « Deter-:. “Tom “Peeping “many: an, on: “:the-make young producer: " ho dvéamed out” loud, “if. 1: ‘ean. interest. Sinatra; I'm in’? The Situation . . “Was . amusingly underlined . ‘when’ one. boy: preducer ‘jn a (rade. interview named ‘five: titles: he’ had. in mind: and, described four of the five as “ideal. for Sinatra.”, W hat. ‘happened? Nothing:. Sinatra, Was ‘on“his ‘own’ do-it“ourself kick, _ -. Over. thie decades. Hollywood. thas” ‘perpeluated: one ‘production, ‘practice in which lurks ‘the haziurd. of mis "tasting; namely dropping the age of the heroine 1015-20. “ye ars, “This” was, in. times. past: part: of . ‘the studio buifdup’ ‘a Liz ‘Taylor or ‘a Wanda’ ‘Hendix ‘and was jusThe | habit is when. a reviewer: “she looks incapable ‘of reading a book, not: to.. There are, in short, disadvantages -It was not the feminine. ‘child-face. alone against Which eritics: ‘sometimes rail. ‘Males, too, ‘draw objection, as when. ”: Anthony © Perkins ‘was cast: ‘opposite . Sophia’ Loren. and Ingrid Bergman. In the Paris-made “Good-Bye “Again”. ‘he. clicted. a: ange of. significant ‘eomment from * “overdone‘ ‘coltishness”.. (Variety), to “Salinger-like"” (Satur“day. Review), to’ ty 25-year-old, _semi-emasculated mama’‘s “bos” (Films in Review). Against. which Boley Crowther “Times: eonsidered Perkins “alinigst. carried ‘Although. ‘she drew sore. testimonials. and . “inappropriate Strasbergian mannerisms.: "Plainly. Sam "Broriston ‘and Nick ‘Ray -too’ ‘4 really: drastic. -Caleulated risk: in. -casting © -blue-eved. . Jefirey ‘Hunter “as.-Christ in “King of Kings.” though the same : picture’. ‘had. ‘another alinost equally : surprising. offbeat | . casting, ‘Robert ‘Ryan. ‘as. John “The Baptist: Did Hunter. pr. did -he ‘not: -gain ‘important stature as a. thespian? Stacking. the. pros versus the cons it. probably. amounted - ‘toa case, as so’ ‘often, -of ‘like. me, like my pic ture: and‘ the obverse. ° Interestingly a similar -diseu: sin. raved— NeMile Gast _H. :B.: Warner,.a romantic: lover type of 1927, as” the “Saviour: in the. silent “King of Kings.” The: danger. in trying to impersonate Christ heed hardly. dil Terent: ‘countries: ‘and different. artists liave ell. had -fixed.’ conceptions Ww hieh no ‘actor could. fulfill to universalSatis_ obiervers wha. :“detepted Hunter, Pictorially, could not accept’ his: modern. Speaking. voice. "Writing in Filins In Rev jew: Tenry Vert rade: a. sharp. " omimentary. O21. ‘the playing of. Jesus: -and, his.’Mother.atts ‘begins. “I. was incapable of imagining Jeffrey Hunter “cast :as Christ." . Then ‘Teports his “facé: ria de” ‘up. and. *” photographéd. so as to be. at least. to. my ‘ mind-‘ and ‘heart,. the -kind of Christ image ‘that ‘stirs trankind. I What of the ves reo actress. Siobhan MeKenna’s | interpretation. -“ereative. act Jing ‘of the profeundest sort. Her use of “her face and: Voice, and ‘her bodily: ‘postures seemed te me the result of: Considérab'e foresight,. in order to satisfy the varied conceptions, of the Virgin: in ‘audiences. in all. parts of the * Averid.” After other comments. Hart mzkew : this startling | the. XIcKenna, performance “should be texcised | How ‘much acting schools influence screen. acting. will “receive: jyiodéfinitive: analysis in these: present’ paragraphs... Those. .who' see_ in “The. Method”. only’ a seedbed of oo ~ beatnik. Stage-business are’ approximately as violent ‘as those ‘who ‘insist upon divine revelation through ° Stan islavski. ‘The ostcensiblé purpose of all instruction. is to ‘prepare the actor to master his pretense, or to make less thai. pathetic. his inadequacy. Lurking in these misty . implications are. truismswhich ‘relate to “miscasting.” ‘Perhaps: -because’ today’s. films tend. to ‘be niore ‘“‘adult” "dn. ‘subject-matter, ‘critical comment. on casting. is com Mensur ately -more ‘sophisticated than in former .genera“Breathless,” ‘drew a ‘curious amoral”. and discerned ‘in. ‘Jean. Scherg’s “young Iowa face: ‘beneath. aboy's ‘haircut, a. fetichimage: for. the a ert erted of. ‘both sexes.’ a Te “Another. recent film to draw moral frowns, cr 70: Naked “miscast= “The. dang er. ‘of the actor in the wrons . role. is: not ‘a iponopoly. of the: cinema: ‘It is frequently: noted: on teleausten “Legit. ‘too, has. its groans. In the case. of a per forniatice repeated night .after. night, “miscasting” may . Show tardily ‘if. the. two:. minimum essentials; continued intelligible diction and sobriety, are invoked ‘as criteria. “New York is far. from: the. filin studios of -Holly wood “land has ‘very little: production of its own. Here, tog: there “may be an important side-influence. Paris and Landon -are Rappier-in having both stage and screen opportunities . ' Within”. a. taxi ride. It: is: sometimes remarked. that. the rather’ fewer. ‘instances. Another ‘area. ‘abr at which.scant. evidence. is in -hand:. -corieerns © -bankers. Tney are the arbiters of loans based upon ‘stars who ‘they: accept.-as. “insurance” but: which,. on: oécasion, prove: ‘not to be.’ A’ definitive. study. of, the” whole ‘casting ‘and ‘miscasting ° thing. would want to probe the. bankers, -too.Will ‘a. daring day; write “been plenty.” wv a. ° “The: ‘Blunders: of . Banking?” Don't think there haven't