Variety (January 1962)

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eo 7S arty ee 76 5 Years ‘or + LipetimeP Protection. (1 Whichevie ie ge es aan A we ols: Greater). for. Writers: ars 7 ay : ae By PHILIP. WITTENBERG” | eR oe : Oo US a ‘ miiebe: 4s a fetnient’ in the. air of: all. thosé “fialaa v which re i ce a AS “depend. ‘on: thé. fopyright ‘law: Agr the: hasie ‘protection: ‘am cae Jr 4: Toy we a __ptoperty..: ‘Sitice -} 37 some 34 Studies ave beén prepare eR UE © Laws of the Land ond. Customs of Nations a tsi" ‘rifer the subcommittees-of Congress ‘on 4hé revision -of the. ° oe ee topes t Pa Coroefty iT ls copyright Taw; . i “The. Register ‘of. ae -has: ce ; i EG met ase -a-report.:on:. ‘the: ‘general’ revision ‘of.: the @opyriglit: aw, .. Ble le em. n Fro om. Tis Po a welar. aeans:. JP i whieh was: submitted ® ‘in July. of this ‘eat . to, fhe. House”. por 7 se eet an . i ben tei ed . Of, Representatives: R i fer fit eh v co eee ig pan ate Ta. st £ eas a r oo a oF ea a See Le ~In that. report theeais er.6 “opyrig s: arae érizes © wooetn BA Dede e. a watt “By Ty ING. ‘CAESAR 3 coh ha Sha ao “. copyright as a linique. kind: of property: One of the: prin-: -* “Gipal things : ‘that -riakes: it, unique ‘is: the: ‘fact that: thoustt .: and*<alEthose ‘who ‘hold: under ‘him iave. a” Tkind: -of property: it. is: Hiot. ‘a. “property. for life but for, a. : Jimitéd‘term... In)... satiety -that depends ‘on: ‘property and its“ acquisition: most.” “of us: like to think. that ..ouc.. rights: in. property. are “inherent: ‘for: our liv es and. those. oe. y “of -our’ descendants. -Copv right. is: yiot“even: for .a-lite’ ~~ termi. in: the’. United: States ‘but-is “limited to-.aterm’ Of 28 - “ES “hrke it “eight: biistit or ‘serious,’ see rote: “She? ‘Railton’. “Hassev,’ “Sophie ‘Tucker ‘and “othars’ ve course. oy ae not. i * when he ‘asked . for--1500°-to: 2;500°-words for: the: Anni-“:. dwell on: the. -comparativety. recent “*“*Yiddishe ‘Mamia;”’‘like. _Wersary Nunigér, In: selecting. ‘my subject: it -at.once'ioc. : “Mother “Machiree,”’ . “Mammy “ -o": Mine” « prototypes. of... aa “curred: ta‘me that here Avas:a theme: ‘that combiried, indeed“ “the serious ‘stereotypé, as. ‘compared With -the. ‘Teajority” +. could: not :be “discussed without;.:a liberal, ‘adimixtuie’. of.” + of thiose ‘meant as ‘comedy. songs. I would however revive. : Ly whiese. three: shades’ of refiéetion: summoned’ by récalling.” -for you.'a: son#that’.as ‘a. ‘little: child ‘I. heard (and. never: * ‘a-category: of. popitar.. ‘Soni. that ‘has: ‘all. but ‘passed fron, -forgotexcept : for :a Word: or: ‘two). when : te friend: ‘of-the. . fe the stené.. SE familyya“barber down.:the:.street. holding ‘a, pass, for ‘two. , Now” wir is. a “stereoty pe. it is, ott: the “authority ot. asa "reward: for . the ‘pillpost in. hits. ging a J led. me “by... “Years, pith. a renewal P erie of: 28 years ‘tor re ae “as Webster... fixed: or. conventional. expression. “notion; --.the “harid into’ tlie’ Miner's. Theatre. ‘on .the. Bowery. we} hy a at least "a lifatinie cof. DE opecty? Fev pee a “Faental: ,“s tern, ae _ “Some. excellent Beh mec ater ene Ba you” re: “going. away: with ‘an: Irish” todjer,: a SS _#-25 7: The whole’ trouble started, with thé. Constitution: which” ee wre Einde: coterie. in’ Ruuvan's: Ghee: “And ‘Dolls: ‘and in: ‘What