Variety (January 1962)

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o. oy Fer “some: players react: badly. to. . oe t0 be ‘put. “off. to‘throw ‘a: monkey. ofthis’ review.” together .witly the. ; ‘oh-s0-gay; gossip Ww . 46-remind: the member: of her party, |: “og fae aay: HILDEGARDE: ae ‘would. te ‘dmusing if. some-, “would” review" ‘an! s ience.. Hecould describe, in.a tu cs audie “all the: dear: people “time, “a. ‘exitic . *vinegarish: way,. whe’ icome ’: chattering: down. ‘the. aisle’ long after: ‘the. curtain’ ‘is UP, |Ot the seats clattering: as. they: are |. ey peated -and: then, ' clattering again ‘as. . Pe . their . Hirst, var ee wan t ing, ‘against: ‘the. ‘walls. . TE all. ose. W : ey ced: 4 — a late veiurning:after the |. ‘We: Want, ‘it ow” they bellon H “unfailingly iT. asked: tiyself what « ‘tricks’ J “ Gntermiissiont | ‘alsa “shauld. “be -part-]' ho: ’sitnply” has seated: fuxthest. from: her’ of*some-thing . or’ other; it. Moesnt matter what. = : Such “gs Seview ‘should: ae “ghink | that these: “people—and,: Point. out, ‘alas,’ all the: :niee, ‘ the: ‘audience—often get less from. ‘the _ stage than -they ‘paid . to see. distraction’ and only. one ‘player has: wrench; asmy. father-used ‘to: say; Hirto the’ rest of: fhe.cast: . ‘Fie “bridge ‘built: befyeen: an. = “gudience’ and players, over which. . es émotionsshuttle: back, and forth ta: weave ‘a:magic,. is,: ito: ‘me, a: Nery 7 rors : “fascinating thing. rT ‘know that ‘up stairs inmy‘ suite J can be. feeling quite: ‘iil even ‘wonder: if, Tshould 4 . 20 on. But: the ‘minute -fhat “warm ' “Spot: jsturned on we and I Sense the -expectariey-“of. my. ‘audience: I. ‘feel. better. And. vw pithin. ‘minutes. “hy . “forget I -cver™ felt: ill. “in: ‘not’ a. ". bypochondriac, Just’ a ‘ham... hh my ‘work ‘few distractions can! * “destroy: ‘the.‘rapport’. between: per-.: .. former. ‘and audience: Sinée Tdon't; ~ have: to: stay. witit any continuity: Ty * ean absorb inter ‘tuptions:.. If: a. child-! “gals: out—tliere often-éze. ‘children, . at my-. dinner shews-—I. ‘can: make: it's part : : of my. act: *Rock-a-bye: . ‘thwart. me. almost. atonce.’ ‘they ‘deci ide] nto the. ‘mike: $0:. ‘cracked, my-¥oice‘and sent it] ‘bangs: i might” use: ‘and . new" ihere none: : formarce, .I. ‘stood: up.: ‘polite’ people“ in, eas: foo: fe t even worse. than thé first.’ It had-no., Seasoned: ¥ Scngasress? "Peripéctive’ ‘on: hiadicnces te E Pn _ And: ‘Customer: ‘Behaciotism: nS weet Uae a . ee gt “o: . wwe apy Be Seeing ‘You. ade “be choute hundreds:.of‘:voices © in-. ‘measured |? “fs unison, «aS if they.-had Teliéarsed tot. “<The ‘LastTinie-I'Saw [! Paris!’ “Vil ‘Be: ‘Seeing ‘You! she. : Last: ‘Time. I Saw “Paris! oud® “that “it Finally”, after: ‘about: 20° qinutes ‘atest. per| “Pouftto, zi your? FE -yelled: And: :OfF Tarenti:. :"Ehe manager’ was. very, upsets, I] ‘put forth, if-net the. gr ‘Upon “this” occasion ‘ it as. “my. y | -good ‘fortune: that * the. following :. -night; “Sunday: ‘and: the ‘end -of :my | ‘enzagement,. there Wwas-a ~benitfit:-at ‘Blinstrub‘s..:for. ‘Sty Antie’s. ‘Or-}. -ganization.. --Hundreds: upon: -hun--;, ‘1 dreds: ‘erowded. ‘in “'to-. see’: .Hilde© ““T garde.”