Variety (January 1962)

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ote oe “Jeannine -1:-Dream . of: Lilae: Time," "By: “Heck;-|-" . . wae me ee le . toe | 3 iBewe Yonder,“ Miss My Swiss,"."Green rake te ot ee oe “Oh. Katharina,’ +. “Bednut. Vendor,” “Mama Inez,“ eS ttt Tce et at . rand . = meee ord * ae Pr errs Pas . eee, soe re wf . . 7 . . vt . . * : . . ee ave oe a ‘ . etn tt eo2f rr . : . v, oe : wae eo: . os ot eee : oa? i re) sie oo : “ ” . ote ot ete * : : . . . meget 4 tet lee, note as . ne et Sr re =. : : er Te sous woe te et eG “aoe 40 Toe red 2 nt . “.., . oe, fey Ce ye oa ” eS : oe i . . as : : : 5 ot . ; ae : “Fiftyaieh VARIETY Anniversary. Whe TE ts AS a | (Corrent autobiography: “without Rhyme or Reason,” pede. All Time Pops. | (Ue es ee My, ‘Mother's: Eyes," "This Is--Your Hifes" aie irs : A coo ie . SeeeContinua frorn -page 185 | mL . ‘Koo, Mama: ‘Don't: Want. No* Peas :. ie ‘Rice,’ “fing. Jin -the“Rain: -“Dardanella,* an Are, You From’ Heaven?" “Shades. of Night”: a “And? The: Band -Played. On,” “My ries : OY et UW Trish: -Rose?’-";“¥ou-. Were | A ere es rn _ c we OO sh _ eee “rigs no ae Meant. For. Me”. “Who's . ‘Afraid: oft]. = " ; ne fl ote Tt coe ea tee or the.” Big. Bad” Wolf?”, “Whistle! 5 eats ie PS ‘YaRMET Qe Le lone Tt ot] While: You! Work.” “Brother; ‘Can if. 2 se _ a oe eS ae ey ‘You: Spares AL. ime?",,. OE Got | “Staned: 56 Years Ago. , ane i Sn Days Glover,” ro OBy , ; bird, a eAgaton” “Whispering?” f started Writing Songs: 56: Years Age : = ee wh “Breezin? Along” With: the: Breeze,” “just to riamie’ a few -o£ the, “mem= 2. and V We'r réBoth: Very. Much Around rina ‘fj orable: perennials. . ~:~ : Frome “Ja‘Da" ana jie aC in sf ES Oo: gy ~ > im: . af S. oo we ee : pea opaoet? 3 : oe . ron ae Cor _ rs o hs ’ S24 cal ot yes ae he . ~ sect tat : : &, Q ; =| Se a ‘the-han: ‘novelties ° which “enjoy Pee ee sg, OLF GILB ERT. 3 | extraordinary’ concentrated vogue ia L384 and.; some; : :in ‘time. also. -beconie! * GL Yat _ 2 slg | musical: Symbols: ‘of. their. tinies,Sa| =< a wo Laer, + SS saith | ‘these, ‘as: with the »6,000-odd {ff we ee “ASCAP ae Pas oS ge 2 members: of -ASCAP. ‘and -the far|] eee, ie Gee OS es ‘flung: affiliates. of: -BMI, who inight a arn ‘ -¢! iat wee point to. this. of that. of their ([ : Aa ~Z r: : 0°. pet. “bestsellers: as “‘belonging”’ ‘in: * 3. & i Wolfe ‘The Dean oot EB this roster, ‘it. -must:” ‘be: stressed | "Noted: jazz. ‘historian, : Marshall their:.ability?to ‘capture the ‘full: ‘eo. Toe a vs wR E ig. | anew-th t. th bo t ‘Stéarns,: author of. the Story. of fidelity = ‘of music’ and voice.’ Poe “ .2:-@ anew. that. the . above’ ‘roster “is*, " Which “1s. the : “right”: ‘Conti> —_ o9 Se sso} samplings of: ‘Standards. ‘For rea-.t ‘Jazz, takes. notés” for” “hig: new. ‘nental’: for you? = Thé.*400'--3= OF : fin ‘Pan. Alley” slg © LONE sites detalted it 1¢-impos{I ook’ ‘on: faze ‘and. the. datite| Speed, track stereo. and. soon | ha a a no aS else::it ‘becomes. a -catalog’ of ‘songs. |: “from: ‘an. ‘interview ‘tape. that he recording ~.and: -play back, ‘gom-~~ : wo EAE ie Pedy @ sel It is unrealistic: ‘also’ hot to: recog: 4} plays . back, on * his.”. NORELCO | pleteélyself-contained : with, ‘dual. ce : as we rs ua so : ee hize.. that aeavalcade’ such as this | ‘Continental’. tape.‘ fécordér, -Dn. | ‘record/ playback : “préamps,. dual-]. .-“S : ces ere Sars 2 “%'| is.-fallible:. through. ‘omission; and STEARNS: is. Director“ of: the ‘IN‘power. amps;,: .two‘speakers atid. v a. . a +. . 7 T a o . 2. . . “Qs ; perlidps-even by: commission of in-.