Variety (January 1962)

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“or : | _ Reasots for Muck Needed Copyrigt B ‘Revision ASCAPs General’ : Counsel Comments ‘on. ‘the: Register’ 8 + Heo Hy = ee dee eos wre . grove : to'aBi eat: many. -people——an Orien*: i ‘tal: capable’ of interpreting the vio-" ‘lin. masterpi¢e¢s. “of ssuth™ ‘typically. . : AW estérn... composers as” ‘Bach cand * ‘Mozart: © . But’ -twe “Summers: <AgO, when’ ¥ yetuk ned. to: my homeland: « ‘dfter,-a’ decade's ‘absence, in. the peculiar. positian . of -. Vobserving = . _ Wednesdy 3 Jamis. 10, 1963 eae ‘ieee Sepiohiion Te ‘ex . Ja Sur Ri .perally ‘clear. at é saurce-for the ‘+ -. subscribers," These ‘uses -:ean:: be kaa $ un. ises “1 Heensed:-at the ‘source ‘bécause:the |; [-ultimate “user” must. have an -agree| . p--ment ‘with the. “source”: in: order.}-. West’ § Usic: -to use the: musi¢ Taw fully. This also... ae * | mie |: to. learea” tf i pene: which::are ‘ Me eare ” for. stations f “1.2 7. -Laffiliated with ‘tlie : network; and ne vie “A Revahton Eto. tie i Cnibtion. ot motion, et ae fea | films. in theatres.which have leased , " |4them: frém* ‘the . producer. ‘of ‘the'] ° By: TOSHIYA ETO. ee oe re | TRS Be ieee ay who} Wien: I first. ‘tamé te. thesuniiea’ 4 * By ‘HERMAN: FINKEESTEIN: Pee uv baie tract With" the. broadeasting.. station | States in oe ‘ita Biren. phe: ‘report: of. -the: Hesister’ “of : lemption ‘Of | Jukeboxes ts" “not -: |. ‘fit and that: 8 ‘Shougii” »~:beannet.expect-thatstation: to cl ear. ~Coptightsen proposals for reVision:|: warranted;. “but that: ‘since the. .. ie ‘discussing the “existing” Jaw, } -the Program" “at the. source. ove Institute “of. ‘Musi’ and ar on of the Copyright Law avas the most | royalties ‘collected: in-.-Caviada: ::. the: Register. concedes, that ' ‘the-un‘him, ‘ Bie Ei ite a 4 tiiake-. my sCarnegi€ ‘Ha TV? debut .-4mportant single “ev "ent. ofinterest f. » would: go. marily . te capyright | } authorized. -. “reproduction -* of “al. Chari a e mte prises: :to the ‘copyright: fraternity. during .” .ouners: in: ‘the: United: States, + broadcast: of. ‘a-musical work: ‘intap “Now: let as: turn. 10. the roped | +: the’-past: year.. In a “rélated: ‘field, 7 the, withdraal , of ‘the. ‘exenip._:| public: “Toom.: ‘in. ‘a hotel is” ax. in-. new. ‘exemption: for. ‘performances:| 2 sorcalled, * “Neighboring” Rights,” a]: “tion. ‘in: Canada might | await. ”..| fringing use. under: the: decision: of “by. -charitable™ “enterprises. ‘which: “¢onvention -..Avas ~ “formulated. : at Pir like. ‘action’. “tn -ouT.. country." | :the:Supreme: Court Buck: v./would ‘apply: ‘even where the. pabli¢ |: Rome. last Getohber,. “but there is}: “Reforms. ‘Leong ‘OVerdue | 1 Jewell-LaSalle -Realty © Co; 2831 pays: for admission. NO ‘such. :per: little ‘likelihood: of: ratfiication,. by:|-‘Both “these -rveforms. ‘have ‘been [u US: 191 °(193]) The Report states,;| -forinances “are “ylow:.. ‘exempt. --Ethe U:S. in -the foreseeable: future. long’ -overdue. ‘The: Register: of f ‘however | “(pp.:-30-31) :. ;| Someone receives paymest ‘in Con: > The. ‘Nedr: ahead: will find: serious ‘Copy rights: is to’ be “applauded, for “ts MAS. a practical ‘matter: “this” =| hection, with the’ _ performance: : a ~ eonsidération> being: given tothe: espousing. ‘thent.. -{:. problem _has:béen confined: so. . 