*--a pillar. of‘ thé: ‘chureh:” -Anddid give-them my’ all; did: “And: didthey ' réspond, “did « they! | [9-5 The: ‘manager called: me‘a: cham|: “pion, a aame‘corisiderably. at: ‘varif -ance W. ith’ that which he ‘had ‘called: t me. the -nighit. before.’ ‘Aivays : Tye: | been ‘grateful: to those: good : “SUP | : porters -“of .:St.. . Arine ‘for. helping. me -get™.the “bad” aste: of Aailure out! ‘of: my" mouth. MO ae “My: second. -fisiscb,: ‘th another’ ‘Bie: place : . at: .Windsor,, ‘Canada. Was = : happy . ending.”.1' wwalked: “off.” “And: -that! wasthat: “My. Windsor : ‘audi-€fice_ consisted: almost: -entitelyof ; . drunken: : traveling,” salesmen‘. “who sat with, ‘théir-: backs: ‘to ‘mie. “Phat j night -T Jearned. ‘backs’ -éantalk. “TN get, to them. later”. 1 ‘shouted: B ay ye ant.te wish nie the’best. of’ iuek . on Variety's 56th ANNIVERSARY: |wi <I hope-this yeai “Will-he the kind you.” oF year 1 should. have: had last year."y[ Sea : putting. ‘their: arms around ‘you. ‘of ‘the. greatest: ‘effort I have ‘ever: f “several: ‘depths. to it,, can ‘even’ be. : So ‘deep: ‘that. .it Seems. ‘to. have" 8: . ::| on" the floor’ to, me. oblivious ‘of. -is’ , Inyself—“And : Dow, : Marlene’. “JACKIE. MASON ‘Tdughter : that: didn’ foamind his | |, Se-fine: a: plug: mot “ What. is it ‘that ‘cxeates. fn00a: in a. ,tupper-club?/ A. ‘combination -of maay things, of eourse. But; above | -all A believe, it’s the. ‘music: and. the | ‘grds ‘of thie ‘song. itself. ft "Grieg's“YT “Leve’ “Thee” ana}: * “bit Marlene’” are wo. ‘Songs: that. ‘never. fail.Singing, ‘these: ‘Songs Fve. ‘disvoveied: ‘that. -quiet . can % “have. ‘pulse. eee ‘Alw ays1 ‘make cor Marlen :to. whiclr thé tougliest: audience re ‘spond—my : Jast. song. . ‘I've + show-. “manship pnough -to-nowI: ean't‘top it. T ‘say: . into (the mike—so7." -quictly: that:}° can, just. ‘about hear ; : Here's: Lili; The reaction’ “to. this; ‘Greates‘almost. a reverend silence: i When: I: finish :: “Eni? “my: ‘head ! “goes. down;, the : ‘trumpet sounds } “taps, there’ s a ‘blackout. For about ; three. “seconds. : always,” ‘thee: Ais.a'} ‘dead : “hush: Then the: applause :; “thunders. And ‘when ‘the’ Jights go} up. Tm “as stirred: as. niy’: “audience: ‘me “with, ‘ you. do ‘it?. ‘What. pills: a0: you. take? ai variably’ ‘come up. avith, a bet ‘you. "| don’t:: remember: | mé.”. : My answer” artist’ fo: play-our -club” whore haa: : | to. them,. “You re right, ‘friend: You y ever asked us ‘to:sit deiwn: and: ‘gine & ee Won, your Bet: F. don't: ‘Femember aed: ‘him: Or Jer, “ wen oh is = with. their hadbreath in: ‘your face’ a ‘timmediately all you a. snob.” fa. symphony. concert: to hear my : svvsiounstengatannesnunscasjimunvownnwiiitenufo erie aguas nnn nantntain demenss ni agement aRuRNaaT Natt Aeon You Meet ‘Such: eer ¢: a | af Gustomers In The Saloons: ‘ i = By: SOPHIE. TUCKER: he: “old: ‘gal, ‘age: 655 Who: greets: today: is too auiekiy: “manufaslured U Lt . wounivus ast: aden Hndustes ett" ws itt fe oprestereqieute sae again... My. “mother took: me ‘to. See) cord companies and. very ‘feiy‘have -you: ‘When: I ‘was, a ‘little: girl, ae --Jearned ° that. -you.. must, ons 0 Hl estions:: How: “do : people—you must: meet-people— . “s me. silly’ au 3": that" people: who "come. ;to clubs:. : >:want.. to.. be: entertained ‘and: ‘that: hy: do:you work, ‘so: hard? Bs it: . they,..the. peoplé,,.svant, to. "makea. Y: worthwhile: “doing ‘this “charity | Star of‘YOu, “Af: you, have: the sluff.: | work?” Oe ji .: The? comradeship | we: in: “ihe: ald.