Variety (January 1962)

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see Sn ta emma Be enh is Des ne eee GREGORY PE PECK : rts Neg @ * ws 4 a: ow KIRK. poUGLAS 4° EAURENCE OUVIER oes JEAN SIMMONS oS) CHARLES: LAUGHTON. coves PETER: USTINOV hee “22° JOHN. GAVIN “ oS : : “e 2s id TONY. curt i, as. lens 7 Os = SPARTACUS” = oe “Scréenplay by Dalton Thumb. a pon we s = s as ee &. Directed by: Stanley Kubrick ~ egg “THE DAY THE , ae ~ “Produced by Edward Lewis: : ae ae es * “EARTH! me . A-Bryna’ Production. ir ins: 7 eres eee a CAUGHT ARE” 0 pc PRODUCTION iN ASSOCIATION a a Technicolor, : a sf we __ starting. Cos fs. SWE JOSEPH FIELDS. vo aS a “RODGERS : AND: vanes, Oo : oS 2 JANET MUN RO “BLOWER DRUM SONG" “ ' coer oe McKERN one fe Ane Color and Panavision. * starting. Panes ee : “DW introducing ye AMES SHIGETA and aE og ic MIYOSHE ‘UMEKT:. i °.Sereenplay by Jodeph F Fields -; Music-by Richard Rodgers“) Lyrics by Oscar: Hammerstein 24. =. Directed by Henry Koster’ a “Produced: An fac tunor | ROCK H HUD! son . 7 . a0 gente 2, _ “ee mos te nek ~~ POLLY BERGEN » a oSCAPE FEAR” fiers co-starring.” 2 DORE MARTIN «» and: co. BARRIE CHASE. me: ee at at LS wt. Dy wet 5 AT eee io ve FE ~ 6 ak. we ’ a 4 Ws: \s : Produced. by Sy Bartlett. ene rennet pines epee ener nemmeerees ringing | See ae ORES RETA E Prenpen ro emcrene prague ornenesies ve ro ee Me ry es pate wha, : . . ae “f . . "Ye . ma . . ! . . ones » : mat perro oe ae HOSS HUNTER: “ess ee AS e . . “we ee S| ae ww oa .% te, eee” is . kal ” ae A Val Guest Production.” TONY CURTIS “THE ¢ our ER” us Directed by Delbert: ee a, a Prodused! ae ae Bartlett ah Eastman Color. «: eostarring ‘EDIE AUG « anid mith “written by y Staniey: Shapioand oi Ub *) Paul Henning ~ vos: Directed: by. Delbert. Mana’ = 2". Produced By: Stanley: Shapiro a and: 2. 'Martin Melcher. © . : | (Executive Producer: Robert Arthur: ON: Pictures Corporation 202s NG: Hill Productions, Ine;-— “7. ae e le Anan Penductionsy ts Inc: Pictire © ae BRAVE" a 6osstarting So" Ay: GENK. ROWLANDS 4 7 mena, KANE ae ‘Screenplay. by: belten’ Fruimbo » =: Directed by David Miller: os vevvege seb beer. comers breve perey vebrey 7" . n r wore . + . . . . . rr a wat . wee ues Poy FY reetaear: ere ilarieees: Lo , eee : . wo ork oa 7 . . ' . toe woo. wot ed an Acdoel | Breduction “e ROBERT: mITCHUM. _ ¥ : f. a M4 Boe : og 5", -Séreenplay by James R: Webb sae + "Directed by J. Lee Thormpsen «3° t: . ao “ “4 a Melville “ralbot Production eed 7 a, . “ont anyrmeannt A . A . . v fe . . . vee , ®, . of, : eqn pilaniakanann Sereeriptay b by. Siewar eg oe mie a “Produced by: Edward b Lewis, | ei Teen atten: (adniatints otek a oe # ae cok ae He. rates i . os Fe te rae he ¥; ob ap. oa Produced ‘and 4 Directed wy val nto 7 wth ‘i _ A Granley Company— » .Arwin Productions, Inc.— | fee Hill, Productions... Inc. Production , . an : . . “ atte . _* e+, oo . a . . ‘ t ~ ce “ey ‘ < oe Pe an Cofor.* co-starring — 7 i. /GENA ROWLANDS “.o. Sereenplay ‘by. John Lee: Mahin and “Neil. P aterson. ’_.. Directed “by Robert Mulligan an -Preguced ty Robert Arthur [SS 10m HEATHER SEARS a “Diracted by: Terence Fisher’ oe Hamme ‘hy Anthony-Hinds oe MONTGOMERY aut -SUSANNAH YORK — 4 = oe SUSAN -KOHNER is “cay GRANT _ DORIS DAY in THAT TOUCH “OF MINK” “in Color *.€0starring. “Gi. YOUNG: _ Written by Stanley Shapiro and. Nate Monaster = _ Directed: by Delbert: Mann ~. Praduced. by Stanley Shapiro. and. -Martin Melcher “Executive: Producer. Robert Arthur THE SPIRAL ROAD” r films Production SF REUD": Prod uced and: Directed by ~ John Huston © A JOHN H HUSTON PRODUCTION