a. sid: disgrace. for. the-racet*’.” = ; moo “provided ‘in “Artidle 1, 4845. "4". ee ae the Yisut! artfiiomas Nast's. caricature: of the: Tammany -: Whaddye‘gotag to .do;when the. awetedinig: is ‘over. iyi, 1 .PThe Congress: shallhate. Power. rete Ta. Pranioté: mae nek ?Bhate: ‘Boss: beady-eved, of" "bulbous nose: “and obese “form. = How you gonna: ‘look. ime in ‘the. face?. ss "the: ‘Progress’ of Science’ and Se ful “ants: by. securing" it eatawar sarment’ draped: arouiid him, ‘surrounded, by : his * Oy, will-ycie ery, when you -Gatcorned. béef: ‘and eatoages, ~ “for. limited Times. ‘to. Authors. and ‘Inventors the exe. <7. a ° “ Oy, will port cry, when yo lase your. jHittleAbie’ “boy... vehisive. Right -totheir. Fespective. Writings ‘and. Dise 7 sycophantic. camp followers; nd‘ doubt. singing: ‘Tammany, ot “your baby. ‘poli oy ray: oy? “iE @overieg? us o a-c “oes > oe we feet Fhe, . nee ote me 7s as me he as carne inser tepee sl. hich FARES: _ “Refrain ote BD ae “sh, Evén. before the ‘Constitution. ‘was’ ‘adéptedthe. ‘Colonial: A inasmuch as:a‘song. ‘when.if is ‘nationwide: in: ‘populatity,: ‘Won't Hou caine. and, make: for, ime’ a ‘ay ihe are! a : Congresson’ May 2,-1783,, had ‘recommended’ tothe sev. a a ‘provides. us’: with: a~ ¢lué:-t6 ‘what ‘the “average’ ‘person ~ =I dot: plenty. ase: to support -a wife; +>." = ae eral states: that: “they. pass a: capyright | protecting..books ~. ° SERS in ‘tune with at.the time, a study. and appraisal-ef the.’ “dts: not. d business -to’ be® sitigle, let's: minal ocd isi. for 14 years.” “Connecticut, ‘Maryland: New Jersey, Pensia Be 4 rv al 6plé can. ‘x9--more, Omit. tl ap gs it'san “Jingle; : jingle, : ot se 3) -+ (g¥lyania,.South Carolina, . North :Carolina;: Georgia “at: "history -al a-Beople can. ‘ho-more, omit. the songs it sane, « We'll: havé-a happy, ' having. jubilee. woe aoe oe .New.York. did. this. “Massachusetts. fixed ’ a ternt of 2). than: its food: its housing. its ehureh’ attendance, its daily” SUNDER. THE M |ATZOH. FREES. ke Tet St ast years. 'as “did “Rhode Island. and ‘Virginia? ‘New’. Hamp: 6" abr, “and, its amiuseme Ty o c nts. "Shire: fixed “on 20:years. “o> Pls one-category of ‘the’ po ular: song. the. cariéatiire * Of-you: thay ‘prefer wee ee DSL eee re th an o> -and_ stereotype. :parallelshe Pot ‘the’ great migrations of. Ob you and Rosalie :-0 20 ee ea i ely a “After ‘the: ' Constitution was. adopted: ‘the: ‘Consress : ‘at a _.. [the post-Civil -War' era. whenaudiences in music halls, *:.They-bothkept. company, = * Oye fe faa aaa ene OT “the: ‘United Statiis,: in its “first! copyright. act. Chy 13, (2), en : “77 peeérstinbe, vaudeville theatres:and burlesque houses found: .They.kept™.compan y. for.-six long” wears ava BOE " Provided for. a “term -of 14° vears-With..a renewal, term: at. ats 2) much “to “laugh’:at -in. thie! -lyrie-that: Jiltingtyfocussed ;. : SANG. ev'ry” ‘time: she'd ‘ask rime: : Pee mir Fi AN B.D 14: ‘years, making in-all -28-vears.: Ain ‘the aniendments: ‘of el o. attention-on ard. mftroved: the Old: World customs, idiosyni.” » “When will you marry me? Os 3 + ge Pe oan ne. “487 the\-increased the first: “tera, ,of.-28:'years.. birt: kept Sergeies,: Dhxsiognomics, ‘in short;. the-diflerences-thaf “dis: .-Heé. said: “I: don't ‘male’ “enough. selary® te) Tiel (Me: second ‘tern at 14-yeats.