‘days: had: is ‘gone even ‘jn: the. nites. ‘cluks.. ‘As-the Boss and chis-Avife <in.Omaha Said “you: are. the: first = The. ian or Ayoman’. “tho. ‘ie ve 38" “Wii. will the: customers insist on, ‘ ‘Why’: will ‘they:: stick. ‘their: ‘faves! Holland’ $ 5 Lin ited we tec your an when se | Al nusement Fare. a: distancé” from ‘doing: it. “They. | Meg ~ For Or. Childers By. HANS SAALTISKve . Whywill ‘the. drunk. always ‘tap. 2 you: On. the back?: . ; And” dank. who: “ ghikes ‘yout’ a we ‘Amster dam: ", concer, nied * _Temain. meagi‘ve.: hole:: “room, and” asks,>-mé.."Fhere’ are concer 48. Shakespeare’ or-: ‘eS. ‘the. ladies’ :roon:”: “So” T3:tMy -Fair Laéy.'in Dit¢h:.a. fairly’ walk’. lier-:diréct -td ‘the ‘réstNogm “interesting Hotland. Festival’ each: So] can continue. ny show: w+ Sear between, Nether lands ‘own, vis: Tie: ‘dninken’ gal’ ‘yho heckled > combines:. Netherlands ° own plus me .from the. sidelines and: ‘when T. -imyported foreign, opera,” degit’ and.” asked: ‘the “-headwaiter..:to. please~ ballet: elements: Working :with’ a! take -her. out of‘the room; “and. she-. ‘modest: $100, 000 budget anqual {es-. . = a RG ¥ells., “I've. been. thrown. ‘tival : impresarie “Pete: Diamond: out ‘o£ better’ places ; than this one: has ¢reatéd a good. prestize. for this " My“past: experience’ ‘Tecehitly. al: festivak duving*thepastdecatle; . > It has. “beconic, ‘a tradition: that.’ ‘friend,’ Richard: Merrill... Iwwas:: the: ‘top ‘attors: from! the five” rain: * asked hot’. I. ‘énjoyed :; itl Guess 1: “theatrical” companies in “Welland”. [floored : thé. intellectual -audicnce’ "join, ‘forces: tov appear.“in One -play. * t when“T. replied,” iF. liope-you “all ‘that‘6therwise« could : not Le cast. oe ~ me: wo: a Frey guia fuiingea nanan mg ni 8 Ht a . » Those are ‘the. wondertut.-Ii0-[avill come: and: see me in-the saloon: Ti. Was: Comnitinist ‘ertold, ‘Each: and-@v ery one. of those backs’ “inents ‘o£ show: business, .,a Wherr ! eb eet = aby," E can ‘sing. If. women Jauglt -35° thtis. dame “anvhow?"" Ina avay sos Crs 7 ‘and whisper: J cait “stop ‘and state” p-ayag., iclieved ‘that: that, ‘audience ve at them, quite. flabbergasted, to the * * wasn't ‘facing. me. :.I. mist have: ‘amusement-of everyone. else aiid: 66°. eeked pretty | insane * ‘standing. Up; 4lhieir scli-conseisus’ but. ‘duscived: ‘there, opening.” and: ‘Closing: “my. rr, _ discomforture.. aoe Py -T mouth; Soundlessly apparently; “m-_— one “8 Down: and.