3 Actually, :thestatitte..should, bée'| Japati’s :musical: life: for-"the first..-Register’s ' Répatt.” on-Copxrigit, There .are-, otlier”. ‘parts: of the |: far. “ta. broadcasts» “Of misie,:. ql chatiged. -by ‘giving broader. ‘Fights { ‘time through ‘Americanized: ‘eyes, Revision. The next-step will:bé tlie} Report, ‘however. “which " leave} though.’ “jt éovild .éonceivably.: to’. niusical: works “rater “than® Ismust: confess. -that I. was ithe ore ». " alratting ‘of -legislation ‘to’: impte-| muchi to: be. desired... For example. 1. ‘arise’ also. as to broadcasts‘ of ;| granting: . biorderexemptions: ‘to,| who® was--surprised “fo “note. the: -lment ‘that-report. “Phe. ‘Rezister’s |it is ‘proposed -that: there: be ‘added’. ‘dramatic “and -Jiterary Works | fusers. oo Loni p ‘| great’ crescendo: of -chthusiagm for “ ~“xecommendations for changes in certain new. exemptions: in-favor |<: and -even’ “of ‘motion “pictures..” < There. is” ho: reason shy. : ‘com‘Western MUSIC -% whlch. isnising in”. the ‘Copyright: ‘Law; of 1909; are. of “users, which’ -are net. contained | “Wwe undetstatid that’ the ‘two. “. | poser. ‘of a “symphény hold. Have | F ‘Japan: ; “ Te ‘in’ fheexistin. saw mann y: ; ~principa organiza fons -. eons" ahy’ lesser protection br -perform“t . ecarded:, 2S only. te a ative at nis dad. ‘Reeommendine: that -“The:trolling: the: performing Fights >. anges: of his atcKs tea: duthors 1 . Record : ca les. ane ‘Georg wath .| statute... should’ ‘exempt. the mere |-. jn’ music: (ASCAP -and.BMD. 2] of Gramati¢’ works. Yet the-éxisting | many of the wo: TI" simajor labels.” ‘| reception of :-broadcasts ‘from. the]. . have,. .generally | ‘followed, the + | Taw: “dacs: not ‘profit. tlie. composer: ‘répresented. as mMEMBCEcompanies *: nublic: performances ‘right,’ exeept |." policy. of confining’ -their dens of-a. symphony) unless-a .perform-| Se ond eens 7B ‘hones taph .; ee jeune ‘term.’ of: consright: oa ex-. tended: ‘for ‘an. ‘additicral period | of: “.20 years. Inlast® rear “s annual issue:|. where ‘the’ recewer makes. a charge |. _Imands: for license: fees to flioSe .{ance * of. hig .work is bath Upublic, |. . ons “of War I presented the-reasons. to..the public-for, such reception.""}" Vestablishnients,’. such-: as’-the, .) and for profit, Wher cas: ‘the author’) |. V estern -orche stras “and. “goncert.” for: aera Pee ‘term OF: copy: This: would: allow: commiereial . es-}chotel’ tn. the’. “‘Jewell-La, Salle .J of: a, dramatic work. is “protected; -artisis: on. ‘tet hate’. dourid: highly... Tighe ‘and ‘shall ‘not’. diseuss / that. ‘tablishnmients : to escape --Bayment] : ~¢ase; that:-retranemit broad: | |against . perfor mances * “whethef..or!l receptive . -aucicnees' all “over the): Tor’ public” performances by: means: “pasts: to’ their. “ations reoms..:..t not: ithey Jare.for“pres. {t..Both types. ‘| Ori jent, bat TOY rete. mone So'than” a f “the ‘Registver's, recomiien-| . moe ae at’. this fie. aa aee -of music. farnished: to ‘their. patrons |.” ‘Other ‘similar! orgcnizatoins.:. } of: works “sieuld’ > he “protected. rin. Japan. The’ SON: dhy-enthusiasn: ¢. ee F . Gint” of” sev vet tine | ‘through * totidspeakers' ‘gonhected | “however... May. : not.” héve ‘the .:7 sgainst “public: pertasmances. oe: | for Clgssical.” use Es. -becn’ fess.” * ‘Form: the. pat Vi x : AWith: ‘radio ‘ receiving. sets, even [°° same. “police. And ‘there. have™. “Rardless’: OE" thesproft’ © clemént: tered ‘laiee ie the: “pouniiy’s © Lekeator.: ’ of: : mysigal vy: 2b s; two: ‘other: proposals inthe. “Renort’ Fe Dfd for profit is ° Both’ "publie ‘been ‘Complaints ‘from some. | They. are$0: ‘prctected throughout) youth,-but any: * = 19 ~ Small: &stablishments: that they: © io apy on ‘on the strect!”. , -the® world, « Knows: the | ‘ante. “ef: “Beethoven: |. Pa or o *, oo, . ue eG ‘resent. ‘important. agvances:.* B) Allowing: “diarifable“enter-] 5 08) The elimiatios. of. the com[ ‘prises™ to ‘make: “free | USe of. copy-4. : + pulsory’. ‘Héense.~proyision:We hich: righted, ‘Husie -te” raise funds: ‘by How. permits all phones raph record giving: ‘public’ per for mances : OF me. manufacturers {6 ‘record: any -Copy=: sical Works: aid .. charging. ‘adiis-| “Tighted. “‘Btusicak composition. with: f sion fees" to fhe: spublie. This. too}. By | event, ‘the: free. use of Té-: ‘Tncittentally; = eviefi ar. research . [has not: discheced: "B ‘single: “lawsuit, “h for’: infringement "Gf? pexforming | ~Trighits before the statue: rarreywed Ahe | “coriposet’ S: “rigat.. “Except “for } the. “expectatiin ef, conmerciat | : Were asked. ‘to. ‘ebtain ‘perform.’ “Ing: li¢erises.. for: the’ smere™ op=:: ‘* eration’ ‘of. receiving: sets.-In | ceiving sets ‘shénld ‘net ‘be Teft © . to the':grace or: forbearance: of . ‘Shoppers. dre: ticzticd -to ontintial” “symphonics” over @épartment. store. ‘lou dspeakcrs and. redio. and, telexi ie.” ‘sion’: ‘cominebtatézs pi roclatin. the day s: ews: accom} ented. “by: “Hopg 7 “asers ° that > their: | “‘pertormances | hap’. sgunidt, dite. “| vould: be “reeetded :2s -ndt.foryin e * rs fowners.2 profit” if. no -Ediniséfon’ fecs".were f™ ‘the “Fappiose.fev driiment: 4s ° “This ‘statéinent.: ‘dacs! ‘not: eorcharged, it, Is iftic ‘alt’ ta’ sée* what conteiiplating makin if. cTthex. violin: ; rectly | ‘set... forth: “the. ‘policy’, of |.typé of USER ExBel ted td, ‘get: ‘somes: or: pianné study. cori "ujsory: in: val’; “means: of‘coin-operated : niachines dication: of what-is-meant by-“neré }ASCAP, T Kfiow: nothing: about the thing ‘tinder © the* 1969. ‘limitation, schools, ~ isthe, so-called: jukebox. exemption. “reception”: “2S “used! in: the ‘proposak : ‘practice: of: other per forming. right: -that* ‘he: was’ “mat “prev ‘iously : enjoy: 7. : In, ‘yeecommending: that the. coni-|-Is' “mere” reception” tobe ‘defined. : pou! “ piltorr Jieense -provision be“‘elim={as includiig only” the: home-ttpe: not to charge. for. ‘the: receptian. ‘of ZH The . ‘Register: justifi és. “the: are nated. the: Register states: *. /:.. -[reeeiving ‘set: witheut-.any.. added’ music” “in. the hotel's». individiat | ‘rower. Brant: of: pe: formitig.; -rights o Lone securing.the copyiis ‘ht -ewner’s.