Variety (January 1962)

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Po the. days. when “The: Road” and. 1.7: Stock: were ‘not. yet “moribund ‘and! a Broadvay ‘ran.ds Jiighds' 72 houses. So With their’ affinity: for: humor, me ifraupers: “thad? -many, a. joke: about * the: Browns, but. especially Cham-: --berlain:’ It is. provocative: to note: that the-memordditia. of this: timef+ dusty’ haunt now" is a. valued: ‘part ef the Theatte Collection.) a most important theatrical . aéquisi: tn . ‘hunters and. ‘sonieit hat less than ‘a. — oe Some. of thém-ha¥ remembered tions: of. ‘the! N. ¥..P wblic: Library: theatre . mollection ‘and: . have third -goes -to ‘the support: of” thie 4 §ent™ the files tous: for preservation. Royal ‘Opera, noncoinmercial ‘thea-": mt : . -hundreds of ‘scrapbooks, and. Photofor‘printing.: * nated by'sonic, tke’ tine’ off: ‘from. fete arduous: fit: Se ‘night “ “Chores: Bown was,--for. years, one of: the ; regular. haunts: of at ‘least ‘two: genz=": erations. ‘ol, jobseeking ° “actors . in: ~ Chamberlain Brown’: ‘S: Revenge | * By “GEORGE: “FRE EDLEY Pee, (Curator, Theatre: Collection, : Main N-Y,: “Public. Library?’ ¢Batorial " Note:"" . Chambertain: ‘Femarkable. theatie’collections & ex: ‘tant. They: ‘even -had. to ‘scrape ‘hiad ‘been. -pasted: in ‘order. to’ pre — | posters. ‘off the Walls where they. | a By F REDERIC FLEISHER serve them; A.-handsoémemarble.) bust':-6f Clara: Lipman. presides.. be‘highny ° over: the .colléction : "which |” tis in the “process of . -being ,. ‘cata | “Stockholm: “ a year at.the. very Shortest,‘prob-. whalf of the expenses. Rest: ‘Comes.: ‘ably Several. years® to make it: all [:from stateand? miunicifal subsidies. Whe: dramatié: theatre in. Sweden | at “normally: runs‘at a heavy loss.-Box-. . ‘logued Which ‘vill, take’ more: ‘than | office, ‘recepits “cover only. ‘about..” | din 296)"-are “tied into. my: Oe months: ‘in New. “York” in 1928: w ‘hen. el oo “was: aworking for =the T} eatre © organizations. di articulary. oo Guild: in“varjous | Capacities Vv in| Off Broadway. 4 Ba finding . vital. A. ticket. is ‘sold-to a _Noricommnier! i when: it: comes: ‘to: obtaining: insur=| ton? Freeédley : ‘r ‘September two. Aetters. of. introdiic| _ tion; ; 5 the. ‘Chamberlaiti BE Lymaii’ Brown : "Lincoln; Center for the: ‘Performing /as ¢ ae Theattical vagency, anid” “the! dither j Ants. wheh: and® if, ° an there is’a wide: ‘differs Stice of -opin-.| available’. should..-be’ ‘grateful td the: “Brown: -| brothers : for .pr eserving. their -the~’ | atrical! records. when:;so ‘many of-}$ By ‘strange cdincidénce:. ‘the tye’ ‘longer © commercially -; useful: ‘first four >I wish all-.dgencies’ and producing ; from in: 4 Statistics :. difficult: “We t crowded. “Of. -COUFSE, ‘hut! we" hope" -to have’ fine’ expanded™ ‘quarters in! sone: “was: Lyman‘. Brown ‘of ” ‘the. new. -gav é. cme -eatly:: A. -nintber of: ‘Mtdweseten” ante! ’ versities: atere ‘anxious: to purchase } “Guild, whére™ a: -gouplé” ot. ‘months. , Florence: Vandamin's’ file. of'-the , Tater’ I: -werit ‘to: work as: jatrical negatives” _of:: some. 1200“sistant to-. Kate ‘Drain. Lawson: plays“produced on: or ‘intended: for y ‘téchnigal. director’: of? the: Guild; Braet Since: 1925, The number | : “ of-..negalives | vary --fromi*. a. dozen 3 ‘whoii -T .met, Florence .'to, several ‘hiindred “Wher va. long| ~. Vandanim:. ‘and: hee. ‘husbaid,: “the runner ‘with its;manv casts such -a§ leading + 4 : theatrical Photographers: “Life. ‘With ‘Father’. is:-considered.An: New. York: we “| There: are * approximately ; eight : ‘hundred indiy idual Subjects. from. The’ Gorpletéoffice . records’ “of: “the: Lunts.’ ‘té Robert :Sisk ‘arid’ the Brown Theatrical Agency. were” Leonard’ Bernstein included, inthis: offered | by: the: ‘executors: ofEy man... ‘con ection’ purchased: in, the Spring: “Brown's Estate’ as a. free: Bift last’ ; Of. ‘this"year, *: * sunimer..Paul: Mfvers:and”. Maric: it Is ‘parte catalog ued and ‘all. 1.0 yematerial: js ‘so arrange ‘that: |. Carnevale: vand:.a “ginal corps: .of | ‘individual | shots: .can-: be: readily packets and ‘truekinert eniptied: the | “five ‘rooms: plus: closets.” ‘and.a’ sec: in ‘the . Library's <! tion .. of . the. firescape,: “givitched -43frd-“Street: The. card cataloane. by: “throu i m q title, designer’ andactor: is ‘housed’ ie 80 e “fs ast: Summer's: inthe Theatre’ “Collection -as~ well | "hot: days packing -the’ "books; Pore jas: tie Key shits ‘sos that readers. ; '. traits,. theatrigal ‘memorabilia. the * can. “select: individual.” photographs _Btaphs.: Avil be: ‘completed. perhaps by the it was’: sand: £5. one.; ‘ot. the: migst time {his article. is Printed. Sa a = 2 ee Hallelu jah! ! ‘Parties! . a “By: NAT DORE MAN“Diaatbads. “frag be: ‘a “girl's. ‘pest e iticallv: aaa “sae “kod, an apportiniiy: ie ‘the. public : which The major: contributor’ to. ‘theatre tsa. monthly; _state-supervised .Jottery; lottery: “tickets” sell ‘for. about. and the: annual -gross. rung:.over | | fices discard files. when:. they ‘are | _ 000. 000: ‘About. one-third of ‘the {-total: is: returned ‘to: :the -fortune> -+ whether: they’ _are used. ‘or. neéded. ! ‘ ance.“and ‘handling, : as ‘we: do,.: : great. I J ‘tres, Sy niphony ‘orchestras arid . art: and. concert -societies. _Each: time . ial: ‘performances... it ‘can: be said~ ‘ that: the: ‘State pays. ‘Between. $3-$4..” The. : nohcommerefal "theatres: ‘Librarcy-Mtiséum. ‘at. the. ‘have: relatively. heavy running ‘costs ;j the” ac tor S: phands:: -actresses,: tec hnici ‘iahs: a6 stage designers; | ‘dressinakers. stage directors. ete.: : horniallyhave: one. year contracts. ‘and. are’; “paid -. irrespective ” OF Besides the: RovalDramatic. Theattre’ :in ‘Stockholm: which. hag “-two-| stages; : Sweden-has‘three: civic. théatres With two ‘states: ‘arid: “three. with” one stage. -An ‘ateragéonestage: tivie.. theatre. stages . about “nine. play$. annually: and. ‘its -total’: . éxpendifiires:. un. “about.” $240.000..: and’ it: receiv és" about. $120.000: ‘in the | ‘form * ‘of: municipal. and State 1, z* “The full. cafaloginis ¢ el * “friend, But’ sthe © best “frien as ‘the btw, find ‘paying customers. Mane. a. “Fitnotainy of. chosing « alier:: ‘a Tew j *déspairins: “performances. In other;! (fnstances! & mM bere: the: advance, “sale has? heen trenieridons b because: of the pall of star: flames, even a tv. . Tideed.: the’ theatre, for ‘tile, ‘record. "has: 1 “Ory 18. ‘best: friends: and wih. one. exéeption. ‘thes