“"“Tt-was-not utitil 1909: that. + tinguished’ thé, newly: arrived. Gériian; Irish; Jewish and |: sEach ‘time’ Nat‘ ‘an n tried: £0. Kt3s her” Pee Di 2°.) air act. was passed providing « for,"the: ‘present: térm:‘of: 28 | eo . . Italian: ‘immigrant... in. the. ‘same ‘Inanner ‘that many” of °° Rosalie. Cried “p7.28 gig ota! we a “Years W ith a Frenewab.of 23° years, making“ in all: ‘36. years. 7 we 7. ly the” Sats. ‘of -a. Stéphen, ‘Foster -and . Jatnes ‘ ‘Bland.. wand... Rejfraiw 22. :. " wea! ee ae are eT a New, Proposal: 76" Years: ee Be 2" "sonie:. writtear after the ‘turn . of. the century; created. ‘for > -Natan, ‘Nafan;; a BES a tea aU Cn LN: re Now the: 'Hegsiter-proposrs: thit. ‘the: act_ provide: for. a west us. an image. ‘of: the “darkie’” and: “his, “massa a; ete . te ae Tell. ‘ne. for. inhat. are jon adailin’7 a! a ose tern ‘of 28 years: Ww ith | a ‘renewal -term Of: 48: years: ‘making. “ono Abd for the niost: part’ many were: the: wor Ks: oF: those: -Natan you’ said: “We'll ‘marry in. Tene: iy. ear,’ we: . Sin’ all-76 tyears, -despite ‘the’ faet that with practical uname ney who: wére at ‘best “one” “géneration. ‘remoyed. from” ‘the’: You! told. me the. nronth—biit: you didn’t’: Say. the. -yeur; a nimity:the rest’ of the. counties: of the world prote ot ‘copy. oe, mete " -.° “landsmann’™: the. sorig~ pillotied-, No;.“pilloried”’ “is ‘not®. MY whole’ fanity, they. keen: asking” me,, -Noo?: ‘When? . : Fight” during: the ‘author's. lifetime at: least. 2". the word.: ‘They | were never’ ‘planed: OL. meant, to, ‘be’, And: -1.don’t, know” what: to itell, ‘them, ae pour The ‘argument--is” ‘made’ ‘that . the’ -Cnited States. “pusht = / downgrading. ox. cruel: even thougli a: ‘Sensitive : Soul. here. “Natan. -Natdr. ‘Natan, ns 77 a oa : : rt Mot: use: the author's ‘Hifcting as’a term: of .copyriztt | hex i and. there. mist. have. fourid ‘some ‘¢light embarrassment. Ein’ ‘sick-andtired. ‘af avinitin’ >, Watan; on DB ofp cause. of ‘the difficulties: of astentainingthe’ ‘date-of de ath ie the ear icature:: It: Was as’ 2. “rule” an. attempt: ‘at: “humor,” “ * Ev'ry. printte “Seents like. ages ar a “OF . the: “author... The. ‘important: thing is ‘the: author: ‘3 Ppro-., . _ : _ -tongué-in. cheek. self. portray al,. that.: Minorities”. have. : F can't: wait tilt you make. ety: wages.” ee a a, : teetion. during. his’ lifetinié. Isit. an. unnecessary: harde!). 00 + ‘rough the. “Years ‘indulged in’ and. * Bassively": “endured. ¢Natan,. _Natait—ichar: are you: wantin’ “for? OLA SN nn JE" ship: to. impose” -Upon.thole hi would use the’ authar's:.: ve ‘politica stractare of. the? day,-a anes arrived: minority 7 The. Evolutionary Process: Bork ig base. of aecertaining .§ shethen: oF ae mm ia. o 7 comes: ‘upon the’ scene. : ae USE an “tthe yea ds: 1962. and an like; ‘Tite, marches: Even: if. it, were: important: ‘this: could. be ‘easily: ‘goived ene Phe’ ‘Tesh: me : are _ Pdi e fhe on” Nataae nocd harassed by the. fark weaty. O€ ‘waitin’ Be: Brovidines, for ‘a, period: a a6 Seats or the life af the: “Te you: flag’ the. 16c. “adinigston ‘to Tony ‘pastor's: in the: ‘“-Solicitude,: "would: ho. doubt “be” spendiig: the weekend at... a aetinite date ‘by requester: the, pee ii whe last Bos 8 ‘Yate: "90s: or: ‘theJearly years. ‘of? * thie present: ‘century, {you : Grossinger’s’ or .theConcord, and would’ ‘sdon’ be-“going “years to filé. 4 cértificate OF life and: ‘addi oss inthe abe . "might: have’ been: regaled ‘by. “7° ‘Don't Like-. thie. ‘Arish. steady’ with’ ‘the -hero -of. the. Matzolr. Tree saza:weheard ¢ “Setice of. Which: the. law: could. “ceeate™ ‘a présunivtion: ote * But” Fe. Like! ‘Sompone’ to Much!” and. here: Wee, : berating ‘his -inamorata: for. Funning: off. with: that, “Trisher _ death within, the "I6-¥ea a etiod, “hie: Juechayles are 2° have ES fine: specimen: of. ‘thie ‘stereoty pe. of fhe period. i Ioafer.’ 2 Who.: would. jaugh “at! “Fough. ‘guy, :Leyl, ‘that's’ | _ simple é:. re P e. >. ot : “.my. sidme and-I’m :a.:Yiddishe. cowboy" when seatéd not. ; 2 " : ‘Hofmeister: gare a: : parti,” wis held: last Thursday, night "-on_a-bronco, bit ‘behind that Jaguar -is:the heir toLevi's. “Tiere. Ig ‘Furihermore no xédsonfor: a. sing ale ‘ori ot a , . . of? OS shot. So* In honor of the ‘Setieutzenbund’s ‘big: Score; a “ fortune, fresh out _ of. Leland: Si anford, Slashing his. way.-” eany! ng ent. ie aes ny. reason. on rhy copy ight si oS APhe. band ane. ‘all were: Germans: -excent ‘one. Trishonari,” i jatross. the, désert‘for.‘a"Las. “Vegas: rendezvous*. with, the... Me ; ivisi ©: ti ar as Tl CONCE ‘fel Su a vate: Si ch a ‘And fhat was: ‘Slattery who'lives next door’: .25 0-2" *sexagonal: ‘dominoes -that ‘gallop. a udingraat. me neat alee < in cuscianie a f ‘the’: aan | The-rhem-acive:and the lager beer like water. flowed bout; How. cai we sing. “My “Mariticca, taka ‘de: steambuat we ne € ald be et “4 heri aranter . 0.:an a ig an es the” wot ; ‘That Slate's Y. drantk: his fll, OF, both ‘the, Gernudis: ‘shut: eshez-a gotina ‘Back. to’ ‘de. old’countiée: .7, .-shémake. A ee foul mt to. Berea tee tod...i.e ae ; ~ hint. out.‘ . ae ‘321; 22. Skidoo": when the: Maigiiter -of . Maiiueea ‘is en” in ‘ted rever! ife.nis at ‘ld at A 6 epra tion af-thetr :. : He: eoulily’t: ie nderstand. then, ‘tough. it: teas sineant. to": “ doving : ‘a leave: of absence “froii: ‘teaching” Tanguages «at. * imu lente ite ane ee hi agaure the: ne or against’ ° IY _Slighf: * VasSat,: OF ‘elérking | ‘in: “Wall: Street. or’ is: ‘celebrating ‘the: improwa ent srants. tik ae , him. “and ous a Bive to. his °, And ‘this ts stad U e sholited + an » for sttt ny teanted fights. | “‘majllionth-album, sold :.of “hey -latest:..xecordings;-arid “Has © » eeThe esa sufficent Ii Si ime: of Use. ddle-we: sid ase 3 a “Repeal Dye . long sitice turded: -het_.back:.on--steamboats: for “that: jet’. There why :in his ‘sai leyear: ‘or ‘old. a8 ge, “ae tt, ix don't “Tile 3 ‘the: “Titshe. ot oe res a : So ie“ phatais w inging. her doy. 1 to tlie Caribbean. for the Easter: an author. should:be. deprived. -of the fruits-of :his planiting*. Se ‘Bat Ve: Like soniesne-ta say ‘as: ‘minch. : “. Holidays?: There's ‘one: thing yon mist: giré tiem: ‘credit fore ae ini his. youth.” He: should. ‘have. a ‘guarantoed™ Period: ‘of at. 7 lentt ‘tiioke the: “least. his" ‘lifetime. on : “ Phis. is’ ‘getting to® He: ‘tan. Let's: ‘scet: J a: *Tis the knack, they-hare, of handling fhe: Dutehe—: fa “pgreat-grandchildien of. Old Black Joe‘ who: have just been. “There. is no-reason for. dividing the tern rn cand’ “prov ding fh “. Read-the ‘history. of nations. 3722-0 or an “seated. alongside. the blondé.-youth’ in“:that: Littlé “Rock: ~ for: a. renewal “which. 