-out™ Tide. ‘péople: ‘are ‘able. even. jeith: ‘the: mike, ‘to. out" fake “good. for’ ine. -aichalienge. EF’ think, shout. thie. din. * yo ° : ““Alirfght, Ta the’: tit, yowre‘the’! “The. aight, ‘to’ add to my. ‘puidiidia’” . mouse. Pnr going! to Bet "Fou right’ tion. a* dear’ friend ‘who. ‘ivas “in « ‘where FE wanti yea! os 26. | Windsor with’ -her father, a’ Bromié . : Also, . before. every. perforiatiee nent judge. had brought him to-see : JU“ pray.. Eunderstind “ . Te.. He. saw-—in-my -dressingroom;, S, : doesn’t always’ confess tothis, but-” tn tears: “And. a “temper. Daeg eee * Shs. is: chow ‘E am=-this is. my. belief: i: “An odd. thing. I-am not’ Yet: ‘ables During ‘the first :five-minutes‘of : to think of those ‘two-defeats with: Gemanded. a}lto eloquently," ‘Who k the ‘magic lies over everything and ‘nobad¥ . eoughs.‘and. nobody. lights-;: aCigaret. and. you ean rt ey en. ‘heart ‘them: breathe.” sree oe hoya Nights. = — ‘Continued from. Page. Bik —. ta ¥ee ‘Cive: an invitation to a Tinehe) ton: party. Fiven by: HerMajesty for: xa few people. from yar ‘fous. walks of: life The® ‘chick: guest,. ¥6u “Aw iH: “remeniber, “Was “Yuri Gagarin, ihe t : first ‘Space.Man. It.wasa word LE iil. decas ‘ion, . s6 ‘friendly .. and inet .@ performance Fve-come:ta-eapéct . ‘oiit. a :Shadow..6f “the anger: and : “formal, :but ‘what:really.tickled:me ‘ a lack’of attentivéness—my_ audi. “ more’ “interested | in: Jooking *: “Me: avery: ‘taking’ inventory ‘of bed ins face. figure anid dress than in any~} * thing E-cari do: Fhey: also exchange’! ww hispered -eommmentaries, on my. " age.-my_income .and‘My ‘romances. : --E neyertry to make: a tremendous : thing out, of my first:. song.” “chagrin “and: “sadness: I ‘knew ree , Luring, ‘to my heart... <5. -: : And: Fhose. Other. ‘Audiences [L, prefér “to: ‘remember: All. any | a ¥ ondertuL. saudiences, the “supper | rclub-reonis that become: as quiet as. “cathedrals: :: With'. ‘eigarets being . _dightedhere -. and. ‘there: the “only 1 ‘was ‘the foHowing“Jetter® from, ‘Sir | Norman. Gwatkin™ oF: hes bord: “CHamberlain’s’ “OHice: tea Ta My: dear ‘Bud, en “ As" an. old. fiend: i “thaiteht: T|> ct ould. put: you AvIsé, on One or'‘two | 2 points’. apropos: your ‘luncheon: ens". ‘gagement on: the-14th July..; rae: 1: ‘You: should not ear: your éld 4 J i ~evidence: there.-i 8 ‘Unforgettable « ‘Bonils’. = hévond:: Ty Sehite: ite. ont Anere: ‘Lhat oF fur. ‘coat, at. Teast. not. “inside? * Ont’ twice’ in. my: life—in‘which 4 a. Last year; at the Plaza’s ‘persian: ‘the Patace..: “ Te. -playéd t6 plenty of ‘bad: -augdlic } Room: Lsang “I Love Thee,” in the | ~:2Splits and double” soiniersaulis, *€nceshave“l waikéd off, the. floor..|orizinal. Norwegian, while. playing | besides being -undigiified at: your: :. Ehis’ first’: happéned four. or “five” : parts” OE the .Grieg -A’ Minor. Coh| age, dre absolutely’ out.. “ years.ago af“Boston's Blinstrub‘ $3 4: j-certa :and” ‘Peer Gynt Suite...For a u3 Under: “No, Forsceable Pirie: arr aoe big:place: not at dll-like.the plush 1 ‘week, “three. “Norwegians... Ganie: | stances. Should: you start throwing nr, ee rea! “gupper-chrbs. with. Which: I'm._so!-eveity: night; -to. ‘the ‘dinner. show. custard. “pies! about... (We. shall’ bel ~“fatilliar-And, I happen. to: ‘believe: “Then they. sent-me.a beautiful, big: at. ‘sone. ‘pains. to-think .out‘a. Sweet “a-éaréer is ‘healthier. ‘'s ; -diversi“botiquet.. When I: thanked them,: T. fied: So, if 1-getmyprice, .Itake. “asked ° ‘the: Jady’ ‘fn ‘the ; “group: to’ ‘reduce: the. teniptation. Sane . aly. eugagcmen'. that a feel: an de ‘come out on‘ the floor: with me. She, . os me no. harnt..