Fe, “all: Jovely,. hard: =< Working’ Lailies” wii fil ‘our-pliy-. “backers +. _chouses: avjth event, “shiowsto: thes : -‘Lronically, ; “and. | dinbélievahiy, _ tune’. of... -nithninil sons, every “$ean". . ther Gare. some heretic: "In the. 0R.: These « are’ the: als, che come: Broadway canyons: Who. ate ‘openly “spring.” collect; tle. Aids? of: ‘the.: ‘snatling dissident aver, ‘theatre: *< shows ‘listed ‘for: the: “‘foHowi lng. fall. party ‘audiencés. are’ hit” over the” “arid. Winter, ‘igte tlie. WaAniés of tlie” “head... by -1icir’ “charity. Broups to’. “Broadway. ‘uigatre ag r aht now" is’ play Tas thus been saved. from ‘the®: retreat Fis Spoor show | lived: ty ‘reimburse: its i * authors,: stars wea andthe. pla’ 's: con“Puy ‘tickets -at‘fabulous: ‘Tats, -aré | tents; and beh’ tier, inspired sales “not interested inthe show. but “ eampaigns: , Sbrome-togreet their friends;: ‘are 4 “Thus; edit “the. “seven | bad: ‘ constantly” Avaving “46: ‘them, andi: ; ‘ehattérins J duri “ig petformances: to: “walk cs, as ‘the. -btitics an_the: Metivo: | the annoyance _of the -actars;. with: “politan’ papery: are. er uelly: ‘desig-, “method “atid. :-without : experierige" ‘Once . are: tric, Dit: ‘not:-entirély: ‘to ‘thrill at. the’ sights .of:: Eutone ‘show prove” absorbing. they -in between, or just’. hide’ “out. in. “nearby: huts and. 1econverted barns: ~to: rusticate.. froin” theii:: ty peivriters,: the. ladies ‘are alreadt: selling’: blocks’: oF ‘seats: and, full: ' a wide,. -Charitable-. pubiie) ‘who ‘are ‘ciskiing. their *pelf: ‘in. the’ dope’ they. are. right in.their. choice. and. that. ‘the vacationing critics. ' Felieved’ by thé: ‘Summer: hiatus; will “hack ' them: up in’..their ‘eritical |, “Judgment Ay hen: ‘thre. harvest. moon’ ~ Shines. ue Quite often ‘the. party’ ‘ladies and the. critics: agree... but ‘most. -often:|. ing. as. “anyother’ ‘audjenée “paying | thing: thes spread. the. Word, ‘of ° ne=| “fires “And. coming Back: ‘to the.’ Actors thio: ‘just “despise tlieatre._ parties: “because” they: sit: on -their. hands,” ‘tsn'tit: “Better to. -collect:salaries week after Week: ith theatre.‘parties ‘and. keep: ‘plays: going” ratherethan, hay Fy closing Notices drive’ you ‘tothe raving gS. banks, for economic: survival? ys “Finally,: -thare * are: “those: ‘whe. ‘chargé tlieatie: ‘parties: keep regular , “playgoers .:from ‘their. .’ pews:for months at‘a time, “What ‘we'd like’ to know. .is: hat are. theatre Party Patrons—vege(ables?.. So.) a: ‘hallelujah | fo -the. party _. fon. It -is then | that‘ the importance. -of the -patty agents become drama| tically” “evident.” for .withoit. them | “and their parties the. Fabulous. In-: .:: Valid: Would have™ fo -curl: up. and. ' Gty “Uncle.” Not: that :thebenefits. Can $ave:a bad ‘show, ‘but.they give. i fairly’ ‘good audience show, fhough.'s ‘ser vethe. diy ing. theatre so well. -¢ Pet nett 7 oN 7 fo ate wee Slee ie 1 a No! doubt some: of. these. allegations’! cannot consistently choose ‘light and fd i: the’ curtain -rives . aid: should” ‘tlie may. feel get:| x “and: the’ Orient asoeing, a: few shows... just’ as absar bed in ‘the stage ‘offer; -With the: ‘differénce.: thes: “are. orm. of: “education.” acidulous.! ocak” ‘pedple and.if they like some= | proval Ww ith: the speed: ofa: “prairie | ‘cak” : aoe Subsidie’:. 