1f not: taken: for.some. Feason: cuts’ ce ve ow rishmenteil. poirt.-to it ‘with pride “of v5: mor, ee, ¢lassroom? * “And? “that “young: ‘colored. -physician,: Dr.” ‘Re * short his ‘term, The: writer:of this’ article has’ Knoiyn dmany:*: “Us! Bent. Retoes therein. imeutioned: couldn't. “sing wos _ “Brown, ‘fresh ‘out. of ‘Cornell, “Securé’ How in: his own .twoinstances. ‘where’ firstrate authors, “and. -others have fost’: aos ee Daire’ ‘by: the: tengard. Sider eee ee eT ever: in sitburbia-:*°.".-isn't he someliow“Pelated to" ‘one. _rtheir copyrights ‘throwsh™crror. jiiror failure. to. take! re+ a "Rufus -Rastus: ‘Johnson® Brows’ who never: Kbsw what fo " newal.This’ chatice “should be. obviated...” Soe ». Soine:. referéncas in the. Istic™ escape’: ‘me. but ‘theré is : ‘Phere should, be ene. fernt of copyright. and ‘that should’. an wnt “no mistaking ‘the author's ptide. fri, the 24-hour prepared." = aie the: ‘rent come roun:. wie * be for. life: witht a period. of years tliereafter. perliaps. to. ~ 7S MESS: and Willingnes s.-on.-the ‘part: “of tlie Trish; a. auch. ° Pa I, "Sounds of: the: Times. Be Oo tailing: 96: in which -the ‘author and his. descendants may ¢-maligned: and. downgraded ‘minority La the “day* to. prove “There: ‘ate™ those who ‘would ‘forever silence’ the: ‘songs have the. benefits of fhe: “property. treated. ; Le : +, itself superior, -at. ‘Teast’ in a good. Brawt.’So.. it‘ goeswith © that: ‘Sometimss, vith | travesty; -extrayagance: and. distor-: oo wo: SPbrow Flin Down, _ McCloskey,” “Remember: Bay’: Youte™ ~ tion, but seldom with: cruél ‘mockery, revealed’ the-social ° Trish SPaddy Fisan!” and sd many ‘others. in’ tlieMaggie .-. stratification ‘of ‘their ; timies. ‘This. would. be a disservice ~ Cline repertoire. Je the: refrain | of: Paddy Flynn,” Magéie = “to. the. history . of. thei: time:. wre. “nights patie’ ‘the. text. késher ‘the: ‘eas Frencti. “hee ae _ oA! on shoitted:. we care ‘It:sis.“a-pity: that” no. pldfasbioned niinstcel show. oe -menian, is He ‘Spanish, German, Russian 2 ‘and-what. fiave_; res Rory ve ach ‘ve “s. ‘att ‘be aiith, me Sa shen’ E tack ig Faitay .faithful: ‘Vaudeville: ‘presentation.“of the early 1900s would :° Sins, Nyentcbi nae Ct linge ST Oke Worth € “to.-4 a “pizza of ae 7 t eee 3 “Flynn?” * fet Féceive:serious-consideration for a telecast. -by.’ any ‘of the’ “And most: inport ft nay re -b ing to. speak th " bein “€Respoise’ We. apitt ee ED eet ~netivorks because... inany. of “the . song “earicatures. and: Same? ‘Tanguage: a tis a aati beginning fo. spb a. ae af ; “Wilt yer S: “ait bethere x hen the’ siti p books? stereotypes. that* were an. integ ral part: ‘of. the ‘perforjmaricé. “mu of: "eollo t uiatisn aid in. ‘ot r ‘back: do the U. ie . ees a “tRResponse Pest 0 : would today rdise-a_ ‘eensérious . howl“of. “protest. by: thie: “ftsell ds AN Sm; u c or: wae 37 ° oie 7. Bef us’ ‘all, be. there Sor: the" ‘fight. ‘as. on: the; :variishing ‘remnant./o£ a thin-skinned ‘minority. So today. , “It. is: ‘beginning: +0, “dawai : ‘on’ us “that in: the Wait today” 2 ar —— a ~Siyutiry. “ary eee “these: ‘works. ‘gather: ‘dust: “on™ the ‘shétves : ‘o£ the : Music: © “Pu-gidhe an nop" “of tin: ‘tomorrate’ nyatiiing:: "Roni" of the: New: .York.“Public~ ‘Library. aid other’ “we, ‘the ‘Cautasianis: are the minority + and ‘that ‘if-ng longer. eee .