-. _f .o told : .the™ audience’. -how “inueli it; ‘SO: feu need aot! bring. ‘your. music .. fnew. léase‘on life. ”. The-new. group ‘Sets: booked frito¢onéludes. «. boss and yéll, “How “whieh ‘will be ‘anchuckable.. and S30} 4s :Yote will not be asked: to ‘sing shad” Meant: to. her: and her. friends. * OF .@ piaud.. I cam appearing. “at: ‘in town”. “ “Brecht's * ‘Mother, -Couiage, ae “The | “avunk ; con::the “fawn alone, : _2F or, three’ consecutive years: the: ‘Yushes’ | into my... : dressing.” yoont-. Playhouse. International’: BY ‘oduced:; ' uniniioun¢ed.. = Just: ‘curtains, -: ag +a.” ‘comedy. Tey ue: in “Ariste -edam. ‘there isn’t'a door, and-I'm standing:: .First,” two. were? uitled .“ ‘Going = 4almost_ in ‘the nude’ and: hé-barses. Dutch, ”the. 1961. show i: ag named lin with,“When I: WaS..a:ttain: cori-.j-" “We're “In, Dutch. Again?’ ‘| ductor I served you:” I tellhine to. ‘child: of-tyo° Anicri¢ans;. Jack and get. the. heck . out ‘aud“I: have “a” Jill’ Lardis: thecrevue’-is. financed —.| rough: time: ‘ehasing : him ‘out: ‘Next * ‘ by”. breweries’ sand. ‘a, depardrient-. day. F. get a-letter: from: Him saying. “store. This “year. tlie. Show. also J “had no “character.” ote: “The dinner. shows’: Ashen: “the ing three. . -Dutch-actars, ‘among “family: ‘bring. their-children.. Out: ‘f:: ffiem minieRob. van -Reyn. ‘along | 0-or. 25:youngsters, -I' cdntruth-. Side: the-English actors, ‘Material, fully: tell only: five ‘or. six. will say.: 18 “mostly i'“please «thay.; F:.havé’your~ auto: ‘timate’ revues, :with . local: colar. graph” a and will. say: ¢ thavik | you » added.: Director | aud. ‘acters: “stem. ; Such bad ‘manners’so F guéss’ their “trom: ‘England. ane mothers ° -and~ fathers-havten’t! got: “Mainly: ‘for: ‘tiie: Daicn: ‘are’ “thé: “ the: time ‘to: teach: them. good) ‘man; | "éabar eltiers, three. Of. hie hfite. ae. ners... we a -. thie” top. ‘form how,-i¢ Win: Kasi, me, "Staying ‘Young. fey, ‘Toon: ‘Hormans, who. also: ‘was ‘in! 5 & alt ‘doing: ‘a Song ‘ih: may: att, Ree ‘Nienna. With his one-man. show. ‘and | ‘In:the Business of Staying. Young.” cis: ‘contacted for a ‘televi ision: .aps. ‘Never. have: I:.had more’ elderly": ‘pearance ‘in. the:AP. S., cand. Wid F ladiés 3 in*mwy: audiece nightly, ‘dnd’. Sonneveld,, ‘Who. will. ‘Tésume “his. such''a goed feeling .to hear. them * -eabaret; ‘career. witli. a~ Gné-man L. aan all’ thank. me >for’ eiving | them, as ‘show: wher. “My ° ‘Fair Lady”. in” = Which: he ‘appears as Prot, Ms Hpins,: the . clubs ; today: «ho conie’ in ‘tlie’ i. nae night before thicy open ‘to see thie ‘aret .<ollabdrators ‘have: fd = ‘outgoing show ‘and: then run ‘to the * “haven at:.the-‘ “‘Tingel Tenet ae ‘the-devil’ can ‘yet, “founded .b Sic’ we: fale. that. “Bak We’ ‘have 6: no. pingel Tanger? actor. Sicto Noting; = “act.” a ret -On ‘The Plus. ‘Side . ae | timate ‘Toom, ww here: one may: ‘dtink* the. fir ine: people who: ‘patronize. the “who “came to listen: what: As” said. }elubs,‘Who: ‘admire: a ‘good: attist, |. about. him.:Other’ favorite “night= _ At --.Blinstrub’s, *: Which.” “Hola "about 2,000. people, t ‘held-my. own 1 who. ivere: ‘fiving . back ‘to.