} is .not™ permitted under. “existing. .. J eonsent. ‘forthe price tf:2e.. which: Taw. Ae .: , frequently: is-never -paide =) °F: “Taking. Up: fist. the: pupposal=te'}.2 “eQy: The. ‘eliminat ion ‘of +t he ‘ex: exempt.” -pithlie’-. ‘reproduction ~ Of. "emption’ for. . perfcrmunces. ' ‘ by'| radio. broadéasts—there‘is: no -in-, “the: performing: Tights. ‘organi * * zations’. : OF: ‘etter: Peopyright. : Musival ‘insti ents tied. ia, be rauier inferior: sin “Japan, at: Jeast’‘by MW esierh “'s standeres;: ‘but -recent:. ~ “Thie’,. compulsory ”. ‘Heénse’: dee | lovdspeakers, or’ Swould it ‘Andlude'| guest’ Fooms, even though ‘|'to. composers “impesing: cthe® !for™ Amproyemeér ts: in, cpranufactire cby: provisions are” rither: .sérvere,. -| reproduction: «over .. sevéyal Fondgrams.. -available ‘to. ‘the: ‘guests are. Pron imitation}; ‘han -to"dra-} ‘sueli firms’ 23° ‘Yamdha, ‘Jong =the... "1 “in -ctheir effect’ tipo. the” copy: | speakers?’ The: “Report doesnot defer d:by . “thie. ToHowing |Lorerhast: Japinese:. piano mnakersy oo Sagight; owner. Once he exploits: “15 fine : the: nature’ Of: the: ee it‘ "_chargea:” for: musi¢ “in: public: ‘grounds (page: 38: of the, Report): | have. biddght new Niger to the ins-SooRis Fight ‘to: record his ‘music,. 7 j rooms. of hotels ‘or in other -publi¢.|... “Tlie; audiencelat. a2 “nonprofit: dustry... A good ‘upright ‘piand . can’. ‘Fs .he is deprived “of “eontrql over’, .: xplaces: such as. Festaurants or: stores. performance ~ of-a “dramatic. work now. .be~ had -for. about’ the: yen | further, recordings... He Jeanndt ~] if ‘there “are: nd.loudspéakes” other | is less Hikely to pay “to: cattend: ‘an--| €quivalent of .$360.. WHile*a-yiolin:.. than Formally found: in: 4: other. per ‘formence. than Gs ‘the: ease of Satisfactory aiuality: may: ‘be. Spurs: . entption. but it Heottal seem “to. in- wee a control: their’ quality: nor can dicate that™ tie: ‘exemption’ syould“si. Re seleéé the-persatts whaawvilt. apply: evén ‘if: there ‘was : a: tover-}-sirigle + ‘ordinary * home-ty “pe device] with. noridrami.tic: warks:.: : "orb chased for. S15. -it. ) make. “them... ‘Thére-haré Beer -charge. oF yet theelk charge. a ates oii the: premises. If, howith “Public: “perfor mance is” “ysually oe yee! 2s many,-complaints of: inferior | .charge’ for. food ‘or. beverage... The-| ever, there” “areseveral loudspéak-. e main “Source of teventie. ‘from-a. ria. ae Peeordings and -of ea ‘Report. expressly “states. that.” it/-ers‘ in: public. places. operated “for | dramatic work: in ‘the Cast..of nonti ie toe tie: open of. ne ae “foxdaciolly | Would" ‘not,:exempt such: perform[commercial gain:: the™use. is .oftén:| dramatic” works. revenue, js Jals0’ Tl eee more: eh some -. eT sl anees if. there ‘was'“‘an adntission | ‘more effective than a: single live:| available front, the. sale.of, ‘copies college ~ Bre es SOLS, : ani finding " mére’ dibportanty. the Sate: charge”. or a°fee: for operating. the | instruniénfalist’ ‘or. a: :phoriogtaph. ‘and. sound recordings. | ~-"*. “ year-Foune employs ment’ in: Tocal ” 1 Places” a.. ceiling.’ af 26 Per... receiving get, “Does “admission | Thé Register concedes . that: in -the|“...