-libratiés; perhaps) -orin the attie ofa ‘collector here:and |: “makés -sénsé (to-gings. . .,“Allcoons ‘look ‘alike to me": a That. was’ ‘the. “chip: on..-the ‘shaulder™: a “stageint the: there. arte seholas ns pore ius oF and: ne ay ested Decause® with more. trith: arid. dogi¢’ the -Africat: arid ‘Asian... oe “gSsimilation oE-.the hearty. folk. from." Epin,and ‘before’ -. ‘ are *,¢ould ‘reply’... . “AM: ivhités, look alike to se”. as indeed os thelr “integration: tn” the | political, rom Evin. and sociak. tects “injerpretation “of. “the Steveots pe: and neatie: wedo.: “Sadie. Hor owitz;:tell. ‘me: which is whitz” fras:Tost, “. .patterm ofan industrialized..United States..However; -it | -gature in -Song.?.."" ; eats Jhumorint. ‘eotintry: ‘where ‘ttle: ehuldren’ ak school": nas ‘a far" Gry. and a long. journey’ from: AL-Simith's’ apprén: .: : * “Fhe. good. ‘Professor ‘and: r would, e “think, ‘agree‘that... ate’ being: ‘taught. to. Sings Lara MO go ee ae ; Saeee ticeship. chr the fishy ‘inarket: off Otiver. Street: fo-the na‘in. ‘the past.two. generations we hgye. become used to each’. A: ght OF: ogy: or mata] tz"? ‘or. Sei ates ~ ae. we oe ee tion's Capitol, or: for. that niatfer the-many: state” Capitols, : * others. differences, we hase’. Bot. to ‘know: each. ‘other, a Wher added,:..:': : wT ea a3 tend | countless: City. ‘Halts .where ‘the ‘second “ox :third: gen-, « ‘little . o£: “each. ‘Has’ tubbed. 6M «on--eact::ofus “ang ‘So. we: Just’ teaches: us the farily: or toi fram ‘which. at ‘eaitie, : 7, /ebation “Paddy *Flynns: and: McGintvs: and -AeCloskevs’ : Rave. taken-on_a-homogeheity. Also. thanks’ to..intenisive: A: nanjé like. Ehomas Jeffersoii-in some ‘lands o'er thé sea,. ~~: +: a eee no. lubser: ts 0 geek. status “by” ‘Wielding, a Shillelagh: 2. industrializing and. mass -production,” ‘We “OWN, Cars; most .., Would “not: be? -Tliomas: Jefferson. bit: Thoina® Tefferski, °, ry * Fhe. Jews: : Sor : “OF “them the“saimée; "we. -huy..thesame. clothes,. the ‘same. 2OrJe fferivitz; or Jeferof or. enén Jeffercu,..” : Bs’ ‘witli: ‘the: Itoh: steréotype so" with the. “yiaaien.’ “Thier. ..Shdes, ‘the | same shats,, are’ exposed: “ta: ‘the: same -entertain-> Sado. not ‘let™ w“sts: Or. “te te 1 OF Na". seem: “strange: ‘were oftyn-te verred “Jew comedy: songs", and. enjoy. ed. 7 ments: ‘and diversions. have’ the’. ‘same’: ‘thought: “patterns.” _to-you,.. . oss "> their! wheyday. ‘some -. three: Benerations ago; theera | of .* ’ éreated : for. us bythe: mass: media. .., 3. . radio, television, | E “feet the Sain. towards” Beery -namte, ne atiatior: ow: te ik, ae Joe Vand” Bo nWelch, Julian’ ‘Rose: *-Frank ‘Busit.“kept..: ~ magazines ‘and news Spapers: -with .thieir -widels. ‘syndicated °2--..ends,_ ° wo i ee Oe a “alive: niil “2 middle: ctenfies bythe’. Superb’ _actistey ” éolufans: “We. -farevon the: same” packaged. labelled ‘foods For: people with: the. sthangestin names. ean’ be: the‘Bese of La. a “Bale. Baker -Buth | Roye,, Lillian Shaw. a Tica ; and: ron the migats, we dine. out, Ait! As: ‘Chinese fopd-one ’ friends," eR ST ue Pen 7. <a ‘ee . . . 74 z ote i is ert : . ” s . -* : . . or a i . es at aa wet wee co ad o tet Foe et tee! wae! foo ere et ana woe . : : a8 . ~ . oat ete : : me : a. fo. . . elo. a fut tee rr 2 7 4 . i rh er en cn SC ies nef OT, : Pes : an VT a tat ae SDT ars pe pli tte ah ads