“Norway + antl. the lest’. shaw’ on, ‘Saturday: i night: Then. the noise’ vas’ so -great,. : that: night,.: to. héarthis’ song: in |rememBer that ;mycold: cand’ fishy ae ne Jb diterally .could“ not:-heai ‘myself, “Sith: “exeellent ‘Norwegian:”. “FOr. eyes ail ‘be * ‘fixed an yoti..: a : “her. Compliment i: ‘must give’ thanks | 762A. quiet ‘lounge. sitit: ae ‘ould: be: Pee os i+ My. first. chore“anythiing * that. 1 to, my singing teacher; ‘Lea: Karina: correct, tear. "It “ieould’. be: quite eS “had. .to--be done -before that: audi-.}:: ‘There. ‘are, -for’ -me,‘two. kinds-‘ot: SWwrong. ‘fo come. dressed as’ ¢ debt-. ence. deserves, that -word-—was .to: { applause; thé -applause that comés jinn or even asa knight trar MOT” Pree ” Introduce. an: important.‘foreign j-afterIve sung the. songs: ‘alidienicés” a "Yours, cat, tee ee he Misitory tried I tried: -very hard:.! ; Particularly: like’ me: to: sing—long. |. , " : ot felt 30 Jane: ‘for: ‘the poor. man | and. deep, forever Awonderfuland |* ores a " I.-'. standing ‘on! the . ‘stasie: esidée’ me. the. applause.{Hat's ; a ‘an fi WV mm we _" cSLadies” and: Getitlemen,”’ 1 said. j of. Jaughter,-./) & v pea. Chateau Laurier, Ottawa, * eh ~Rieaningit. merely ‘as a-figure of-{/\: In ‘my: time’ ‘naturally: ‘Tve had. ye To P reem Show: Policy.; OF ‘speech; you. wnderstand.t1 have’ the *. ‘serie odd. gifts. Indeed: there Jiaye | ~ .* Ottawa: | . honor. to “intr odiice to “Nou. 2:75. =r been. monients, when. I've wondered * Boni, ‘Mur rave ‘efianteuse, will | Normari” * oo ar oF. drinks. * my my, table. .to. purchase “a book: or .|.a" reeord,. ‘drop the . money jn: the ‘box: and: “away they ‘go: “The. ‘oppo1°: ~Pwho.are, -friendly, ©. tolerant and | 's ots 0 5. LF -you einbark: “upon: ‘a staryare wae ‘Amsterdam pa one understanding. when. one. of. theit.; jokér-Max. Taillem's nightel ‘party: gets’ out. of Jing. ‘They, will | the “cat Saint ne ne ub eo “Cabaret. ‘get him. out ‘of the-raom'so‘as not -Pres”. of, -comedian: ‘Poni Manders, to’ Spoil the ‘show: for: otliex peaple.beth. on: tlie: Rembrandt’ Square. ‘These’ people. go to niteclubs to. be: ‘entertained: and ‘they-. don't: -com= | plain’ about the: food: ‘or ihe Prices Vegas Riviera’ s Facelift’ Ma 8, 300 000 Ean The real pédpie i who. ‘conie’ ap tot The: ‘Riviera. Woe here... : site ones, the. “shoppers”: “exannineerigaged: in a “$3, 560 600° ‘éxpansion = the {book ‘from: coverto ‘cover—2.:Program; ; main: ‘featire ‘of:. Awhich.:. fhe -record: from top’ to botiom— will be an‘ 11-story; 200-rdoiti” ad-* "Nobody Hear done. svord: tT: said. A ies sta ‘should: open theni While “I. .was: bow" ‘in..the‘posh: Canadian’ Grill of: jand wilk hang. around ‘thetable } _ fried. ‘aggin.. And ‘again: “My com{07 the floor. But ‘I always-do. The:} the.