“Dramatié works are nétas ‘pead= orchestras:'. Sucli_ ensenibles® ‘as: ae . record: On. thé. roudlty he .can:. + ‘charge’ ‘mean. orily. a. ‘charge where: ‘latte¥ ‘eases a cHarge may, be made. fiy‘Or as frequently, perfor med for}: NHK Symphony ‘~-Sporisored, by a ss * obtain: In. egsenicé, . the. “¢gm-.-.| money is: ‘taken -at: the door? “Ff So: | if the nerformance. is in. ‘public ‘and. “charitable, educational “and similar -‘Bovernment: 2contr olled * radio * ‘stan. nt “Ss: pulgory. licence: permits any: | it wouldSeem | to, be. an, arbiiraty for: profit: ‘: . i. purposes..“a are “Mondramatigtifn—arid the “rcnéwnéd™ “Japan. | " * one indiscriminately “to. niake’."7 "| distinction, -| >Fhe™ mechanizition. of: music: has |-works.”. 20 ..: 7 7 ° -Philharriionic ‘ excellent. -: Lot “. Pecords of. ‘the’ con yright owit |: | “How: It. Wi orks’ ‘Out’: ; seriously-affected the: opportuni. .. Everycomposer : Lf: ‘a symphony: inconie from ‘concerts: ¥adio-televi-. : ee Legs music. at. thé 2e:. Tate tt xed. * Te ‘the: proprietor-; spends. “the -ties of. misitians.. and. conrposers..|-or.: concerto _ fronyBeethoven ° Atay ‘Sion -appcarances : and, recordings. : a ot > #n the statute.” oe ot ‘money. to ‘install Joiidspeakers, -he | A’ Congressional hearing: recently’ Barber -knows*. 2") 2.0 : 4 This situation. ‘contrasts sharply: : ‘he Register ,poimts out fiat ihe | imiist: ‘find that_-it: “stimulates «the examined the possibility ‘of finding.L.:-That thé audience at a first per: swith that “prev ailing in: the: U:. 8. * ¥ecord companies .atgue‘that. -the'| Salé ‘of. foad’. or beverages. . ‘The ‘Temedies, > incliding serious | _pro-} foimance’ of his: work is not. likels:, ‘where: ‘few: ‘major: ‘orchesti‘as ° ean?" ~ egasting: ‘system .insures ‘a: ‘greater. User's . ‘benefits ‘are. ‘apt to be _ Just posals that. ‘the. living: arts. he: sub£0: attend anottr: ‘performance. ‘Offer: the Security af tirihroken, sea. -" pumber™ of’: -Feeordings “of those { ‘as ‘great © as if: there’ “were an. ad-. sidizedin”: ‘our “national ~ ‘interest. | of ‘that workduring. ‘the’ same -sea-_ ‘sons and ‘annual stipends. ' oth: a. works: that: are ‘successful, bat Atiat: ‘mission .charge: however: smal]. -As.| Composers. | and: other coppright. ‘son; end ‘often ‘not. for many: "years | * My. ‘countryinien “have. jon be _ “the-author’s and publishers..answer:| Mr. Justice, Holmes" said i Mm, Herbert. “owners would. much: rather collect:|‘thereafter;. wy fami ed: for their. ‘Versatility: e. en. a -thgt. “thie possibility af granting an] W. Shanley: vt [only from. those who: ‘use --their:|. “That,.the “piblic’ performance. tn‘ating, the ways’ of ath %, i mes 7 “pxchisive’ licerise--might:£ive-new |." “Iéthe. ‘pights” ‘ander. the « | works; than to tax the géneral pub: | come, limited. a8 ‘itis: is-greater’ sda fin ow, y *e er.Jan a m2 7 anid‘ unknown. authors ‘more oppor>. ¢épyright “are:inffingeéd only’... ‘a means ofsecuring-encour-.| than’ that {ror She: sale sof “copies: 0 ip ti en we gery ‘low-how. “to”: " -funity.’.to have:, ‘their. works.’ “Fee by cia: performance’ “where: -.-agement.’ Theproposal ‘that ¢opy[and . sound -recerdings;. 2. 