7 America’s: “Actor: Equity. JAgsn.‘reeinbers wi but stunned: perhaps : ‘that tnemplomne rit aiinig drama, tic Perrormers | qi. eXCe rds 9N’ on tehar yi ‘istedca rg siuve: mary jneni bers “are _seldam. tf ere? iworklig: dnt, theatres. bia iustead., rela mon: tt; ~dudulsirials, and: So. Di. V — Stars at.S8. 000. ie Pop star. ‘wates.” at “the | Reval: tDramatic. Theatre are . around: S8.00Aa N6ass ail ‘average: wagevat:! SPUN ES: theatre: ds $3: (640.: Wher’ actors. cand caitresses. ‘at: the ‘Royet. Dr3oy niatic Fneatre*are. retired: they re=:. “fr Leeivé. Th the’: ‘retirement, ‘are: at) and: D357 LOF. "HCI esses, while ballet: Salarys" for, actors js tiv ‘o-thir ds: “of. their © dancers at wh ie. Royat Opera may: however, “and. ir ‘less }. ‘actors. ‘and’: MpatsuryDE naion, ‘Pan. in¢reasins -prosressivels ‘than: a “generation “gilt Tactyésses wilh Deable’ to retire. at ‘Uke. age of: ‘OF-uand they: Will, Feceix eC a ipenion) tha. tamounts~ to twos! “thirds of their aver ave income dur| ‘ing theirs 10. TADS roductit @ Veurs: “Although “the. ‘stiry iyal of: the; “noticonairercial theahiés | ‘is ° not : ‘de-. pendent... :on boxoffice” ieceipts: there other: pressures: ‘on the heads: ot . the theatres. Each: theatre. has: a ‘hoard uw hich: i$ often. qriade up. of. prominent. .cultural .. figures... The tage directors: and crifies’ also. ex=:! ‘press. “their: avishes. . Although’; the critics | exert only: slight: influence | an a ‘theatre's finaticés,: ‘thev“spread. ‘general -conception’... about: “hather ‘the head. of: the. theatre is doing a'géod job::A theatre head. ‘popular. plays as influential ‘groups. ‘that. he’ no. longer’sees to! At, that the. ‘theatre serves. culture:" “. < -Swedes* Credo: _ Sw edes: also" Fegard: theatre as a “Diiring each | seasana ‘theatre. _must .ainr, at giv-.} | ‘ing:: calidicnces | a mixture of. classimodern: .: arid drama. ‘Furthermore, ‘mast of. ‘the noncommercial: iheatres give: Spe-' cial. performances for school ° chil|: dren: and’ educationalists axe most | pleased: if. the, childr en: eee" ‘a classic, *: -Priy. ‘ate “theatres,” on: the: ‘other hand. receive. almost. no: state “Or. ‘municipal. support. and often havé jan. extremely. hard. time: Surviving. ‘There’. ‘are “some . outstanding: ex-. ‘ceptions .as the’ production. of.“My Fair Lady”. at ‘Stockholm's Oscars 800° sellout. -perforinanicés: ‘ACentinued, of pase 236)" Sweden. Tung “as. Tor. as: 4%e -and: hardly. abore’ 10%e. located M hére:. they ‘are’ in: storage | “Esti ates” by. Equit y of. wnemploy-:, they’ players. armex':on “West! ment. MUON, HS. OWT. mrentburship | though! tei. AS SOROS Sw eden § recent: cont. ; ais. 1, “Phi nee ‘of. Joss. swith Mrs. Janes, [ness, ‘as: Possible. cand funrieling it : experimental. ‘Theatre; which “broke. all Swedish} records ‘by: running for. lose’ to. “One of: Sweden's: leading. private: agents: Who. tive. in; ‘anonymity: but: theatres: is ‘Stockholm’s Vasa which’ [ Gaasieaterrs Rigid Rejection of Theatrical Clients * ee —A Blanket: Indictment—Some. Progress. Against — Il Bling: Policy — But Shodd yPublicity. Based. ‘On : Te Hurts: All Artists: By LEE B. WINKL -R— <4 ~ GAuthe® “of. “the: following ‘piece [ Place their: insurance eqverazes en Lis a leading’ protagojicist, “previously ; ‘masse: through. one. source “we: requoted in-VARIETY, of the view that * cently insured two groups tofaling | dusurance companies are sugering .. over 70: members who had .previ| froue: intellectual hardeding: ‘of the. 3 ! ously : had: great troubles, Betting” arteries ‘ii, applyiig. ‘hon: lessly’ ob-. rcoverages’ indiv idually), | seektag polices Hheatrical clients «Summer Drama As Greeks’ Come-On i “Tt: is ‘probably. ‘nO. secret’ to. ) most ib¥éfessiorials ‘réading: ‘this item. i ‘that’ they: ‘are. -secondclass citizens ance: * Under writer! s‘: may: ‘avant: your “autograph; “but. they ‘certainly By ‘RENA VEI Liss ARIOU: a. not avant “you. “as clients. * Atl 3 iz ‘Should ‘you -be ‘one .of: tie hické | Poe Athens, Lones not having this problem; be Some" 15. legit, theatres are: assured. fhat: yOu. are the: exception opérating® this. w inter inAthens, and net the Tule: | “Specializing: in playing -Jocal and’ international all. types Of ‘shoi . business .insur-. “avorks. National. Theatre is pre“numbers: of. “arte” clients, we live, senting: classical ‘plays. only, startWith; this. preblem_ daily... Tg with. William Shakespeare's * W hi ‘artists ‘Should be. considere "ed. ‘poor: ingurance. Fisks’ isa ‘Subject. . sourig * who.favors inter national. “which. ‘we. atid “othérs: have -dealt-: suecessfulplays “selected “pF anny” With at length, ‘The: insurance. com-., “he M 1 P L. with Je an bamies yaise all Sorts of, objections... ?*arce agno “ ee y ‘Careziay. leading: lady. ot tO “theatrical. people” ‘from <*too © ; “Two ‘plays by the’ Communist: much ©. pubhieity” “to, . poor’ moral: . (risks? ‘Bertola Brecht: are played. at tuo. theatres. -“Fhe Ascension of Arturo | "Foo Saxiiat most : GF thése eee “eyisations: are. with’ Jitde, -basis, in “Oui” at the Art Theatre by Charles. ‘Koon and: “Galileos” at the New. i factdoes’. not” ‘alleviate. the... prob= The: atre. by BL Diamantopoulos. x lenin The situation. is still tliat. most: persons in” the’ art. fields. ‘be. dancers: “musitians, * producer, “Writer: or “director, ‘Rave. greater’ ‘problenis. in’ obtaining. 4n-suranve ‘tlian: anny: other, bersons: in. Amprica. a Ww Hat : progress: has: ‘been made? | Catortutiatels,.. Aittle—but ~ defi-mately: STIR, _ : : ; ? Blind Prejudice® ae “tae sreaiestprobletit’ today is ‘in ‘eeiting. insurance ° companies to. ‘ under rite vatheatrical -per or as : @ peso” Incother’ words. te get: “an, inswrance gompeny, ‘ta. Inok pon: . MOW e a! Vidal ansl iat Juste, apply the: “negative br: anket: Tahe* of. phy Av “DDSHieSs. jipon: sou, and then’ ay... “NOS Unsttrances “We. have ‘fatind: tie majority ‘af. Sart -people--to” be family. pei; Sons.