| Pst ete: oF JAzz -Steuptes and} ’stereo “microphane. .. The..'300"z.. en \S.. | elite ding ‘eettain titles an a: slightin ett Associate Professor of Enélish‘at |-4-track-; stereo” playback;. mono<3 . yr yet cede ns Orgy sore others, oe . HunTER . COLLEGE... “I make con: |record/playback:.-.3. speeds; The. sx + fy pow R aE rr» oe ; : stant-use of my. “ “Con-| ‘'200°—4-track. mono. record, play. eo. ne ee ee Ee ie fo “ ntl ralues, eon . tinental* “when, doing. field. Work back; » facilitiesfor’. “stereoplay: = — ant of "Selene themselves, | for iy books.and articles,” States | back: ‘The -*200°—100°%" _ transis: eee Or. as le I: Dr..: STEARNS, “: “Here, the. most | torized,~ battery~ operate “lb. = THREE OTHER. BIRTHDAYS: Tea“For.Two"-"St. Louis. Blues” |! significant feature is three’ speed | portable. -Records, ~ plays = pee dust ete: genreis ‘their rep-* '1-etitive.airangements’ ‘ta. ‘conform. *-each new dance: vogue. "Ehus,” ‘they:: have: ‘enjoyed: instrumental. inter-,| ‘pretation’ as. polkas,’ sambis,’ main-' up ‘to .2. -hourson‘ one -Freel:. AIL: ‘are. products ‘of. North “American: ‘Philips: ‘Company, Inc.,:-High “Fideélity, --Produets.Division... “Dept:. LLY, -230 -Duffy: Ave:; Hicksville; ‘Versatility, ‘I find that: -the .ex-tremely. . .economical.174 speed. is ideal. for. recording interviews from : which’: I . later. take mate: rial needed. for’ . my:: -work. :‘The’ : Whe a mwarTING. FOR THE ROBERT: is ue i iso) eve: ie eT: cee “y ‘oii t ‘Bu =n MW ted uit am * @.. 2. “DOWN YONDER” gn bos, ¢ha-chias,* mer engues, “Congas, | “other. “speeds: are’ exceptional). for: Long. Island, New York. (Adv) i Ou Ted Yj and even.“ marches :“("St: ; “Louis : west Pee ed , oy a _ : Blues Mareh;” for ‘example, ° “And | : Me =P RAMONA" 30 re ed “they've: been. given -still .an ars o ne are ae Oo obe [othe “twist, * dita... Ewistvarrange:. en . % ‘, . mehts: Louse . But ‘the. ‘above Top Pops, ‘atong: iwith thatiy. ‘of: the other stadards. mentioned, represent’, ‘the... best 1... t tros§-section of. ‘thie lasting: popular at, velo ‘Aloha;, ‘How: “Ate. ‘You?’ " eC Abticon dament“Ipreferences‘of thas, Americana. | ae “s r RI ek! LAND su R vi E ¥. = i i VSL WEST. COLUMBIA © oon es ‘éWaiting: for the Robiibe: leet “Refona” “Maia, je Peres DETROIT Le MICHIGAN: oud OO BS ? . * + “ 1 a _ . . 4 * ae ’ : ‘ . 4 , os Pa ~ . "a y rat “4 . st ’ aha, . tote we wt ns : 1 . oe 6 3 . a % owe 2 on . . ! ate . ° . « le, o, . aes x . . . : . 1 te re. s i 7. “oe * . 7 ~ Aa . :: . : . wy . ~ . Le .. . Stes : . . Lot . . " . * vo? oa i a " : 7 o . . “ te . mo -. : 2 . 7 2 . my + : . mos , a . so. avs . . ae le ‘ tee . at . "set : ~ 2 a ar ne ee 2 uot fle : i . . i “ a 7 t ot pega ee ” tate ta ote te : Depot : 7 Mele Cle} Peres a . :o .* oo... ft . ra 7 ‘. rn a coe as pe le'o ° : Sa Empire : Room of fil 1e. Pal mer + House a ee a un tae a = tae Tae ee Tne, oo Pee hte Tee OTe oe . . se : so. . . . . Po oe . + * . oN ewe : . « . : “3 te oa Sr “oe Pe eee? ot we . tee a a 27 ote es 2 ot ace 2 ae ee eet? . . "yet cs 3 2. we ar nen toe pel ot Dyer ys we ett rs ete tas oe cee SEMA oh hicnga © 2 3 . wT oe . : = “ : ‘ “4, tse ae fe : “ht 1 . 5 z poet oo. if toe . fe 5 3 . ° a ae tet ‘5: . _ : 5 ee ae “et 7 8 "aoe + ‘ a -¢ ° 5 ‘ i ~ . . an . ° : wee et . . ~ z= . we we . eae . . . . . =" ~ tee aes : : . .. oy . . “as Hed Bockin ca ge! 203.'N “Wabash i a al oe oe ” ssocia ° King are. By . Wabas ys “. . . id t any . . . . “ a . ee ee . . . : . + ‘ . 3 “f cae : a . os [a r i * "2 i free . H ~ . : = Py . err cs . = oF ote, “ ao. oa . : . i * a . ~ . . ' ‘ he ' : wore 5, + . . an 7° : 2 3 . . oo 3 . ix . “ eye : ~ . eee a