2": Fiental ‘needs. > Having’ for: years : a corded.” .SF honey ‘Ss:-taken “at -the-“ddor = [right owners -be denied -thetight |---That their. works are-miore reads} €*Ported mitch Of the: world’s coni-” -” With “respect: tc: the, Jukebox. ex: |)" they. | .are’=-very. imperfectly. ° to« charge’ ‘for “the use” of ;cantied: Lily. and -more: frequently. ‘performed plex-scientifie: ard industrial. equips": : -“emption; the “Report. makes: these: Se “protected... Per formancés not’: .| music “under _circumstances: where : for alleged: ‘eharitable. education: | inentand. novelty © ‘goods ofall: de-:_ . jnteresting ~ observations: -: “17 a ‘ different : ‘in. “kind from those.-. “Ait “would. ‘be. appropriate: anid. -neces-cali: “and: similar; pur poses’?: ‘without } ‘seriptions;they “are -now sending ~ viv “The -jukebor exéniption. fg .OF ? the: defendants’ ‘could. bé . [sary to. Charge: for live: music, ‘payment _ than are dramatic. works: + -out their-young musicians int a-culs°. . : te histérical qnomal, The-ex-. :| . given that might. compete. With" ‘moves in?a diréction™ which is: ‘con.and that‘auttiors of dramatic’ ‘Works, ‘tural ; exchange between: East and.’ -*: emption. was placed‘in the law “and -.even.-destray:-the -suctess.*..| trary. to..the-“public.’ interest.’ It-}have |“sibstantial | -incomesfrom‘ ‘West, ‘These’ artists: njust first over= >. ue bt .-1909-ate. the. ‘ldst-..minute “| of: the: -monidpolv:. thatthe: law. ° +1 Would: ‘give: ari: ‘added -incetitive ‘to.| both: professional and amateur: ‘per: ‘come a number of: inborn -psychoaw tie ‘vittually:: RO discussion. | me ~tntends. the :plaintiffs ‘to ‘have: : displace. the: live’: ‘performer. This ; (formances. which-zré-denied to the logical.” factoi's—theAhirty’ -cens-. ': 2. Tite -éoin-operated. aitsicma: es “The: .defendants’. “perform. fis certainly. not ° “desirable. : wR composers. Of. symphonies. : “ih -* | durles..of: discipline. and _rigidtradi-: “ 2 M@ieng “the Taryest ‘ohannercial ‘ “gsers Of. wUuste,: i+. nual gross. ‘Ter enue, Gf ore, a, ~ “"") half -billion -dellers. 2+! “y " i Fukebor operctors’ : “the: ‘only-asers: of -prusie : for , a “profit it ° who. are net ‘obliged: “10°: pay ‘royalties, and there: is. na: ©. Special : redscir’.. for. Weir .ex-emption, No: ough: ‘é weempiion. ' las mace in any atk ef cL iauiry, ror except... ‘that 3) fo pads playing af music: an “gikeboxes ~ “a eomeswithis a. "¢-entption.-of. peri: mazees. -by. ” “Greans . of @-; ‘grdbiophienie,, Ae" -. Canadian : canis: Ca reda’ the* Ge eneral., exe. ed. fo Terie its cénar! abet: Taig: jy recently declared: eat: the: ere io het ee le ’ . . qeitht: rer ans ° are: | $70.0 eppointy: oad ‘whole. isattributed’. tora’ “pare. :-titalar’ dfem_ which -those ‘pres: ; . ént-:are ‘expected. to. ‘order: As* " not. important. ; Ite is: true: that." ... the--music..fs :not” the . sole: obFeet; but neither’: ‘is’ the ‘food,-— * Awhich' ‘probably, could “bé . got... "OF "disliking ‘the rival: * -noise . oT give: a: “Fuxurious: pleasure not-“to be had “from ‘eating :a: Silent, ~ >, méal..Tf music. ‘did ‘not*. pay“it~ >awould: be :given :un: Tf it pays *: ~ grit. “of -thé‘public’ s. “pocket...” ; -Whethér.