-: living” guile: Nornial | Hyves. with stron) coinmunity. and Cikie: ties: . Lis | proziam iveludes. and oftern..with othei! business.. Ins rar nas ‘Suphocies. | “terests! Tess ogy * » AGSCLVIOS, Aristaphane~.. a *Anowler” pooh’ om ys? a” ‘shim ple “ceniion “was miade last year ; economie ‘one. fe%it an instance. jand) the Ay an chichided’ ie -i company ets Soy to. insure “Mis. opera, “Meflea™ by Cherabine ith j Jones’ niink ‘coat, and: only gets ‘thie’ Maria Calas _ Psamés $60) to: insure’ a celebritUs Att Lens Festival, every Avast is ‘mink coat, .the insurdhcée company he Id at the Odeon of He: tots. ATE ould saturday rather insure Mest views obeneath » the Acropuus. Jones’ “since ‘it ‘gets. ‘The saitie: pr eDis amas pr. csented at Fpicavros sre. emu,’ “but! “supposedly | }ias tar ess. repeated. “The prozram of the “Athens Festival, is enriched alsa Mith concerts by foreign jreaestras sichas the N.Y. Philharmonic,. or. by. the. Athens) State Orch with local and for eign soloists. 7 “Th¢eworld, premiere of. Nausea” opeta ‘bs Peasy GianVille-Ificks. was given. during the Jast..Festival and Was. -bx, Carlos) Surinach.: directed by “John ‘Butler with Teresa Stratss, “Spyros. Melas. ° Sophia Stoihes, : John Modenos: aid a. Greek orch and ‘chor US, -Givekstage. She ‘presented, with | her: own group at the Dionyssia Theatre The: Miracle of Anny.. ‘Sullivan. followed by: Van Druten’s” “The Voice. of! the Turtle”. Of te Nas operate an, Norlin ry asia A branch ‘Theatre. will Salovica’ capital of. ‘Greece. also presenting c tor eis and Greek plays. “Drama F estivals.. | sy ee! cpl 4N%. ‘tional 3 vida overs: Smaniuer. Lor ae eat cansers My pecyears alfrachinz may: "tot Wists. ‘Greek Nationai Taare “4 -Be-tival is ruuning every Jo! at “Ve . Epidavros Santen 1 peyees saneus Lor its. amazin asm on aoe Asi. eXe¢ Oy “-Our-ansyer in: this’ vase: ‘has been: 16 fight® ‘fire’ with: fire.:.By.. accu-: tmulatitig: as‘ Much: ‘théatrical Busi to. only” tio = three . insuranceedmpanies,” the “result: 4S. that. these” + | companies: ‘obtain ‘quautity. premi: rums to offset possible‘grealer Jos4: Texposite. ” ‘The. law... of ° averages “Operates. ‘for. the. ‘insurance: . com! pany, if tliey insure several. thea. Ti¢al “people,” : One. probléin’. is ‘the thoitanttess: ! Dressagent.. W hio.! uses’. “theatrical , I thefts". as a" “gimmick. Gossip seat | qT Ww ould Like By GERTRU DE A, HALPE RN’ I: would dike’ to -be-a “eould-le:’ ‘ “4 jumnists © ‘prefer | ‘using.. theatrical ;fatnes:in hints: of immorality and'. fay oid’ ‘mentioning wealthy. business : woe i-tycoons; “who ‘aré equally ‘or. more ' ete ‘cylpable.: . The “problem: ofphoriy : _ UE could mat be ae arte clain:: business. manager “and a / With -a. chance: for reachiis, f ary” surance broker...collusion etc, all {j aré. éyils ‘to. be worked; upon: Bute ra rather. be a “has-been : “‘The.. gréatestprogress ‘that will | ~ Than: “might-have-beea” -by be: made . will undoubtedly comet *far. : from, organization’ stich as Actors: “For: a ““might-havebeen’ has. Equity, Which: even. now. is helping |” by: entering ‘the fight. ‘Commniittees wt While. a “has deen’ was once an ‘to: investigate . insurance. "problems: “are” . have. been formed,and are looking: : — into: the matter... ‘Groups ‘of : sactors.|“(Atithor,: acho’ wrote short plaus, ‘and— other's ° are’, banding. together | composed. the above at 82, shortly. Mmever been ie through unions. apd associations, £0 | before. her death —Ed. yo the: conducted . 2 . “Romeo. and: Juliet.” Kostas Mous-. ‘ALL other theatres are pres senting ° a Tea, ‘draiea. Festivals. have pre, a: acoustic. “ANT. Murispides,. tne. “_" Eni. ‘Lambetti is back on the woe