-Chatéau : “Layrier Jan.":16 ‘to, “keeping ° -othérs: away who [wait-a’ wee ae posure”. “droppéd . te -considérably : | most: unusual: came; uljwrapped., en preemToon’’s , ‘tiew . entertainment. record: ‘or. a” ‘book:—and: invariably. es “below normal. E teok my visitor ‘by ? a:silyer tray;-4. pair of Pink :panties;.poli¢y:. ’ New. setup will present. fea-? the’ “shopper” ' ‘doesn tbuy. a ‘thing. rea ~ the arin. and‘guidéd im. down the { ‘trimmed: swith. ‘pink “mink. 1: held ‘ture “acts: with band |-backing | and|:” -Thé one. and. only: question CUus= StS * stéps.. “Do not,” V-totd him. judge ! i thes arp—what: -else. was. _there* to ; continue: dancing. for ‘ustomers as’. tomers. ask-nightly,.“What i is Wrong “Anierivans “by the. quality: : ‘of ‘the: |-do?—and asked: the donor to ‘stand! always. > °° 2 ; Ewith: ‘the: new. talent wé-see ‘today?’ “people: ere: -tonight.”. feete te UP. . ‘He: Was, . to: ‘one “one’s . great} Booking -. 4g. currently”: via “the i; Why: can’t “they . get the attention: -F-. went: back sand. tried te sing:. | sur prise,: “the manufaeturer. ‘But: nl ote Elizabeth. “Hilton LENR), of :the‘audience’ as-youdo?*. Tecan: _, ihe: Lest. Time a Saw. Pats,” 1 ‘hat. elven, us, all's $0. much tun and; ‘hotel in 1 Moritteas: “Ponty. answer: themthat. our: r: falent’ % -dition; -It ‘will be topped: by. a Sky * -Room. “which: “Will be entéred: Ante: , Dy, an: outdoor. elevator,.: : .. There. ‘also will. “bela: Tew: wing “of 120 danaiTooms over Idoking the. ‘design: of the: Versailles Room:.The another aréa, so wiat: Ahe. ‘sage may ‘Be enlarged. oe " use ee " ote . . . oa so . owe * “e . . we "ae eae wes oe ms . . . wet no . woe ote Bee ' . we bd oe . . a te oa . ° ~* atte . o “ Lo . aes a a . * re a a a ewes . Carine 4 fos er rs cer, 0 . cr So oe eae oe at . . . . ° oF 3t Tee, we sue 2 . se et 2 . a a . 2c? weet i wes Tate, oe . vo. oot Meee . eo. Ff a ne em TT ut a fe os v8 : ned w . . Pept te, : re e.o0 t -; wok . . : 0 . weg won of os ate . vote eo. a er e e e “oe :° out Pr ‘. “. a . wt‘ . a pivots . nt . . Test : oo elie fetone Cha te ". eee °F tre an " e : (i a ras a, .oe Te . cat et toe _ . i s nega ‘lo: -eot ar ae re te . . .. ‘ con ‘ soa ete ete Me te . 2 ot woe, . eee eS a a hele a a Co re «oe ete STD ee er et aan ot, “. oye 7 ” as : . ‘oe eo a : rs wthe See Slot. . . alte : nr ac y : . ate ee te . < see i . . oe . Cr iar re ss . aan yam oe : Noes : ste tts wun he eae ee . ott totale 2 i es = wf os oye 5 oT Bo wots an . . oT ee : . . . Lf : rn er 9 Tone UT Tee . Cotte Be . oo oT Ss a oe a wry Tee : soo Tl tte or Lok woe eet De . oa dressing rooms will ‘be. removed. to |... a a | re ees eterna i wf, . s.ans . > os he = : ” ‘a “So. ‘good fo: ‘see. -You:, : by: public: relations: ‘corps and re¢s ‘ é 7 one Me tee wnat: set, oe wt _ fiand. so: hard he darn 1 near: “breaks. | . ae your ve" “Entéitainiientresources “in. Hole: 7. @ The: ‘drunken: gal who: walks. “out: Jand: So: far as tlie@ sisiting totrist: “Las HeeAs: eat eer . 7 is..aSatirical and a a on ‘| political. cabaret; -Set’ in a snialltin= . o.0 patio: ‘aréd; ‘and. 'a.‘ complete rer” oo —_ ? Prairie. . a Pe , aimed’ at the, Dutch publi¢ by cast= | * ee taken: :fronr English: ins s. ae ‘Some ‘of Sonnevela’ § formes tahe af ee 3 wl “On the ‘affirmative ‘sidé. algo. aré ‘a beer next to a-secr ¢tary ‘of State... & ee on