\itpays or cnet the . ou “BET OSE. gh employing: iit. as: ., cheaper * elsewhere; : Fhe ob-=": = “ject -is.a“repast’ in’ ‘surréund:. | : “atigs that 6" ‘people’ having. lim--: -* _ ited. powers .of | &onversation™*: EM background music ‘services. S nay,’ “rates | ofall: ligensing. oiganizations:. { The: ‘Register. thas “touched on this the baniier.: of” -philanthtopy. "| from’: ‘some small -éstablishments”’: -gles” for. récognition and, survival curiosity: ‘for éxample; Yotin# Vio-> Pit 4 ehines” of: ‘that. “daw: were pe: |. “ANCES | are.-not eleéniésynary.. . | |. One .of the: Feasonsgiven’ ‘by ‘thie |: ‘There is no-reason to downgrade: tionalisim: which" tend -toinhibit.’ OS parently: novelty *-of-little 24 “They ‘are. part: of-.a. total: for. :’| Register. for. exempting public: per-, mirsicalworks. -‘Composers:.: have |'both. the response’ to“and.the per ~ "hte economic :. Cousequenee. : Fhe .. which “the. public ‘pais: ‘and” . | formances ’ ‘by “the” mere. reception. the sanie. ‘necds.: appetites. and. deforming. -of. classical’ inasterpieces ss jukebox .aidustry-fis.-, now. :|-. the. fact that tle price: of ‘the “|-[of “broadcasts” :is. tliat “complaints |'sires-as ‘ottier, ‘authors. Theit:strag-’ ‘With ‘tXpical Japanese “.intellectual. have ‘been feceived:with réspect 10 | are just ‘as intenre. 1 theirWorks | jinists up-to the-age of 18: diligent=" . . Ls Lone.. unregulated.” Wikénsing orgaiiiare” attractive ‘tothe public, ‘they! :} zation. . If 3: Femecy: is: needed. it ; ‘should “be entitled to compensatic®; lies -in, proper: tegulation: of ‘the: —especially ‘where... most -Gf:tli: uses...aré’ by those. who. flyunder: WAC in .Chapter’ XI? E--of theReport { composer, ‘ frée to--con(pp... 136-138), -but he’ states: “We | tribute his: work ‘to. the. “Cause. ‘of have. made: no: study ‘of this prob: charity, “or to.: withhold if he tiem. . _frégulation, : ‘af perférming'|.cannot:. : afford: ‘to. make” -the:. an |? | nights: organizations! .. Sirice. we be-| Unless. an: equal tithe “is: exacted : |lieve-it. is: -bey ond: the: rarigé: of: the: of: others, -it. shouid: not. be exacted “l'pres sent. project. ‘for: revision of the’ from... the-. ‘composer,” oe ‘copyright. “Jaw... ne 280 ’. The: proposed: “@iemption:: ie: it: Togical’ and: econémeially“unsonnd.. ly: ‘explore. and Master | -basie. ele=. ‘Ments-of. Western, ‘music: but-. then. lack the. ability: to-register.the iec-- essary: ‘emotion : in -its: Berformance. Fhe: challenge has: ‘been met and... conquered. by. ‘stich’ recent visitors” ‘to-. the U.. ‘Ss. as Seiji. ‘Ozawa, | curs: . rently "one ‘of’ Léonard Bernstein's assistant: conductors: with the’ ‘New... York® -Philharmonicé.Kanie. ‘Imai, . soprano’ Star of. the. Metropolitan's : We ‘hope: the. Register’ of ‘Copy: recent. ‘authentically-Japanése pro-Hehts, auill ‘take theséproblems -ofduction of “Madamia. Butterfly”: and.. he’. coniposer. “into: consideration | Yoshio: Aoyama.,: tlie ‘diz sector / who: Purveyors .Of-wired musie and: of. ‘When final. proposals: for, copy Fahy, ets ‘this: “Widely (ace iaimed mew. tet Wetsion‘of... Puceini's: hasterpletee et Se r reform: are. made; : oS , . : . yy : weote er tre we = shee